HomeMy WebLinkAbout1954-08-16427
New Well,,.
State J-112
• tt Miley --
Keck 67.
Co 'New
Marge #1
Petr., Ltd. -
New Well
Hedges Oil
drlg. . &
clean up
Council Chamber, City Hall
Huntington Beach, California.
Monday, August 16, 1954
Mayor 'Seabridge called the regular meeting -of the City
Council of the. City of Huntington Beach to order at 7:30
otelock P.M.
Councilmen present:' Lockett; Wood, Bartlett, LeBard., Seabridge-
Councilmen absent: None
On motion by LeBard seconded by `Wood the applications for
license to conduct business in the City of Huntington Beach
were grmted as follows:
Albercalif Petrol'eu*s, Limited, Long Beach, -California, the
business of oil. well drilling contractor.
Wallie B. Kaufmann and Gladys L. Hauck, the business of grocery,
at 408 Frankfort Street, Huntington Beach.
M. Dean Dickson dha Dickson -and Tuttle, the business of paint-
Ing . contractor.
On,motion by.Wood.seconded by 'Bartlett the -application
for oil well permit. of Southwest Exploration Company to drill
a new well.'State J-112, was granted.
On motion by Wood seconded by LeBard the application
for oil well permit of Southwest Exploration Company to drill
a new well Miley -Keck '67, . was _gr..anted..
On motion by Bartlett seconded by food the application
for oil well, .permit- of.-th.e. kacific -Drilling Company to drill
a new well. Marge_ #1., - loca.te.d. on Lots 7 and 8, Block 113, Hunt-
ington Beach _Tract, . was-grant-ed.
On motion by Wood seconded -by LeBard the application
for .oil well permit of Albercalif Petroleums, Limited,to drill
Jack B-. Crawford Huntington No. 3 well located on Lots 27 to
32, inclusive, Block 102, Vista De1.Mar Tract, was granted.
On motion --by LeBar-d. se.conded..by. Wood: the request of the
Delaney Petroleum Corporation for termination of the Fidelity
and Deposit Company Drilling bond No. 7067729 in compliance
with regulations of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code Section
2427.1, as reported by the City Engineer, was approved.
The Clerk read the request, from- the American Surety
Company requesting termination of oil well drilling bond No.
1853244$ and clean up bond..No.18.53a" on well proposed to
be drilled by .the.. Hedges: Oil Company, and that Mr. Hedges,
R President of the Hedges Oil Company, had informed them that
Page #2
Minutes - Monday, August 16, 1954
they did not.and.do not intend to drill a well on the property.
City. Engineer
Overmyer -reported in a letter to
the Council
that the drilling
bond and clean up bond requested
to be term-
inated by the American Surety Company was in order
as an in-
spection from his
office has found that the well was
On motion by
Lockett seconded by -Bartlett the
permit granted to
the Hedges Oil .Company to drill a
new well
be cancelled, was
On motion by LeBard seconded by Wood the request of the
American Surety Company for termination of drilling bond No.
1853244.5 for the wedges Oil Company be terminated, was approved.
On motion by LeBard seconded by Wood that the request of
the American ety Company,.for . termination of the clean up
bond No..185324" for the Hedges Oil Company be terminated, was
On motion..._by Bartlett_ seconded..by .LeBard. the. request of
son -term.
Clark C. Peter.son-for... termination of Glens Falls Indemnity
Company Dr.ill;ing.Bond No. 652163 on well known as Wilson -
Peterson No. 2, located on Lots 18.and 19, Block 1202, Vista
Del Mar Tract, and in accordance with compliance with the Hunt-
ington Beach Ordinance Code Section 2427.3 in the furnishing
of a sub -surface eurve7 of the well, was granted.
.J B;Cf,&*;; '
On motion b7 LeBard seconded by Bartlett the request of
Jack B. Crawford for termination of the Pacific Employers
Insurance Company drilling bond No. 21B29382 on well located
on West 118 feet of Lots 18, 19, and 20, Block 103, Vista Del
Mar Tract, .'0untington #1, and . complying with the filing of a
sub -surface survey of the well, in .aceordance with the Hunt-
ington Beach Ordinance -Code Section.2427.3, was granted.
Ord.#612, o
On motion by Wood.. seconded by LeBard Ordinance No. 612,
which had its first r.eading_.a.t...a.regular meeting of the City
Council on. the. 2nd. day ..of.. Augas.t, . 1954, be.. amended. as follows,
was passed.. and adopted.. by. the- following roll call voter
AYES: Councilmen.: Loekett,'Wood., Bartlett, Seabridge, LeBard'
NOES: Councilmen: -None
ABSElff Councilmen:_. None
Amendment reads. as .follows.:.
"Consolidate Voting Precinct E shall consist of
r:e ;ular election_ pr ec :net Nos. 2 and 9, polling
place ""emorial Hall,, 6th: Street- near the. inter-
section of Magnolia Avenue and 6th Street. •�
Page #3
Minutes - Monday, August 16, 1954
j Inspector: Lillis May Thompson, instead of Edna
Judge: Vera M. Beyerley, instead of Lillie May
Clerk: Orpha H. rouble, instead of Frances R;
McCormick -
Cle rk': Hazel M. Mollica, instead of Vera M.
Ord.#612- The Clerk gave Ordinance No. 612, an ordinance -of the
spe cial
election, City of Huntington Beach, California, ordering, calling, pro -
viding for and giving notice of a special election to be held
in the City of Huntington Beach on the 14th day of September,
1954,,for the purpose of submitting to the qualified -voters of
said City a proposition to -incur bonded.indebtedness by. said
City for A certain municipal improvement, its second reading
in full.
On motion by Wood seconded' -by Bartlett Ordinance No. 612,
was passed and adopted by the following roll call votes
AYES: Councilmen: Lockett, Wood, Bartlett, LeBard, Seabridge
NOES; Councilmen: None
ABSENT": Councilmen: None
Norman Norman Godbe appeared before the City Council and asked
that some:regulation be passed relative. to ':protective structures
Oil Co. -
Clean up
bond .
when wells are drilled and tarp covering on portable pulling
rigs in order to avoid a reoccurrence of -the oil spills that
coveted the houses, his house and adjacent homes, recently,
adjacent to Atlanta Avenue and Huntington Avenue,
Charles__ Miller also appeared before the City Council and
discussed the same. subject as.lvorman. Godbe., but also inquired
as to how an area now zoned for the drilling of oil where homes
are could be re -zoned to not permit the drilling of oil* The
area in which Charles Miller referred to, he was informed, that
the people,of Huntington Beach had voted that area in for oil
some years ago, and it would be necessary. for the people b.t a
special or regular election to vote out °the!. -right, -,to drill
for oil.
Mayor Seabridge referred the matter discussed by Norman
Godbe and Charles Miller to the Oil Committee for study and
On motion by Bartlett seconded by Wood the clean up
bond of
Firemants Fund
for Macrate Oil
as approved for
form by
the City
Attorney be
accepted and ordered filed, was approved.
Page #4
Minutes - Monday, August 16, 1954
Installa- The Clerk presented a sketch by�the City Engineer show-
tion 33
steel ing the -revision and improvement of the street lighting in the
ltg.impr: general area between Delaware and Hampshire Avenues and
Delaware., '
Hampshire, Frankfort and Memphis Streets, which calls for the installationsi.
& Memphis of.33 Edison Company steel poles and the construction of nine
new closed unit maskedarmsand the removal of obsolete goose
neck type fixtures which will be replaced by the foregoing
installations, and all costs for the.proposed installation and
construction .including all materials will be borne by the
Southern California Edison Company, with the exception of the
cost differential between the use of ornamental steel poles,
in place of the wooden poles, the difference in this cost is
$145,00 per pole, or a total of $4,785.00, and in the opinion
of the City Engineer this program would give adequate lighting
in the area mentioned at a reasonable cost.
On motion by Bartlett seconded by Lockett the City Engi-
neer be,instructed to proceed with the installation of the steel
poles as outline in the report of the City Engineer, read by
the City Clerk for the area between Delaware and Hampshire
Avenues and Frankfort and Memphis Streets, and the City Pur-
chasing Agent be authorizedl to issue a purchase order to the
Southern Califm nia Edison Company in accordance with provisions
outlined by the City Engineer, was approved by the following
roll call vote t
AYES: Councilmen: Lockett, -Wood, Bartlett, LeBard, Seabridge
NOES: Councilmen: Alone
ABSENT: Councilmen: None
P.laht for
The Clerk submitted for Council approval, as submitted.by
the City Engineer, plans and specifications for the construc-
t ion of a storm.drain system on Seventh Street and at the inter-
sections of 8th and -Walnut, 7th and Walnut, 6th and Walnut, 5th
and Walnut, and shown in more detail on the accompanying plans.
The preliminary estimate of cost for the completed project t o
be $29,500*00, and before advertising for bids it would be
necessary that the City Engineer and the City Attorney be author-
ized to obtain the necessary easements for the project, and
after those have been obtained to furnish-.: the detailed estimate,
of costs so the work could be advertised for bids.
Page #5
Minutes - Monday, August 16, 1954
On motion by `good seconded by Lockett the plans and
specifications as presented by the City Engineer for the con=
struction of a storm drain system on Seventh Street and at the
intersections.of 8th and Walnut, 7th and'Walnut, 6th and Walnut,
and 5th and Walnut, in accordance with the accompanying plans,
be accepted and approved, was approved.
On motion by Lockett seconded by LeBard the City Engi-
neer and the City Attorney be authorized to proceed to negotiate
for the easements required for the construction of the storm
drain system in accordance with the plans and specifications
was approved.
New Drain-
The Clerk submitted to the City Council for their con -
age System
for 1st
si'deration a sketch furnished by the City Engineer for the im-
& Main
provement of drainage system at the intersection of First and
Walnut, and estimate of cost at $565.00.
On motion by Bartlett seconded by LeBard the City Engi-
neer be authorized to proceed with the construction of the
drainage -system at the intersection of First and Walnut, in
accordance with the sketch submitted at an approximate cost
of $565.00, was approved by the following roll call'• vote:
AYES.: Councilmen: Lockett, Wood, LeBard, Bartlett, Seabridge
NOES,: Councilmen: None
ABSENT: Councilmen: None
The Clerk presented to the City Council the grant of 'ease-
Edison -
ment requested by the southern 'California Edison Company for
grant of
an easement in the name of the City of Huntington Beach
covering lines to be built on the 'Jity property to serve the
Southwest Sandblasting Company operations.
Mayor Seabridge referred the request for grant of ease-
ment by the Southern California Edison Company to the City
Attorney and the City Engineer for study and report.
The Clerk read Resolution No. 1224, a resolution of the
Tax rate
for fiscal
City Council of the City. of Huntington Beach, California, fix-
yr . 1954-
ing the -tax rate for said City of Huntington Beach for the fiscal
year 1954-1955.
On motion by LeBard seconded b y . Bartlett Resolution No.
1224 was passed and adopted by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Councilmen: Lockett, Wood, Bartlett, LeBard, Seabridge
NOES: Councilmen: None
ABSENT: Councilmen: None
Page #6
Minutes - Monday, August 16, 1954
The Clerk read Resolution No. 1225, a resolution of the
weed abate-
City Council of the City of,Huntington Beach, .California,
-ment chgs.
cancelling weed abatement charges.
On motion by Wood seconded by LeBard Resolution No.'
1225 was passed and adopted by the following roll call Vote:
AYES: Councilmen: Lockett, Wood; Bartlett, LeBar d, Seabridge
NOES;: Councilmen: None
ABSENT: Councilmen: None
City Empl.
On motion by Lockett seconded by Bartlett the Mayor and
City Clerk be authorized,to execute the agreement between the
City of Huntington Beach and the Huntington Beach City Employees,
Association to permit a candy and cigarette vending machine,
to be placed in the hallway of the City Hall, was approved.
On motion by Wood seconded.- by .LeBard the request -of the'
picnic _
Huntington.Beach City Employees' Association to cover expenses
for the annual City Employees' picnic not to exceed $325.00,
which will be held -on September 18, 1954, was granted.
The Clerk read the specifications for a proposed new piece
of fire apparatus to replace the old 750 GPM pumper, and
said specifications present by Fire Chief Higgins.
On motion by Wood seconded by Lockett the specifications
for bids
on tanker
as prepared by Fire Chief Higgins for a combination 1000 GPM
& pumper-:
Fire Dept*
pumper and 2500 gallon tanker be accepted, was approved.
On motion by Wood .seconded_ by Lockett the City Clerk be
instructed toadver. tile. for bids on- the combination 1000 GPM "
pumper and" 2500. _gallon tanker and said bids to be opened at
the regular meeting_ of the. City Council at 8:00 P.M. October
4th, .1954, and, the City to -..reserve the right to reject all
bidsp was approved.
Fire Chief
On motion by Bartlett seconded by LeBard the request of
to*- attend"
D. G. Higgins, Fire Chief, to attend the conference of the
at L.B.
Pacific Coast Intermountain Fire Chiefs to be held at Long
Beach on August'23rd to 26th, 1954_, and expenses be allowed,
was approved.
On motion by Bartlett seconded by Lockett the request of
exhibit &
TvA n Con-
the Chamber of Commerce of the City of Huntington Beach to
carry out the functions of placing a Huntington Beach exhibit
at the Orange County Fair and the annual occurrence of the 17th
Annual southern- California .Twins, convention- and _the budgeted
amount be. ..set aside for each-funct.ion.,. was__appr.oved.
On motion..by Bartlett -seconded by Wood the request of
break curb
Paul A. Doutt for permission to break th.e.. cur-bing for drive-
way at 921 -13th Street and said work to be done under the spec-
ifications and supervision of the City Engineer, was granted.
Page #7
Minutes - Monday, August 16, 1954,
City Engr, on motion by LeBard seconded_by. Bar.tlett.the City
conference- Engineer be authorzed to. attend the 32nd Annual Business
Meeting of the Pacific Coast Building Officials Conference
.� to be held in Denver, Colorado,, between October 4th and 8th,
1954, and expenses be allowed., was approved.
City Att$, On motion by LeBard seconded by Wood that the City
to attend
hearing Attorney be instructed to attend the public hearing re-Tide-
land Oil and Gas Development. as scheduled for Friday, October
27 th, 1954, in the supervisors Chamber, Santa Barbara County
Court House, at 10:00 A.M., was approved.
Bids-ext. On motion by Lockett seconded by Bartlett the City
Memo.Hall Purchasing Agent be authorized to proceed to receive informal
bids for the .exterior painting of. the memorial Hall and the
City Hall. in accordance with specifications requ'lred by the
City Engineer, was approved.
Demands On motion by LeBard seconded by Wood the demands as
approved by the Finance Uommittee be ordered paid, was approved.
Sidewalk The City Engineer presented a sketch to the City Council
denoting the proposed concrete sidewalk requested to be built
by property owners adjacent to.Frankfort Street.from Hunting-
ton Avenue to Delaware..
On motion by Lockett seconded- by.. Bartlett the Street
Superintendent be instructed to pro.c.e.e.d.. with- the construction
of ,the sidewalks in, accordance._ with_ the. sketchpresented and
said proceedings to comply -with the requirements of the Streets
and Highways Code. of the-, State.._of.. California for sidewalks con-
struction, was .approved.
Removal On' motion.by..Bar.tlett seconded by Lockett -the City
tr ee-
14th & Engineer be ins truct.e.d. t.o_._pr.o.c.e.ed_ with. . the.: r..emoval of the tree
Tree Re- located at 14th. and Crest,, was....appr_o..ve.d..
M val-
1 th St. On motion by Wood.. seconded. by Bar.ltett the. City Engi-
neer be instructed to pr.oceed.with. the.removal of the. tree
located at 614 - 14th Street, was approved.
Remodel On motion by Lockett seconded by Wood the City Engineer
Gen'l Off.
be instructed to proceed with general remodeling of the General
Office in the City Hall in_ accordance. with the recommendations
of the Building and Insurance U,ommittee, was approved.
Page #8
Minutes - Monday, August 16, 1954
On motion by Bartlett seconded by LeBard the mainte-
nance of the recreation grounds at the Recreation Center be
taken over by the Streets and narks Department, was approved.
Install. On motion by Lockett seconded by Bartlett the City Engi- •.
linen neer be instructed. to proceed with the installation of the con-
duit lines required to replace the telephone circuit in accob� d-
ance with the specifications of the'General Telephone Company
and to accept the informal quotation from the contractor in
the amount of $1,127,00 to complete the conduit lines; was •
Horseshoe ..On motion by Wood seconded by Barltett the request of
Club -
partition D. G. Higgins, Fire Chief, for permission to make a partition
.in the portion ofthe Horshoe Club glassed -in area, for
storage to place Civil Defense supplies, was approved.
City Yard- Or motion by Bartlett seconded by LeBard the request of
shed for
equip. City Engineer to build a shed at the City. Yard to store addi-
tional equipment at a cost of approximately $550.00, was
approved by the following roll call Vote:
AYES: Councilmen: Lockett, Wood, Bartlett, LeBard, Seabridge
NOES: Councilmen: None
ABSENT: Councilmen: None
Police On motion by LeBard seconded by Wood the request of the •
attend Police Chief to attend the Police Chiefs' Convention to be held
convention. -
at Los Angeles on September 1st to 4th, 1954, and expenses be
allowed, was. approved..
On motion- by Wood seconded_ by LeBard the regular -meeting
of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach adjourned.
i Clerk .and ex-officio lerk
the City Council of the City
of Huntington Beach, California
City Clerk