HomeMy WebLinkAbout1953-07-200400 E MINUTES Council Chamber, City Hall Huntington Beach, California Monday, July 20, 1953 Mayor Seabridge called the regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach to order at 7:30 o'clock P.M. Councilmen present: Seabridge, Talbert, Wood Councilmen .absent: LeBard • Councilmen Vacancy: - One 0 H.Ashton,Atty_. Mayor Seabridge asked Harry Ashton, Attorney for Sani- Sanit.Dist. #11 - constr. tation.Distric.t No. 11 of Orange County, California, to sewer line address the Council regarding the matter in which he had come to speak about. Harry Ashton addressed the City Council and stated • that it was necessary for County Sanitation District No. 11 of Orange.County, in connection with the construction of Huntington Beach *unk::: sewer line, to acquire from the City of Huntington Beach about .60 feet by 150 feet facing on Newland Street and in the Northwest corner of the City -owned 44 acres, the plot to include the area where the sewage plant • office and chlorination building -is located, and that it will also be necessary to obtain from the City an easement parallel- ing the Talbert Drainage District easement across the balance of the City property between Newland and Cannery Streets, and that he had been instructed to ask the City to place a value on the plot that must be acquired and that the Sanitation District desired to acquire the tract and easement at the - earliest possible date, and also that the District desires the Council to allow the contractor to enter upon the property • immediately for the purpose of commencing construction about August 1, 1953, prior to the conclusion of the acquisition of the property and the easement. Appraisals' The Mayor asked the Clerk to read the appraisals that covering .21 acre plat had been received covering the .21 acre plat approximately 60 feet by 150 feet facing on Newland Avenue and occupied by the ,sewage pumping plant chlorination building® • Sewer Trunk line easement property Constr.to commence 8/l/53 Page #2 Minutes - Monday, July20, 1953 The Clerk read the following appraisals: Huston, Suter and Huston, Inc., appraised the .21 acre at a value of $315,00 based on an acreage price of $1,500.00, and the appraisal was based on the presumtpion that the City will reserve oil and mineral rights without right of surface entry. The appraisal of Chris H. King, Real Estate and Insurance Operator, on the .21 acre at a fair market value for the parcel of $378.00, reserving all oil and -mineral rights thereunder with the right to extract same from other property, and without right of surface entry, On motion by Wood seconded by Talbert that the ap®, praisals of the .21 acre be received and filed, was approved. On motion by Talbert seconded by Wood that the City n Council finds and determines that a 'pr.ice of $345.00 for the .21 acre covered in the appraisal of Huston, Suter and Huston and Chris H. King, as a reasonable price, ,and that the City to reserve the oil and mineral rights without right of surface entry, and the City to move from the property the building containing the chl.orinat on:i e.qu pmeftt, was approved. On motion by Talbert seconded b y Wood that the City Council place a value on the 0,68 acre for the sewer trunk line easement property at one-half of the appraisal at $1,500.00 per acre for easement purposes, was approved. On motion by Talbert seconded by Wood that the City Council give the contractor, doing work for Sanitation Dis- trict No. 11 of Orange County, immediate entry for the purpose of commencing construction by August 1, 1953, prior to the conclusion of the acquisition of the easements and property to be acquired, was approved. Willis Willis Warner appeared before the City Council and Warner, re'- Wright stated he was here on behalf of the County Board of Super- St.Ext. visors to speak about the Wright Street extension vL thin the City limits of Huntington Beach, and stated that prior to the annexation_ of the area by the City of Huntington Beach, the original plan was made by the County of Orange for the con- struction of. Wright Street to Highway #101 and arrangements were made and completed to use Federal funds for the road project, and that it will require some form of agreement between the City and the County for the construction of the .69 miles within the City limits, also that following the acquisition of the right-of-way and the construction of Wright Street Extension the City should give consideration as to vAiether the City wi shes to maintain the road or join vt th the County with the expense of maintenance and asked that someform of approval be • 1 i • 1 1 0 • 0,00 Page #3 _ Minutes - Monday, July 20, 1953 given tonight for somea form of amicable agreement for the County .to acquire the right-of-way for the extension of Wright Street within the City limits of the City of Huntington Beach, Business On motion by Wood seconded by Talbert the following � Licenses application for license to conduct business in the City of Huntington Beach were granted: Reynolds Camera Supplies, Santa Ana, film service, wheel -tax, Garrish Bros. Aircraft Engineer Service, airplane repairs at 21732 Newland Street, Huntington Beach. Luroma Concessions, 902 E. Atlanta, Huntington Beach, conces- sion at American Legion Track Stadium. C.Peterson, On motion by Talbert seconded by Wood that the applica® New Well tion for oil well permit of Clark C. Petersn to drill a new • C • • • U 1 well was granted, subject to the filing of.a satisfactory drilling bond to be appro#ed for form by. the City Attorney, was a pproved, Public Hear® Mayor Seabridge announced that the Street Superintendent ing for Weed & Rub- had posted a notice with an attached list of'weed and rubbish b ish abate'. charges abatement charges f or 1953 to be submitted to the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach for confirmation on Monday, July a) , 1953,-at 8:00 o l clock P.M., and that the above men- tioned date and time for receiving and considering the report, the City Council will hear any objections of the property owners mhich are assessed for the weed and rubbish abatement charges. Mayor Seabridge asked if there was any property owner - present that had any objections to the assessment as contained in the notice- posted by. the Street Superintendent for the -,weed and rubbish abatement charges f or the year 19530 There being no protests filed written or verbally the Mayor declared the hearing closed. On motion by Wood seconded by Talbert that the list of weed and rubbish abatement charges for the year 1953 a-s posted and filed by the Street Superintendent be accepted and confirmed and that the City Clerk be instructed to certify the list to the County Auditor for inclusion on the Tax assessment roll, was approved, Mayor Seabridge appointed Councilman Talbert and Councilman Wood to act on the Finance Committee, 0 • Page #4 Minutes - Monday, July 20, 1953 _ Reso.#1196, The Clerk read Resolution No. 1196, a resolution of cane.weed & abate.chgs. the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, California, cancelling weed and abatement charges. On motion by Talbert seconded by Wood Resolution No. 1196 was passed and adopted by the Following roll call vote: Agr'm't for constr. Wright St. - H.O'Brien= Waste Wtr. Permit Bayview Oil Co.-' term.drlg.bd-. Beloil Corp..- term.drlg.bd. & clean up bond C.Peterson- - term.drlg.bd. AYES: Councilmen: Talbert, Wood, Seabridge NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: LeBard -VACANCY: Councilmen: - One Mayor Seabridge ordered a recess at 8:20 o'clock P.M. The Council reconvened at 800 o'clock P.M. On motion by Talbert seconded by Wood that the Mayor and the City Clerk be authorized to execute the agreement between the County of Orange and the City of Huntington Beach for the construction of Wright Street within the City limits of the City of Huntington Beach was approved by the following roll call vote; AYES: Councilmen: Talbert, Wood, Seabridge NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT Councilmen: LeBard VACANCY: Councilmen: - One - On motion by Wood seconded by Talbert that the appli. cation for waste water permit of Howard F. O'Brien for well Irish #1, located on Lots 7, 82 9, 10 and 11, Block 1014, Tract #68, located east of .Main Street and south side of Quincy Street, was granted. On motion by Wood seconded by Talbert that the request of the Bayview Oil Company for termination of Hartford Acci- dent and Indemnity Company Drilling Bond No. 2677035 on well located 50 feet north of Memphis Street and 810 feet east of Delaivar e Avenue and known as Huntington Beach #1 was granted. On motion by Wood seconded by Talbert that the request of Beloil Corporation for termination of drilling 'bond No. 204653 covering well located in Block 2205, East Side Villa Tract, known as Well House #1 and that clean-up bond No. 2.'U4654 be terminated, was granted. On motion by Wood seconded by Talbert that the 3bequest of Clark C. Petersc n for termination of drilling bond No. 645741 and clean-up bond No. 645740 covering well located on Lots 11 and'12, Block 1006,-Vista,.Del Mar Tract,. and known as the C. C. Peterson #2, was granted. • 1 i • 1 7 1 0 331 • 11 • 1 • Page #5 Minutes - Monday, July 20, 1953 Request for The Clerk read the request of Ben H. Dulaney, Chief of 2 new Police cars Police, requesting the Council give consideration and authorize the purchase of two new cars for the Police Department to replace Police Car #453, a 1951 Ford, and Pk llpe Car #454, a 1946 Chevrolet, and that they are included in the 1953-1954 budget. L.T.Davis & H.F.Berry agrIm't Request Recr. Dept.annual report be published • Purchase 1953 Ford Pickup from Jim Briggs Ford • Mayor Seabridge referred the request of the Chief of Police for the purchase of two new cars for the Police Depart- ment to the Police and Fire Committee for study and report. On motion by Talbert seconded by Wood that the request of Lonnie T. Davis and Herbert F. Berry for the transfer of interest of Lonnie T. Davis to Herbert F. Berry in the two agreements with the City of Huntington Beach affecting the barge agreement and the fish bait agreement, was approved. Mayor Seabridge referred the request of Wm. J. Procter, `.Superintendent of Recreation, requesting that the I'ecreation Department 1952-1953 annual report be published in the Hunting- ton Beach News and that the cost be taken out of . the part of _ the City's budget which is used for that type of expenditures to the Recreation Committee for study and report. The Clerk read the following informal bids received for one 1953 - 6.cylinder 2 ton pie .kup with windshield washer and rear bumper, with allowance for the City 1947 Ford pickup:_ Roy D. Bryant Motor Co. - net bid, including trade-in......$1,490.35 Jim Briggs Ford - net bid, including trade-in..............$1,209.29 On.motion by Wood seconded by Talbert that the City Purchasing Agent be authorized to issue a purchase order to Jim Briggs. -Ford for the purchase of a 1953 Ford 6 cylinder F-100 pickup with windshield washer and rear bumper, less allowance f or.1947 Ford pickup, in the net amount of $1,209.29, in accord- ance with informal bid submitted, was approved. Pacific Fire The Clerk read a communication received from Pacific Rating Bureau Fire Rating Bureau showing the average reductions that have applied to new and renewable policies in the City of Huntington Beach effective July 1, 1953, as a result of the inspection and • grading of the Board of Fire Under-wr.iters of the Pacific, and subsequent re -rating by the Pacific Fire Rating Bureau. Picnic exp. On motion by Wood seconded by Talbert that the request $275.00 granted of the Huntington Beach City Employees' Association for 'Employ. ° expenses up to the amount of $275.00 for the Annual City Employees) Picnic to be held on September 19, 1953-; was granted. Salary • Page #6 -, - - Minutes - Monday, July 20, 1953 - Salary The Clerk read a request of the City Employees' Asso- Survey _ asked ciation covering a motion duly made and carried at a regular meeting of the Employeest Association held on July 14, 1953, asking the City Council to give consideration to employ a • competeat firm such as Kroeger and Associates to make a salary survey for the City of Huntington Beach personnel; as the last survey was made in 1948. City Engir; On.motion by Talbert seconded by Wood that the City to attend • conference Engineer be instructed to attend the Pacific Coast Building Officials Conference to be held at the Hotel Huntington in Pasadena on October 6 to 9, 1953, and travel,expenses incurred attending said meetings be reimbursed was approved. Demands On motion by Wood seconded by Talbert that the demands as approved by the Finance Committee be ordered paid, was approved: J.B.King,Jr.- Mayor Seabridge recommended to the City Council that Plann.Comm. - J. B. King, Jr. be appointed to the Planning Commission to fill the unexpired term of Jack Pyles-. On motion by Wood seconded by Talbert that the recom- mendation of Mayor Seabridge to appoint J. B. King, Jr. to fill the .unexpired term of Jack Pyles on the Planning Commission • be confirmed, was approved. E.Presson •Mayor Seabridge recommended to the City Council the P1ann.Comm. appointment of Earl Presson to the Planning Commiss'ion to fill the unexpired term of Frank Hinshaw. On motion by Talbert seconded by Wood that the recom- mendation of Mayor Seabridge to appoint Earl Presson to fill the une.)p ired term of Frank Hinshaw on the Planning Commission was approvede on motion by Wood seconded by Talbert that the map showing the proposed Wright Street extension location within the City of Huntington Beach be referred to the Planning Com- mission for study and report was approved. On motion by 'Wood seconded b y Talbert that the City Purchasing Agent be instructed to ask for informal bids to • purchase two Police Cars in accordance with specifications to be outlined by the Chief of Police and that the bidders are to include a trade-in value on the Police Car #453, 1951 " Ford, was approved. Pacific Sup. On motion by Talbert seconded by Wood that the Pacific Coop. -granted ext.on lease Supply Cooperative b:p granted a -,six month extension of the gas • 33;Z 1 • Purchase fill mat r 1 for set back stv,. • • Page #7 Minutes - Monday, July, 20, 1953 and oil lease with the City of Huntington Beach subject to the Henry Garrish and Southwest Sandblasting Company leases, and the property easement location for the Sanitation District No. 11 trunk line and the property upon which the Huntington Beach chlorination facilities are housed, was approved. On motion by Talbert seconded by "Wood that the City Purchasing Agent be. authorized to issue purchase order for 6,000 cubic yards of fill material at a price of $.60 per cubic yard to be purchased from contractor Artukovich doing work for the Orange County Sanitation District, and said dirt to be delivered at the City -owned acreage westerly of Highway #39 and north of Highway :#101, and said dirt, tobe satisfactory to the City Engineer and placed on property at locations desig- nated by the City Engineer, and said dirt to be used for set back streets in the area, was approved. On' motion by Talbert, secondedby Wood the City Council adjourned until 7:30 o'clock P.M. Monday, July 27, 1953, for the purpose of discussing the right-of-way for the extension of Wright Street vt thin the city limits of the City of Hunting- ton Beach, was approved. ATTEST: _e SZL(A,4 _,e , City 'Clerk Cit ler k and 2x-officio Clerk of We City Council of the .City of Huntington Beach, California ay or •