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Council Chamber, City Hall
Huntington Beach, California
Monday, December 7, 1953
Mayor Seabridge called the regular meeting of the City
Council of the City of Huntington Beach to order at 7:30 o'clock
Councilmen present: Bryant, Talbert, Wood, LeBard, Seabridge
Councilmen absent: None
On motion by Talbert seconded by Wood that the minutes for
the meetings of the City Council for the month of November, 1953,
as transcribed and mailed by the City Clerk be accepted and
ordered filed, was approved.
The Clerk read the reports for the month of November, 1953,
of the City Treasurer, City Clerk, City Engineer, Manager of
Municipal Trailer Park, City Collector, Chief of Police, Fire
Chief, and Lifeguard Chief.
On motion by Wood seconded by Bryant that the reports of the
department heads for the month of November, 1953, as read by the
City Clerk, be accepted and ordered filed, was approved.
On motion by LeBard seconded b y Talbert the applications
for license to conduct business in the City of Huntington Beach
were granted as follows:
Sam Heald Co., 2782 Long Beach Blvd., Long Beach, plumbing and
heating contractor.
Philip D. Carlo, 420 E. 17th Street, Costa Mesa, sewer lines
Miller's Well Servicing Uompany, Huntington Beach, oil well
servicing company.
Christian R. Klosset, Jr., Huntington Beach, the business of
peddling Watkins Products.
Dael Royce and Rex Curtis dba The Cub Cafe, 304 Ocean Avenue,
Eddy W. Hall, 117 Main Street, Huntington Beach, portrait studio.
Robert N. Kepler, 1433 Arapahoe, Los Angeles, peddling novelties.
Roy H. Mertz, Los Angeles, peddling novelties.
Paul Dashkovitz; Los Angeles, peddling novelties.
On motion by Wood seconded by LeBard the Saint -Paul Mercury
Surety Bd.
Indemnity. Company surety bond for Jerome I. Heald, and as approved
for form by the City Attorney, be accepted and ordered filed, was
State #559
"State #125"
redrill well
wtr .permit s
R.&C. 0i1'Co.-
waste wtr.
Minutes- Monday, December .7, 1953
On motion by Wood seconded b y Bryant the application for oil
well permit of Southwest Exploration Company to drill a new well
State #559, was granted.
On motion by T61bert'.' seconded by Wood the application for
oil well permit of Southwest Exploration Company to drill a new
well State #125, was granted.
On motion by Bryant seconded by Talbert the application for- -
oil well permit of Southwest Exploration Company to drill a new
well State #C-19, was granted.
On motion by LeBard seconded by Bryant the application for
oil well permit of Pacific Drilling Company to re -drill well
located on Lots 4 & 6, Block 1902., Tract #12, was granted.
On motion by LeBard seconded by Wood the regaest of Edward
Farrell for termination of waste water permits. #288 and #289, for
reasons that wells located on Lots 26 & 28, Block 318, and Lot
17, Block 514, have been sold to the R.&C. Oil Company, was
On motion by Wood seconded by LeBard the application for
waste water permit of the R. & C. Oil Company for well R. & C.
No.2, located on Lots 17, Block 514, Huntington Beach Tract,
was granted.
On motion by Talbert seconded by LeBard the application for
waste water permit of the R. & C. Oil Company for R. & C. #1,
located on Lots 26'& 28, Block 318, Huntington Beach Tract, was
Texas Co.-
On motion by Wood seconded by Talbert the request of the
Texas Company for termination of the. Travelers Indemnity Drilling
A.W.Brown #13
Bond No. T-192, on well known as the A. W. Brown #13, as permitted
in Section 2427.3 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code requiring
submittal of a directional survey on the well, was approved.
On motion by Talbert seconded by LeBard the request of
operators for termination of the clean-up bond covering well
located on Lots 18 & 19, Block 1202, Vista Del Mar Tract and
on well located on Lots 34, 12 & 13, Block 4, Redburn Tract, in
accordance with report of the City Engineer that requirements of
the clean-up ordinance have been complied with was granted.
Page #3
Minutes - Monday, December 7, 1953
Texas Co. --On motion by Talbert seconded by Wood the request of the
up bond Texas Company for termination of the clean-up bond for A. W.
A.W.Brown #12
Brown #12, covered by Travelers Indemnity Company No. T-189,
in -accordance with thereport of the City Engineer that the re-'
quirements of the Clean-up Ordinance have been complied wl. th,
was granted.
C.C.Peterson- On motion by Wood seconded by Talbert the request of Clark
dr lg.b ond.
C. Peterson for release of . drilling bond Glens Falls Indemnity
• Company #621682 on well located on Lots 3 & 4, Block 1204, Vista
Del Mar Tract, and in accordance with requirements of Section
2427.3 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code, filing a survey
of the well, was granted.
Public Hrg.- The Mayor announced that 8:00 P.M. was the time set for_
vacating r>
port.17th St. public hearing covering the vacating of a portion of 17th Street 'r,
• in the City of Huntington Beach and requested the City Clerk to
read the legal notice.
The Clerk read the legal notice published in the. Huntington
Beach Dews November 19, 1953, setting forth the City Council
Resolution No. 1207, a resolution of intention of the City Council
of the City of Huntington Beach to.vacate a portion of 17th Street
in said City and giving notice of hearing on said vacation.
Mayor Seabridge. asked if anyone present had any questions to
ask, or any objections to the vacating of a portion of 17th Street
in accordance with Resolution No. 1207, as published in the
Huntington Beach News November 19, 1953•
• There being no objections raised to the vacating of a portion
� a
of 17th 'Street Mayor Seabridge declared the hearing closed.
On motion by Talbert seeondedby Wood that the City Council
find and determine that the portion of 17th Street in the City
of Huntington Beach is unnecessary for" present or prospective
public street purposes was adopted by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Councilmen: Talbert, Bryant, Wood, LeBard, Seabridge
NOES: Councilmen: None
ABSENT: Councilmen: None
On motion by LeBard seconded by Wood the City Attorney be
instructed to draw up the necessary Ir ocedure to vacate a portion
of 17th Street in the City of Huntington :Beach in accordance with
the legal description of the parcel in City of Huntington Beach
Resolution No. 1207, was adopted by the following roll call vote:
AYES:•: Councilmen: Bryant, Talbert, Wood, LeBard, Seabridge
NOES: Councilmen: None
ABSENT: Councilmen: None
Page #4
Minutes - Monday, December 7, 1953
Sunset Oil The Clerk read a communication received from Sunset -Oil
Co. -cant.
waste wtr.' Company requesting the City Council to cancel the waste water
permit on
Golden Eagle permits and said cancellation to be retroactive to January 1,
Well No. 3
1953,' covering the Golden Eagle Well No. 3, located on Lots 2,
4, 6, & 8, Block 319, 17th Street Section, as,the well has been
off production since December, 1952.
City Engineer, Harry Overmyer, reported that he found that
the well is idle. `
On motion by LeBard seconded by Bryant the request of the
'Sunset Oil Company for termination of waste water permit be
effective as of December 7, 1953, was granted.
James Way- On motion by Wood seconded by Talbert the request of the
Tree Trimmer City Engineer to change the classification of James B. Way from
Laborer to Tree Trimmer in Range 20, Bracket B, of the salary
compensation schedule effective December:,1,1953, was approved.
Sully-Pdiller On motion by Wood seconded by Bryant in accordance with the
note of report of the ' City Engineer that the Sully -Miller Contracting
Company had completed their,:°wor.k'.con the service road located at
Hampshire Avenue and Ocean Avenue satisfactorily and recommended
.the final acceptance of the work done by the Sully -Miller Contract-
ing Company and the City Clerk be instructed to file Notice of
Completion with the County Recorder's Office, was approved.
On motion by Wood seconded by LeBar d that the recommendation
reg.p/r as
of Harry A. Overmyer,' to place Earl Kuchenbecker, Street Depart -
ment employee,' on the regular monthly payroll effective December 1,
1953, in the classification of Laborer, Range 19, Bracket C.
salary of $242.00 per month, was approved.
Mayor Seabridge announced that the hour of 8:15 P.M. had been
set for a public hearing for the consideration of a request for the
termination of drilling bonds and requested the Clerk to read the
.notice of public hearing.
O '
The Clerk read the notice of" public hearing published in the _
Huntington Beach News November 19, 19531. wherein the request for
termination and cancellation of drilling bonds as provided for in
Section 2427.4 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code on producing
wells located on property described as follows:
Lots 13 & 15, Block ,522,
Lots 1 & 3, Block 522., West 2f
Lots 21 & 23, Block 522, '
all in the 17th Street Section as map thereof recorded. in
Book' 4, Page 10, of -Miscellaneous Maps, Records of Orange
County, California.
Page #5
Minutes o Monday, December 7., 1953 -
Block 1705, 1706 and.1905, East Side Villa Tract, as per
map thereof recorded in Book 4, Page 65, 'of Miscellaneous
Maps, Records of Orange County, California.
Lots 1 to 7. Block 2101, Vista del Mar Tract, Section 5, - .
as per map thereof recorded in Book 4, Paige 15, of Mis-
cellaneous Maps, Records of Orange County, California..
Lot,25, Tract #?3, as per map thereof recorded in Book
10, Page 21, of Miscellaneous Maps, Records of Orange
County, California.
Mayor Seabridge asked if anyone wished to make any state-
ment for or against the request for termination of the bonds
covering wells on lots as enumerated in the notice of public
hearing read by the City ,Clerk.
There being no statements made for or against the request
for the .termination and cancellation of drilling bonds, the
Mayor declared the hearing closed.
On motion by LeBard seconded by Talbert the drilling bonds
covering wells located on the properties as described in the legal
notice as read by the City Clerk be terminated, was approved, by
the following roll call vote
AYES: Councilmen:. Bryant, Talbert, Wood, LeBard, Seabridge
NOES: Councilmen:' None
ABSENT Councilmen: None
Fire -Chief On motion by Wood seconded by Bryant that the request of
annual vaca-
tion, Delbert Higgins, Fire Chief, to start his annual vacation on
Thursday, December 10, 1953, and in his absence the management of
the department to be handled by Captain C. E. Dowty, was approved.
W.Hengoed® On motion by Bryant seconded by LeBard the mequestof Mr. & Mrs.
pine tree Wm. Hengoed for;the removal of one small Pine tree at 508 Crest
Avenue, next to the alley, in order to make room for proposed
driveway into the garage, and property owner to pay one-half, the
cost of removal, was granted.
City Engr.- On motion by LeBard seconded by Bryant the request of Harry
2 days Iv.
A. Overmyer, City Engineer, for two days leave on the loth and
llth of December, 1953, was approved.
Dr Hawes- The Clerk read a communication received from the Orange County
Abate,Dist. Mosquito Abatement District, Board of Trustees, advising the City
that the active term of Dr. Ralph Hawes as' a representative on the
Board expires on December 31, 1953, and requesting that Dr./Hawes
be given consideration for reappointment to the Board due to his
very active membership and attendance.
Mayor Seabridge placed before the City Council the recommenda-
tion that Dr. Ralph Hawes of Huntington Beach be reappointed to
serve the City on the Orange County Mosquito, Abatement District.
On motion by LeBard seconded by 'Wood the Mayor t s recommenda-
tion for the reappointment of Dr. Ralph Hawes to the Board of
Pub .Hrg.
Miller &
For d
Page - #6 ..
Minutes - Monday, December 7, 1953
Trustees of the Orange County Mosquito Abatement District be
confirmed, was appr oved.
Mayor Seabridge announced that the hour of 8:30 P.M. had
been set for a public hearing on the request for termination
and cancellation of a drilling bond, and requested the City
Clerk to read the notice of public hearing.
The Clerk read the notice of public hearing published
in the Huntington Beach News November 19s 1953, requesting con-
sideration of termination and cancellation of drilling bond as
provided for in Section 24.27.4 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance
Code on producing well located on Lots 11,,13, and 15, Block 316,.
17th Street Section, City of Huntington Beach.
The Clerk read -the affidavit filed with the application of
the drilling superintendent Miles E. Ford, wherein he duly swears;,
deposes and says that he was the drilling superintendent on Well
Ford No. 1 and that in such capacity supervised the drilling of
that certain oil well known as Phillips, Miller and Ford #1, and
that he made every effort to keep said well within -=the , perpendi-
cular boundary in which said well was drilled, that directional
surveys known as single shot surveys were taken, and that if
any deviation was off more than 20 minutes the same was corrected,
Mayor Seabridge asked if anyone present wished to make a
statement for or against request of Phillips, Miller & Ford for
release of drilling bond on -Ford Well #1,. located on Lots 11; 13,
and 15, Block 316, 17th Street Section.
There being no statements or objections made on the request
for the termination of drilling bond Mayor Seabridge declared the
hearing closed.
On motion by LeBard seconded by Bryant the request of Phillips,
Miller & Ford for termination of drilling bond on well located on
Lots 11, 13, & 15�, Block 316,, 17th Street Section, was granted by
the following roll call vote:
AYES: Councilmen: Bryant, Talbert, Wood, LeBard, Seabr-idge
NOES: Councilmen: None
ABSENT: Councilmen: None•
PacoElec. On'.motion by LeBard seconded by Wood that the Mayor and the
revised City Clerk be authorized to execute the .memorandum to Pacific
date of lease
5-1-54 Electric Railway -Company Lease No. 13916, whereby rent for the
period May 1, 1953, to October 31, 1953, is waived and effective
date of lease is revised to May 1, 1954., was approved.
F -7
Page #7 ..
Minutes - Monday, December 7, 1953
On motion by Wood seconded by Talbert the Mayor and the
City Clerk be instructed to execute the memorandum to the Pacific
Electric Railway Company Lease No. 13916 whereby permission is
• granted to the City to enter the property Ir for to May 1, 1954 for
the purpose of installing parking meters and to make other im-
provement necessary to the operation of the lease, and with the
understanding that the premises may be operated for a greater
period each year, than` the min-imum period specified in the lease
• and all other respects remain in full force and affect, was
Pac.Union Mr. A. T. McKash of the Pacific Union Metal Company appeared
Metal Co.-'
dual park. before the City Council and reported that their subject proposal
dated September 5, 1953, covering dual auto parking meters was
for a period of thirty days and has expired and the company had
• filed with the City Clerk an extension of their proposal for an
additional period of time extending to December 31, 1953, and
would appreciate any considerationf?om the City Council in re-
gards to their proposal to furnish the City with dual parking meters.
On motion by Wood seconded by LeBard the City of Huntington.
Beach. to enter into an agreement with the Pacific Union Metal
Company in accordance with their proposal submitted and on file
with the City to furnish dual parking meters for the area between
"A" Street and Ninth Street on the ocean side of Ocean Avenue
under lease from Pacific Electric.Railway Company, was approved
by'; -the following roll call vote:
• AYES: Councilmen: Bryant, Talbert, Mood, LeBard, Seabridge
NOES: Councilmen: None
ABSENT: Councilmen: None
Resol.#1208- The Clerk read Resolution No. 1208, a resolution of the City
constr. Council of the City of Huntington Beach authorizing the execution
for transp* of an agreement with the City of Seal Beach, Orange County Water
• water
Works District No. 3, and Orange County Water Vtorks District No. 5,
providing for the construction of facilities for the transportation
of water from the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California.
On motion by Wood seconded by Talbert Resolution No. 1208
was passed and adopted by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Councilmen:. Talbert, Bryant, Wood, LeBard, Seabridge
NOES:,/ Councilmen: None
'ABSENT: Councilmen: None
of bond
t en s en, -
Page #8
Minutes - Monday, December 7,_ 1953
City At-torney Bauer relatedto the City Council relative to
the proposed construction ,of facilities for transportati on of
water from Metropolitan Water District in Southern California,
in accordance with the agreement the City had ratified by passing
Resolution No. 1208, that consideration should be given to the
retaining of competent bond attorneys in order to present accept-
able legal bond opinions .to facilitate the sale of the bonds when
they are offered for sale and also pointed out that it might be
well for the City to work up a prospectus outlining the City's
general financial history and present financial condition for
buyers of general obligation bonds..
On motion by LeBard seconded by Wood the agreement between
the City of Huntington Beach and Carl A. Christensen extending
the term of the present lease agreement until and including
December 31, 1956�, and the Mayor and the City Clerk be authorized
to execute the agreement, was approved.
C.A.Derigo- On motion by LeBard seconded by Wood the lease agreement
lease n
between the City of Huntington Beach and Charles A.. Derigo to
lease that portion of the Pavalon Building consisting of the
entire lower floor with exception of the rest rooms now main-
tained on said floor and the switch and utility room for a period
commencing February 1, 1954, and ending on December 31, 1956,
and that the Mayor and the City Clerk be authorized to execute
the agreement, was approved®
C.of Ca= The Clerk reada request -from the Huntington Beach Chamber of
ordinance Commerce Board of Directors requesting the City Council to review
the City's Electrical Ordinances as they have been contacted by
Mr. R. Beard of the Huntington Beach Electrical Service, and it is
the feeling of the Board of Directors that the electrical ordinance
should be made more up to date to protect public property and for
the safety of our citizens.
Demands On motion by LeBard s eco ndedby Bryant the demands as approved
by the Finance Committee be ordered paid, was approved. -
Garages: On motion by Wood seconded by LeBer d the City Engineer be
Recr. &
Police instructed to prepare plans and estimate for garage facilities
at the Recreation Center and for a canopy or Portuguese type
garage at the rear of the Police Station -at the City Hall, was
. 369
Minutes a Monday., December 79 1953
On motion by LeBard seconded by Talbert the City Attorney
be instructed to prepare an .ordinance to repeal Section 7562 and
7563 of Article 756 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code
covering life preservers and life preserver lines, was approved.
On motion by Wood seconded by Talbert the City Attorney
be instructed to prepare the necessary resolution of intention
to provide for set -back lines on certain Public streets as
designated in Resolution No. 29, 30, and 31, of the Planning
Commission of the City of Huntington Beach, was approved.
On motion by Wood seconded by LeBard the regular meeting
of the City Council adjourned.
City C erk and ex-officio Clerk
of tIT6 City Council of the City
of Huntington Beach, California
City Clerk