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Council Chamber, City Hall
Huntington Beach, California •
Monday, June 15, 1953
Mayor.Seabridge called the regular meeting of the City
Council of the City of Huntington Beach to order at 7:30 o'clock
Councilmen present: .Wood, Talbert, Langenbeck, LeBard, Seabridge
Councilmen absent: None
Business On motion by Wood seconded by LeBard the following applica-
tions for license to conduct business in the City of Huntington
Beach were granted:
McMullen Construction Co., Long Beach, California, the business
of.oil field service, drilling contractor.
Florence Wort and Edna Haynes,217 Main Street, Huntington Beach,
the business of beauty shop at 217 Main Street.
Frank'R, Hinshaw, 112 Main Street, the business of hardware at
112 Main'Stree.t.
Buford M. White, 1950 Lake Street, the business of saw sharpen-
ing shop at'1950 Lake St.
C.C9Peterson- On motion by LeBard seconded by Wood that the application
New Well #2 9
for oil well permit of Clark C. Peterson to drill a new well
C.C. Peterson No. 2 on Lots 11 & 12, Block 1006, Vista Del Mar
Tract, was granted.
Beloil Corpe- On motion by LeBard seconded by Langenbeek that the appli-
Re-drill well
Talbert #1 cation for oil well permit of the Beloil Corporation, Ltd., to
re -drill Talbert No, 1, located on Lot 15, Block 1206, Vista
Del Mar Tract,. was granted.
Ray Dolan- On motion by Wood seconded by LeBard that the application
Neon Sign
for building permit of Ray Dolan, 420 Ocean Avenue, to erect
a neon sign, 3 feet wide, by .14 feet high, over sidewalk at 420
Ocean Avenue,'was granted.
Ray Dolan- On motion by LeBard seconded by Wood that the application,
existing neon for building permit of Ray Dolan, 420 Ocean Avenue, to -move
existing neon sign from Ocean Avenue to Fifth Street entrance
of the hotel, was granted.,
Burrows Radio- On motion by LeBar d.seconded by Talbert that the application
TV --erect
el ecosign for building permit of the Burrows Radio T-V at 318 Main Street,
Huntington:Beach, to erect an electric sign 3 feet by 5 feet,
10 feet over the sidewalk level,was granted.
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Minutes - Monday', June 15, 1953
BBC Oil Co.- The Clerk read a request of the BBC Oil Company for the
drly. bonds
release of two drilling bonds on Well F & T #1, located on
Lots 18, 20, & 22, Block 413, and Bruce #1, located on Lots
25 and 27,. Block 414, and submitting the sub -surface surveys.
of the wells. Glens Falls Indemnity Company Bonds on the wells
are #324337 and #324328, respectively.
On motion by Wood seconded by LeBard that the request of
the BBC Oil Company for termination of drilling bonds Nos.
324337 and 324328 by Glens Falls Indemnity Company on Well F
& T #1, located on Lots 18, 20, & 22., Block.413, and Bruce #1,
located on Lots 25 & 27, Block 414, in.compliance.with Section
2427.3 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code, was granted.
Masonic Temple The Clerk informed the City Council members.that the
Assn --
granted pe.rmi- 'Planning Commission of the City of Huntington.Beach, California,
ssion to build '
concrete held a special meeting at 6:30 o'clock P.M.,_ this date, to hold
block bldg.
a public hearing on the petition for conditional exception filed
by the Masonic Temple Association of Huntington Beach, California,
and said legal notice of public hearing was published in the
Huntington Beach Mews June 4, 1953, calling for a public hearing
at the hour of 6:30 o'clock P.M. on Monday the,15th day of June
1953, for the purpose of considering a petition.for conditional
exception to -regulations of the Districting Ordinance.. to permit
construction of a concrete block building with fire retardant
roof size 75.feet by 112 feet, portion of property. to provide
auto.parking and to encroach approximately four feet on the set
back requirements of the front yard on property described as Lots
1, 3, 5, 7, and 9. Block 705, Wesley Park Tract, City bf Hunting-
ton Beach, and that there were no statements filed for or against
the request of the Masonic Temple Association of Huntington
Beach verbally or written and the Planning Commission.found that
the condition justifying said conditional exception is applicable
to the property involved, and that the granting of the seid pro-
- posed variance will not be materially detrimental to the public
welfare or injurious to the property or improvements in the dis-
trict in vh ich said property is locatede
On motion by LeBard seconded by Wood that the Planning Com-
mission on a motion duly made and carried by its members recommend.
to the City Council that the-variancb requested by the Masonic
Temple Association of Huntington Beach to construct,,.a concrete
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Minutes - Monday, June 15, 1953
block building on Lots 1, 3, 5, 7, and 9. Block 705, Wesley*
Park Tract, in the City of Huntington Beach be granted.
Said motion carried..
On motion by LeBard seconded by Wood that inaccordance
with the recommendation of the Planning Commission of the City,
of Huntington Beach the petition for conditional exception
filed by the Masonic Temple Association of Huntington Beach to
construct a concrete block building on Lots 1, 3, 5, 7, & 9#
Block 705, Wesley Park Tract, in accordance with the conditions
of the petiiton be granted, was approved,
V.F.Rosenow Mayor Seabridge referred the request of Verl F. Rosenow
to the Beach and Pier Committee for consent to transfer his
Hinshaw resig-
nation Planno
Lyndon A. -Wells
to sell lot
to City
concession in the Pavalon-Building to Jack Pyles of Huntington
On motion by Wood seconded by Talbert that the resignation
tendered by Frank R. Hinshaw, Commissioner on the Planning
Commission of the City of Huntington Beach be accepted with
regrets was approvede
The Clerk read a communication from Lyndon A. Wells accept-
ing the offer of the City of Huntington Beach of $250-00 for
the purpose of purchasing the South 30 feet of Lot 16, Watson
Addition to Huntington Beach for road purposes only, reserving -
all mineral rights thereto and therein, and upon the follovt ng
1. That the City of Huntington Beach shall and will pay all and
any charges in the consummation of this transaction,
2. That the 0ity of Huntington Beach shall and will complete
the, following mDrk as part of this agreements
A. Curb and gutter Memphis Avenue, both sides, from
Huntington Avenue to Alabama Avenue; oil and
resurface roadway.
B, Curb and gutter Nashville Street, both sides, from
Huntington Avenue to Alabama -Avenue; oil and re-
surface roadway.
C, Curb and gutter ,Huntington Avenue, both sides, from
Memphis. Street to Nashville Street; oil and re-
surface roadway.
D. Grade and oil roadway from Nashville Street to
Quincy Street, on Huntington Avenue.
Councilman Lan genbeck reported to the Council that the Com-
mittee had contacted Lyndon A. Wells, offered him $250.00 for
the 30 foot strip of Lot 16, Watson Addition to Huntington Beach#
and proposed to improve Memphis Street to the end of the Block
but did not include the proposed.addit.ions as contained in the
letter as read by the City Clerk. Lyndon A. Wells appeared befw e
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Minutes - Monday, June-15, 1953
the City Council and stated that he would retract the conditions
as contained in the letter read by the City Clerk but asked the
City Council to consider the items as he understood they were
in the -previous year's budget.
On motion by Talbert seconded by Langenbeck that Lyndon
A. Wells offer to sell to the City of Huntington Beach the
south 30 -feet of Lot 16, Watson Addition for. the sum of $250.00
and that the City of Huntington Beach will pay'all the expense
to consumate the transfer, was,approved. °
On motion by Langenbeck seconded by LeBard that the City
Attorney be instructed to prepare a deed transferring unto the
City of Huntington Beach the south 30 feet of Lot 16, Watson
Addition to Huntington Beach, was approved.
F.F.Groover, On motion by Wood seconded by Talbert that the request of
tion changed Delbert G. Higgins, Fire Chief, to change the classification of
F. F. Groover in the Fire Department who at present is a
,Mechanic -Engineer, to the rank of Fire Captain, Range 28, Bracket
D. and said promotion -to take effect on the first day of July,
1953, was approved.
LoE'Miller &
motion by Langenbeck seajDnded by
Wood that the request
on moopayroll;.of
Overmyer, City Engineer, to place
Lewis E. Miller and
hired as
Fred G.
Eckley on the monthly payroll as
laborers in Range 19,
"C" of the salary ordinance code,
and to employ George
as a laborer on the hourly basis
in Range 19, Bracket
"C" of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Salary Code, was approved.
Lifeguard The Clerk read the°request of Fred R. Swartz, Chief Life -
accepted guard, submitting for the Council's approval a list of Life-
guards who successfully passed the examinations for lifeguard
c as follows:
Lifeguards:. Buddy Belshe, Joe Grant, Jim Richards, Don Rigg,
Phil Sheehan, Louis Umphenour, Joe Wiggintop,
Walter'Wessell, Bob Herman, Don Umphenour, Bruce
Haines, Alan Hodges, 'Dale Drum, Jim Steverson,
Benge Farrell.,, 'Gary Chaney, Dan Osborne
Lieutenants: Bob Borns, Curtis Renfro, Frank Ciarelli
Dispatch.Clerk:' Beth Mashburn.
Apprentice Lifeguards: Gary Grant,., Verl Rosenow, Jerry Worthy
Extra and Week -end Guards to be hired only as needed: Bob
Knisley, Dean Ashbrook, Les Whalen, Richard White, Don Chaney,
John Hall, Bob Clemens.
Beach Cleaning: Jim Way
Minutes Monday, June 15, 1953
On motion by LeBard seconded by Talbert that the list of
guards requested and submitted for approval by the Chief Life-
guard, Fred R. Swartz, was approved.
Chamber of The Clerk read a'communication received from the Huntington
Commerce -
suggest ext® Beach Chamber of Commerce wherein the Board of Directors of the
be painted Huntington Beach Chamber of Commerce voted unanimously last
Monday night to suggest that the Pavalon Ballroom be painted
(exterton) before the summer season and preferably before the
4th of July. e
The Clerk reported that contractors have examined the Pav-
alon building and are submitting informal bids for the exterior
and interior painting possibly by the end..of the week for sub-
mission to the City Council.
C,of C.- The Clerk read a communication of the Huntington Beach
paving of
Main Sto Chamber of Commerce vh erein the Chamber of Commerce Board of
Directors voted unanimously to ask;.. the City Council to place
in the 1953-1954 budget the repating of Main Street in the
business area and that the same will be maintained, and als.o
that new electroliers replace the old.ones so that they have
sufficient height and strength to carry Christmas decorations -
and other types of flags and banners throughout the yeare
Mayor Seabridge' referred the request of the Huntington
Beach Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors for repgving of
Main Street and other renovations on Main Street to the Streets
and Parks Committee for study and report.
Ord.#600- The Clerk gave Ordinance No. 600, an ordinance of the City
reading of Huntington Beach amending Sections 1592.6. 1596.3, 1597.1,
. 1597.11, 1597.12, 1597.2, of the Huntington Beach Ordinance
Code relating to salaries of tIm Police Department its second
and final readIng by title. ,
A motion was made by Councilman Wood and seconded by
Councilman Talbert that Ordinance No. 600 be passed and adopted.
Mayor Seabr idge asked if any of the Councilmen wished to dis-
cuss Ordinance No. 600. Councilman Langenbeek called to the
attention of the City Council that one group has been selected
for a raise, and since 1948 when the present salary ordinance
was adopted this new measure would accord increases to nine men
who are still on the department since that year and the raises
in some instances approximate 70%, and pointed out that the
Chief of Police will receive less than the Captain and it was
the only;; case where the department head gets less money than
certain personnel.
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Minutes - Monday, June 15, 1,953
Councilman Talbert withdrew his second on the motion made
to adopt..and pass Ordinance No. 600, as in his opinion all
.departments of the City personnel should be considered in an
increase in salary.
• Councilman LeBard seconded the motion of Councilman Wood
for the adoption and passage of Ordniance No. 600. Ordinance
No. -600 was passed and adopted by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Councilmen: Wood, LeBard, Seabridge
NOES: Councilmen: Talbert, Langenbeck
ABSENT Councilmen: None
Jones & Mayor Seabridge recommended to the City Council that Mrs.
reap9tId Pearl Jones and Mra.E. Galen Hasson be re -appointed to the
Huntington Beach Public Library Board to serve terms to expire
June 30,. 1956.
On motion by Wood seconded by Talbert that the City Council
• is in accord with the recommendation of Mayor Seabridge to re-
appoint to the Library Board Mrs. Pearl Jones and Mr. E. Galen
Hasson, terms to eip ire June 30, 1956, was approvede
Catching & Mayor Seabridge recommended to the Council the re -appointment
reapotId of Frank Catching and Alvin T. Reboin to the Recreation Commission
for five year terms ending June 1, 1958.
-On motion by Talbert seconded by,Woo.d the City Council
• approved the recommendation of Mayor Seabridge t o re -appoint
Frank Catching and Alvin T. Reboin to the Recreation Commission
for -a term of five years ending June 1, 1958, was approved.
Taxation to Mayor Seabridgeriepzorte.d to the City Council that the Orange
• water"to- County Water District was imposing a five cent tax to purchase
Santa Ana Metropolitan Water District water for the purpose of replenish -
ing the Santa Ana Basin and requested that the City Council go
on record to request. the Board of Supervisors of Orange County
to purchase a like amount of water and imposing a tax on the
• Orange County Fl000d Control 'District to further the replenish-
ment of the Santa Ana Basin.
On.motion by Langenbeck seconded by Talbert that the City
Council in accordance with the recommendation of Mayor Seabridge
request the Board of Supervisors of Orange County to impose a
• tax on the flood control district of Orange County to purchase
25, 000 acre feet of water for replenishing the Santa Ana Basin,
was approvede
Demads On motion by LeBard seconded by Talbert that the demands as
approved by the Finance Committee be paid, was approved.
Kiddie rides On.motion by LeBard seconded.by Talbert that the request of
front of
�i Pavalon the Chamber of Commerce to permit the operation of kiddie rides,
Jack Pyles -
lease of
Fire Dept. -
Charge of
fireworks on
July 4th
Publ is
Page' #7
Minutes m Monday, June 15., �953
etc., in front of'the Pavalon subject to the location by the
Fire and Police Chief of "the City of Huntington. Beach, and to
filing of satisfactory insurance with the City Clerk, was approved*
Councilman LeBard reported to the City Council on the re-
quest of Jack Pyles to use the Pavalon Ballroom for recreation
On motion by LeBard seconded by Langenbeck that"the City
Attorney work with the Beach and Pier and Building Committee
and Jack Pyles to draw up a proposed lease to permit use of the
Pavalon Building Ballroom, was apprpved*
On motion by Langenbeck seconded by Talbert that the Fire
Department' personnel under the supervision of the Fire Chief,
be permitted and 4structed. to set off and supervise fireworks
display on the Huntington Beach Municipal Pier, on the night
of July 4th, 1953, was approved.
On motion by Langenbeck seconded by Wood that the City
Clerks be instructed toy publish a notice for a public hearing on
the 1953-1954 City of Huntington Beach budget, said hearing to
beset for the hour of 8:00 o'clock P.M., July 6, 19530
On motion by Langenbeck seconded -by Wood the City Council
adjourn until 5:30 o'clock P.M. Monday, June 22, 1953s was
City Clerk
t Clerk and ex-officio Clerk
o the City Council of the City
of Huntingtb n Beach, California