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344 1 1 • Minutes Monthly Reports • Business licenses • W.J,Hamilton, New Well Hamilton B-1 MF NU TES Council Chamber, City Hall Huntington Beada, California Tuesday, September 8, 1953 Mayor Seabridge_ called the regular meeting of the City Council of the. City of Huntington Beach to order at 7:30 otclock P.M. Councilmen present: Talbert, Wood, Bryant, Seabridge Councilmen_. absent.:_ L.eBar_d. On motion by Wood.seconded by Talbert that the minutes of the mee-ting of the City Council for the month of August, 1953, as..transcribed. and. mailed by- the . City Clerk were approved. The Clerk. read. _the- following monthly reports for the month of August,..1953, filed by the department heads.:— City Treasurer, and_ City. Clerk,. City Engineer, Manager of Municipal Trailer Park,. Fire_ Chief, 'Chief of Police, Superintendent of. Recreation. On motion. by' Wood seconded by Talbert that the r eports of the department heads for the -.montlriof August, 1953, as read ',by the City Clerk be accepted and ordered filed, was ` approved. On motion by Talbert seconded by Wood that the applica- tions for license to conduct business in the City of Huntington Beach be .granted, were_.approved as f ollows: David G. Saleido., deli.v.ery of -tortillas and tamales, wheel -tax. E. D. Johnson_--and..._C.o_..,._..Anaheim, electrical contractor. P. & M. Cafe, '104- Main Street, cafe. John C.-Renfro, 109 Main Street, real estate salesman. Krueger and Peters Ready Mix concrete, 7391 Talbert Avenue, Huntington Beach, wheel -tax. Harbor Construction Company, 2121 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa, building contractor. i � Macrate frduction Service, Long Beach, California, oil field production service and/or well aba$nd;onment. M. C. Merrifield, 408 Frankfort 'Street, grocery. Davets Termite Service, 301 E. 17th St., Santa Ana, termite control. On motion by Wood seconded by Talbert that business appli- cation of Melva Bostrom, public dancing at 804 Ocean Avenue, be denied, was approved. On motion by Bryant seconded by Talbert that the appli- cation for oil well permit of W. J. Hamilton, to drill a new well, Hamilton B-1, on Lots 1-2-3-4 and 5, Block 1803, Vista 0 Page #2 Minutes - Tuesday, September 8, 1953 Del Mar Tract, was granted subject to the filing of satisfactory drilling and clean-up bonds. C©C.Peterson, On motion -by Bryant seconded by Talbert that the appli- New Well #2 cation for oil well permit of Clark C. Peterson to drill a new well Wilson -Peterson No. 2, on Lots 18 and 19, Block 1202, Vista Del Mar Tract, was. granted. Wilson Oil On motion_by.'Wood..seconded by Talbert that the applica- Co.,, near well #13 tion for .oil well permit of Wilson Oil Company to drill a new well Wilson -Talbert.- N.o".. 13, located on the east 60 acres of the northeast 1/4 of Section..14, Township 6 South, Range 11 West, S.B.B.& M.-, south side. of Atlanta Street, was granted. Medearis W.' On motion by Wood. seconded by Talbert that the request of water perm. cancelled W. E. Medearis for cancellation of waste water permit on well No, .5. effective September 1, 1953, was approved. Quartette On motion -by Wood s.e.conded. by Talbert that the applica- Oil Coo- W.Wtroperme tion for waste water permit of the Quartette Oil Company for Well No. 5, located.in Block 412, between Orange and Magnolia Avenue, was granted... On motion by Talbert seconded by Wood that the waste water permit be cancelled on well No 2, located in Block 412, owned by W. E. Medearis., and taken over by the Quartette Oil -Company, in accordance .with the report of the City Engineer that the well was .idle, was -approved. Red Star Oil o . The Clerk -read -the request of . the Red -Star Oil , Company Coo- term.drlg. for termination .of drilling bonds covering'Wells Fidelity No. l-A bonds. and Fidelity- No..- 4-A with attached sub -surface surveys prepared by Homer, R...Dulin_ anal- Company showing the maximum drift, deviation. On motion by Wood seconded by Bryant that the request of the Red -Star Oil Company for termination of d Ming bonds cover- ing wells Fiddlity l-A-and Fidelity 4-A. located on Dots 1 to 20, in Blocks 1703 and 1704, Vista Del Mar Tract, was granted. E.D.Johnson- On motion by"Mood seconded by Talbert that the license license bond bond of the Continental Casualty Company for E. D. Johnson and Company be accepted and or der ed filed in accordance with ap- pro=�al for form by -the City Attorney, was approved. • • • • 1 • 1 • 345 • a ftge #3 Minutes - Tuesday, September 8, 1953 Roy G.Rious- On motion by Wood seconded by Bryant that the license license bond bond of the United States Fidelity Company for Roy G. Rious, dba Royal Electric, be accepted and ordered filed in accordance • with approval for form by the City Attorney, was granted. Dr.R.Shupe The Clerk. read. a. communication receivedfrom Robert Q. Shupe, M.D., requesting that the City sell ,to himself and .Mr. Cusolito, Lot 24,- Block 813, Wesley Park Section, the lot that each of them. had-.-made.-an offer on approximately four months ago. • Mayor Seabr-idge_ tabled the request of Robert Q. Shupe, - M.D. for .additi.onal._ s.tu,dy. - H.Combs & On mo.ti.on..by. Talbert seconded by. Bryant that the r eq est Jim Way® reclas6. & of Fred R. Swartz.,- Chief Lifeguard, to change the classifica- transf.respec- tively tion of employee .Hub-er_t. Combs from Truck Driver to Equipment., Operator effective as of September 1, 1953, and that Jim Way, • Equipment Operator. be. transferredto the City Yard as of September 1, 1953-, was_ approved. On motion- b-y Wood_ seconded by Bryant that the r equ est of _ City Engineer Harry Overmyer, to have Jim Way transferredirom the Lifeguard -Department to -the Street Department in the classi- fication of Laborer- of Bracket "B" of compensation plan effect- ive September 1, 1953,•was approved.- Purchase 2 On motion -by Bryant seconded by Wood that the City Pur- pickup trucks from chasing Agent b•e instructed to issme a purchase order to the Williams Chev. Co. Williams Chevr,ole-t.Company for 2-*.ton pickup trucks in accord- ance with quotation, -submitted and presented,to the Council, and that the City --trade-in on the 2-2 ton pickup trucks, the 1938 and 1939 Chevrolet ton trucks, at a trade-in value of $50.00 each. Resol©#1203 The Clerk read Resolution No.- 1203, a resolution of the passed. • City Gouncil of the City of Huntington Beach accepting Grant Deed to certain real property and authorizing the -recording of same. On.motion by Wood secondedby Talbert Resolution No.1203 was passed and adopted by the following roll call vote: - AYES: Councilmen: Bryant, Wood, Talbert,Seabridge NOES: Councilmen: None • ABSENT: Councilmen:: Le Bard The Clerk read. the State of California, Department of Public Works,• Division -of •Highways, Memorandum of Agreement for accumulation of gas tax allocation for major city streets within -the City, for the 1954 Fiscal Year in accordance with the project statement submitted by the City Engineer-. • Gas Tax Allo- cation Res>_. • Page #4 Minutes © Tuesday, September 8, 1953 Gas Tax Allb- The Clark -read Resolution No. 1204, a resolution of the cation Reso. #1204 approv. City Council of "the City of Huntington Beach approving memo- randum of agreement for accumulation of gas tax allocation to cities* On motion by Talbert seconded by Bryant Resolution No. -1204 was .passed..and. a.dop-ted by the following roll call vote: AYES: -Councilmen.:. Bryant,.Wood, Talbert, Seabridge NOES: Councilmen: ..None - ABSENT: Councilmen: LeBard Plans for ,The Clerk r ead letter submitted by Harry Overmyer, City Service Rd. approved. Engineer, submitting plans and specifications for the construe - (Hampshire & Ocean) tion - and- impr_ovrement .of, a.-s.er.vice-road on City -owned land at the intersection -of Hampshire Avenue Highway #39 and Ocean Avenue Highway #1.01, together with estimate -of cost for same and the estimated ,_co.s.t. for.- construction of the above � mentioned road to be $11, 407...0.0 exclusive, of Engineering Fee and Inspection Costs. Res of ®# 1205m Estab.hrly. wage rate On motion -.by Wood secondedby Bryant that the plans and specifications. for- the_. constructionand improvement of a service road on th-e_._8i:ty.-.owned..land at the intersection of Hampshire Avenue Highway #39 and Ocean Avenue Highway #101 as submitted by the City Engineer ,was approved. The Clerk read Resolution No 1205, , a resolution of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach establishing the general prevaiiling . rate .of hourly wages for each craft or type of workman. -or mechanic needed in the construction and inprove- ment of a,.. s.er..vic.e read on the City -owned land at the intersec- tion of Hampshire. -Avenue and Ocean Avenue in the City of Hunt- ington Beach, -California. Mayor... Seabri.dge. asked if there was anyone present that wished to. make a statement for or against the construction and improvement of the serviceroad on' the City -owned property at the intersection of Hampshire Avenue and Ocean Avenue or to the prevailing, rates, as outlined in the Resolution read by the City Clerk. City Engineer Overmyer reported t-o the City Council the rates contained. in theresolution read by the City Clerk , are. the prevailing rates in this locality for workmen needed in the construction and improvement of the service road. There being no further comments f or or against the resol- ution No., 1205.Mayor Seabridge declared the hearing closed. • • • 0 U 346 1 • 1 • • 1 • • C 1 • I. Page #5 Minutes - Tuesday, September 8, 1953 On motion by Talbert seconded by Mood Resolution No. 1.205 was passed and adopted by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen: Bryant, Mood, Talbert, Seabridge NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen.- LeBard Mayor Seabridge appointed Councilman Wood to act on the Finance Committee in the absence of Councilman LeBard, Advertise On motion -by Wood secondedby Bryant that the City Clerk for bids on Serv.Road be instructed to_ plats an advertisement for bids, two insertions in the -Huntington Beach News, calling for bids on the service road in accordance with Resolution No. 1205, and said bids to be received--and".op.ened. at the regular meeting of the City Council , at 8:00 o'clock P.M. on September 21, 1953, was approved. McVicar_ The Clerk read a letter received from McVicar-Rood, Inc. Rood, Ince I making application for. oil and.gas- lease on the City -owned approximately 47 acres located at Highway #39 and Highway #101, and would. pay a sliding scale royalty and to pay $5.00 per month per acre after 60 days if drilling was not started in that time, and the wells would be completed by slant drilling and would utilize a parcel.: of land 200 feet by 500 feet to be mutually agreed upon for= all operations. Mayor Seabridge referred the request of ' McVicar-Rood, Inc: to the Oil. Committee for study and report. Wilson Oil The Clerk read a letter r ecieved f rom Wilson Oil Company, CO. stating that they had r equested an oil and gas -lease f rom the City on -the approximately 47 acres located at Highway #39 and Highway #101, and make application for an oil and gas lease and to pay royalty on a sliding scale and will utilize a 200 foot section of the northerly boundary of the property from which to do the drilling operations, whipstocking to various parts of the lease and t o' pay $5.00 per acre per month after 60 days period vd thin which they would expect to begin drilling operations. Mayor Seabridge referred the request of the Wilson Oil Company to the Oil Committee for study and report. Stop & Cross- The Clerk read a communication received from'the Element- ing signs reap ested ary School Parent-Teacher Association regesting theCity Council to have a stop sign installed at 14th and Crest and crossing signs at Loma -and Main Streets: - On motion by Wood seconded by Bryant that the City Attorney be instructed t o prepare an ordinance t o -provide for a 0 • Page #6 Minutes - Tuesday,. September 8, 1953 boulevard stop at 14th & Orest Streets in accordance with the ,request of the Elementary School Parent-Teacher Association, was approved. Civil Air The Clerk read a communication received from Jack Colvin, • Patrol 1st Lieutenant, Civil Air Patrol, Commanding, Huntington Beach Squadron 79,, advising the City Council that the unit is being de -activated and would lose its FCC Radio -Transmitter License, and that .this will s:er.v-6 as notice to the Huntington Beach Coordinator. of Civil. Defense and Disaster Relief, that the sub- • ject personnel will not be available as was the -previous under- standing. Demands On motion. by Talbert seconded by Wood that the demands .as approved by the Finance Committee be ordered paid was approved. Wm.Gallienne Wm, Gallienne, Secretary of the Huntington Beach Chamber • of Commence,- appeared before the City Council and stated it would be a,fine gesture if the Mayor would write a letter of appreciation_ to. Dick Lane who was the Master of Cermonies at the Twins Gonventi on and thank him for his wonderful remarks about the. facilities for recreation that the City of Huntington Beach offers and keeps up for the public. • Letter of On motion by Talbert seconded by Bryant that the Mayor appreciation to be written and the City.. Clerk .b.e instructed to .write a letter of apprecia- to Mick Lane tion and .thanks .to Dick Lane for his Faster of Cermonies work at the Twins Convention and f or his appreciative remarks he madeabout -the City's recreational facilities, was approved. • L.A,Wells' On motion by Talbert secondedby Bryant that the offer' offer rejected of Lyndon A. Wells to purchase Lots 5, 18, 279 28 and 29, in Block 1402, Watson's Re -Subdivision, be rej'ectedr: and that the City Clerk be.instructedto return the deposit check in the • amount of $27.50, was approved. Lets to be On motion by Talbert secondedby Bryant that the City sold at publldc 'auction Clerk be instructed to insert in the Huntington Beach News in two publications to advertise tosell at public auction without warranty .of title, Lots 5, 18, 27, 28 and 29, in Block 1402, • Watson's Re -Subdivision, and in accordance with the usual terms in the sale of tax -title lots, and the City toreserve the right to reject all offers and bids to be opened at 800 O'clock P.M. at the regular City Council meeting to be held on Sept. 21, 1953, was approved. 347 I 3 e Page #7 Minutes m Tuesday, September 8, 1953 On motion by Bryant seconded b y Talbert the regular meet- ing of the -City Council of the City of Huntington Beach adjourned, i lark a-nd�ex-officio: Clerk of We City Council- of the City of Huntington Beach, California ATTESTt ... ayor..... City clerk