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Council Chamber, City Hall
Huntington Beach, California
Monday, April 20, 1953
• Mayor Seabridge called the regular meeting of the City
Council of the City of Huntington Beach to order at 7:30
o'clock P.M.
Councilmen present: Wood, Talbert, LeBard, Seabridge
Councilmen absent: Langenbeck
• Business On motion by Talbert seconded by LeBard that the fol-
lowing applications for license to conduct business in the
City of Huntington Beach were granted:
Herbert A. Wood, concession, at Huntington Beach Company pr op-
erty„business of hamburgers and general food concession•
Volney 0. Boyd, 102 Ocean Avenue, Huntington Beach, service
station at 102 Ocean Avenue.
• Alice Terry, ice cream concession, lower floor of Pavalon build-
H. & R. Distributors, Los Angeles, business wholesale delivery
of pet supplies, wheel tax.
Hood Construction Co., business of contractors, pipe line con-
struction maintenance.
West Coast Neon Co., Long Beach, business of installing neon signs.
C.C.Peterson- On motion by Wood seconded by Talbert the application for
• New Well
oil well permit of C.-C. Peterson, to drill a new well on Lot
13, Block 4, Redburn Tract, was granted.
Watkins & On motion by LeBard seconded by Wood the application for
New Well oil well permit of Watkins & Tunstall, to drill a new well
on Lots 25 & 27, Block 621, 17th St., Section, was grantedp
subject to the approval for form by the City Attorney of the
drilling and clean-up bonds.
Preston On motion by Wood seconded by LeBard that the electrician's
Elec.license license bond of the Maryland Casualty Company for Raymond A.
• Simmons, dba Preston Electric Co. approved for form by the City
Attorney be accepted and ordered filed was approved.
Peerless On motion by LeBard seconded by Wood that the plumberts
Casualty Co. -
plumber's license bond of the Peerless Casualty Company for John W. Ward,
li c.bond
as principal, and as approved for form by the City Attorney,
• be accepted and ordered filed was approved.
Royal Elec On motion by Talbert seconded by Wood that the electri-
electr. lic.
bond ciants license bond of the United States Fidelity and Guaranty
Company, for Roy G. Kious dba Royal Electric, and as approved
for form by the City Attorney, be accepted and ordered filed,
was approved.
Page #2
Minutes - Monday, April 20, 1953
O.L.Bolton On motion by LeBard seconded by Wood that the request of
term.clean� 0. L. Bolton Company for termination of clean-up bonds, and as
up bonds
reported b y the City Engineer to have met all requirements of
the ordinance, was granted on .the wells located on the foll-ow-
i ng property:
- "Lambert #3" Well
222 -
"Rousseau #6" "
5a -
"M.B.R. #1" it
0. L.Bolton On motion by Wood seconded by LeBard the request of 0. L.
term.drlg. Bolton Company for termination of Glens Falls Indemnity Company
drilling bond No. 614436 covering the "Rousseau" No. 6 well
located on Lots 25 & 27, Block 222, 17th St. Section, and in
accordance vt th the report of the City Engineer as having
complied W. th requirements of ordinance and filed the required
survey, was granted.
Orin Petrol
On motion by LeBard seconded by Talbert that the re-
Co.- . _
quest of the Orin Petroleum Company for termination of the
up bonds
clean-up bonds of Glens Falls Indemnity Company covering the
wells on property described as follows was granted:
Lots 25 & 27, and Lots 17 & 19, inBlock 318; Lots 13 & 15,
Block 319; Lots 17 & 19, Block 320; and Lots 6 & 8, in Block
520, for wells Marsh #1, Crawford #2, Riddle #1, Kibler Hall
#19 and Crawford #1, resp ectivelyo y
Texas Co.-
On motion by LeBard seconded by Wood that the request
of The Texas Company for termination of The Travelers Indemnity
Company drilling bond No. T-173 on the Brown No. 11 well
located 150? South and 1351 East from the intersection of Dela-
ware and Quincy Street and in accordance with the report of the
City Engineer and survey filed, was granted.
Texas Co.-
On motion by LeBard seconded by Talbert that the request
of The Texas Company for termination of The Travelers Indemnity -
Company clean-up bond No. T-174 on the Brown #11 well located
1501_ South and 135' East from the intersection of Delaware and
Qunicy Street in accordance with the report of the City Engineer
as complying with requirements of the clean-up ordinance, was
The Clerk read the communication of the Department of
Census Report
Commerce Bureau of Census certifying . to the City of Huntington
Beach on the returns of the special census taken as of March 24,
1953, the population of the City of Huntington Beach, County of
Orange, State of California, was 5,871, distributed as follows:
Total population of both sexes 5,871, divided as to male 2,840,
female 3,031, and that of the poplulation 5,870 are classified
as white and 1 as non -white.
Gus Allen -
to 12/31/54,
Squadron 79
Civil Air
Patrol -
& Element.'
Sch. Distr.
Page #3
Minutes - Monday, April 20, 1953
On motion by LeBard seconded by Wood that the Mayor and
the City Clerk be authorized to execute the agreement between
the City of Huntington Beach ' and Gus D. Allen granting permis-
sion to the Permittee to conduct a cafe and restaurant and
business incidental thereto'in that certain building located
upon the end of the Huntington Beach Municipal Pier and said
term to run to December 31, 1954 inclusive, was approved.
Jack Colvin addressed the City Council stating he rep-
resented the Huntington Beach Squadron 79 Civil Air Patrol and
asked the Council what progress had been made toward cleaning
up the air strip at the Airport as previously requested and
stated that the Squadron has insurance and is ready to execute
a lease mi th the City of Huntington Beach for the use of the
On motion by Talbert seconded by Wood that the Airport
Committee and.the City Attorney draw up a lease for a one year
period for the use of the Airport Strip at $50.00 per year,
said lease to the Huntington Beach Squadron 79 Civil Air Patrol.
At the request of Councilman Talbert and Councilman Wood the
motion was withdrawn.
On motion by LeBard seconded by Wood that the City
Engineer be instructed to proceed viL th grading a thirty foot
strip at the Huntington Beach Airport site, oil and grade;:
and to clean off the weeds a distance of 100 feet each side
of the air strip, all as outlined to the Council by the City
Engineer, was approved.
On motion by Talbert seconded by LeBard that the Air-
port Committee and the City. Attorney and Jack Colvin meet and
discuss the type of lease and terms between the City of
Huntington Beach and the Civil Air Patrol for presentation to
the Council at a future meeting, was approved.
The Clerk read the agreement between the Huntington
Beach Elementary School District and the Public Recreation
Commission of the City of Huntington' Beach whereby the School
grants to the Commission the right to us-e certain facilities
located at the Elementary School in the City of Huntington
Beach during the months of June, July, and August.
Page A
Minutes_- Monday, April 20, 1953
On motion by Wood seconded by LeBard that the City
Council give consent to execution of the agreement dated the 14th.
day of April, 1953, by and between the Huntington Beach Element.
ary School District and the Public Recreation Commission of the
City of Huntington Beach granting tb,ethe Commission the right
to use certain facilities located at the Elementary School in
the City of Huntington Beach during the months of June, July,
and August, 1953, was.approved.
John J .
On motion by Wood seconded by Talbert that the r ecom-
Svia gart-
Notice of
mendation of the City Engineer to accept the work done by John
J. Swigart Company on the resurfacing of portionsl of Baltimore,.
Chicago, Detroit, Tenth and Thirteenth Streets and that the
City Clerk be instnucti�d to file notice of completion, was
approved. -
Herb & Lon's The request of Her.b:_L.and_.L•on1s Sportfishing for permis-
Install. of sion to install a sign, pertaining to the fishing barge, at the
si gn
location of the Huntington Beach sign at.the junction of High.
way 39 and Frankfort Street was referredto the Streets and
Parks Committee for study and report.,
Amend Ord. On motion by LeBard seconded by Wood that Section 7 of
Ordinance No. 597 effecting Section 1436.6 as given in the
first reading by the City Clerk be amended to read, "each call
fir. man shall receive five and no/100 dollars", instead of one
dollar and fifty cents, was approved by the following roll
call vote:
AYES: Councilmen: Wood, Talbert, LeBard, Seabridge
NOES: Councilmen: None
ABSENT: Councilmen: Langenbeck
Ord.#597 The Clerk gave Ordinance No. 597 in full_ -for, its.. seoond
reading and7tirial reading.
On motion by Wood seconded by Talbert 'Ordinance No.
597, an ordinance of -the City of Huntington Beach relating to
salaries, functions, duties and compensation of certain City
officers and employees, was passed and adopted by the following
roll call vote:
AYES: Councilmen: Wood, Talbert, LeBard, Seabridge
NOES: Councilmen: None
ABSENT: Councilmen: Langenbe&k
Page #5
Minutes - Monday, April 20, 1953
Ord-4598- The Clerk gave Ordinance No. 598, an ordinance of the
lst reading
City of Huntington.Beach relating to the pry ima facie speed
limit on Main Street between llth Street and Clay Street,
adding Sections 6171, 6171.19 6171.2 and 6171.3
to the Hunt-
ington Beach Ordinance Code, its first reading.
CaAlos J. The Clerk read an offer received from 'Carlos
J. Reeves
Reeves, Sr.
offering to purchase from the City one acre of
ground belonging
to the City of Huntington Beach and located at
the corner of
Huntington Avenue and Highway 101 at a price, of
$14,000.00 for
the property and enclosed a check in the amount
of $1,400.00
as evidence of 'good faith stating that his commission
will be
5% of the sales price. No action was taken on
the offer of
Carlos J. Reeves, Sr., real estate operator, City of Huntington
On motion by Talbert seconded by Wood that the City Clerk
be instructed to advertise for bids for the sale of 1,189
acres in the Huntington Beach News on April 23rd and April 30th
to be. sold at public auction and any real estate broker r.epre-
senting a client be allowed a 5% commission. At the request
of Councilman Talbert and Councilman Wood the motion was with-
1.189 acres
On motion by LeBard seconded by Wood that the City of
to be
Huntington Beach auction off, at public auction, the 1.189
acres located at the northwesterly side of Huntington Avenue
and the northeasterly side of Highway 101 and said sale to be.
held in the Council Chambers of the City Hall of the City of
Huntington Beach at the hour of 8:30 o'clock P.M., May 4, 19539
and to be sold to the highest bidder cash lawful money of the
United States and the minimum acceptable bid to be $13,000.00
and the first,,oral bid to be 5% over and above the highest
written bid received and each bid thereafter to be $50.00 and
that the City Clerk be instructed to insert a notice of sale at
public auction of the property described in the Huntington
Beach News on April 23rd and April 30th, was approved by the
following roll call vote:
AYES: Councilmen: Wood, Talbert, LeBard, Seabridge
NOES: Councilmen: None
ABSENT: Councilmen: Langenbeck
Demands On motion by Wood seconded by Talbert the demands as
approved by the Finance Committee be accepted and ordered paid
was approved.
erect neon
Benches for
Flood. _
Page #6
Minutes - Monday,. April 20, 1953
On motion by LeBard seconded by.Wood that Gerald Lance,
concessionaire of the concession building at the easterly end
of the Municipal Trailer Park be given permission to erect signs
in accordance with the recommendation of the Beach and Pier
Committee and said signs to be erected subject to the super-
vision of the City Engineer and in compliance with permits, was
On motion by LeBard and seconded by Talbert that the
City'Engineer be instructed to build six benches and anchor
same at the most convenient places on the Municipal Pier and
the cost not to exceed $100.00 was approved.
On motion by Wood seconded b y° Talbert that the City
Purchasing Agent be authorized to purchase one Webster Chicago
tape recorder with the required accessories in accordance with
the recommendations of the Police and Fire Committee, was
Mr. William Gallienne, Secretary of the Huntington Beach
Chamber of Commerce appeared before the City Council and stated
that since 'the Flood Control District of the County now has a
new Engineer the Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors was
interested in the further study of the Flood Control problem
between the City.of Huntington Beach and the Santa Ana River and.
stated that the Chamber was taking a•direct interest in it and
desired that the City push the matter to get action on the
problems that confront that area.
On motion.by Talbert seconded by Wood the City Council
of the ti`ty of Huntington Beach adjourned until 7 o'clock P.M.
Monday, April 27th, 1953.
-,-e 9��
Ci Clerk.an ex-officio Clerk
of he City Council of the City
of Huntington Beach, California
QL •Mayor
City Clerk