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# Council Chamber, City Hall
Aunt ington. Beach, California
Monday, May 17,-1954
Mayor Seabr..idge._ called. the. regular. meeting of the City
Council of the City of Huntington Beach to order at 7:30 o'clock
Councilmen present: Lockett, Bartlett, Wood, LeBard, Seabridge
Councilmen absent: None
Business On motion by Wood seconded by Bartlett the applications
Licenses °
for license to conduct business in the City of Huntington Beach
were granted as follows:
Harold and Eva Hathcote, 2132 Main Street, the business of cafe?.
Stowe and Suttner, Santa Ana, the business of delivering butane
and propane, wheel -tax,
Florence E. `williams, 625 Main Street, the business of ice cream
concession, lower floor Pavalon building.
Walt Miller Overhead Door Company, sales and service.- overhead
garage door and operating equipment.
Burry Nursery, 708-B Main Street, the business of nursery at
708-B Main Street.
# Coast Claning Service, floor and window cleaning service.
Mrs. Max H.., Casper.,... the- business of cafe at 104 Main Street.
H..& No -Transfer Company, Montebello, the business of transfer,
wheel -tax. °
Delaney On motion. by Bartlett secoriddd by Wood the application for
new well oil well permit -of the Delaney Petroleum Corporation to drill a
Brady #1
new well -Brady No. 1, located on Lots 2 and 4. Block 213, Huntington
Beach Tract, was granted, subject to approval for form by the
City Attorney, of the drilling and clean-up bonds, was approved.
A.&M.Co.- On motion by Wood seconded by LeBard the application for oil
� new well
well permit of A. & M. Company to drill a new well located on Lots
20 and 22, Block 115, Huntington Beach Tract, subject_ to approval
for form of the drilling and clean-up bonds, by the City Attorney,_
was granted.
T. J.Tickin- On motion by Bartlett seconded. by Lockett the application for
new well
oil well permit of.Th.eodore.J. Tickin to drill a new well located
on Lots 17, 19, and 21; Block 113, 17th Street Section, subject to*
approval -for form of the drilling and clean-up bonds, by the City
Attorney, was granted.
Page #2
Minutes Monday, May,17, 1954
Sowest - On motion by LeBard seeonded by mood the application for oil
New well
well ,permit of Southwest Exploration Company to drill a new well
to be located 1,055.50 feet westerly along a straight line projec-
tion of center line .of.. Ocean. Avenue from its intersection with
center line at 23r.d. Street thence 90.00 feet northerly at right
angles, was .granted.
a "
On motion..by_Bartle.tt..s.econded_.by.. Lockett the application for
oil well peermit._ of._ Southwest•.Expl.oration Company to drill a new
well to be .located 8.7..5. f.eet... northerly and 87, - feet easterly from
the northeast corner. of. Union Avenue.:.and Main Street in Huntington
Beach, was granted.
On motion by Bartlett s,econded..by Wood that the request of
cut curb
J. W. Ferguson, 215 Geneva Street, for permission to cut the curb
for driveway at 215 Geneva --Street., was granted, subject to the
work being done under the supervision -of the City. Engineer.
Mayor Seabridg.e_ r.ef.err.ed...t_o_. the .Beach and Pier. Committee for
study and report the -request- of Bernie Donald of the Seabreeze Bar-
B-Q, ' locat.ed_ on_..Ocean...Avenue.. t.o, r ent.. for parking purposes the one
acre parcel. owned.. by. the- Clt-y.--located-. at. the junction. of Huntington
Avenue and.. Highway .#1.01,,_.sa.id...rental...to.. be.. on...a_ rental. fee per month
during., the period. May 29.th_ t.o October 3 , 1954,
L.J.Bj erknes On mo.ti.o.n....by LeBar.d_.-seconded-b_y Bartlett the ' extensi`on agree-
agrImIt ext,
approved.- meat between_ the._ City --.of Hunt ingt.on_Beach. .and-- L..` J, Bj erknes for
.sp or tfi sh-
ing -bge, the purpose..of conducting. a S.portfish.ing_.Bar. ge Service from the
Huntington Beach Municipal Pier, and the. Mayor. and the City Clerk"
be authorized to execute- the..extension .agreement, was approved.
" - bait
On motion by LeBard- seconded. by.. Bartlett the extension
agreement between the City of..Huntington Beach and L. J. Bjerknes
for the purpose of conducting, a live bait business on the Hunting-
ton Beach Municipal Pier., and.. the Mayor and the City Clerk be
authorized to execute the agreement., was approved.
Mayor Seabridge_ ref err.ed....to-.the. Sanitation. Committee. for study
and report the request - of the. hunt ington. Beach_ Company for permission
to hook up . to the.. .City. of..Hunt.3ngt.on__Beach_. sanitation sewer line
near Park.Street and Union Avenue.
0rd #610-
The Clerk gave.. -Ordinance. No.. 610, an .ordinance of the City of
Huntington_ Beach providing_..f or.. pe rmits.._and. r_.egulation of . temporary
stands for . the display and. sale_ of. safe and. sane. f.ireworks.' amend-
ing Section 4111 of the.Huntington. Beach Ordinance Code and adding
Sections 4112 to 4112.18., in to said code, its seconds .
reading by title.
Page #3
Minutes - Monday, May 17, 1954
On motion by Wo.od.._aeconded by Bartlett Section 4112.15 of
Ordinance. No,
610. be amended...t o
read the 28th
of June to the
4th of July,
inclusive., ..instead..
of the 1st to
4th of July...
inclusive., was. approved*.. -
The Clerk gave Ordinance No. 610, as amended, its second,...-.
reading in fulle
On motion by Wood seconded by LeBard Ordinance No. 610, as
amended, was passed and adopted' by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Councilmen: Lockett, Bartlett, Wood, LeBard, Seabridge
NOES: Councilmen: None
ABSENT: Councilment None
The Clerk gave Ordinance No. 611, an ordinance of the City
of Huntington Beach establishing set -back lines along portions of
certain streets and public ways in the City, of huntington Beach
its second and final reading by title.
On motion -by Wood seconded by LeBard Ordinance No. 611 be
Councilman- Wood- and,. Councilman_ LeBard- Yd thdrew their motion
and second,. resp-ectively, for the adoption of Ordinance No. 611.
On motion by Bartlett s.ec.onded_by Wood Ordinance No. 611 be
held over for further study and consideration;. was approvedo
Res.o.#1218- The Clerk read Resolution No, 1218, a resolution of the City
`Farking Mtrs.
Council of the City of Huntington Beach, California, directing'
installation of parking meters upon streets or portions thereof
and upon City -owned or leased. land -:avi.-.:th the parking meter zone and
d6signating the days and hours- during which such parking meters
shall be in operation..
On motion by Wood seconded_ by_ LeBard. Resolution No. 1218,
was passed and_ adopted_ by -the_.-following_ r-oll call vote.:
AYES-: - Councilmen.: Lockett, Bartlett, Wood, LeBard, Seabridge
NOES,: Councilmen: None
ABSENT: Councilmen.: None.
Kiddie' On motion by Lockett seconded- by._.Ba,&tlett the request of the
Rides in _ ,
front of �unt ington .B.each. Chamber. of C.ommer-ce to_ locate in front of the
July 1-5th Paval on Ballr o.om..and_-pier_..entr.an.ce,,. to b.e - approved. by the.. Chief
of Police and the Fire Chief., during. the, period July 1, 2, 3s 4.-
and -5, 1954, a merry-go-round,_- ferr.is._wheel and. four kiddy rides,
and that the ravalon Ballroom be reserved f or the celebration, used
from June 28th to July 5, 1954, one week,- was approved.
Page #4
Minutem - Monday, May 17, 1954
On motion by LeBard..seconded by Wood the demands as approved
by the Finance Committee be ordered pa id, was approved*
Mayor Seabridge announced that at thi's time a general dis-
plans for,
trunk lines
cuss ion will be held. on. the pr el iminary plans order ed b y the City
and prepared by Harrison and Woolley for the trunk lines to carry
water from the Katella Avenue Metropolitan Valve to the City of i
Huntington Beach for the purpose of Metropolitan Water Distribution.
Harrison &
Harrison and 'Woolley addressed those present and a xplained
the joint venture which the City had joined in the study for the
distribution lines to carry Metropolitan Water from the Katella
Road Valve to serve the areas of County Water District No. 3 and
5, the City of Seal_ Beach, the Los Alamitos "aval and Airport
Depot Installations -and the City of Huntington Beach.
On motion by Wood s.ec onded.b y LeBard the firm of Harrison
and Woolley, Engineers., be instructed to proceed vk th the detailed
plans of Alternate Plan No.3 as contained in the preliminary re-
port of Harrison and Woolley, Engineers, that had been prepared
and filed with the City of Huntington Beach was approved by the
following roll call vote:
AYES: Councilmen: Lockett, Bartlett, Wood, LeBard, Seabridge
NOES: Councilmen: hone
ABSENT: Councilmen: None
Purchase On motion by Wood seconded by LeBard the City Purchasing Agent
car for
Beach be authorized to issue a purchase order to Jim Briggs Ford of
Huntington Beach for one Model 6M-104, new 1954 Marmon -Herrington
.(4 Wheel Drive) Power King Panel, 8 cylinder Engine, for use of
the City of Huntington Beach Police Department for.sundry activities,
was approved*
On motion by LeBard seconded by Bartlett the City Purchasing
above car,
Agent be instructed to issue a purchase order for a two way trans-
mitter and the necessary police equipment on the new 11'armon-Herrington
(4 Wheel Drive), was approved*
On motion by Bartlett sego nde.d_by LeBard that the Mayor and
the City Clerk be authorized to execute.the maintenance agreement
(neon) at
between the Electrical Products Corporation and the City of Hunting-
ton Beach covering maintenance and repairs of the City of Huntington
Beach neon sign on the Pavalon building and said agreement subject
to approval for form by the City Attorney, was approved.
Addition to
On motion by Lockett seconded by LeBard the City Engineer
Beach Stage-
be instructed t o Ir oceed with the addition to the beach stage in
accordance with the estimate submitted. by the City Engineer in the
amount of $850.00, as recommended by the Beach and Piar Committee., -
was approved*
Page #5
Minutes - Monday, May 17, 1954
Lee Chamnesa
Mayor Seabridge. referred_t o .the Beach and.
Pier Committee
for study and report the request of Lee Chamness for renewal
of his beach lease agreement and certain modifications of the
fee schedule.
Repair 12th
On motion by LeBar d seconded by Wood the
City Engineer be
Main & Lake
instructed to proceed with the street work on
12th Street, Main
to Lake, in accordance with budget provisions,
was app oved..
On motion by Wood seconded by LeBard the
regular meeting
of the City Council of the City of Huntington
Beach adjourned"
y Clerk. . _an _. ex -of c o e r
of he City Council of the City
of Huntington Beach, California
ay or
City Clerk