HomeMy WebLinkAbout1953-05-18J MINUTES. Council Chamber, City Hall Huntington Beach, California Monday, May 18, 1953 • Mayor Seabridge called the regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach to order at 7:30 o'clock P.M. Councilmen present: Wood, Talbert, Langenbeck, LeBard, Seabridge Councilmen absent: None • Business On motion by Wood seconded by Talbert the following Licenses - applications for license to conduct business in the City of Huntington Beach were granted: .James C. Parker, Long Beach, the business of Public Dance at 'Pavalon. Karns Awnings, Los Angeles, the business of Awnings. Harry V. Duncan, Jr., Compton, General Contractor. • J. N. Heffley Roofing Company, Long Beach, Roofing Contractor. Guthrie Bros., Westminster, Building Contractor. M. L. French, 205 - 2nd Street, electrician. Bunger Poultry Farms, Vista, California, wholesale delivery. Ed Shaver, Costa Mesa, Building Contractor. Jack L. Hamm, 104 Main 'Street, Cafe. • Swen J. Nelson, concession #22, beach front. Santa Ana Laundry, Santa Ana, laundry and dry cleaning collection. Wm.Dericks On motion by LeBard seconded by Wood that the applica- tion for business license of Wm. H. Dericks, 1918 - 17th Street, Huntington Beach, to conduct the business of a machine shop • subject to compliance with the conditions of the variance exist- ing on the property, was granted. Std.Oil Co.- On motion by LeBard seconded by Talbert that the appli- . New Well B-153 cation for oil well permit of Standard Oil Company of California • to drill a new well B-153, was granted. Schlueter On motion by LeBard seconded by Talbert that the Seaboard Bond approved Surety Company Bond #RIA 10979 for Henry H. Schlueter dba Pacific Plumbing Company, as approved for form by the City Attorney, be accepted and ordered filed, was approved. McFarlane Elec-.Co. On motion by Langenbeck seconded by Wood that the American bd.appr'v'd Employers Insurance Co. Electrical Contractorts Bond for McFarlane Electric, Inc., as approved for form by the City Attorney, be accepted and ordered filed, was approved.' 41 317 President Oil Co.- term.drlg..bd. L� 0 .Baldwin & Thomas - term. clean-up bd. i LaBrea Oil Co. -Term. clean-up bd. Neaves Petr, Devel.-term. clean-up bd. Cr7 Talbert Dr. District Agreement r 1 Page #2 Minutes - Monday, May 18, 1953 On motion by Langenbeck seconded by Wood that the request of the President Oil Company for termination of the Glens Falls Indemnity Company drilling bond No. 3197.54, on well Plavan No. 2, located on Lots 6 & 8, Block 419, in accordance with, report of well abandonment by the Department of Natural' Resources,, Division of Oil & Gas, was granted. On motion by Wood seconded by Talbert that the request of L. Blake Baldwin and Bert A. Thomas for termination of the Glens Falls Indemnity Company clean-up bond No. 482521, on well Pocahantas #1, situated 225 feet west and 750 feet south of center ... point of Section 13, Township 6 South, Range 11 West, S.B.B. & M., and reported by the City Engineer as having fulfilled the re- quirements of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code covering clean- up, was granted. On motion by Wood seconded by Talbert that the request of the La Brea Oil Company, for termination of the Pacific Indemnity Company Clean-up bond No 210504 on well LaBrea No. 3, located on Lots 16, 17 and 18, Block 1702, Vista Del Mar Tract, and as re- ported by the City Engineer as having complied with clean-up regulations of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code, was granted. On motion by Talbert seconded by Wood that the request of the Neaves Petroleum Developments for termination of the ' Travelers Insurance Cllean-up Bond No. 384359 for well located on Lots 9 and 103, Block 1004, Vista: -;Del Mar Tract and as re- ported by the City Engineer as having fulfilled the require- ments of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code covering clean-up was granted. The Clerk read the agreement between the City of Huntington Beach and the Talbert Drainage District.wherein the Talbert Drainage District gives to the City of Huntington Beach permission to empty into the concrete drainage pipeline constructed and owned by the Talbert Drainage District near the southerly bound- ary of their District,.all the effluent from the Sewage Treat- ment Plant of the City of Huntington Beach, and said agreement to be in full force to and including the 31st day of March, 1954s r unless sooner terminated as provided in the agreement. On motion by Langenbeck seconded by Talbert that the Mayor and the City Clerk be authorized to execute the agreement be- tween the City of Huntington Beach and the Talbert Drainage District wherein the Talbert Drainage District Page #3 Minutes - Monday, May 18, 1953 Is gives the City of Huntington Beach permission to empty into the concrete drainage pipeline near the southerly boundary of the Talbert Drainage District, was approved. Ord-#599- The Clerk gave Ordinance No- 599, an ordinance of the first read City of Huntington Beach amending Sections 9284 and 9285 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code relating to gees filing petitions in zoning matters its first reading, L.A.Co-Fair On motion by Talbert seconded by LeBard that the request Asstn- st. banners of the Los Angeles County Fair Association for permission to place banners across streets in the City of Huntington Beach at locations to be approved by the City, was approved, subject to supervision by the City Engineer. MunoTr.Pko- The Clerk read the agreement for public telephone location public phone between the City of Huntington Beach and tYP, General Telephone Company of California for location of a public telephone at the Municipal Trailer Park, On motion by LeBard seconded b y Wood that the Mayor and the City Clerk be authorized to- execute the agreement between the City of Huntington Beach and tYB General Telephone Company of California to locate a public telephone and booth at the Municipal Trailer Park and location of said booth to meet with the approval of the Manager of the Municipal Trailer Park,_was approved, Demands On motion by LeBard secondedb y Talbert that the demands as approved by the Finance Committee be ordered paid, was approved. Sherman Sherman Denny, Land Manager for the Huntington Beach Company Denny - City award° appeared before the City Council and informed them of the recent Citation, re: clean-up, etc. award given the City of Huntington Beach for its clean-up and beautification program and presented to the City a Citation awarded by the National Clean -Up Paint -Up and Fix -Up Bureau for City' s contribution towards a better and cleaner City. Lyndon..Wells Lyhdon Wells appeared before the City Council and read his written offer that had previously been submitted to the City Council offering to.trade to the City a 30 foot strip of his Lot 16 in Watson's Addition, located on Memphis Street, for four City -owned tax title lots.on 13th Street, and asked the City Council what they had decided on. Lyndon Wells was informed by .the City Council that he was offered $250.00 for his 30 foot strip of Lot 16, Watson's Addition, to be used for street pur- pos:es> and tYn City. would install curbs and gutters; On motion by Langenbeck secondedby Wood that the City of Huntington Beach continue vAth the policy to sell all tax title 1 LI C G v/1 G R Lp ME • Page #4 Minutes - Monday, May 18, 1953 lots at public auction only, was approvede Lyndon Wells again asked the City Council .if his offer as read covering the trade would receive any consideration, On motion by Wood seconded by Langenbeck that the request • of Lyndon Wells to trade a 30 foot strip on Memphis Street of Lot 16, Watson's Addition, for four City tax title lots be re - referred to the Streets and Parks Committee, was approved. Removal of On motion by Wood seconded by Langenbeck that the request curb - 907 Palm Ave. of the property owner located at 907 Palm Avenue for permission to remove curb and construct driveway, and for the City to re- move the tree in parkway at owner's expense, and subject to the supervision of the City Engineer, was approved, Or.Co.Mun,• On motion by Langenbeck seconded by Talbert that the agree- Wtr.Dist. Sur v.Fund rent dated the 22nd day of ,Mar ch, 1953, by and between the City • of Huntington Beach, the City of Seal Beach, Orange County Water Works District No®3, and Orange County Water Works District No. 5, to make a study for information required t o ,construct and `finance facilities for transporting water from the.point of delivery by the Metropolitan Water District to the distribution centers of the various constituent 'embers and to set up a special fund to be designated as the Orange County Municipal Water District Survey Fund be rescinded as two new.agreements have been drawn up to correct certain legal language to replace it, was approved. The Clerk read the agreement between the City of Huntington Beach, City of Seal Beach, Orange County Water Works District No. 3, • and the Orange County Water Works District No. 5, wher,ein_the parties desired to provide the funds for the making of a survey and an investigation to construct and finance facilities for transporting water from the point of delivery by the Metropolitan Water District. to the distribution facilities of the various • constituent members -and to equitably apportion the cost between the parties in the agreement and the City of Huntington Beach to hold the funds in trust for the purposes provided in the agreement and a special fund setup to be designated as tYie "Orange County Municipal Water District Survey Fund #1" and to pay all exp enses from said fund. On motion by Langenbeck seconded by Talbert that the Mayor and the City Clerk be authorized to execute the agreement between the City of Huntington Beach, the City of Seal Beach, the Orange County Water Works District No, 3, and the Orange County Water Works District No. 5, setting up the Orange County Municipal Water • District Survey Fund No. 1 required to construct and finance Page #5 Minutes - Monday, May 18, 1953, facilities for transporting water from the point of delivery by the Metropolitan Water District to the distribution facilities .of.the various constituent members, was approved. " #2 The Clerk read the agreement between,tYe City of Huntington Beach and the City of Seal Beach to contribute certain funds proportionately for the purpose of making .a survey investigation to obtain information with reference to the nature, extent and cost of the facilities required for transporting water from the point of delivery by the Metropolitan Water District to the distribution facilities of the various units and the funds to be deposited 'in a special fund designated. as "Orange County Municipal. Water District Survey No. 2" and all expenditures to be paid from. said fund, was approved. T. Talbert- Councilman•Talbert reportedt o the City Council on the Pac:Ele6. Rwy. Co.` visit to the Pacific Electric Railway Company with the City lease Clerk and stated that he had discussed with the Land & Lease Manager, Mr. Van Dusen, the possibility of the City of.Nuntington Beach purchasing a parcel of land between "A" and 9th Street covering the area in the proposed lease and to include the railway right-of-way, or lease with an option to purchase. Councilman Talbert pointed out that he was informed that they could not sell due to certain conditions of title, or could they lease with an option to purchase, nor did the Pacific Electric Railway Company -want to enter into parking lot opera- tions and operate as proposed.in the lease. Councilman Talbert pointed out that his conclusions were that the Pacific Electric Railway would invite condemnation as a means of the City to acquire property as certain tax conditions and title conditions would not permit them to sell, and Councilman'Talbert recommended that an appraisal of the property be made and from there proceed with the condemnation -to acquire the property. Lease.prop. On motion by.Wood seconded by LeBard that the Mayor and the to be used for off- City Clerk be authorized to execute Lease No. L-13916 between street pkg. the Pacific Electric Railway Company and the City of Huntington Beach, covering the portion of the property of the Pacific Electric Railway Company between Ninth Street and. "A" Street, located on the southerly side of Ocean Avenue in the City of Huntington Beach to be used for ^off-street parking and beautifi- cation purposes. Mayor Seabridge said, that a discussion was in order on the motion of Councilman Wood. 319 Page.#6 Minutes - Monday, May 18, 1953 V.Langenbeck Councilman'Langenbeck stated that he would have to vote "No" on the motion for the reason the City is entering upon and expending money upon private property, and appreciating the value of the property from a revenue producing operation reminded members of the City Council that the people had -voted down an amendment to the Charter setting up a Commission to regulate, organize, ,and promote revenue producing Projects. Mayor Seabridge asked for a roll call vote on the motion by Wood seconded by LeBard relative to the Pacific Eledtric Railway Lease, The motion was passed and adopted by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen: Wood, LeBard, Seabridge NOES: Councilmen: Talbert, Langenbeck ABSENT: Councilmen: None Fire Dept.- On motion -by Wood seconded by Langenbeck, in accordance he ater & battery with tha.recommendation of the Police and Fire Committee, charger to be purchased the City Purchasing Agent be authorized to purchase a Day and for same Night ceiling heater to be installed in the Fire Station -nand to purchase a.,batter y charger in the amount of $285.00 and $150.00 respectively, was approved® CITY ATTIY- City Attorney Bauer reported on the meeting with the Pier Pacific Indemnity Company officials' relative to the problem of liability resulting from injuries resulting from diving off the Huntington Beach Municipal Pier, C.Cs- On motion by LeBard _seconded by Wood that the City remodel. Engineer be instructed to proceed with the reconstruction work in the Chamber of Commerce offices in the City Hall building as oulined by the Finance Committee, -and said improvements! to cost approximately $1,500.00, was approved, Holiday & On motion by Wood seconded by Langenbeck that the Street Sunday park- ing reg, Superintendent be directedto put into effect the Sunday and eff. 5719 Holiday parking regulations on the meters on the north side of Ocean and in the first block on Main Street between Ocean_ Avenue and Walnut Avenue, and said regulations to be put in effect at 9:00 A.M. May 19, 1953, was passed and adopted by the following roll call vote: AYES** Councilmen: Wood, Talbert, Langenbeck, LeBard, Seabridge NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: None 9 J,Saver, Std.Oil Co. i Page #7 Minutes - Monday, May 18, 1953 i James Sayer of the Standard Oil Company of California appeared before the City Council and thanked their honorable body for their farsightedness in approving the lease with the Pacific Electric Railway Company for parking purposes on the beach front® On motion by Langenbeck seconded by Wood the regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach adjourned, Ci y Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of e City Council'of the City of Huntington. Beach, California ATTEST: mayor City Clerk 0