HomeMy WebLinkAbout1953-09-15MI NU TES HUNTINGTON BEACH PLANNING COMMISSION Council Chamber, City Hall Huntington Beach, California Tuesday, Septenber 15, 1953 Chairman Schryer called the meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Huntington Beach to order at • 7:55 o'clock P.M. Commissioners present: Schryer, Tunis, Presson, Stang, King. Commissioners absent: Davis, Kettler Others present: City Attorney Bauer City Clerk Henricksen Planning Consultant Parks Minutes On motion by Stang seconded by Presson that the minutes f or the month of August be accepted and ordered filed without changes or corrections as mailed by the Secretary pro-tem, was approved. • Consultant Consultant Parks presented to the Commissioners for Parks - study a sketch of the area lying within the City limits Sketch -on northerly of Utica Street and bounded by Highway 39 and area re: the Pacific Electric Railway tracks north and south set -backs through Huntington Beach and extending to approximately 17th Street, in accordance with the request of the Chamber of Commerce fbr the Planning Commission to make a study and a survey of the area. A general discussion was held by the members of the Commission relative to the feasibility of requirements of a set -back along certain streets in the City of Huntington Beach that would lend itself to better development in the areas • under study. Consultant Parks was instructed to prepare a re- solution for presentation to the City Council to provide for a set -back of fifty feet along Hampshire Avenue from Indianap6lis Street south to the jilnction of High- way 101, and to also prepare a resolution for recommenda- tion to the City Council to establish set -back lines along, or to acquire by deed or dedication certain pro- perty along Memphis Street, Delaware Avenue, and Hunting- ton Avenue, in order to provide for the standard width of streets in accordance with the existing pattern of the street widths respectively. Map re: Consultant Parks presented to the Commission a map width of showing proposed set -back lines along streets of Newland, proposed Cannery, Banning, Bushard, and Hamilton, located rk thin streets the City limits of Huntington Beach, and said streets shown to be eighty-four feet in width and said streets coming into Highway #101 at right angles in accordance with present standard practices, and suggested this map for study and consideration and also to lend influence for the County to also give consideration to making those streets the same width in County areas. A general review and discussion was held b,r the Commissioners relative to the sub -division requirements of the City of Huntington • Beach subdivision ordinance and suggested that a study be made of the present requirements to see if they fulfill present state lams and trend of sub -division requirements that are now going on in the County and other cities of Orange County. On motion by Tunis seconded by Stang the regular meeting of the Planning Commission he City of Hunting- ton Beach adjourned. • ha r Secretary /