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,Council Chamber, City Hall
Huntington Beach, California
Monday, August 3, 1953
Mayor Seabridge called the regular meeting of the City
Council of the City of Huntington Beach to order at 7:30
o'clock Y.M.
Councilmen present: Wood, LeBard, Seabridge
Councilmen absent Talbert
Councilmen vacancy: -One-
Roy D.Bryant On motion by Wood seconded by LeBard that Roy D. Bryant
app't'd to
Council be appointed t o fill the Council vacancy, was approved by
the folloting roll call vote:
AYES: Councilmen: Wood, LeBard, Seabridge
NOES: Councilmen: None
ABSENT: Councilmen: Talbert
VACANCY; Councilmen: -One-
approved by
Mayor Seabridge asked Roy D. Bryant to come to the Council
table to take the oath of office. Roy D. Bryant took the oath
of office given by the City Clerk and executed the oath, and
oath was certified by the City Clerk.
On motion by LeBard seocnded by Bryant that , the minutes
of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach for the
month of July, 19539 be accepted and approved as transcribed
and mailed by the City Clerk was approved.,
The Clerk reported to the City Council that on July 28,
1953, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on the
petition for conditional exception filed by the Orange County
Sanitation Districts Nos. 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 11, request-
ing permission to construct and operate sewage treatment facili-
ties on their property and the Karales property located .between.
the Santa Ana River and westerly to the proposed Wright Street
extension, and to a point approximately 339 feet north of the
Pacific Coast Highway, and that after the Planning Commission
had heard arguments for and against the petition for variance
the Planning Commission tabled the petition for study and to
make a recommendation to the Council at an adjourned meeting on
July 31, 1953, and that after deliberation and study by the
Planning Commission at the meeting on July 31, 1953, the fol-
lowing recommendation by motion duly made and carried was made
by the Planning Commission to the City Council:
"On motion by Stang seconded by King that the Commis-
sion recommend to the City Council that a conditional exception
be granted t o permit the construction of a Sewage Treatment
Page #2
Minutes - Monday, August 3, 1953
Plant and appurtenant works on the properties delineated on the
map submitted and attached to -the application of the County
Sanitation Districts Nos, 1, 29 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 11 of Orange
County, Cdifornia, upon the following conditions:
1. That all residential buildings shall be set back •
from any presently abutting street or the proposed
extension of Wright Street at least the normal dist-
ance required for front yards in the R-1 Zone which
is 20 feet.
2. That office buildings, storage buildings and
buildings other than those used for residential pur-
poses, and except those provided for in Condition
No. 3, shall be set back at least sixty (60) feet •
from any presently abutting street or the proposed
extension of Wright Street, but said sixty (60)
foot strip between the street and buildings may be
used for automobile parking, fencing, screening or
3. That buildings, structures or drying beds, or sludge
beds, actually used in the treatment or processing of
sewage, excepting pipe lines, shall be set back mini-
mum distances as follows;
(a) From the center line of the proposed exten- •
sion of Wright ,Street 190 feet.
(b) From the northerly line of the Daisy Thorpe
Hook property 150 feet intersecting at the
1901 set back from'the proposed Wright Street
extension within the City limits of the City
of Huntington Beacho
4. That all outdoor storage of materials including rolling
stock, other than trucks and passenger automobiles,
shall be set back at least sixty (60) , feet from any
presently abutting street or the proposed extension
of Wright Street and at least 150 feet from the -north-
erly line of the Daisy Thorpe Hook property and at
least forty (40) feet from the northerly line of appli-
cant's land as describedin the application.
5. That surface water drainage ditches and underground
drainage pipe or leaching lines vh ich form a part
of comprehensive systems of drainage or leaching
and necessary works thereto appertaining shall be
permitted to be upon:, to enter into, or cross, the •
- land involved in the application at locations
mutually agreed upon by the City Council of the City
Hof Huntington Beach and the Board of Agency controlling
the land involved in said Conditional Permit applica-
tion, and the Orange County Flood Control District
6. That if any of the land to mhich this conditional
exception applies should be returned to private owner-
ship by any means whatsoever, this conditional excep-
tion shall immediately become null and void as to such
alienated parcel or parcels.
7. That the granting of this conditional exception,
' together with its terms and conditions, is an offer
which if accepted a nd said terms and conditions agreed
to, if any of the privileges authorized hereby are
us ed.-
8. That the granting of this conditional exception shall
not be interpreted as allowing any nuisance of any kind
to exist or to be permitted on said land or property.
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Minutes - Monday, August 39 1953
9• That planting for the purpose of screening the
pipe line from; the north line of the Coast Highway
to the south line of subject property be established
on the westerly side of said pipe line and maintained
until an order from the City Council is obtained to
permit elimination of said planting.
• and that it is the opinion of the Commission that the require-
ments of Article-924 of the Huntington. Beach Ordinance Code
relating to Conditional Exceptions are adequately met by the
circumstances involved, for the following reasons:
1. The land lies at the extreme easterly end of the
• City and is adjacent to the Saftta Ana River, which is
a natural barrier to standard city development.
2. The prevailing winds blow to the northeast and
would generally carry any. odors away from the re-
mainder of the City.
3 . Some of the land is subject to inundation dur ing
unusually high tide.
4- The land is generally clear except for crops and
has very few buildings or structures on it.
• 5 It is necessary for the City of Huntington Beach
to have a sewage plant in the vicinity of the proposed
plant for efficient. disposition of City sewage.
6. The Orange County Outfall Sewer lines have .for
many years passed through the. general area.
. The proposed plant and works could' more suitably
be placed upon said land than any other area within
the city and would permit elimination of the present
City treatment plant.
• 8. As to the proposed use, there is urgent need for
such a plant to serve a very large portion of the
county and the site selected is deemed to be moat
suitable for the purpose and is also in an area next
to the river bed and remote from urban development.
Motion carried",
Mayor Seabridge asked if there was anyone present who
• wished to make any statements for or against the recommenda-
tions made by the Planning Commission relative to the petition
- for conditi onal exception filed by the Orange County Sanita-
tion Districts.
0. Attorney Nisson, representing the Orange County Sanita-
tion Districts appeared before the City Council and stated that
the exceptions as outlined in the recommendations of the
Planning Commission of the City of Huntington Beach appeared
agreeable and acceptable.
There being no further comments for or against the
petition for conditional exception of the Orange County Sani-
tatioh Districts, Mayor Seabridge declared the hearing closed.
Page- #4
Minutes - Monday, August 3, �953
On motion by LeBard seconded by Wood that th.e recom-
mendations of the Planning Commission of the City of Huntington
Beach, and subject to the conditons outlined by the Planning
Commission, the petition for conditional exception of the
/ Orange County Sanitation Districts Nos. 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8,
V -
and 11, of Orange County, California, for permission to con-
struct sewage treatment plant and appurtenant works on the
�propoerties delineated on the map submitted and attached to
the application was approved by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Councilmen: Bryant, Wood, LeBard, Seabridge
NOES: Councilmen: None
ABSENT: Councilmen: Talbert
Daisy-T,Hook The Clerk reported that the Planning Commission of the
exception City of Huntington Beach held a public hearing on Tuesday the
21st day of July, 1953, on the petition for.conditional excep-
tion filed by Daisy Thorpe Hook for permission to drill for
oil, gas, and other hydrocarbons, together with uses for com-
mercial purposes as may be indicated on the property fronting
Coa s`t Highway #101 and westerly from the Santa Ana River to
Bushard Street and that the Planning Commission requested the
applicant to file a supplement map covering a smaller area for
oil exploration and submit to the Planning Commission at an
adjourned meeting to be held on July 28, 1953, at which time
the applicant submitted a supplemental map as a part of the
original map at a meeting of the Planning Commission on
July 28, 1953, and that the Planning Commission made a motTLon,
seconded.and duly carried that the Planning Commission of the
City of Huntington Beach recommend to the City Council that the
petition for condit onal exception of Daisy Thorpe Hook re-
questing permission to drill for gas, oil. and other hydrocarbons
on the area delineated on the map supplementing the original
map filed with the application, be granted.
On motion by 'Wood seconded by LeBard, in accordance
with the recommendations of the Planning Commission, that the
application of Daisy Thorpe Hook for conditional exception to
permit drilling for ®1l,gas and other hydrocarbons on the'
property delineated on the supplemental .map as filed with the
original map attached to the application, be granted, was
approved by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Councilmen: Bryant, Wood, LeBard, Seabridge
NOES: Councilmen: None
ABSENT: Councilmen: Talbert
Page #5
Minutes - Monday, August 3, 1953
Mayor Seabridge appointed Councilman Wood to act on the
Finance Committee.
R.C.A.Com-- The Clerk. informed the City Council -that the Planning
Inc. - Commission of the City of Huntington Beach held -a public hear-
• petit.cond.
exception ing on TuEsday, the 21st day of July,, 1953, for the purpose
of considering a petition for conditional exception to regula-
tions of the Districting Ordinance filed by the R. C. A. Com-
munications, Inc., requesting permission for the exploration
• for oil and, gas, and locate structures upon the property con-
sisting of drilling equipment, te,n ks, field offices, and other
facilities, customarily used in connection with the develop-
ment of oil and gas on the property described as the 79,46
acres of the North 2 of Northwest 4 of Section 19, and 10,01
acres of the Northeast 4 of the Northeast 4 of Section 24, and
• _ further identified -as Assessor t s Parcel No. 114-160-2 Orange
County, and that after the Commission had heard from all those
for or against the petition for conditional exception of the
_ R, C. A. Communications, Inc., the Commissioners requested the
applicant to file a supplemental map showing a smaller area
for purpose_ of oil exploration and submit same at a meeting to
be held on July 28, 1953. At the meeting of July 28, 1953, the
Planning Commission, after receiving the supplemental map to
be filed with the original attached to the application, passed
the following motion:
"That the Planning Commission of the
City of Huntington
Beach recommend to the City Council
that the petition
-for conditional exception of the R.
C. A. Communica-
tions, Inc,, regi esting to drill for
gas and oil on
the area delineated on'the map supplementing
the orig-
inal map'filed with'the application,
be granted.:"
On motion by heBard seconded by Wood
that in accordance
with the recommendation of the Planning Commission of the City
of Huntington Beach that the petition for
conditional excep-
tion of the R. C. A. Communicationa, Inc.,
for permission to
drill for gas and oil on the property described in the peti-
tion and on the area delineated on the supplemental map filed
with the original map was approved by the
following roll call
AYES: Councilmen: Bryant, Wood, LeBard, Seabridge
NOES: Councilmen: None
ABSENT: Councilmen: Talbert
Minutes - Monday, August 3, 1953
T.B.Talbert The Clerk informed the City Council that the Planning
exception Commission of the City of Huntington Beach held a public .
hearing on Tuesday, the 28th day of July, 1953, on the petition
for conditional exception filed by T. B. Talbert requesting
permission to construct a trailer park adjacent to and east of
Huntington Avenue south of Atlanta Street covering approxi-
mately 20 acres and said property further identified as
Assessor's Parcel No. 24-250-21, and 24-250-14, and that the
Planning Commission after hearing and receiving all statements
for or against the petition for conditional exception of T.
B. Talbert for permission to construct a trailer park, the
Planning Commission passed the following motion:
"That the Planning Commission of the.City of Huntington
Beach recommend to the City Council the granting of
the conditional exception filed by T. B. Talbert for permis-
sion .to construct a trailer park adjacent to and _east of Hunt-
ington Avenu; south of.Atlanta Street, covering approximately
20 acres, subject to the rules and regulations and -require-
ments for independent trailers of the Housing.Division of the
State of California."
Mayor Seabridge asked if there was anyone present that
wished to make a statement for or against the application of
T. B. Talbert to construct a trailer ,park on the property as
described in the petition:
Attorney Ray Overacker, representing T. B. Talbert,
appeared -before the City Council and presented plot maps of
the Qtrail er park layout and stated that the applicant was
prepared to proceed and complete the trailer park in accord-
ance with all the regulations required.
Fire Chief Higgins appeared before the City Council
and stated that the trailer park plans filed by T. B. Talbert
meet the requirements of the State Housing Division for Inde-
pendent Trailers, but pointed out that for fire fighting pur-
poses that streets in the trailer park had access in but no
outlet and asked the City Council to consider a condition to
place an emergency entrance as a gate at "G" Street for the pur-
pose of access of fire fighting equipment at Atlanta Avenue,
and also recIdIre that four inch water mains be brought in to
recieve the hydrants required.
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Minutes - Monday, August 3, 1953
Mr. Walters addressed the City Council as the designer
of the park and stated that the request of the Fire Chief would
be carried out and their plans include a four inch water main,
and that the trailers are placed at a 45 degree angle and can
• be immediately pulled out in the event of any conflagration.
On motion by LeBard seconded by Wood that in actor d-
ance with the recommendation of the Planning Commission to
permit the construction of a trailer park by applicant T. B.
Talbert and that said application be- granted subject to the
• rules, regulations, and requirements for independent trailers
of the Housing Division of the State of California, and sub-
ject to the conditions requested by the Fire Chief of the
City of, Huntington Beach, was passed and adopted by the fol-
lowing roll call vote:
AYES: Councilmen: Bryant, Wood, LeBard, Seabridge
• NOES: Councilmen: None
ABSENT: Councilmen: Talbert
Demands On motion by LeBard seconded by Bryant that the demands
as approved by the Finance Committee be ordered paid, was
John The Clerk read a request received from John C. Renfro.
Huntington Beach, requesting permission to construct a beach
• front concession stand to be located on the beach strand at
First 'Street and submitted plans with the -application.
Mayor Seabridge referred the request of John C. Renfro
to the Beach and 'Pier Committee for study and report.
Monthly The Clerk r ead the monthly reports for July, 1953, of
the City Treasurer, City Clerk, City Engineer, Manager of the
Municipal Trailer Park, Fire Chien, the Police Chief, the
Chief Lifeguard, and the Superintendent of Recteation.
On motion by Wood seconded by Bryant that the reports
• of�- the department-. heads f or the month of July.,, 1953, as r ead
by the City Clerk be accepted and ordered filed was approved.
Hedges Oil Co. On motion by Wood seconded by LeBard that the appli-
New Well
cation for oil well permit of the Hedges Oil Company of Los
Angeles to drill a new well on the northeast quarter of
• Section 19, Township 6 South, Range 10, West, and further
identified as the area included on the supplemental map filed
with the original map attached to the petition for conditional
exception of the R. C. A. Communications, Inc., as previously
approved by the City Council, was granted.
Page #8
Minutes - Monday, August 3, 1953
On motion by Bryant seconded by Wood that the follow-
ing applications for license to conduct business in the City
of Huntington Beach were granted:
William J. Gill, peddling swim fins at Charlies Sporting Goods.
Harold Henricksen, food concession at Huntington.Beach Company
Concession Building.
On motion by Wood seconded by LeBard that the request
of Ernest L. Dolley for termination of waste water permits
for wells Texaco #1 and Texaco As and that the City Engineer
be instructed to notify -?the applicant of the termination of
waste water permits, was approved...
On motion by LeBard seconded by Wood that the request
of Ernest L. Dolley for termination of waste water permits for
well Mauk #11 and that the City Engineer be instructed to
notify the applicant of termination of waste water permit, was
Les Anderson- The Clerk read a communication r ecieved f rom Les Carrot
Top Anderson of Hollywood requesting the City Council
to lease the Pavalon for six months for dancing, T.V., and
radio_ program.
Bids for
Police Cars
The Clerk opened and read the informal bids of Mandic
Motors, Inc., Jim Briggs Ford, and Williams Chevrolet for two
four ,door sedan cars in accordance with specifications of the
Chief of Police and included the trade-in value of the present
car., a four door sedan #451, and the transferring of all
accessory equipment from Police Car #4.51 to one of the two
cars upon which quotations were submitted, as, follows:
Mandic Motors, Inc. - net fiuere -
Williams' Chev- it Model 1503
it _ it It - " 2103
J im Brig s For d - if
add $155.78 for V-8 Engines
Williams' Chevrolet - alternate bid on one
1953 Oldsmobile four door sedan, Model
Deluxe 88 net figure -
Mayor Seabridge referred the informal bids for two
police cars as r ead by the City Clerk, to the Police and
Fire Committee f.or study and r eporto
Mayor Seabridge called a recess at 8:4.2 o'clock P.M.
The City Council reconvened at 9:;06 P.M. and Mayor
Seabridge called the meeting to order.
$294-23 .07
2, 34 o.60
1, 662.03
Committee Mayor Seabridge announced the appointment of the following
new committees of the City Council:
STREETS AND PARKS.- Councilman Woo.yi, Bryant
REAL ESTATE: Councilman Talbert, Bryant
OIL COMMITTEE: Councilman Bryant, Talbert
FINANCE: Councilman LeBard, Bryant
DRAINAGE & SANITATION: Councilman Bryant, Talbert
BUILDING & INSURANCE: Councilman LeBard, Bryant
• 339
Page #9 _.
Minutes - Monday, August 3, 1953
1st reading
Mack Olsen,
Range 19
Knotts Berry
Display sign
The Clerk gave Ordinance No. 601, an ordinance of the
City of Huntington Beach amending Section 2219 of the Huntin-
ton Beach Ordinance Code regulating license f cr welding and
machine shop, its first reading.
The Clerk read a communication received from Pacific
Electric. Railway Company advising the 6ity Council that it
cannot recommend the easement across the Pacific Electric
property at knoxville for the purpose of constructing a new,
grade crossing, in accordance with the map submittedby the
City Engineer.
On motion by Wood seconded by LeBard that the request
of Harry A. Overmyer, City Engineer, recommending that Mack
L. Olsen, Street Department employee, be placed on the regular
monthly payroll as Laborer, Range 19, Bracket "B", effective
August 1, 1953, was approved.
The Clerk read a communication received from Knotts
Berry Farm and Ghost Town thanking the City for their courtesy:
and cooperation in permitting them to place a sign at the
intersection of Highway 39 and Coast Highway during, the Boy
Scout Jamboree and would like to make application for extended
_permit to display the sign either in its present location or
at any other site vih ich might ,meet with the approval of the
• City, and that it is to be understood that the sign will be,
removed or relocated at any time at the discretion of the
City Council, and to be revocable at any time upon 30 days'
notice, and any charges applicable to the permit and location
to be paid by the applicant, and asked favorable consideration
• of this request.
Mayor Seabridge referred the request of Knotts Berry Farm
and, Ghost Town to the Streets and Parks Committee for study
and report.
• Plans for On motion by Wood seconded by Bryant that the City
Service Rd.
Engineer be instructed to prepare plans and specifications
and estimate of cost for the installation of the service
road on the City -owned 47 acres, was approved.
St.Lights- On motion by Wood seconded by Bryant that the City
2nd St.
Engineer be instructed to submit cost of installation of
ornamental street lights on Second Street between Orgnge
and Ocean Avenue, was approved.
Minutes Monday, August 3., �953
Improv. On motion by Wood seconded by LeBard that the City
Knoxville ,St.
Engineer be instructed to install combination curb . an.d,'.gutter s
and grade and oil Knoxville Street between Alabama Avenue and
the present easterly right-of-way of the Pacific Electric
Railway Company, was approved.
Abate nuisance- On motion by LeBard seconded by Bryant that in accord -
Atlanta Ave.
ante with the report of the City Engineer the City Clerk b e
instructed to notify the owner of record to remove the present
improvements encroaching on Atlanta Avenue and.to immediately
abate the nuisance, was approved.
On motion by Wood seconded by LeBard the City Council
of the City of Huntington Beach adjourned until 6:00 o'clock P.M.
August 4, 1953.
C t Clerk grid-ex-officio Clerk
o the City Council of the.City
of Huntington Beach, California
ity Clerk