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Council Chamber, City Hall
Huntington Beach, California
Tuesday, August 17, 1954
Chairman Stang called the regular meeting of
the Planning Commission of the City of Huntington
Beach to order at 7:30 o'clock P.M.
Commissioners present: Davis, Presson, Schryer, Stang
Commissioners absent: None
Vacancies: (Three)
Minutes On motion by Davis seconded by Presson the minutes
amended of the meeting of July 20, 1954, be accepted subject
to the following addition to the minutes that were
omitted, was approved:
"Due to recent discussions relative to oil well
drilling regulations, Mr. Parks explained to the
Commission another method of control for areas
where drilling is now prohibited. He e)plained
that the method consists of drilling from a
specified small area or 'island' into a desig-
nated surrounding area which is -included in, or
subject to, a community lease. The whole pro-
cedure is accomplished only after a permit from
the Council has been secured. He stated that
in his opinion the object of this type of regu-
lation is to permit oil, if any;- to be vd thdrawn
Yt thout having the surface equipment scattered
promiscuously throughout an area which is valuable
for other purposes."
Oppose Use The Secretary read the Use Variance Permit Applica-
Variance tion No. UV-1368 received from the County of Orange Plann-
Permit' ing Commission covering request for variance to establish
Applic. a metal salvage yardal and battery rebuilding business
#UV-1368 in the M-1, Light Industrial District, located on the
West side of Huntington Avenue about 160 feet north of
Main Street in the north Huntington Beach area.
On motion by Schryer seconded by Davis the Planning
Commission of the City of Huntington Beach is opposed b
the Use Variance Application UV-1368, to be heard by
the Planning Commission of the County of Orange, on
August 18, 1954, at 1:30 P.M. because the present variance
operated by the prior owner was rather unsatisfactory,
and oppose the granting of the application or like
applications in the future, was approved.
The Secretary was instructed to either attend the
hearing of the Orange County Planning Commission on the
Use Variance Permit No. UV-1368 or call the Secretary
of the Orange County Planning Commission prior to the
meeting and informing them of the Planning Commission's
action on this variance.
Page #2
H.B. Planning Commission - Minutes
Tuesday, August 17, 1954
Annual On motion by Davis seconded by Presson the Planning
Calif. Commission of the City of Huntington Beach request the
L. of C. City Council for permission to allow three members of
Conven- the Planning Commission to attend the Annual California
tion League of Cities convention to be held in Los Angeles
on October 18, 19, and 20, 1954, and expenses be
allowed in the amount budgeted for the fiscal year,
was approved.
Propose " Chairman Stang read the proposed Article 936 to be
new dist. known as the A-1 District, Agricultural, and noted thereon
(A-1) changes requested by members of the Commission.
Chairman Stang read a resolution of intention of the
Planning Commission of the City of Huntington Beach,
initiating a proposal to amend the Huntington Beach
Ordinance Code by establishing provisions for a new
district known as A-1 District and proposing certain
minor amendments in connection therewith.
On motion by Davis seconded by Schryer the resolu-
tion of intention of the City- Planning Commission of
the City of Huntington Beach initiating a proposal to
an end the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code by establish-
ing provisions for a new district to be known as the
Arl District and proposing certain minor amendments in
connection therewith, was passed and adopted by the
following roll call vote:�
AYES: Commissioners: Presson, Schryer, Davis, Stang
NOES: Commissioners: None
ABSENT: Commissioners: None
VACANCIES:Commissioners: (Three)
Chairman Stang asked if the members on the Commission
vd shed to continue the study of street naming changes for
the City of Huntington Beach.
Consultant Parks presented to the Commission a map
showing a revised study of a numbering plan for the
streets in the City of Huntington Beach.
On motion b,- Schryer seconded by Presson the Plann-
ing Commission of the City of HuntingtD n Beach adjourned
until 7:30 o'clock P.M. Tuesday, August 31, 1954-
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