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Council Chamber, City Hall
Huntington Beach, California
Monday, October 5, 1953
Mayor Seabridge called the regular meeting of the City
Council of the City of Huntington Beach to order at 7:30
o'clock P.M.
Councilmen present: Seabridge, Bryant, Wood, LeBard, Talbert
Councilmen absent: None •
Demands On motion by LeBard seconded by Wood that the demands
as approved by the Finance Committee be ordered paid, was
Convention On motion by LeBard seconded by Wood that the City
granted officials and City personnel designated by the City Council to
attend the annual California League of Cities Convention from •
October 18th to October gist, inclusive, be allowed expenses
not to exceed the budgeted amount, was approved.
Minutes On motion by Wood seconded by LeBard that the minutes for
the meetings of the City Council for the month of September,
1953, as transcribed and mailed by the City Clerk, was approved.
Monthly The Clerk read the reports for the month of September,
Reports •
1953, of the City Treasurer, City Clerk, City 'Engineer, Manager
of Municipal Trailer Park, Superintendent of Recreation, Fire
Chief, Police Chief, and the Chief Lifeguard.
On motion by Wood seconded by Talbert that the reports
of the department heads for the month of September, 1953, as •
read by the City Clerk be accepted and ordered filed, was
Business On motion by Talbert seconded by Wood that the applica-
tions for license to conduct business in the City of Huntington
Beach were granted as follows: •
Tri-County Battery Sales, Inc., San Bernardino, California,
vh olesale distributor of Olympic Batteries.
Benton Plating Service, Ontario, California, pick-up and
delivery, wheel -tax.
Del Mangels, Costa Mesa, tile contractor.
Oscar Mayer Packing Company, Los Angeles, delivery of meats, •
wheel -tax.
Wm. J. Mufford, 421 - 8th Street, Huntington Beach, bogrding
house, transfer from Melva Bostrom.
Texar Co.- On motion by Wood seconded by Talbert that the applica-
New Well
A.W.Brown#12 tion for oil well permit of the Texas Company to drill a new
well A. W. Brown, #12, was granted.
" #13 •
Page #2
Minutes - Monday, October 5, 1953
Texas Co.-
On motion by Talbert seconded by Bryant that the appli-
New Well
cation for oil well permit of the Texas Company to drill a
new well A. W. Brown #13,*was granted.
• Neon Sign-
On motion by Talbert seconded by Wood that the appli-
118 Main St.
eati on for but1ding permit of Wright f s Furniture Store, 118
Main Street, to erect a neon sign at 118 Main Street, was
Well Patten#1
On motion by Talbert seconded by LeBard that the request
• term.clean-
up bond
of the owner for termination of Glens Falls Indemnity Company
-elza*mup Bond #621566, for well Patten #1, located on Lots 11
and 12, Block 1204, Vista Del Mar Tract, and in accordance with
the recommendation of the Gity Engineer, was granted.
On motion by Talbert zecondod by Wood that the follow-
worth- &
ing drilling bonds filed by C. C. Killingsworth, in lieu of the
drilling bonds on file in the name of Killingsworth and Smith,
was approved:
United• States Guaranty Company Bond #154�995 for well on
Lots 16 & 18, Block 321
United States Guaranty.Zompany Bond #1539544 for well on
Lots 10 & 12,-Block 419,
United StatesGuarant Company Bond #1539456 for well on
Lots 26 & 28, Block �18,
United States Guaranty Company Bond #1542997 for well on
Lots 2 & 4, Block 421,
United States Guaranty Company Bond #1542999 for well on
Lots 13 & 15, Block 620.
The Clerk gave Ordinance No. 602, an ordinance,of the
City of Huntington Beach relating to a stop intersection at
Fourteenth Street and Crest Avenue in the City of Huntington
,Beach and adding sections 6217.2 and 6227.2 to the Huntington
Beach Ordinance Code its second and final reading, by title.
On motion by Wood seconded by LeBard Ordinance No. 602
was passed and adopted by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Councilmen: Bryant, Talbert, Wood, LeBard, Seabridge
NOES: Councilmen: None
ABSENT: Councilmen: None
Tract Map
Mr. Bell representing Ralph W. E. Welch handed the City
Clerk an original and duplicate negative of Tract #1916, a
subdivision of portions of Block 1907 and 1908, East Side Villa:
Tract, City of Huntington Beach, with a letter from the County
Auditor of the County of Orange, certifying that there arerr.no
liens for unpaid -State, County or City taxes or special.assess-
ments collected as taxes, except taxes and special assessments
collected as taxes not yet due and payable, against the .tract
of_ land covered by Map of Tract #1916, described as the sub-
division of portions of Block 1907 and 19080 East Side Villb,
Tract, MM4-65, OC, City of Huntington Beach, 0range County,
California, and that County and City Taxes for. the fiscal year
Page #3
Minutes October 5, 1953
1952-1953 covering this and other land were $175.01, Assessment
#31504 and 31537, AP 25-200-4.
Mayor Seabridge referred t he tract map #1916 to the City
Engineer for study and report.
Mr, Bell- Mr.. Bell addressed the City Council and requested the
rtz bond.
$5, 000.00 City Council to set the amount of the bond that would be
regz fired to insure adequate streets and general utilities for the
City Engineer Overmyer stated that the work they would
require on the subdivision tract could be covered by a bond
of $5,000.00 to insure all facilities and utilities.
Attorney Bauer informed the City Council that they were
in no position to pass or approve the final map on Tract #1916
as there are many conditions for the subdivider to complete.
under the subdivision requirements of City Ordinance and State
Mayor Seabri dge informed Mr. Bell, representing Mr. W.
E. Welch, that he could work vA th the Real•Estate Committee of
the City Council of the City of - Hurt ington • Beach to work out
the final problems, in order that -the final map could be pre-
pared along with other:, requirements for filing *ith the City.
Appatm't On motion by•Wood•s.econded by LeBard that the request of
Police Dept. Ben Dulaney, Chief of Police, to approve the appointment of
Robert H. Williams as a patrolman for a probationary period
of six months -effective as of October 1, 1953, in accordance
with the appropriate salary range and bracket of the Huntington
Beach Ordinance Code Section 1584, was approved.
Robidoux & On motion by Talbert seconded by Bryant that the request
Mays -
promotion of -Ben H. Dulaney, Chief of Police, to promote Howard-F.
Robidoux from classification of Lieutenant to Captain in the
salary range of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code, Section
1584, Schedule E, and to promote Harold Mays from Sergeant to
Lieutenant in the salary range of the Huntington Beach Ordi-
-nance Code, Section 1584, Schedule E, was approved.
Hearing- The Clerk read a notice received from the Senate Interim
Interim Gom. 'Committee on Oil and Gas Development on State Lands announcing
that a hearing will be held in•the State Building, Los Angeles,
at 10:00 A.M. , October 9, 1953, for the purpose of receiving
opinions on oil and gas deveolopments on State Lands.
On motion by Bryant seconded by Wood that' City Attorney
Bauer and City Clerk Henricksen be instructed to attend the
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Minutes -Monday, October 5, 1953
Senate Interim Committee
on Oil and Gas
development on State
Lands in accordance with
notice read by
the City Clerk, and
if necessary to attend the hearing at San Francisco on
October 23, 1953; in the
State Building,
and that i letter be
prepared in original and
four copies to
present to the Com—
mittee at the time of the hearing and said contents of said
letter to be in accordance with the expressions of the City
Council, was approved.
Cusolito & Alfred Cusolito appeared. before the City Council and
tax title asked if the Council had made any disposition of the offer for
the tax title lot located on 14th Street that he and Dr. Shupe
had made an offer on, and that they were prepared to arrange
vd th other property owners to take care of the discrepancy of
the error in survey.
Councilman Talbert,Chairman of the Real Estate Com-
mittee, stated thatthey have placed the minimum appraisal
value of the lot at $400..00 and would recommend selling the
lot to Alfred Cusolito and Dr. Shupe for $400.00 provided they
work out an agreement with the other property owners to adjust
the 3.7 foot discrepancy due to an error in a property survey
made many years ago.
Att°y to On motion by 'Wood seconded by Talbert that the City
Fd.Mtg. Attorney be authorized andinstructed to attend the next
meeting of the Orange County Municipal Water Survey Fund
Committee to be held at the Council Chamber of the City Hall
of the City of. Huntington Beach, at 7:30 o'clock P.M.,
October 12, 1953, was approved. -
On motion by Talbert that the City Employ an architect
and ,building engineer to find out what can be done in regard
to revamping the building and it being understood that the
committee appointed by the Chamber of Commerce, the Executive
Secretary, and the Beach and Pier be authorized to look over
the building and suggest changes to be made with the purpose
in view of moving the Chamber of Commerce offices to the
Pavalon, as they will be in a much better position to contact
new bloodand new money than where they are now located, died
for the lack of a second,
Page #5
Minutes Monday, October 5, 1953
P'avalon On motion by Talbert seconded by LeBard that the City
Clerk write a letter to the Board of Directors, Chamber of
Commerce, inviting,; them to meet with the City Council at an
adjourned meeting to be held at 1:30 o'clock P.M.. October 26,
1953, to discuss the future use of the Paval on Building, was
Drainage, `Councilman Wood reported to the City Council that he
8th & Olive
had investigated with the City Engineer certain drainage
problems at 8th Street and Olive Avenue and in that general
area and asked the City Engineer toreport to the City Council.
City Engineer Harry A. Overmyer reported to the City Council
that he had made an inspection of the culverts in the area of
8th Street and Olive Avenue and at present due to the increased
growth of the date palms that were planted in the parkway in
that area years ago have caused considerable damage and
cluttered up the effective drainage for that area, and -in his
opinion the ,best remedy is to remove palm trees and construct
new curbs and gutters as it would not be advisable to narrow
the streets in the area as future traffic load mould require
the full width of the standard streetse
On motionby Wood seconded by Bryant the City Council
of the City of Hunt ington Beach adjourned.
Cit Clerk and ex-officio (Clerk
of e City Council of the City
of umtington : Bea:ch, California
City Clerk