HomeMy WebLinkAbout1954-03-16• • 1 • 1 • MI14TJTES HUNTINGTON BEACH PLANNING COMMISSIDN Council Chamber, City Hall Huntington Beach, California Tuesday, March 16, 1954 Chairman Schryer called the regular meeting of the Huntington Beach Planning Commission to order at 7:40 o'clock rpM, Commissioners present: Schryer, Tunis, King, rresson Commissioners absent: Stang, Davis Others present: Consultant Engineer Parks, City Attorney Bauer J. L. Henricxsen, Secretary Minutes On motion by Tunis seconded by eresson the minutes for the month of February, 1954, as transcribed and mailed by the Secretary, was approved. Public Hrg- Chairman Schryer announced that the hour of d:uu J.E.Galloway o'clock P.M., Tuesday the 16th day of March, 1954, was petit:cond. the date set for a -public hearing for a petition for con - except. ditional exception filed by J. E. Galloway, 12U Main Street, and asked the Secretary to read the petition for conditional exception. The Secretary read the petition for conditional excep- tion of J.E. Galloway, owner of the establishment located at 12U Main Street, present zoning C-3, present use of property and automatic laundry non -conforming v4 th present -oning and-,intendedurse:)of�`Pro perty~'to be automatic laundry, serve -yourself launderite or supervised: 1. The fact that exceptional or extraordinary circum- stances or conditions are applicable to the property involved, or its intended use, which do not apply generally to the property in the sane zone are explained as follows: The automatic laundry was started in October, 1949, before .the present zoning was set up. 2. That the preservation and enjoyment of one or moresubstantial property right's are dependent upon a variance is explained as follows: This: -business has been established at this loca- tion for 4. years and the present owner wishes to continue as usual. 3. That the granting of said p^ oposed variance will not be materially detrimental to the public wel- fare or injurious to the property or improvements in the district in which said property is located, for the follovi ng reasons: All appliances have automatic controls and are safe. There is no excessive noise. There is no destructive fumes or bad odors. Chairman Schryer asked if anyone present wiped to make 0 Page #2 Minutes - H.B. Planning Commission Tuesday - March 16, 1954 any statements for or against the request for use of the property as an automatic laundry. There being no verbal or written protests filed for or against the petition for conditional exception of J. E. Galloway, 12U Main Street, Huntington Beach, requesting permission to operate the business of automatic laundry serve -yourself or supervised launderite in the present location zone C-3, the Chairman declared the hearing closed. • The Chairmans asked ivir. J. E. Galloway, proprietor of the establishment, if he wished to make further comments on his application* Mr. Galloway 'stated that he had nothing further to add than stated in the petition for conditional exception as filed. On motionby King seconded by rresson the Planning Com- mission recommend. the granting of the Petition for Conditional Exception to permit use of the location at 120 Main Street as an Automatic Laundry subject to no additional expansion of Cacilities, equipment or enlarged capacity of equipment than is in operation at the Ir esent time, covering the following equipment: 1 - Ajax 1185U" hot water boiler ". 1 - Hot water - tank and stand 1-. Revere 265,000 Gr. HCR, water softener 1 - Cook extractor 14 - Bendix Automatic Washing Machines 9# 2 - Norge Washer 18# Automatic 2 40x36 dryers 1 - 8" gas heated mangle 1 - Shirt unit - 3 presses 1 - 3 h.p, steam boiler 1 12 h.p, air compressor was passed by the following roll call votes AYES: Commissioners: Tunis, King, Yresson, Schryer NOES: Commissioners: None ABSENT: Commissioners: Stang, Davis The Commissioners discussed in g eneral tdrms the problem of proposed changes in the street naming and numbering system of the City. The Commissioners reviewed the re-pn;U% suggestions covering the area north of Utica Street and east of Delaware Avenue. On motion by King seconded by Tunis the regular meeting of the Huntington Beach Planning Commission adjourned. L Secretary 1 • • 0