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Tr. #1916
Council Chamber, City Hall
Huntington Beach California
Tuesday, August , 1953
Pursuant to adjournment of the meeting 6f the City
Council of the City of Huntington Beach of August 3, 1953,
Mayoi, Seabridge called the adjourned meeting to order at
6:00 P.M.
Councilmen present: Bryant, Wood,: LeBard, Seabridge
Councilmen absent: Talbert
Mayor Seabridge requested the Clerk to read the legal
notice, notice of public hearing on the proposed tentative
subdivision map Tract ##1916 filed by Ralph Welch upon an
appeal from the Planning Commission.
The Clerk read the -legal notice, notice of public
hearing published in Huntington Beach News July 30, 1953, call-
ing for a public hearing to be held in the Council Chamber of
the City Hall, Huntington Beach at the hour of 6:00 o'clock
P.M. Tuesday, August 4, 1953, for the purpose of an open hear-
ing on the appeal from the ruling of the Planning Commission
on the proposed tentative subdivision map Tract #1916, to be
located on portions of Block 1907 and 1908, East Side Villa
Tract, City of Huntington Beach, and that a tentative map of
proposed subdivision is on file in the City Clerk's office,
City Hall, to which reference is made for further particulars
and all interested persons are invited to attend said hearingp
Mayor Seabridge asked if there was anyone. present that
wished to make any statements f or or against the .proposed
subdivision map Tract #1916 in accordance with the.legal
notice as read by the Clerk.;
Chas.Bell Charles Bell, representing Mr. Ralph Welch, appeared
before the City Council and stated that they had nothing
further to inform the Council relative to the map presented
and that the only difference in the proposed subdivision
between that and the City subdivision ordinance requirements
was the width of culdesac street and alley.
Wm.Schryer Wm. Schryer, Chairman of the Huntington Beach Planning
Commission, appeared before the City Council and stated that
the Planning Commission members had studied it at considerable
length and were required to disapprove the proposed subdivi-
sion due to the differences in width of the culdesac street
Page #2
Minutes - Tuesday, August 4, 1953
and the alley provisions, however, they had recommended to the
City Council that the Council give it serious consideration
for approval, .as the Planning Commission felt that it was good
planning in that area of the City as it is at the present time
undeveloped, and such planning would create a buffer between
that and Highway #39 to permit motels, court developments,
and possibly business, and asked the City Council give favor-
able..c.onsideration to the proposal,
Att'y Bauer City Attcr ney Bauer outlined to the City Council the
procedure under law that the Council is required to do prior
to the filing of a final map by the applicant :h ould the
Council pass favorably and approve the proposed tentative sub-
division map of Tract #1916.
Fire Chief Fire Chief Higgins addressed the City Council and
pointed out that from fire fighting standpoints, the defi-
ciencies of the subdivision plat that -would hinder proper fire
fighting in the event of a conflagration in the area.
There being no further statements from anyone present
for or against the proposed tentative subdivision map Tract
#1916, Mayor Seabridge declared the hearing closed.
On motion by LeBard seconded by Wood the City Council
adjourned until 7 : 00 P.M. Monday, August 10, 1953, was approved.
City Clerk
Cit 'lerk and ex-officio.Clerk ...
of Ue City Council of the City
of Huntington Beach, Cal ifornis3