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New Well
State #568.
C., of C.
requests' sign-,
Adams & Harbor
Blvd. ,
C., of C.
Oil Code
Council Chamber, City Hall
Huntington Beach, California
Monday, January 17, 1955
Mayor Seabridge called the regular meeting of the City Council
of'the City of Huntington Beach to order at 7:30 o'clock P.M.
Councilmen present: Terry, Lockett, Bartlett, LeBard, Seabridge
Councilmen absent: None.
On motion by Lockett seconded by LeBard the applications for
license to conduct business in the City were granted as follows:
James J. Dick and.Lonnie C. Dick, oil field service.
Kelly Pipe Company, delivery of pipe products, wheel -tax.
Don Dooley & Sbn, Oil Well Pumping Company.`
R. W. Spitzer, vacuum t3'uck service, wheel -tax.
J. C. Swafford, General Contractor.
On motion by Bartlett seconded by LeBard the application for
oil well permit of Southwest Exploration Company to drill a new well
State 568, was granted.
On motion by Terry seconded by LeBard in accordance with the
request of the Board of Directors of the Huntington Beach Chamber of
Commerce, of the City of Huntington Beach to have a reflectorized
directional sign 30 inches by 70 inches installed at the intersection
of Adams and Harbor Boulevard and instruct the City purchasing agent
to issue a purchase order_to the Orange County -.Highway Commission in
the amount of $58.17, that was quoted by the Automobile Club of Southern
California to make a complete installation, was approved.
The Clerk read a resolution of the Huntington Beach Chamber of
Commerce wherein a request is made to the City Council to authorize
responsibility to the proper department of the City or a person or
persons employed by the City to enforce the Oil Code of the Huntington
Beach Ordinance Code regulations or adopt such measures as may be nece-
ssary to protect property and all interests.
-Changes re- The,Clerk read suggestions presented by Mayor Seabridge for
quested reg-
ulating'drill. changes in the oil code of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code regulating
drilling for oil and gas.
New Well On motion by Bartlett seconded by Terry the.application for oil
Adair ,#1
well permit of Neaves Petroleum'Development to drill a new well Adair
No. 1, to be.located on Lots 25 and 27, Block 102, Huntington Beach
Tract, was granted.
.New Well
Overacker #1
New Well
Larsen #1
• New Well
Dart #1
Page #2
Minutes - Monday, January.17, 1955
On motion by LeBard seconded by Terry the application for oil
well permit of Neaves Petroleum,Development.to drill a new well,
whipstock, Overacker, et al No. 1, to be located on Lots 2 and 4,
Block 305,.Huntington Beach Tract, was granted.
On.motion by Bartlett seconded by Terry'the application for oil
well permit of Neaves Petroleum Development to drill a new well Larsen
No; 1, to be located on Lots 22 and 24, Block 101, Huntington Beach
Tract,.was granted.
On motion by LeBard seconded by Terry the application for oil
well permit of Neaves Petroleum Development to drill a new well, Dart
No. 1, to be located on Lots 10 and 12, Block 301,_Huntington Beach
Tract, was granted.
New Well On motion by Lockett seconded by Bartlett the application for oil
Simpson #1
well permit of iReaves Petroleum Development to -drill a new well Simpson
No, 1, to be located on Lots 9, 11, and.13, Block 202, Huntington Beach
Tract, was granted.
New Well
On motion by LeBard seconded by Terry the
application for oil well
Stanfield #2
permit of.the.Neaves Petroleum Development to
drill a new well, whipstock,
Stanfield No..2, to be located on Lot 9, Block
202, Huntington Beach
Tract, and said application subject to filing
of correctedd,dri111ng-and
clean-up bonds to be approved for form by the
City Attorney, was granted.
New Well
On motion by LeBard seconded by Lockett the application for oil
Valenta ##1
well permit of Neaves Petroleum Hfevelopment to
drill a new well, whip-
stock, Averbeck- Valenta No. 1, to be located
on Lots 11, 13, 15, and
17,.Block 102, Huntington Beach Tract, subject
to the filing of corrected
drilling and clean-up bonds to be approved.for
form by the City Attorney,
was granted.
New Well
On motion by Bartlett seconded by LeBard the application for oil
Sehle #1
well permit of eaves Petroleum Development to
drill a new well, whip-
stock, Sehle No. 1, to be located on Lots 11, 13, 15, and 17, Block 102,
Huntington Beach Tract, subject to the filing of corrected drilling and
clean-up bond to.be approved for form by the City Attorney, was granted.
Public Hear,'
ear Mayor Seabridge announced that the hour of -8:00 o'clock P.M. has
ing - Tract
#1776 been set for a public hearing on the tentative sub -division map Tract
No. 1776,. and asked the. Clerk to read the legal notice of public
Page #3
Minutes - Monday, January•17, 1955
The Clerk read the'legal notice of public hearing setting the
hour.of 8:00 o'clock P.M. on Monday, January 17, 1955, for the purpose
of an open hearing on the appeal from the ruling of the Planning Com-
mission•on the proposed •:en-a:ti,v5esubd1vision:map Tract No. 1776, to
be located on portions of Blocks 2407 and 2408, East Side Villa Tract,
City of Huntington Beach.
The subdivider appeared before the City Council and stated that
he was ready to answer any questions.
James G. Dale, property owner to the south of the proposed sub-
division.requested the City Council to give consideration to have the
culdesac street carried through the 70 feet of the southern portion of
the proposed subdivision in order to have a continuous through street
-for the future.
The subdivider representative stated that he was agreeable to
carrying the street -through on property but thatzMri Dale would have
to pay for the street extension including the curb and gutter.
There being Oo further comments regarding the hearing on the ten-
tative subdivision tract No. 1776, Mayor Seabridge declared the hearing
The representative of the subdivider and the City Council agreed
to the following changes from the recommendation --of the Planning Com-
1. Street to be named "North Georgia Street",
2. Alleys to be made 18' wide.
3 The street to be not less than 55 ft. wido.
4. Yorktown to be widened to 40, on South half for the
full extent of the parcel to be subdivided.
5. That the southerly half of Yorktown Street and both alleys
be paved according to City standards, or funds to pay for
same be paid to the City.
6. That drainage is provided according .to plans approved by
the City Engineer.
7. That Lots 4 and 5-be adjusted after parcel to south of
Lot 4 is shortened 20' to comply with record maps. (It
appears to be incorrectly shown at -present.)
8. That no lot have an area of less than 5000 sq. ft., and
that lots not fronting upon the turning circle have a
frontage bf at least 501.
9. That the typical street section -shown be corrected.
10. That a report from the City's Health Officer be secured
before a decision in the.matter of cesspools is made.
Tract #1776 On -motion by LeBard seconded by Bartlett the tentative subdivision
map Tract No. 1776 be approved in'accordance with the changes outlined
and accepted, by the representative of the subdivider as listed below,
and the City Attorney be instructed to draw up an agreement with the
Page #4
Minutes - Monday, January 17, 1955
t Y
City and the subdivider tnd the City Engineer to prepare and report
to the City Council the estimate of cost for streets and curbs in
order tD determine the amount of bond to be. posted was approved,
New Well
On motion by Bartlett.seconded by LeBard the application for oil
Cassidy #1
well permit of Milton.Barratt and Ernest W. Bysshe Jr. to drill a
new well Cassidy No. 1 to be located on Lot 11, Block 106, Huntington
Beach Tract.,. was granted.
. New Well _
On motion by LeBard seconded by Terry the application for oil well
Niccole #20
permit of W. E. Niccole Sr,,and W. E. Nlecole Jr., to drill a new well
Well No. 20,. to be located on Lots 89 9, and la;, Block 108, Huntington
Beach Tract, was granted,
New Well
On motion by Bartlett seconded by LeBard the.application for oil
HB B-#1
well permit of the Southern California Petroleum -Corporation to drill
a new well Huntington Beach B-#1,•to be located on Lot 19, B16ck 303,
Huntington Beach Tract, was granted.
New Well
On motion -by LeBard_seconded by Terry the application for oil
Berry #1
well permit -of Warren L. Meeker, to.drill a new.weil, Berry No. 1,
to.be located on Lot 17, Block 106, Huntington Beach Tract, subject to
the filing _of the clean-up bond to be approved for form by the City'
Attorney, was granted -
New Well
On motion by Bartlett seconded by.Terry the application for oil
Frazier #2
well permit of Frazier, Barnes and Cree, to -drill a new well Frazier
No. 2, to be located on Lots 17 and 19, Block•201, Huntington Beach
Tract,, was granted.
New Well
On'motion by Bartlett seconded by Lockett the application for oil
well permit of. Beloil..Corporation Ltd., to drill a new well,Huntington
Beach Community. No. 3, to be located'on Lot 28, Block 205, Huntington
Beach Tract, was granted.
New Well. On motion by LeBard seconded -by Bartlett -the application for oil
Sarrabere #1
well permit of Warren L. Meeker, to drill a new well Sarrabere No, 1,
to be located on Lots •21 and 23i;: Block 206, Huntington Beach Tract, subject
to the filing of the clean-up bond to be approved for form by the City
Attorney, was granted.
New Well On motion by -Lockett seconded .by Terry the applicatbn for oil.
Hedges, Smith
& E lick #1 well -permit of Hedges, -Smith and Erlich -operators to drill a new well
No. 11 to be located on Lot 21, Block 210, Huntington Beach Tract, was
-Page #5
Minutes - Monday, January 17, 1955
New Well
On motion by Bartlett seconded by Terry the application
Cleveland Pet.
H.B. 5-1
for oil well permit_of Cleveland Petroleum Company, a corp-
oration, to drill a new well, whipstock, Huntington Beach 5-1,
-to be located on Lot 18,.Block 305, Huntington Beach Tract,
was granted.
Remove tree
On motion by Terry seconded by Bartlett the request of
Lots 11 A 13
Blk. 106-
Milton Barratt and Ernest.W. Bysshe Jr., for the removal of
tree or trees located in front of Lots.11 and 13, Block 106,
Huntington Beach.Tract and said removal of trees to be borne
by the applicant and said work to be done under the supervision
of the:Superintendent of Streets of the City of Huntington Beach,
was approved, -
Notice of
Mayor-Seabridge announced that a hearing had'been set for,
Hearing -
8:30 o'clock P.M. and asked the City Clerk to read the.notice
re: R.B.Watkins
of hearing.
The Clerk read the notice of hearing of petition for
special permit published in the Huntington Beach News, January
6,-1955, for a special permit under Section 2423 to 2425.8 of
Article 242 of. the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code, and said
hearing -set for Monday the 17th day of January, 1955, at 8:30
o'clock P.M.
The Clerk read the petition in the matter of application
of R. B. Watkins for special permit requesting permission to
drill an oil well to be_located.on the property described as
Lots 1 and 3,..Block 302_. Huntington Beach Tract, and said well
to be located within ten feet ,of the property line..
Mayor Seabridge asked if. anyone present wished to make a
statement for or against the condition for special permit filed
by A.B. Watkins.
There being no. -statements written or verbal made for or
against the petition of R. B. Watkins, Mayor Seabridge declared
the hearing closed.
On motion by Terry seconded by Bartlett the petition for
special permit of A. B. Watkins for permission to drill an oil
;well on Lots 1 and 3, Block 3021. Huntington:Beach Tract, within
10 feet of the property lime, was approved by -the following roll
call vote:
AYES: Councilmen: Terry, Bartlett, Lockett, LeBard, Seabridge
NOES: Councilmen: None
ABSENT: Councilmen: None
page #6
Minutes - Monday, January 17, 1955
Open bids re:.
The Mayor requested the d:lerk to.open the bids received
for supplying the Ci'ty's gasoline requirements as per notice
inviting bids published in the Huntington Beach News on January
6, 1955.
The.Cletk opened and read the following bids:
Socal 011 and Refining Company, on the basis of single tank
truck deliveries, 200 to 399 gallons,- Ethyl 21.1¢ - Regular
Richfield 01.1 Company, - Ethyl 21.8¢ - Regular 19.6¢.
Union Oil Company, - Ethyl 24.4,¢ - Regular 21.1¢.
Stevens Oil Company, - Ethyl 21.1¢ -'Regular 19.6¢.
Tidewater Associated, - Ethyl 22.1¢ — Regular. 19.8¢.
Mayor Seabridge referred the bids for the gasoline re-
quirements of the.City of Huntington.Beach to the. Streets and.
Parks Committee for study and report..
City Employees'
The.Clerk read a letter received from*the Huntington Beach
request pay
City's Employees' Association requesting a.two range salary
increase:f or all miscellaneous.employees.. Mayor.Seabridge
referred the request of the City Employees' Association to the
Finance Committee for study and report.
Public Hearing
The Mayor announced that a public hearing had been set for
Special permit
drill well-.
8:45 o'clock P.M..and requested the Clerk to read the notice
of hearing.
The Clerk. read' the notice of hearing of petition for
special permit published in the Huntington Beach News,.January
6, 1955 calling a public hearing on the application of A. B.
Watkins for special'. permit to drill an oil well on Lots 1 and
3, Block 302, Huntington Beach Tract, said well to be within
17 feet of the property line..
Mayor Seabridge asked if anyone present wished to make any
statements for .or against the request of R... B Watkins for special
permit under Section 2423 to 2425.8 of Article.242.of the Huntington
Beach Ordinance Code.
There.being no written or verbal.statements filed for or
against the petition for special permit of R. B. Watkins, the
Mayor declared the hearing closed.
Special permit
New Well
Whittaker #1
Page #7
Minutes - Monday, January 17, 1955
On motion by Bartlett seconded by LeBard the petition for
special permit filed by R. B. Watkins was approved by the
following roll call vote:
AYES: Councilmen: Terry, Bartlett, Lockett, LeBard, Seabridge
NOES: Councilmen: None
ABSENT:Councilmen: None
On motion•by Terry seconded by Lockett the application for
oil well -permit of A. B. Watkins to drill a new well Whittaker
#1, to be located -on Lots 1 and'3, Block 302, nuntington Beach
Tract, in accordance with special permit approved by the City
Council, was granted.
Demands On motion by.Lockett seconded by LeBard the demands as
approved by the Finance Committee be ordered paid, was approved.
Lease agree- 7 On motion by LeBard seconded by Terry the -City Attorney
ments re: _
concessions be instructed to draw up lease agreements -between -the --City of
beach & pier
Huntington Beach and Dwight Clapp for beach concession,,D. L,
Wadhams for tram concession on the pier and beach, and Gus Allen
.for pier concession at the end of the pier, in accordance with
changes indicated by the Beach and Pier Committee, was approved,
Wm.C.Wantz On motion by LeBard seconded by Bartlett the City Clerk
Beach & Pier be instructed to arrange a meeting between Wm. C. Wantz, operator
of the sportfishing boat and the beach and pier committee for
Monterey Oil
a discussion relative to the operation of the live bait conces-
sion on the Municipal Pier,
Ernie Pyle, Vice -President of Monterey Oil Company, addressed
the City Council and informed them that they have the mineral
rights on the Pacific Electric Strip fronting the City property
between Highway-101 and Huntington Avenue and suggested that the
City reserve a drill site provision in any lease made, for dir-
ectional drilling into the tidelands.
On motion by LeBard seconded by Bartlett the regular meeting
of, the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach adjourned
until"4:30 o'clock P.M. on Monday, January 24th, 1955,
I •
City Clerk
C1 y Clerk and ex-officio Clerk
off the City Council of the City
of Huntington Beach, California