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Council Chamber, City Hall
Huntington Beach, California
August 31, 1954
Pursuant to adjournment of the meeting of the Plann-
ing Commission of the City of Huntington Beach of August
17, 1954, Chairman Stang called the adjourned meeting
of the Planning Commission to order at 7:30 o'clock P.M.
Commissioners present: Presson, Schryer, Davis, Stang
Commissioners absent: None
Vacancies: Three
Minutes On motion by Davis seconded by Presson the minutes
of the meeting of August 17, 1954 be accepted as mailed
by the Secretary, was approved*
R.B.Watkin6- The Chairman requested the Secretary to read the
petit.cond. petition for conditional exception upon which a hearing
exception is to be held at 7:30 o'clock P.M. this date.
The Secretary read the petition for conditional
exception filed by R. B. Watkins of 1502 East Burnett
Street, Long Beach, California, on August 10, 1954, re-
questing permission to -drill an oil well together with
necessary structures generally used in drilling and
producing oil, gas and/or other hydrocarbons, upon the
property described as the Westerly 150 feet of the south
one-half of the northeast quarter of the southeast quarter
of Section 13, Township 6, South, Range 11 West, S.B. B.
& M.
The Secretary read the legal notice, notice of public
hearing, setting the hour of 7:30 o'clock P.M. on Tuesday,
the 31st day of August, 1954, for the purpose of considering
a petition filed by R. B. Watkins covering the petition
for conditional exception read by,.the Secretary, and said
notice published in the Huntington Beach News August 19, 1954•
Chairman Stang asked if anyone present wished to
make any statements for or against the petition for con-
ditional exception filed by R. B. Watkins.
R. B. Watkins appeared before the Commissioners and
stated the petition was made by him and he had no comment
to make.
The Secretary reported that there were no written
or verbal statements filed for or against the request
for petition for conditional exception of R. B. Watkins,
Chairman Stang read the proposed conditions offered
by the Commissioners that the petition for conditional
exception of R. B. Watkins be subject to the Huntington
Beach Ordinance Code Section 9462,2O: The drilling and
operating for the discovery or production of_ water, oil,
gas, hydrocarbons, and/or kindred substances, in their
natural states, under the following conditons:
9462.21 - Such operations and construction shall
be in conformity with the Huntington Beach Ordinance
Code provisions which are not in conflict with the
provisions of this article.
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Minutes-- H: B. Plannin Commission
Tuesday, August 31, 195
9462.22 - The uses permitted under Section 9462.2Q,
shall -not be construed as permitting rotary mud
dumps, sumps or disposal, petroleum refining or
processing or storage of oil or gas in tanks -ex-
ceeding one thousand barrel capacity and not to
exceed sixteen feet in height.
9462,23 - All surface equipment such as top of well,
pumps, tanks, and the like shall be at least one
hundred fifty feet from the nearest portion of any
public road, street, or state highway, the provi-
sions of Section 9293.6, notwithstanding, shall
also be at least twenty-five feet from any lot line
which is not common with a public road, street, or
state highway line.
Signs shall be limited to two in number and each
have an area of not over twelve square feet.
There being no further statements for or against
the petition for conditional exception of R. B. Watkins,
the Chairman declared the hearing closed.
On motion by Schryer seconded by Davis the Planning
Commission of the City of Huntington Beach recommend to
the City Council the approval of the petition for condi-
tional exception of R. B. Watkins for permission to
drill an oil well together with the necessary structures
- generally used in drilling and producing oil, gas, and/or
other hydrocarbons, upon the property described as the
westerly 150 feet of the south one-half of the north east
4uarter of the southeast quarter of Section 13, Township
6 South, Range 11 West, S. B. B. & M., subject of the
• Huntington Beach Ordinance Code Section 9462.20: The
drilling and operating for the discovery or -production
of water, oil, gas, hydrocarbons, and/or kindred sub-
stances, in their natural states, under the following
9462.21 - Such operations and construction shall be
in conforJaity with the Huntington Beach Ordinance
Code provisions which are not in conflict with the
provisions of this article.
9,462.22 - The uses permitted under Section 9462.20
shall not be construed as permitting rotary mud
dumps, sumps or disposal, petroleum refining or
processing or storage of oil or gas in tanks ex-
ceeding one thousand barrel capacity and not to
exceed sixteen feet in height.
9462,23 - All surface equipment such as top of well,
pumps, tanks, and the like shall be at least one
hundred fifty feet from the nearest portion of any
public road, street or state highway, the provisions
of Section 9293.6, notwithstanding, shall also be
at least twenty-five feet from any lot line which
is not common with a public road, street or state
highway line.
Signs shall be limited to two in number and each
have an area of not over twelve square feet.
Petit. Motion carried by the following roll call vote:
to City AYES: Commissioners: Presson, Schryer, Davis, Stang
Council NOES: Commissioners: None
Vacancies: Commissioners: Three -
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Minutes'- H. B. Planninz Commission
Tuesday, August 31, 1954
Seaboard Chairman Stang requested the Secretary to read the
Oil Co.- petition for conditional exception that was filed and
petit.cond. a hearing set for 7:4.5 otclock P.M. this date.
The Secretary read the petition for conditional
exception of the Seaboard Oil Company of 612 So. Flower
Street, Los Angeles, California, . for. permissi on to drill
for oil, gas, and/or other hydrocarbons, together with
uses for commercial purposes as may be indicated on
the property described as follows:
Part of the west one-half of Section 19, Township
6 South, Range 10 West, County of Orange, State of
California, described as follows:
Beginning at a point distant 150 feet westerly
measured at right angles to the westerly line
of Bushard Street, 150 feet northerly measured
at right angles to the northerly line of Pacific
Coast Highway, and proceeding thence in a north-
westerly direction and parallel to said northerly
line of Pacific Coast Highway 660.0 feet proceed-
ing northeasterly and at right angles to said
north line of Highway to the northerly line of
Thorpe property, thence southeasterly along said
northerly line of,Thorpe property to a point
distant 150 feet measured at right angles to the
westerly line of Bushard Street, thence southwester-
ly and parallel to westerly line of Bushard Street
to the point of beginning.
The Secretary read the legal notice, notice of public
hearing ;ublished in the Huntington Beach News, August
192 1954., setting the hour of 7:4.5 P.M. on Tuesday the
31st day of August, 1954., for the purpose of considering
the petition for conditional exception filed by the
Seaboard Oil Company of 612 So, Flower Street, Los Angeles.
The Secretary reportee that. -there were no verbal or
written statements filed for or against the petition for
conditional exception filed by the Seaboard Oil Company.
There being no verbal or written statements filed
for or against the petition for conditional exception
filed by the Seaboard Oil Company, the Chairman declared
the hearing closed.
On motion by Schryer seconded by Davis the Planning
Commission of the City of Huntington Beach recommend to
the City C6uneil of the City of Huntington Beach the Sc
approval of the petition for conditional exception filed '
by the Seaboard Oil Company for permission to drill for
oil, gas, and/or other hydro -carbons, together with uses
for commercial purposes as may be indicated, upon the
property described as follows:
Part of the west one-half of Section 19, Towndlip
6 South, Range 11 West, County of Orange, State
of California, deseftbecl as follows:
Beginning at a point distant 150 feet westerly a
measured at right angles to the westerly line of
Bushard Street, 150 feet northerly measured at
right angles to the northerly line of Pacific
Coast Highway, and proceeding thence in a north-
westerly direction and parallel to said northerly
line of Pacific Coast Highway 660.0 feet proceed-
ing northeasterly and at right angles to said
north line of Highway to the northerly line of
Thorpe property, thence southeawterly along said
Page #4
Minutes-'H.'B. Planning Commission
August 31, 1954 - Tuesday, .
northerly, line of Thorpe property to a point
distant 150 feet measured at right angles to the
westerly line of Bushard Street, thence south-
westerly and parallel to the point of beginning,
and subject to the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code Sec-
tion 9462.20: The drilling and operating for the dis-
covery or production of water, oil, gas, hydro -carbons..
and/or kindred substances, in their natural states,
under the following conditions:
9462.21 - Such operations and construction shall
be in conformity with the Huntington Beach Ordi-
nance Code provisions which are not in conflict
with the provisions of this article.
9462.22 - The uses permitted under Section 9462,20
shall not be construed as permitting rotary mud
dumps, sumps, or disposal, petroleum refining
or processing or storage of oil or gas in tanks ex-
ceeding one thousand barrel capacity and not to
exceed sixteen feet in height.
9462.23 - All surface equipment such as top of well,
pumps, tanks, and the like shall be at least one
hundred fifty feet from the nearest portion of any
public road, street or state highway, the provisions
of Section 9293•6, notwithstanding, shall also be
at least twenty-five feet from any lot line which
is not common with a public road, street or state
highway line.
Signs shall be limited to two in number and each
have an area of not over twelve square feet.
Motion carried by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Commissioners: Presson, Schryer, Davis, Stang
NOES: Commissioners: None
ABSENT: Commissioners: None
VACANCIES: Commissioner -a: Three
No action
re hrg.
A-1 Dist.
The Chairman requested the Secretary to read the
legal notice, notice of public hearing, calling for a
hearing on the proposed establishment of the A-1 District,
The Secretary read the legal notice, notice of public
hearing, published in the Huntington Beach News, August 19,
1954, as follows:
"Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will
be held by the City Planning Commission of the City
of Huntington Beach in the Council Chamber of the
City Hall, Huntington Beach, California, at the
hour of 8:00 P.M. on Tuesday, the 31st day of
August, 1954, on the intention of the City of
Huntington Beach Planning Commission to initiate
a proposal to amend the Huntington Beach Ordinance
Code by establishing provisions for a new district
to be known as A-1 District and proposing minor
amendments in connection therefor. Further informa-
tion may be obtained from the City Clerk's Office.
Dated this 18th day of August, 1954.
City of Huntington Beach Planning Commission by
J. L. Henricksen, Secretary."
Page #5
Minutes - H. B. Plannin Commission
Tuesday, August 31, 195
No action could be taken by the Commissioners
present due to lack of sufficient voting members
required under the Planning Act.
On motion by Davis seconded by Schryer the public
hearing on the establishment of the proposed A-1 District
be continued at the regular meeting of the Planning
Commission to be held on September 21, 1954.
On motion b� Davis seconded by Schryer the meeting
of the Planning ommission o f the City of Huntington
Beach adjourned.