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Council Chamber, City Hall
Huntington Beach, California
November 16, 1954
Chairman Stang called the meeting of the Planning
Commission of the City of Huntington Beach to order at
8:05 P.M. o'clock.
Commissioners present: Bazil, Irvine, Presson, Davis,
Stang, Schryer, Bardwell
Commissioners absent: None
Minutes The Secretary read the minutes of the meeting of
October 4, 1954.
On motion by Davis seconded by Presson the minutes
of the meeting of October 4, 1954, as read by the Secretary
be accepted, was approved.
R. B. Watkins Chairman Stang read the Petition for Conditional
oetit.cond. Exception filed by R. B. Watkins requesting permission
exception to drill for oil and gas on propert.*.r described as the
1,360 ft. South and 1,520 ft. East from center of Section
13, Twp. 6 S., R. 11 W. (East 1/2 of SE-1 4 of Section 13,
Twp. 6S., Range 11 W), present zoning R-1.
On motion by Presson seconded by Bazil the Secretary
be instructed to publish notice for public hearing on the
Petition for Conditional Exception filed by R. B.
Watkins calling for a hearing at 7:45 E.M: o ..kick;.,'2ugsday,
December 21, 1954, was approved.
Tentative The Secretary presented the tentative map Tract No,
Map Tract 1776, being a subdivision of a portion of Blocks 2407
No. 1776 and 2408, Eastside Villa Tract, City of Huntington Beach,
filed with the City Clerk on November 4, 1954.
On motion by Davis seconded by Bazil the Tentative
Map Tract No. 1776 be referred to the City Engineer and
a committee of the Planning Commission to be appointed
by the Chairman to make a study of the tract and to
check it against ordinance requirements, drainage, etc.,
was approved.
Ray Over-
Ray Overackei-, attorney-at=law, appeared before the
acker re:
Commission and stated he was representing the First
1st Church
Church of Christ and wished to inform the Commission
of Christ
members that the Church is negotiating with the Huntington
Beach Company to purchase the parcel of land lying
w$sterly and adjacent to Main and Quincy Streets. Also,
that half the parcel is zoned R-1 and requested the
Commission to give serious and favorable consideration
to the application for conditional exception when filed.
The present Church located at Orange and Eighth Street
is inadequate and property does not give room for any
expansion and, therefore, the present proposed site
fills the needs of the Church and the Huntington Beach
Company has practically assured the Church that sale of
the property will be approved.
Paoe #2
H. B. Planning "ommission
Minutes - November 16, 1954
Ord. Code Consultant Parks read to the Commission his find -
re: out- ings in the study of the present Ordinance Code reg-
door adv. ulating outdoor advertising, Chairman Stang deferred
study of the findings -until the appointment of new
committees has been completed.
Amend.to Consultant Parks read the proposed amendments to
Code re: the Ordinance Code relative to setback lines. Chairman
setback Stang deferred the study of the effect of setback lines
lines until the appointment of new committees has been completed.
Mans re:
Consultant Parks presented four
maps showing the
street naming and -numbering
changes. Read a
naming &
paper in which was outlined
how the plan would
work and
if adopted pointed out that
much of the con-
fusion and irregularities now existing in some areas of
the City
could be cleared up.
On motion by Davis seconded by Presson the meeting
of the Planning Commission of the City of Huntington
Beach adjourned.
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