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Council Chamber, City Hall
Huntington Beach, California
Tuesday, July 21, 1953
Chairman Schryer called the regular meeting of the
Planning Commission of the City of Huntington Beach to
order at 7:30 o'clock P.M.
Commissioners present: Schryer, Tunis, King, Presson,
Davis, Kettler, Stang
Commissioners absent: None
Others present: Harry Overmyer, City Engineer
Charles Bauer, City Attorney
J. L. Henricksen, City Clerk
On motion by Stang seconded by Davis that the
minutes of the Planning Commission for the month of
June, 1953, as transcribed and mailed by the Secretary
be accepted and ordered filed, was approved.
Right -of-
The Secretary presented a right-of-way map of
way map,
Wright Street and informed the Planning Commission
Wright St.
that the City Council at the regular held meeting on
July 20, 1953j, had referred this right-of-way map; of
the proposed extension of Wright Street vvi thin the
City limits of Huntington Beach to the Planning Com-
mission for study and report.
On motion by Kettler seconded by Davis that the
Planning Commission of the City of Huntington Beach
approves the location, the character and extent of the
proposed Wright Street extension as per right-of-way
map referredto the Commission by the City Council, as
it complies with the general character of the Master
Plan of Streets and Highways for the City of Huntington
Beach, was approved.
Chairman Schryer stated that two hearings on petition
for conditional exception of the R.C.A. Communications,
Inc. and Daisy Thorpe Hook, had been set for the hour of
for cond.
7:45 o'clock P.M. and requested that the Secretary read
the petition for conditional exception of the R.C.A.
Communications, Inc. •
The Secretary read the petition for conditional
exception filed by the R.C.A. Communications, Inc. for
permission to drill wells for oil and gas production
on Parcel 1, covering a portion of the north z of the
northwest 4 of Section 19, Township 6, South, Range 10
West, and Parcel 2, a portion of the northeast 4 of the
northeast 4 of Section 24. Township 6 South, Range 11
West, in Orange County.
A representative of the R.C.A. Communication, Inc., •
appeared before the Planning Commission and stated that
they wanted a permit for an area large enough to include
a number of locations for wells.
Daisy Thorpe Hook appeared before the Commission
and requested that the entire area of the R-1 annexed
by the City several years be re -coned to permit oil
production at any locations.
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Minutes - Planning Commission - Tuesday, July 21, 1953
Peter Karales appeared before the Commission and
objected to the. re -Zoning of the entire area for oil
production and stated that some of the property is
better suitedfor residential and some for agriculture.
There being nofurther comments for or against the
petition for conditional exception of the R.C.Ag,
Communications, Inc., the Chairman declared the hearing
The Chairmanasked the Secretary to read the petition
• Thorpe
for conditional exception filed by Daisy Thorpe Hook for
permission to drill for oil and gas on certain portions
of Section 13Township 6 South, Range 11 West, S.B.B.&M.,
and Section 24, Township 6 South, Range 11 West, S.B.B.&M.,
and Section 19, Township 6 South, Range 10 West, S.B.B.& M.,
all in Orange County, and situated along the north side
of Highway #101 and between the Santa Ana River and
Bushard Street:
A representative of the Seaboard Oil Company appeared
before the Planning Commission and stated that the entire
Daisy Thorpe Hook property is under lease by their firm
for gas and oil production.
Daisy Thorpe Hook appeared before the Planning
Commission and stated that in their lease with the Sea-
board Oil Company a provision is made that the wells
must be set back one hundred fifty feet from the Pacific
Coast Highway right-of-way.
There being no further comments for or against the
petition for conditional exception filed by Daisy Thorpe
Hook for permission to drill wells for production of
gas and oil, the Chaiman declared the hearing closed.
A general discussion was held by the members of the
Commission on the petitions for conditional exception
filed by the R.C.A. Communications, Inc. and Daisy Thorpe
Hook for permission to drill for gas and oil production.
The general concensus of the Commission was that to
consider a recommendation to the City Council that only
a portion of the areas requested by the R.C.A.Communications
Inc. and Daisy Thorpe Hook be permitted for the exploratory
wells for the production of gas and oil, and requested
that the R.C.A. Communications,lnc., and Daisy Thorpe Hook
supplement their maps filed by delineating the acreage
area desired for the exploratory well or wells and present
supplement maps at an adjourned meeting of the Planning
Commission of the City of Huntington Beach to be held at
7:30 o'clock P.M., July 28, 1953.
R.Welch &
Ralph Welch and Mr. Bell appeared before the Plann-
ing Commission and presented their proposed tentative
sub -division map of Tract #1916 with letters from the
div. map
Southern California Water, the Southern Counties Gas
Company, and the Southern California Edison Company, stating
that water, gas and electricity is available to the tracto
On motion by Davis seconded by Stang that the Plann-
ing Commission of the City of Huntington Beach recommend
• -
to the City Council that the tentative sub -division map
of Tract #1916 filed by Mr. Ralph Welch be denied as the
width of the Culdesac street does not meet with the re-
quirements of the sub -division ordinance and the alley
width does not meet requirements of the sub -division
ordinance, but in lieu of these deficiencies, the Plann-
ing Commission feels that the proposed sub -division is
good planning especially for that area along Highway #39,
and asked"that the City Council give serious consideration
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Minutes - Planning Commission - Tuesday, July 21, 1953
to its approval; motion carried.
On motion by Davis seconded by Pr e s s on the regular
meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of
Huntin ton Beach adjourned until 7:30 o'clock P.M.,
July 29, 1953.
.Chai rm