HomeMy WebLinkAbout1953-07-06• 327 MI NU TES Council Chamber, City Hall Huntington Beach, California Monday, July 6, 1953 Mayor Seabridge called the regular meeting of the City Council to order at 700 o'clock P.M. Councilmen present: Seabridge, Wood, Talbert. Councilmen absent: LeBard Councilmen vacancy: -One- Minutes On motion by Wood seconded by Talbert that the minutes of the City Council for the month of June, 1953, as transcribed and mailed by the City Clerk be accepted, was approved. Monthly The City Clerk read the monthly reports for the month Reports of June, 1953, of the City Treasurer and City Clerk, City ! Business Licenses • • • 1 • Engineer, Manager ,of Municipal Trailer Park, Fire Chief, Police Chief, and Superintendent of .ecrea:t 'on.. On motion by Wood seconded by Talbert that the monthly reports of the department heads as read by the City Clerk be accepted and ordered filed, was approved. On motion by Wood seconded by Talbert the following appli- cations for license to conduct business in the City of Huntington Beach were granted: Hickok and Decker, 1721 W. 4th Street, Santa Ana, roofing contractor. Wm. H. Beene, 2364 Lemon Avenue, Long Beach oil field construction. A. M. Highfill, 474 Ocean Avenue, Huntington Beach, cafe at 474 Ocean Avenue. Chas. W. Camp, 323 Ocean Center Bldg., Long Beach 2, Oil well Production service. James D. Ray, 500 Coast Highway, Corona Del Mar, General Contractor. Roy V. Ivins, 114 E. Cubbon St., Santa Ana, General Contractor. Chester Q. Jackson, 620 Ocean Avenuem Huntington Beach, self-service service station. Charles Rapps, peddling lapel flags, veteran license. Isadore -Berman, peddling lapel flags, veteran license. Robert Q® Shupe, M.D., 220 Walnut Avenue, Physician M.D., at 220 Wal nut . Ella Marie LeLash, 228 Main Street, Dress Shop. J,E.Bredehoft On motion by Talbert seconded by Wood that the Hartford Plumberw Bond. Accident and Indemnity Company plumbers bond No. 2?57060 for Jack E. Bredehoft of 7657 E. Imperial, Downey, California, as approved for form by the City Attorney, was approved. • Page __ .2 .. Minutes - Monday, July 6, 1953 County -Life- The Clerk read the agreement between the County of Orange guard Ser v. and the City of Huntington Beach covering lifeguard service to be performed by the City of Huntington Beach for the Bounty of Orange in County area for the fiscal year 1953-1954- On motion by Wood seconded by Talbert that the Mayor and the City Clerk be authorized to execute the agreement between the County of ,Orange .and the City -of Huntington .Beach covering lifeguard service to be performed in the County area for Orange County for the fiscal year 1953-1954, was approved. H.B.Co.- The Clerk read the agreement between the Huntington Beach Modification Golf Course Company and the City of Huntington Beach covering the Huntington Lease , Beach Golf Course Clubhouse and Golf Course License modification, modifying the current lease dated July 1, 1948. On motion by Wood seconded by Talbert that the Mayor and the City Clerk be authorized. to execute the agreemtent between the Huntington Beach Company and the City of Huntington Beach and that the Mayor and the City.Clerk initial the interlineation made on Page 3 of the agreement, was approved. State Comp.® .. The Clerk..r ead a communication from the State Compensation remit divi- dend check Insurance .Fund remitting to the City a dividend check in the amount of $2, 041.56 representing 27.5% of the 1951-1952 workmen! s compensation insurance premium. M.Wierman The Clerk read a communication recieved from Martin Wierman of Huntington Beach congratulating the City of Huntington Beach and the Chamber of Commerce for a very fine parade which was held July .4, 1953. Public Hrg.- Mayor Seabridge requested that the City Clerk read the legal City Budget notice covering notice of public hearing on the 1953-1954 City Budget. The City Clerk read the legal notice of public hearing for the 1953-1954 City Budget which was set to be heard at 8:U0 o'clock P.M. on Monday July 6, 19530 The City Clerk passed out copies of the 1953-1954 proposed budget as prepared to all members of. the City Council and depart- ment heads and the public present. Mayor Seabridge requested the Clerk to read the budget by the departments as prepared. The City Clerk read the 1953-1954 budget with explanations for .reasons of increase.and decrease in each of the departments and divisionso • • • • 1 • • 328 • Page #3 Minutes - Monday, July 6, 1953 Mayor. Seabridge asked if there was anyone in the audience that wished to express themselves regarding the budget that was presented to them and as read by the City Clerk. There being no comments from those present Mayor Seabridge declared the budget hearing closed. Wood, Talbert= Mayor Seabridge appointed Councilman Wood and Councilman Finance Comm, Talbert to act on the Finance Committee in the absence of Councilman LeBard and one vacancy on the Council. Demands On motion by Wood seconded by Talbert that the demands as approved by the Finance Committee be ordered paid was approved, C.ofCommerce= The Clerk read the annual contract agreement between the Annual Contre Agreement City of Huntington Beach and the Huntington Beach Chamber of Commerce for the fiscal year 1953-1954• On motion by Talbert seconded by Wood that the Mayor and the City Clerkbe authorized to execute'the agreement between the City of Huntington Beach and Huntington Beach Chamber of Commerce for the fiscal year 1953-1954, was approved, V.Langenbeck The Clerk read the letter received from Councilman Vernon resigns Langenbeck submitting his resignation effective July 6, 1953- Wood - Wtr. Mayor Seabridge appointed Councilman Wood to replace Council. Distr.Rep. man Langenbeck to represent the City on the Orange County Municipal Water District Survey Fund Committee. Wood - Dire Mayor Seabridge appointed Councilman Wood to serve as Director Or.Co.Sanit. Dist.#11 on the Orange County Sanitation District No. 11, and requested that the City Clerk notify the Orange County Sanitation District's • Board of the appointment of Councilman Wood to replace Vernon E.J.Marks- Employ. as sp ec. couns el • LJ 1953-1954 Budget adopted • Langenbeck as Director on the Orange County Sanitation District Noll. On motion by Wood seconded by. Talbert that E. J. Marks, _..._ Attorney -at -Law, be employed as special counsel to the City Attorney in the District Court of Appeals and in the Supreme Court of Calif- ornia on the Signal Gas and Oil and the Southwest Exploration Company tax and quo warranto cases in accordance with terms in letter of E. J. Marks, dated June 26, 1953, was approved. On motion by Wood seconded by Talbert the 1953-1954 Budget as presented was adopted by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen: Talbert, Wood, Seabridge NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: LeBard VACANCY: Councilmen:. -One- 0 Page Minutes = Monday 9. July 6, l953 Wm.W.Grant- On motion by Wood seconded by Talbert that the City Engi- cut curb & bld.driveway veer be instructed t o "remove the palm tree on the northwest cm-ner of loth and Olive, the owner Wm. W. Grant to pay half the cost of the tree removal and that Wm. W. Grant be given permission to out curb and to build a driveway at the north- west corner of loth and Olive . Avenue, under the supervision of the City Engineer, was approved. Bids for pick- On motion by Talbert seconded by Wood that the City pur- up for Mun o Trailer Pk. chasing agent be instructed to receive informal bids on one one-half ton standard pickup on a trade-in of a l9 7 Ford pickup for the Municipal Trailer. Park, in accordance end. th request of Lem Berry, Manager of the Municipal Trailer Park, was approved. On motion by Wood. s econded b y Talbert the regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach adjourned. TN U M �1 1 �✓`�'�� Cit Jerk and ex- officio G.Ier of City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, California ATTEST: Mayor City Clerk • •