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Council Chamber, City Hall
Huntington Beach, California
Tuesday, June 15, 1954
Chairman Stang called -the regular meeting of the
Planning Commission of the City of Huntington Beach to
order at 7:50 o'clock P-.M.
Commissioners present: Schryer, Presson, King, Stang
Commissioners absent: Davis
Others present: Consultant Parks
City Attorney Charles Bauer
Others absent: City Engineer Harry Overmyer
J. L. Henricksen, City Clerk
On motion by Schryer seconded by Presson the minutes
of the Planning Commission of the City of Huntington Beach
for the meetings of the month of June 1954, as transcribed
and mailed by the Secretary, were approved.
The Chairman announced that a public hearing had
been set for 7:45 o'clock P.M., Tuesday, the 15th day
of June, and asked the Secretary to read the legal
notice of public hearing.
The Secretary read the legal notice of public
hearing published in Huntington Beach News May 27th and
June 3rd, 1954, giving notice that a public hearing will
be held by the Planning Commission of the City of
Huntington Beach in the Council Chamber of the City Hall,
Huntington Beach, California, at the hour of 7:45 o'clock
P.M. on Tuesday, the 15th day of June, 1954, for the
purpose of considering a petition for conditional ex-
ception to regulations of the Districting Ordinance to
permit the drilling for and producing of oil and gas on
property described as Lots 11 and 13, Block 1803, Tract
No. 12, as recorded in Miscellaneous Maps, Book 9,
Page 13, Records of Orange County, California, present
-zoning of property R-1.
The Secretary read the petition for conditional
exception of L. W. Dye, of 1617 Park Street, Huntington
Beach, requesting permission to use the property described
as Lots 11 and 13, Block 1803, for the drilling and
producing of an oil well.
No one appeared in behalf of the applicant, L. W.
Dye, and the following residents appeared before the
Flanning Commission and voiced their objections to the
petition for conditional exception filed by L. W. Dye,
as fpllows:
Mrs. H. R. Evans, 1832 Main Street
Mrs, W. R. Stevens, 1816 Main Street
There being no further opinions voiced for or against
the application for conditional exception of L. W. Dare,
the Chairman declared the hearing closed.
On motion by Commissioner Schryer seconded by Commis-
sioner King the Planning Commission recommend to the City
Council that the petition for conditional exception re-
quested by L. W. Dye for permission to drill for oil and
gas on the property described as Lots 11 and 13, Block
Page #2
Minutes - H. B. Planning Commission
Tuesday, June 15, 1954
1803, Tract #12, present zone R-1, be denied, was
On motion by Schryer seconded by Presson the
bud et
Planning Commission submit for approval by the City
Council the budget requifinents of the Planning
Commission for the fiscal year 1954I-1955 as follows:
Salary - donsultant - $1,200.00
Blueprints, maps, etc. 350.00
Conferences, conventions 200.00
Total - 1,7 0.00
Motion carried.
The Commissioners held a general discussion on the
R-1 area east of Highway 39- to the Santa Ana River for
a possible solution to any proposed re -zoning of the
Chairman Stang announced that a public hearing had -
been set for 8:30 o'clock P.M., Tuesday, the 15th day of
June, 1954, and requested the Secretary to read the legal
The Secretary read the legal notice, Notice of Public
L.A. &
Hearing, published in the Huntington Beach Nevis June 3,
1954, calling for a public hearing to be held in the
Council Chamber of the City Hall, Huntington Beach,
California, at the hour of 8:30 o'clock P.M., on Tuesday-
15th day of June, 1954, for the purpose of considering
to condi-
a petition for a conditional exception to regulation of
e the -Districting Ordinance for permission to erect one
building to service and maintain vacuum trucks and the
litre, one small building to store necessary spare parts
and equipment for repairs, maintenance and service of
trucks and equipment, one small building for storing and
servicing of equipment necessary to operate the vacuum
truck business on the property described as Lots 18, 202
22, and 24, Block 516, 17th Street Section, City of
Huntington Beach, present zoning of property R-2-0.
The Secretary read the petition for conditional ex-
ception filed by L. A. Schager and Evelyn Schager, 1418
Magnolia Avenue, covering a request for use of the pro-
perty as described in the Notice of Public Hearing read
by the Secretary.
The Chairman asked if anyone present wished to voice
their opinions for or against the request for petition
for conditional excepts -on of L. A. Schager and Evelyn
Schager as read by the Secretary.
William Raymond, of 505 - 15th Street, appeared be-
fore the Commissioners and stated that he had no objection
to the use of the Ir operty as requested by the applicants,
L. A. Schager and Evelyn Schager.
No one appeared voicing any opinion against the
regz est.
There being no further opinions expressed for or
against the application for petition for conditional
exception by L. A. Schager and Evelyn Schager, the
Chairman declared the hearing closed.
Page #3
Minutes - H. B. Planning Commission
Tuesday, June 15, 1954
On motion by Schryer seconded by King the Planning
Commission recommend to the City Council the petition
for conditional exception requested by L, A. Schager
and Evelyn Schager for permission to erect three
buildings in Lots 18, 20, 22, and 24, Block 516, 17th
Street Section,- present zone R-2-0, to be used for
parking, servicing and maintenance of vacuum trucks
and the like, owned and operated by the applicants,
be approved, subject to the following conditions:
1. Yard set back as required in R-2-0 zone except
r ear yar=d4.,
2, Sign not over ten (10) square feet.
3, Fence not over six (6) feet high, of chain link
type, in front yard, set back ten (10) feet.
Motion carried.
Ltr,City The Secretary read 'a letter received from the City
& County and County Engineers' Association of Los Angeles, Calif-
Engr. Assn. ornia, relative to the Senate Interim Committee on Sub-
division Development and Planning, consisting of State
Senators Arthur H. Breed, Jr., Luther E. Gibson, and
Jack B. Tenney, covering study of problems in the ad-
ministration of the State laws governing sub -division
development, and requested any comments from the
Planning Commission,
The Secretary read the communication from the County
of Orange Planning Commission transmitting copy of re-
quest to amend Use Variance Permit No. UV-1025,
A general discussion was held on proposed re -zoning
of the R-1 district .east of Highway 39 to the Santa Ana
River along the lines of an agricultural A-10 zone.
The Secretary read a letter addressed to the City
Council, City of Huntington Beach,outlining the studies
Ltr. to
that have been made from time to time by the Planning
City Council
Commission relative to the proposed re -zoning of the
R-1 area east of Highway 39 to the Santa Ana River.
Studies on
re -Zoning
On motion by Schryer seconded by Presson the Planning
R-1 area
Commission of the City of Huntington Beach transmit the
east of
letter read by the Secretary .to the City Council outlining
the studies made on the proposed study for the re -Boning
of the R-1 area east of Highway 39, that had been requested
by the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach some
time ago, was approved,
There being no further business before the Planning
Commission of the City of Huntington Beach the meeting
Secretary pro-tem