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Council Chamber, City Hall
Huntington Beach, California
Monday, December 21, 1953
Mayor Seabridge called the regular meeting of the City
Council to order at 7:30 o'clock P.M. and declared a recess
for lack of a quorum.
Councilmen Talbert and LeBard arrived at 7:40 o'clock P.M.
Councilman Wood arrived at 7:42 o'clock P.M.
Councilman Bryant arrived at 7:44 o'clock P.M.
Mayor Seabridge announced that a public hearing had been
Hearing -
Term.& Cane.
set for 8:00 o'clock P.M. and asked the City Clerk to read the
notice of public hearing published in the Huntington Beach News
December 10, 1953, calling for a public hearing at the hour, of
8:00 o'clock on Monday", the 21st day of December, 1953 for the
purpose of considering the request for termination and cancel-
ation of drilling bonds 'as provided for in Section 2427.4 of
the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code on producing well located
on property described as follows:
Lots 11 and 12, Block 1204, Vista Del Mar Tract, Section 1,
City of Huntington Beach, as per map thereof recorded in
Book 4, Page 3 of Miscellaneous Maps, Records of Orange.
County, California,
and that all interested parties are invited to attend said
hearing and express their opinions for or against granting the
request for termination and cancellation of drilling bonds.
Mayor Seabridge asked if there was anyone present that
wished to express their opinions for or against granting the
request for termination and cancellation of the drilling bond
as contained in the notice of public hearing read by the City
There being no verbal or written expressions filed for or
against granting the request for termination and cancellation
of drilling bond Mayor Seabridge declared the hearing closed.
On motion by LeBard seconded by Wood the request for the
termination and cancellation of drilling bond on producing well
located on Lots 11 and 12, Block 1204, Vista Del Mar Tract,
Section 1, City of Huntington Beach, was approved by the following
roll call vote:
AYES: Councilmen: � Bryant, Talbert, Wood, LeBard, Seabridge.
NOES: Councilmen: None,
ABSENT: Councilmen: None.
Business On motion by Wood seconded by Bryant the application for
Bar-B-Cue license of Bernie Donald dba Seabreeze Bar-B-Cue to conduct the
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Minutes - Monday, December 21, 1953
business of barbecue at 204 East Ocean Avenue, was granted.
New Well, On motion by Talbert seconded by Bryant the application
for oil well permit of Southwest Exploration Company to drill
a new well J-123, was granted.
New Well, On motion by Wood seconded by Bryant the application for
;State 560
oil well permit of Southwest Exploration Company to drill anew
well State 560, was granted.
New Well., On motion by Talbert seconded by.'Wood the application for
State J-161
oil well permit of Southwest Exploration Company to drill a new
well State J-161, was granted.
Release Drlg. The Clerk read a request from Pacific Drilling Company for
bond -
Hunnicutt #1 release of Glens Falls Indemnity Company drilling bond.No. 621669
on the Hunnicutt No. 1 well located on Lots 9 and 10, Block 1105,
Vista Del Mar Tract, and filed with the request, the directional
survey of the well in accordance with the rec irements of the
Huntington Beach Ordinance Code Section 2427.3.
-On motion by LeBard seconded by Bryant the request.of the
Peters n #1
Garage &
Storage at
Pacific Drilling Company for termination of Glens Falls,Indemnity
Company drilling bond No. 621669 covering well Hunnicutt No. 1
l:ocated.on Lots 9 and 10, Block 1105, Vista Del Mar Tract, was
On motion by Talbert seconded by Wood the request of C. C.
Peterson for termination of Glens Falls Indemnity Company clean-
up bond No. 621681 covering oil well located on Lots 3 arid.4,
Block 1204, Vista Del Mar Tract, known as the C. C. Peterson
No. 1, and in accordance with the report of the City E ngineer
that requirements of the clean-up provision of the Huntington
Beach Ordinance Code have been complied with, was approved.
The Clerk read a r ep'ort of the City Engineer advising the
City Council upon their prior request submitting an estimate of
cost for the construction of garage and storage building to be
located at the Recreation Center at Orange and 17th Street, the
building to be 16 feet by 24 feet in size and constructed of the
same type of material, as the existing building with a concrete
approach off Orange Avenue, and the estimate of cost including
all labor, material, painting and concrete work to be $945.40.
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Minutes - Monday, December 21; 1953
On motion by LeBard seconded by Wood. the City Engineer be.
instructed to proceed with the zonstruction of garage and
storage building to be located at the Recreation Center at
Orange and 17th Street, in accordance with the report as read
by the City CTe?]�, was approved.
Jim Briggs-
The Clerk read a bid of. the Jim Briggs Ford Company of
Bid on pur-
chase of
Huntington Beach submitting- a bid of 02294.59 on the purchase
of a 1954 Mainline 4-door Sedan, with law enforcement engine
and assembly and heavy duty equipment with an allowance of
'$740.00 for the 1952 Ford Police Car_#452, and that delivery
can be made in approximately 30 days after receipt of purchase
On motion by Wood seconded by Talbert that the City Pur-
chasing Agent be authorized to issue a purchase order to the
Jim Briggs Ford Company in accordance with the details of the
bid as submitted and read by the City Clerk, was approved.
Renewal of-
On motion by LeBard seconded by Wood the renewal of lease
Lease #9301,
No 9301 entered into on January 16, 1935 between the Pacific
Electric Railway Company and the City of Huntington Beach and
said renewal be extended for the term beginning January 16, 1954
and ending January 15, 1955, and the Mayor and the City Clerk
Extension of
Oil & Gas
Lease- Atha
Agrmt .
be authorized to execute the agreement subject to approval for
form by the City Attorney, was approved.
On motion by Talbert seconded by Bryant the Mayor and the
City Clerk be authorized to execute the extension of oil and gas
lease between the City of Huntington Beach and George C. Atha
and said extension to be for an additional period of six months
commencing on January 15, 1954, was approved.
The Clerk read an agreement between the Huntington Beach
Elementary School and the Public Reacreation Commission of the
City of Huntington Beach whereby the School grants to the Com-
mission the right to use School's gymnasium for .the purpose of
conducting leagues and games in basketball on Saturdays between
the hours of 8:00 A.M. and 1.00 F.M. from the 9th day of January,
1954 to and including the 27 th day of March, 1954•
On motion by LeBard seconded by Wood the City Council
approves the agreement between the Huntington Beach Elementary
school and the Public Reacreation Commission of the City of
Huntington Beach, was approved.
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Minutes - Monday, December 21, 1953
The Clerk gave Ordinance No. 604, an ordinance of the
First Read.
City of Huntington Beach repealing Sections 7561, 7562, 7563
and 7564 of the Huntingtorr-mBeach Ordinance Code relating to
life saving equipment its first reading.
The Clerk read the proposal of Harrison and Woolley
Harrison &
Consultant Engineers for engineering services- in the pre -
Report -Water
paration of an engineering report covering the subject of
proposed additional water supply and facilities for the City
of Huntington Beach and the report to include the following
1. A Statement regarding existing water uses, supply and
facilities for storage and distribution.
2. Predicted population of future domestic water needs of the
City of Huntington Beach and surrounding areas that may be
• annexed in the future.
Both one and two above will also appraise the fire protection
needs, both existing and predicted, which appraisal will include
studies and recommendations for storage .facilities in one or
more feasible sites.
The proposed engineiers report will be submitted to the City
and will be subject to modification and revision if required by
the City. It may be expected to fulfill requirements of engineer's
report for the use by the City Council in preparing any resolution
of intention for a bond proposal and the total fee for the report
above' outlined, not to exceed $3500.00 up to the time of submission
and any minor amount of modifications requested by the City will
be done at no extra cost.
If, on completion and submission of the aforesaid Engineerts
report it is decided by the City Council that it is practicable
to proceed with -the construction of the work described in said
report or as said work may be modified it is understood that it is
the intention of the City Council to direct us to proceed with the
design and preparation of plans and specifications, estimates,
quantities and costs for such works, and propose to perform the
engineering service for a fee determined as a percentage of the,
cost of the construction .of the project, and the amount of per-
centage will be selected from the standard "B" curve suggested.
'f or 's er vices
by the American Society of Civil Engineers; for fees/==VV�W
of this type: In as much as the fees taken from
said "B" curve include a certain amount of preliminary work it
is proposed to allow the City a credit of 40% of the sum paid
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Minutes - Monday, December 21, 1953
for the Engineer's report, to be applied on the calculated per-
centage fee for the preparation of plans and specifications.
Harrison & On motion by Wood seconded by Talbert that the City employ
Woolley firm
employed. the firm of Harrison and "Woolley consultant engineers to pre- •
pare and submit the "Engineers Report" as outlined in the pro-
posal of Harrison and 'Woolley ,dated :December 17, 1953, as read
by the City Clerk, exclusive of the design and preparation of
plans and specifications and estimate of quantities and costs
for such works, was approved by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Councilmen: Bryant, Talbert, Wood, LeBard, Seabridge.
NOES: Councilmen: None. a
ABSENT: Councilmen: None.
Agrmt.- The Clerk read an agreement between the City of Huntington
O'Melveny &
Myers'- Beach and O'Melveny and Myers, a co -partnership, whereby the City
Bond issue
employs the attorneys to perform,' and the attorneys agree to
perform, the following legal services, for the compensation
hereinafter stated, to -wit:
1. Drafting all resolutions, ordinances, notices and other
documents required in proceedings to be taken by the City for the
authorization, issuance and sale of bonds of the City in the
tentative amount of $634,000.00 for the acquisition and construc-
tion and water works facilities, including facilities for the •
transmission of water to be owned jointly with (other public cor-
porations: The general supervision of such proceedings and the
giving to City Officials of instructions in connection therewith;
the examination step by step as taken, of a transcript of such
proceedings; and the issuance to the purchaser of such bonds of
an opinion approving the validity thereof.
2. For said services, the City hereby agrees to pay to the
attorneys a fee equal to 1/5th of 1% of the amount of bonds
authorized at the election, payable one-half following the can-.
vase; of the election returns and one -.half following the sale; and...
delivery of said bonds or a portion thereof.
In the event the bond proposition fails to carry at the
election, the fee shall be 1/10th of 1% of amount of bonds voted
upon at the election, or $750.00, whichever is lower, payable
following the canvass of the election returns.
The City shall also reimburse the Attorneys for any
necessary ou&of-pocket expenses incurred by the Attorneys for
telegraph, long distance telephone, special messenger and similar
charges o
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Minutes - Monday, December 2L, 1953
On motion by Wood seconded by Talbert the Mayor and the
City Clerk be authorized to execute the agreement between the
City of Huntington Beach and O'Melveny and Myers, a co-partner---.
ship, was passed by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Councilmen: Bryant, Wood, Talbert, LeB&rd, Seabridge.'
NOES: Councilmen: NoneQ
ABSENT: Councilmen: None
Hearing-- The Clerk read a notice of hearing before the Public Utilities
Pub'.Ut it .
Comm:=So. Commission of the State of California in the matter of the appli-
• Co. cation No. 34191 of the Southern. California Water Company for
authority to increase water rates charged by it for water service
and said hearing to be held on Wednesday, January 13, 1954, at
9:30 A.M. in the Commission Court Room, Mirror Bldg., 145 So -
Spring Street, Los Angeles, _California.
L.A.Wells Lyndon A. Wells appeared before the City Council and asked
• that the City Clerk read Ordinance No. 516..
The City Clerk read Ordinance No. 516 as requested by the
Waste Water Lyndon a. Wells addressed the City Council and informed
them that this Ordinance was being violated in the area between
Quincy, Avenue on the North, Memphis on the South.. Delaware on
• the East and Huntington Avenue on the West, and requested the
City to take some remedial steps to abate the nuisance that now
Brayton, City Engineer Overmyer informed the City Council that
owner . of
wells, Brayton, owner of wells in the area involved has never filed
• for a waste water permit and that about a year ago he was f or -
warded a registered letter informing him to take the necessary
steps for filing a waste water permit and to make provisions
to dispose of waste water in the storm drain available in that
City •Atty- On motion by Talbert seconded by LeBard the City Attorney be
to" notify
Brayton re-' instructed to notify Wm. Brayton, relative to the, violation of disc
waste water.
posing oil well waste water on property reported by the -City Engineer
and Lyndon A. Wells and to give Wm. Brayton and other operators
in the area described thirty days notice to comply with re-
quirements for the disposal of oil well waste water, before
legal action will take place and that the Superintendent of
Streets of the City of Huntington Beach is to give the City Attorney
the names and addresses of all oil well 'operators in the area in
question, was approved.
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Minutes - Monday, December 21, 1953
D� Gruber; The request of Dr. C. 0. Gruber, for the removal of two
removal of
2 trees trees from the parkway at the front and back ,of the lot adjacent
to his dental office at 701 Main Street was referred t o the
Streets and Parks Committee for study and report:
Demands On motion by LeBard seconded by Bryant the demands as'
approved by the Finance Committee be ordered paid was approved.
John R. The Clerk read a communication received from John R.
Peterson, Superintendent of the Huntington Beach Elementary
School District complimenting the alertness of the Police De-
partment Personnel in th e apprehension of the men that committed
the recent burglary at the school A`
Wallace &. The Clerk read an offer to the City received from Wallace
Yearkin -
fill dirt. and Yearkin of Yearkin Bros., $anta Ana, California, offering
to supply the City with fill dirt consisting of sand, clay and
mixed soil, t•o be :placed and put to fine grade on the City owned
47 acres adjacent ,to Highway #101 and Highway #39 at a price of
$.65 per yard.
Fill dirt, On motion by Talbert seconded by Wood the City Engineer be
47 acres.
instructed to investigate sources of fill dirt for the City
owned 47 acres and prices for fill dirt delivered, and report
back to the City Council, was approved.
Fire Dept.' On motion by `Wood seconded by LeBard the recp est of the
Annual Ball,
P'avalon. Huntington Beach Fire 'Department to hold its annual ball in the
Pavalon Ballroom on Saturday,, February 13, 1954, and that the
rental charges for the use of the Pavalon be waived, was approved.
H.B.Chamber The Clerk read a communication received from the Huntington •
of Commerce I
New quarters. Beach Chamber of Commerce in which they'profusely thank the City
Council for the modernistic touch that was given to the Chamber
quarters in the recent remodeling, and stated that they feel
the present quarters are
the finest in the State of -California
and would do real credit
to a City with` a population of 100, 000
The Clerk read a communication received ffrom the Shoreline
Planning Association of
California Incorporated requesting the
Funds -study
City Council ,to execute
the attached iresolution or one of the
City!s own composition;
and mail it direct to Stanley Tomlinson,
Chairman of the Interim
Committee for the study of Tideland
Impounded Funds,*
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Minutes - Monday, December 21, 1953
City Atty.
On motion by Wood seconded by Talbert the City Attorney be
instructed to reply to the Shoreline Planning Association
Communication and enclose a copy of the prepared statement filed
with the Interim Committee at Sacramento upon the subject of
Impounded Tideland Funds, was approved.
Div. of Hiway.
The Clerk read a- communication received from the Division
Speed Law'Sur.
Ocean Ave.
of Highways addressed to the Chief of Police of the City of
Huntington Beach asking that the City further consideration
to the Speed Law Survey as was previously submitted for Ocean
Earl Presson
The Clerk informed the City Council that at the regular
meeting of the Planning Commission of Decemb.erl 1°5, 1953, the
Planning Commission recommended to the City Council to re -appoint
Earl Presson to succeed himself on the Planning Commission.
Mayor Seabridge informed the City Council that he recommends
that Earl Presson be re -appointed on the Huntington Beach Plann-
ing Commission to succeed himself:
On motion by Wood seconded by LeBard that the recommenda-
tion of Mayor Seabridge for re -appointment of Earl Presson to
succeed himself on the Planning Commission; be confirmed, was
Wm.Kettler Mayor Seabridge read the resignation of Wm. Kettler from
Plann.Comm. the City Planning Commission.
Sowest Expl. Councilmen complimented the Southwest Exploration Company
for the splendid job they have done on cleaning up the properties.
• acquired from the Tidewater. Associated Company.
M.E.Skeen, On motion by Wood seconded by Talbert the City Clerk be
removal of
wooden derr. instructed to write a letter to M. E. Skeen, operator of oil
well located on Lots 26, 28, Block 210, regz esting his cooperation
in the cleanup campaign by removing the old wooden derricks, was
• approved.
On motion by Talbert seconded by LeBard the regular meeting
of the City Council adjourned until 7:30 P.M. Tuesday, the 29th
of December, 19539
Ci Clerk and ex-officio Clerk
ofUthe City Council of the City
of Huntington Beach, California
• City Clerk