HomeMy WebLinkAbout1953-05-04• MINUTES Council Chamber, City Hall Huntington Beach, California Monday, May 4.. 1953 • Mayor Seabridge called the regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach to order at 7:30 o'clock P.M. Councilmen present: Wood, Talbert, Langenbeck, LeBard, Seabridge • Councilmen absent: None Minutes On motion by Wood seconded by LeBard that the minutes of the City Council for the month of April, 1953, be accepted as transcribed and mailed by the City Clerk was approved. Monthly The Clerk read the reports for the month of April, 1953, Reports of the City Treasurer and City Clerk, City Engineer, Fire Chief, Chief of Police, Manager of the Municipal Trailer Park. • On motion by Wood seconded by Talbert that the monthly, reports of the various department heads for the month of April, 1953, as read by the City Clerk be accepted and ordered filed, were approved. Business On motion by LeBard seconded by Wood that the application License for license to conduct business in the City of Huntington • Beach by Robertson Truck -A -Ways, Inc., of Los Angeles, for delivery of automobiles, wheel -tax, was approved. Garrish The Clerk read a communication received from the Garrish Bros. Bros, asking the City Council to give consent to a proposed sub -lease to Harold F. Davis, Sea -Sports, Boat Builders. • The motion of Tom Talbert that the City Council give consent to the request of Garrish Bros, to sub, -lease to Harold F. Davis,, Sea -Sports Boat Builders; died for lack of a second. Mayor Seabridge referred the request of Garrish Bros. to • sub -lease to Harold F. Davis, Sea -Sports Boat Builders, to the Airport Committee and the City Attorney for study and report. Sowes.t- On motion by Talbert seconded by LeBard that the applica- New Well State 509 tion for oil well permit of Southwest Exploration Company to drill a new well State 509, was granted. • " State On motion by Wood seconded by Talbert that the applica- 5o8„ tion for oil well permit of Southwest Exploration Company to drill a new well State 508, was granted. • 312 E So*est- Redrill well, State J-58 Sowest. • .New Well State 579 F.TenEyck- W.Wtr. . Permit "Tim" Well • Ord.#598., f inal reading Report from Co.Health Dept. re: • Lumber mill Page #2 Minutes - Monday, May L�, 1953 On motion by -Talbert seconded by Wood that the applica- tion for oil well permit of Southwest.Exploration Company to re -drill State J-58, was granted. On motion by LeBard seconded by Langenbeck that the applica- tion for oil well permit of the Southwest Exploration Company to drill a new well State 579, was granted. On motion by Langenbeck scconded by LeBard that the appli- cation for waste water permit of Floyd TenEyck for Well No. Tim, located on Lots 21 and 23, Block 521, Huntington Beach - Tract, was granted. Ths Clerk gave Ordinance No. 598 its second and final read- ing by title, An Ordinanceof tYn City of Huntington Beach re- lating to the prima facie speed limit on Main Street between llth Streetaand Clay Street, adding Sections 6171, 6171.1, 6171.2 and 6171.3 to the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code. On motion by Wood sew nded by Langenbeck Ordinance No. ,598 was passed and adopted by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen: Wood, Talbert, Langenbeck, LeBard, Seabridge NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: ' Councilmen: None The Clerk reported that the Orange County Health Depart- ment had -made a report to the City relative to the complaints on the operation of the lumber mill located at 2402 Hampshire Avenue Huntington Beach, and reported their inspection found signs of mice under large piles of lumber slabs - and wood crates and ordered the proprietor to eliminate the rodents by placing war- fino poison bait around and under all wood piled on the ground • hand around grates piled on ground, and that all wood and crates must be off the ground twelve inches or more to eliminate the nuisance.. Plan to The Clerk reported that -at the special meeting of the increase • fee charge Planning Commission of the City of Huntington Beach held on for filing petit.cond. Tuesday, April 28. 1953; the Planning Commission held a Exception discussion on the present fee ,charge - for the filing of a petition for conditional exception and it was the opinion of the members present. that the fee should be increased in order to cover the • cost of legal publications which have been running over the pres- ent fee of $5.00 and' other charges such as additional costs for posting notice of hearing be taken into consideration, and on motion by Davis seconded by Stang that the Planning Commission .of the City of Huntington Beach recommend to the City Council .that Article 928, Section 9285 of th e Huntington Beach Ordinance • Code, Addition Fees, be amended to charge $15'0O for a filing fee on a variance and that the Clerk shall require sufficient Page #3 Minutes - Monday, May 4, 1953 and adequate d epos it for,. additional costs for posting or hear- ings, was approved. On motion by Talbert seconded by Wood that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare an amendment to the Hunting- ton Beach Ordinance Code amending Article 928, Section 9285, to make the charge $15.00 for the filing fee on a .variance, and that the Clerk shall require adequate deposit for additional .. costs for posting or hearings, was approved. Langenbeck- Councilman Langenbeck reported that Attorney Ashton, Or.Co.Mun. Wtr.Dist. Attorney for the Orange County Municipal Water District Survey � - Survey Fund reported that the certain terms of the Agreement did not comply with the legal expenditures Permitted by the County Water Works District No- 3 and No. 5 and asked that the agreement be referredto the City Attorney for study. On motion by Langenbeck seconded b y, Wood that. the Agree- ment between City . of Huntington Beach and City of Seal Beach and the Orange `county Water Works District No. 3 and No. 5 be referred to the City Attorney for further study in accord- ance with the request of Attorney Ashton for the survey fund group, was approved. Demands On motion by LeBar d seconded by Wood that the demands as approved by the Finance Committee be ordered paid, was approved, City Engr.- The Clerk read a report of City Engineer, Harry A. Over- est.cost of separation myer, submitting to the City Council an estimate of cost for curb,etc. the construction of a separation curb on the westerly side of Ocean Avenue between "A" Street and Ninnth Street together vt th the construction of the necessary curbing and the .surfacing of area lying westerly between the west property line of Ocean Avenue and the Pacific Electric Railway Tracks,..and the cost of the proposed separation curb, in accordance with the maps presented, to be $7,938.00, also the construction of tIm neces- ary burb and the resurfacing on the Pacific Electric property heretofore referred t o, utilizing portions of the .existing pavement and treating the remainder with a bituminous surface treatment (oiled mix), is estimated to be $7,270.00, providing parking for 285 automobiles on the Pacific Electric property and 125 new parking stalls on Ocean Avenue, and in arriving at the above estimate, based the cost on using City labor 'and equipment wherever possible, and if the work was to be done by contract that the cost would be 20 to 25 percent greater. "No action was taken on the report of City Engineer, Harry A. • 1 0 f 9 • • 1 • Overmyer. . • Page #4 Minutes - Motiddy - May 4, 1953 Proposal Mayor- Seabridge announced that the hour of 8:00 P.M. for removal weeds, etc. May 4., 1953, was the time set by the City Council to hear all property owners having objections to the proposed removal of weeds, rubbish, refuse and dirt in accordance with City of Huntington Beach Resolution of Intention No. 1195, passed by the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach on the 6th day of April, . 1953. Notices. The Clerk read the affidavit of. posting notices to =. , posted destroy, weeds, executed by Harry Overmyer, Street Superintendent, stating that notices were posted one to.each separately owned parcel of property not' over 50 feet frontage, not more than two notices to any such parcel of 100 feet frontage or less, and • 1 • St.,Supt. to keep record, of abatement cost notices of not more than 100 feet apart if the frontage of such a parcel is greater than 100 feet along all the streets and property within the districts described in Resolution No. 1195, Mayor Seabridge asked if there was anyone present that had any objections to the proposed removal of the weeds, rubbish, and refuse and dirt as contained in the notice posted by the Street Superintendent. There being no objections raised, written or verbally, Mayor Seabridge declared the hearing on the notice to destroy weeds and remove rubbish and dirt, closed. On motion by Langenbeck seconded by Talbert that the Street Superintendent be instructed to proceed with the abate- ment of obnoxious and dangerous weedsgrowing upon or in front of property, and that rubbish, refuse and dirt, in accordance with Resolution of Intention No. 1195, passed by the City Council on the 6th day of April, 1953, and that the Street Superintendent keep an exact cost of the abatement of the nuisance and certify such costs to the County Auditor's Office for assessment purposes, was approved. The Clerk commenced the reading of Lease No. 13916 between the Pacific Electric Railway Company and the City of Huntington Beach to lease three irregular �h aped parcels of land located between "A" Street and Ninth Street on the beach side of Ocean Avenue to be used for a metered public auto park with right to cross tracks at indicated crossing points. Public Mayor Seabridge ordered the Clerk to discontinue the auction - sale of reading of the Pacific Electric Railway Company lease in order real property 1.189 acres to hold the sale of real property at public auction as pub- lished in the Huntington Beach News to be held at 8:30 o'clock P.M. May 4, 1953•. • Page #5 Minutes - Monday, May 4, 1953 Mayor Seabridge requested the Clerk to read the Notice of Sale of Real Property as published in the Huntington Beach News on April 23rd and 30th, 1953. The Clerk read the Notice of Sale of Real Property containing approximately 1v189 acres, more or less', in the approximate shape of a triangle bordering on the northwesterly side of Huntington avenue and the - north- easterly side of Highway #101, located directly across Highway #101 opposite to the entrance to the City of Huntington Beach Municipal Trailer Park. • Carlos Mayor Seabridge requested the City Clerk to open any J. Reeves bids that may have been received. The Clerk opened and read the bid made by Carlos J. Reeves, Real Estate Broker, 219 Main Street, Huntington Beach, California, submitting a bid for purchase of 1.189 acre of $13,300900 for a client with a personal check of Mr. Purin of Pomona, California, attached • in the amount of $1030.00. The Clerk reported that the check was a personal check and not a certified or ca'shieh."s;-check. The Council members discussed the possibility of accepting a personal check whereby"the notice as published in the paper called for a bid deposit in cash or lawful money of the United States and stated that the Council would be setting • a precedent-�when called bids will be made on contract work or otherwise when advertised for bids by the City. Mayor Seabridge asked if there was anyone in the audience that wI ,h ed t o make an oral bid on the property covered by the notice of sale of real property as read by the. City Clerk. • There were no bids forthcoming, and Mayor Seabridge asked the members of the City Council what their wishes were in the matter of the offer received. On motion by Talbert seconded by Wood that the offer • of Carlos J. Reeves, Sr',v in behalf of a client be accepted subject to the personal check clearing the bank. At the request of Councilman Talbert and Councilman Wood the motion was withdrawn* Bids rejected On motion by Langenbeck.,seconded by LeBard that the • City reject all bids received on the 1.189 acres and declare the sale closed,was approved. 0 31- 4 C I • Public Hear- ing, term.& canc.drlg. bonds Page #6 Minutes - Monday, May 4, 1953 On motion by Talbert seconded by Langenbeck that the 1.189 acres be re -advertised on the same basis as previously published and to be auctioned off at the regular meeting of the City Council on May 18, 1953, at 8:3 0 o'clock P.M. on the same terms and conditions, was approved. On motion by Langenbeck seconded by Talbert that the personal check of Mr. Purin of Pomona, California, that ac- companied the bid of Carlbs:; J. Reeves, Sr., be returned and the City Clerk be so instructed, was approved. Mayor Seabridge announced that the hour of 9:00 o'clock P.M. of May 4th, 1953, was the time set.f or the public hearing to consider the request for the termination -and canc.ellation of drilling bonds on producing wells located on property described as follows: Lots 17, 19, 25 & 27, Block 318, Lots 13 and 15, Block 319 Lots 17 and 19, Block 320, Lots 6 and 8. Block 520, all in the 17th Street Section, City of Huntington Beach.. Mayor Seabridge asked if there was anyone present that wished to express their opinions for or against the request for termination and cancellation of drilling bonds on wells cover- ing property as described. There being no opinions forthcoming from anyone present the Mayor declared the hearing closed. On motion by Talbert seconded by LeBard that the re- quest of the Orin Petroleum Company for termination of the drilling bonds covering wells located on Lots 17, 192 25 and 27, Block 318, Lots 13 and 15, Block 319, Lots 17 and 19, Block 320, Lots 6 and.8, Block 52.0, all in the 17th Street Section, City of Huntington Beach, was approved by the following roll call vote: • APES: Councilmen: Wood, Talbert, Langenbeck, LeBard, Seabridge NOES Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: None Pacific Mayor Seabridge requested the City Clerk to continue the. Electric Lease reading of the Pacific Electric lease. The Clerk completed the reading of the lease between the Pacific Electric Railway Company • and the City of Huntington Beach for the purpose of permitting metered auto parking between "A" Street and Ninth Street on the. Ocean Front. The motion of Talbert that the Mayor appoint a Committee to negotiate with the Pacific Electric Railway Company to acquire a strip of land between "A" Street and Ninth Street as described in the lease read by the City Clerk died for lack of a second. • Page #7 Minutes - Monday, May 4., 1953 On motion by Langenbeck seconded by Wood that Knoxville Street should be cut through to Lake Street and that the City 1 Engineer and the City Attorney be instructed to make the necessary arrangements to provide for the extension of -Knox- ville over the railroad tracks, was approved. • Lonhs Sport- On motion by Wood seconded by LeBar,d that the Lon's fishing- to erect sign Sportfishing request to erect a sign at a location near the Huntington Beach sign located near.the intersection of Frank- fort and Highway .#39 as recommended by the Streets and Parks \ and Real Estate Committee, was approved. Cord Oi1Co.& The Clerk read the agreement by and between the City Pacific Basin Dev.Co.Term. of Huntington Beach and the Cord Oil Company and the Pacific agr?m1ts Basin Development Compan-.t wherein the City and the Cord Oil Company and the Pacific Basin Development Company agree to terminate agreements dated May 9, 194.7,. between the City of • Huntington Beach and the Pacific Basin Development Compare y and the agreement dated January 16, 1950, between the City of Huntington Beach and the Cord Oil Company. On motion by Langenbeck seconded by Talbert that the Mayor and the City Clerk be authorized to execute the agree- - ment between the City of Huntington -Beach and the Cord Oil Company and the Pacific Basin Development Company agreeing • to the termination of the agreement dated May 9, 1947, between the City of Huntington Beach and the Pacific Basin Development Company and agreement dated January 16, 1950 between the City of Huntington. Beach and the Cord Oil Company • was approved by the following roll call vote: AIFS : Councilmen:. Wood; , Talbert, Langenbeck, LeBard, Seabridge N0E Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: None The Clerk read the assignment whereby the City of Huntington Beach assigns, transfers and set over unto the Cord • Oil Company, a Nevada Corporation, all of its right, Title, and C interesit in and to William Gerard Certificates No. 2, Subdivisions No. 11 and No. 12, and authorizes the Bureau of Land Management, Department of Interior, to deliver said certificates to the Cord Oil Company. • On motion by Langenbeck seconded.;y Talbert that the Mayor and the City Clerk be authorized to execute the assignment assigning, transferring, and setting over unto the Qor d Oil Company, a Nevada,.Corporation, all of its right, title, and interest in and to William Gerard Certificates No. 2, Sub- divisions Noll and No. 12, and authorizes the Bureau of Land 0 • 0 315 1 0 0 0 C I L Page #8 Minutes Monday, May 4,-1953 Management, Department of Interior, to deliver said certifi- cates to the Cord Oil Company, was approved by the following ,roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen: Wood, Talbert, Langenbeck, LeBard, Seabridge NOES:, Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: None The Clerk read the assignment whereby the City of Huntington Beach'transfers,.assigns, and sets over unto the Pacific Basin Development Company all its right, title and interest in and to William Gerard Certificate No. 2, Subdivision No. 5 and allthoriz- ing.the Bureau of Land Management, Department of Interior, to deliver said certificate No.2 to the Pacific Basin Development Company. On motion by Langenbeck seconded by Wood that the Mayor and the City Clerk be authorized to execute the assignment transferring, assigning and setting over unto the Pacific Basin Development Company, all of its rights, title, and interest in and to William Gerard Certificate No. 2, Subdivision No. 5 and authorizing the Bureau of Land Management, Department of Interior, to deliver said Certificate to the Pacific Basin Development Company, was approved by the folloNi ng roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen: .Wood, Talbert, Langenbeck, LeBard, Seabridge NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: None On motion by Wood seconded,by Talbert the meeting of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach adjourned until the hour of 6:30 o'clock P.M. Wednesday, May 6, 1953- ATTEST: City Clerk te i y Clerk and ex-officio Clerk the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, California 0