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Council Chamber, City Hall
Huntington Beach, California
• Monday, June 1, 1953
Mayor Seabridge called the regular meeting of the City
Council of the City of Huntington Beach to order at 7:30 o'clock
• Councilmen present: Wood, Talbert, Langenbeck, LeBard, Seabridge
Councilmen absents None
Minutes On motion by Talbert seconded by Wood that the minutes of
the City Council for the month of May, 1953, be accepted as
transcribed and mailed by -the City Clerk, was approved.
Monthly The Clerk read the reports for the month of May, 1953, of
the City Treasurer, City Clerk, City Engineer, Fire Chief, Chief
of Police, Manager of the Municipal Trailer Park and Superintendent
of Recreation.
On motion by LeBard seconded by Wood that the monthly reports
of the various department heads for the month of May, 1953, as
read by the City Clerk be accepted and ordered filed, was -approved.
Business On motion by Wood seconded by Talbert that the applications
• for license to conduct business in the City of Huntington Beach
were granted as follows:
Prank W. Green, dba Claude News Agency to conduct the business of
news agency at 410 Walnut Aveo
Frank W. Green, dba Huntington Beach Check Room to conduct -the -
business of check room at lower floor pavalon.
Posson and Brown Tile Company, Long Beach, to conduct the business
of tile contractor.
C.� K. Varner, Newport Beach, to conduct -the business of plastering
Frank P. Barger, 608 - 17th Street, to conduct the business of
Barger's Machine and Welding Shop at 608 - 17th Street, subject
to conditions of variance in effect.
Std.0il- On motion by LeBard seconded by Wood that the application
New well B-154
for oil well permit of the Standard Oil Company of California to
drill a' new well B-154, was granted.
B-155 On motion by Wood seconded by Talbert that the application
for oil well permit of Standard Oil Company of California to drill
a new well B-155', was granted.
Sowest Expl.- On motion by LeBard seconded by Wood that the application for
New Well
State 558 oil well permit of the Southwest Exploration Company to drill a
new well State 558, was granted.
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Minutes - Monday, June 1, 1953
Sowest Expl.- On motion by LeBard seconded b y Wood that the application
New Well
State 1-166 for oil well permit of the Southwest Exploration Company to
drill a new well State J-166, was granted.
do " 519 On motion by Wood seconded by Talbert that the application
for oil well permit of the Southwest Exploration Company to
drill a new well State 519, was granted.
State 95 On motion by LeBard seiconded by Wood that the application
for oil well permit of the Southwest Exploration Company to
drill a new well State 95, was, granted.
Sowest Expl.- On motion by Talbert seconded by Wood that the application
New Well.,
State 525 for oil well permit of the 'Southwest Exploration Company to
drill a new well State 525,, was granted.
Beloil Corp.- On motion by Talbert seconded by Langenbeck that the appli-
New Well
cation for oil well permit of Beloil Corporation Ltd., to drill
a new well to be located on the north half of Block 1901, Vista': •
Del Mar Tract, was granted.
.Shaffer Bros. On motion by LeBard seconded by Talbert that the application
Waste Wtr.perm*
for waste water permits of Charles D. & G. Ronald Shaffer of Brea,
California, for waste water permits covering well No. Bruce #1
and F. & P. #l, was granted.
I.O.O.F.- On motion by Wood seconded by Langenbeck that the application
erect neon
sign for building permit of the I.O.O.F., 226 Main Street, for permis-
sion to erect a neon sign at 226 Main Street in accordance with
recommendations of the Building I"nspector, was granted.
Ord.#599- The Clerk gave Ordinance No. 599, an ordinance of the City of
Filing fees a
Huntington Beach amending Section S 9284 and 9285 of the Huntington •
Beach Ordinance Code Relating to Fees, for filing petitions in
zoning matters, its second•and final reading by Title*.
On motion by Langenbeck seconded by Wood Ordinance No; 599
was passed and -adopted by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Councilmen: Wood, Talbert, Langenbeck, LeBard, Seabridge
NOES: Councilmen: None
ABSENT: Couridilmen: None
Jobs Daughters- On motion by LeBard seconded by Wood that the request of
sale of cracker-
jack July 4th Bethel No. 120 of California, International Order of Job t s , Daughter4
of Huntington Beach, for permission to sell Crackerjack on the
streets in the City of Huntington Beach during the coming Fourth •
of July parade, was granted.
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Minutes - Monday, June 1, 1953
P.Hoff hired
On motion by LeBard seconded by Langenbeck that the request
as truck
of Fred Swartz,. Chief Lifeguard, for permission to hire Paul Hoff
to replace Charles Johnson as truck driver on the beach cleaning
crew, was approved.
On motion by Wood seconded by Langenbeck that the request.of
relief engr.
D. G. Higgins, Fire Chief ,,to employ Leo Farwell as vacation
relief engineer to be effective June 15, 1953, in the compensation
salary Range 25, Bnacket A at $290.00 per month, was approved.
Jack Pyles-
Mayor Seabridge referred the request of Jack Ne Pyles of
lease on-Pava-
lon bldg.
1036 - 13th Street, Huntington Beach, requesting opportunity of
presenting a plan to the proper committee for consideration of
the lease on the Pavalon building to the Beach and Pier committee.
Demands On motion by Langenbeck seconded by Talbert that the demands
as approved by the Finance Committee be ordered paid, was approved.
Photographic City Engineer Overmyer reported to the City Council -that the
room for
Police Depte cost of the remodeling of the room in the lower floor of the City
Hall for a photographic room for the Police Department would coat
approximately $700.00.
On motion by Wood seconded by Talbert that the City Engineer
be instructed to proceed with the remodeling of the room in the
lower, floor of the City Hall to be used for a photographic room
for the Police Department, was approved.
Public Hearing- Mayor Seabridge.announced that a public hearing had been set
t erm. drlg vb and
# 615962 for the hour of 8 : 00 o'clock P.M. Monday, the first day of June,
1953, and requested the City Clerk to read the notice of public
hearing. The City Clerk read the notice of public hearing pub-
lished in the Huntington Beach News May 2.1, 1953, said notice for
the purpose of considering the request for termination of cancellation
of drilling bond, as provided',: -for -in Section 2427.4 of the Huntington
Beach Ordinance Code, on produ@ingj. well located on property described
as follows: Lot 2, 4, and 6, Block 521, 17th Street Section, City
of Huntington Beach.
The Clerk also read the request of 0. L. Bolton Company asking
that Glens Falls Indemnity Company Bond No. 615962 in the amount
of $500.00 covering the well located on Lots 20 4, ,and 60 Block 521,
17th Street Tract be terminated by special permission of the City
Council .as provided in .the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code as referred
to in the legal notice as read by the City Clerk and referred to the
affidavit of the drilling superintendent attached to the requesto
The Clerk read the affidavit of Roma Davison swearing that he
is the drilling superintendent of Atlantic Oil Company and that in
such capacity he supervised the drilling of O. Le Bolton Company's
Minutes - Monday, June 1, 1953
well M.B.R. #1, located on Lots 2, 4, d'nd 6. Block 521, City of
Huntington Beach, California, and that every effort was made to
keep said well in the perpendicular boundaries of the property on
which drilled and to the best of his knowledge and belief that
the well is entirely within the perpendicular boundaries of the •
,jpooperty on whieh drilled.
Mayor Seabridge asked if there was anyone present in the
audience that wished to express their opinions for or against
granting the requestfor termination and cancellation of the
drilling bond. - •
There being nd oral or written opinions made Mayor Seabridge
declared tthas hearing closed.
On motion by Langenbeck seconded byWood that the Glens Falls
Indemnity Company Drilling Bond No. 615962, covering well located
` on Lots 20 4, and 6, Block 521, 17th Street Tract, be terminated,
was granted by the following roll call vote: •
AYES: Councilment Wood, Talbert, Langenbeck, LeBard, Seabridge
NOES: Councilmen: None
ABSENT: Councilmen: None
Ord.#600- The City Clerk gave Ordinance No. 600, an ordinance of the
Salary members.
of Police Dept. City of Huntington Beach amending Sections 1592.6. 1596.39 1597.12
1597.11, 1597.12, 1597.2 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code
relating to the salary of members of the Police Department, its •
first reading.
Repairs to The City Clerk requested that consideration be given to neces
gent 1 off. .
City Hall sary repairs and some remodeling in the General Office of the City
Hall, namely the planking of the walls and the ceiling with celo-
tex or acoustical the as the wall paper is loose, and to remodel
the present service counters in the General Office.
Mayor Seabridge referred the request for the remodeling in the
General Office to the Building Committee for study and report*
Councilman Councilman Langenbeck pointed out that the new ordinance just
read as presented by Councilman Wood places the salary of the Police
Captain higher than that of the Police Chief, and the Lieutenants
within #200:00 ° of the annual salary received by the Police Chief,
and also that°it places the Police Department salaries the highest
of all cities in Orange County, and also stated chat approximately •
a year.and one-half ago the Huntington Beach City Employees' Asso-
ciation regi ested the City Council review the salary schedules on
July 1st and January lst of each year on the basis of cost of living
index, and that inasmuch as this new proposed ordinance presents a
3IG 2
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Minutes - Monday, June 1, 1953
repudiation of that understanding the Councilts prior action should
be rescinded.
F.Chief Higgins
Fire Chief Higgins reported as Civil Pefense Director that on
Civil Defense
June 20th the Federal Civil Defense and State Civil Defense
Organizations are having a civil defense exercise and hopes to have
a program arranged for the City of Huntington Beach to take part in
the exercise and that the Council will be informed in advance.
On motion by LeBard seconded b y Langenbeck the City Engineer
be instructed to make application for encroachment permits to the
Division of Highways, State of California, on the curb to be con-
structed on Ocean Avenue on the ocean side of Ocean Avenue from
"A" Street.te Ninthe Street, was approved.
On motion by LeBard seconded by Wood the regular meeting of the
City Council of the City of Huntington Beach adjourned*
Cit lark and -ex-officio Clerk
of th6 City Council -of the City
of Huntington Beach, California
City Clerk