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Council Chamber, City Hall
Huntington Beach, California
Monday, January 31, 1955
Pursuant to adjournment,of the City Council meeting of January
24, 1955, and in the absence of Mayor Seabridge the Clerk called
the adjourned meeting to order at 7:00 o'clock P.M., and ordered a
recess for lack of a quorum.
Councilmen present: LeBard, Terry
Councilmen absent: Seabridge, Lockett-, Bartlett, - arrived at
7:10 o'clock P.M.
Mayor Seabridge called the City Council to order and asked if
anyone present wished to bring any matter before the 'City Council
at this time.
Chas.Furr- Charles Furr appeared before the City Council and presented a
petition re:
moving of petition signed by 20 property owners living within the area of
Huntington Avenue, Lincoln Street, Memphis Street, east of the rail-
• Shedenhelm-
power supply
for oil wells
road tracks and contiguous to Memphis wherein they petition the City
Council to take measures to prevent the moving in from one location
within the City to another or from outside the City to within the
City such structures as the dwelling made from <Junk lumber and drift
wood that was moved onto a parcel of land on the north side of
Memphis Street near the intersection of Huntington Avenue, and re-
quest that the City provide legislation to prevent such occurrences
and to consider adopting the County of Orange building code or pass-
ing emergency legislation to prevent such conditions and to require
the.property owner to put up a sizeable or adequate performance bond
for coippletion after moving.
C. D. Shedenhelm, local Manager of the Southern California Edison
Company, appeared before the City Council and informed them of the
company's problem to supply present and future power requests of
operators for the oil wells that will necessarily have,to be served,
located in the area west of First Street and north of Ocean Avenue,
and presented a sketch to the City Council showing the proposed 1100
KV line running west on Atlanta Avenue and turning south to Olive
Avenue and thence west, from which line service lines will be run
north and south in the alleys to serve the required transformer banks,
and stated that the findings of their superintendent, who was just
transferred, is the most economical and serviceable program to serve
future requirements.
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Minutes - Monday, January 31, 1955
Councilmen members asked Mr. Shedenhelm if it wouldn't be
feasible to run the line down Atlanta and First Street to the
first alley north of Ocean .Avenue, and bringing the line through
that alley and then run service lines north on each alley for their
?t:ransTbrvmer bank requirements.
Mr. Shedenhelm withdrew his request to make further study as
a new superintendent would be on the job the following -day, and the
suggestion of the City Council would be studied.
Dr. Shupe- Dr. Shupe appeared before the City Council and asked them to
tax, title
lot reconsider selling the tax title lot to him located between his
property and Mr. Cusolito,-on 14th Street between Crest Avenue and
Main Street, as he has been unable to get the cooperation of the
property owners living on that side of.14th Street to quitclaim bask
to each property owner the 3.7 foot error made in an old survey in
order to correct the property lines.
The City Council took the request of Dr. Shupe under advisement.
Business On motion by LeBard seconded by Terry the following applications
for license to conduct business in the City of Huntington Beach
were granted as follows:
King's Welding shop, Long Beach, the business of welding.
Monterey Oil Company, the business of absorption plant No. 4 at 20th
and Palm Streets,.
Terminal Drilling and Production Company of Los Angeles, oil well
Robert L. Haley, Long Beach, the business of Haley Trucking Company,
vacuum trucks.
New Well, On motion by Bartlett seconded by LeBard the application for
Davis #1
oil well permit of Warren L. Meeker, to drill a new well Davis #1,
to be located on Lot 10, Block 205, Huntington Beach Tract, subject
to the filing of a satisfactory map with the City Engineer, was granted.
New Well, On motion by Terry seconded by Lockett the application for oil
#2 well permit of the Atlantic Oil Company, to drill a new well Tunstall
#2, to be located on Lots 1, 3, and 5, Block 206, Huntington Beach
Tract, was granted.
New Well, On motion by LeBard seconded by Lockett the application for oil
#1 well permit of the Atlantic Oil Company to drill a new well Tunstall
#1, to be located on Lots 1, 3, and 5, Block 206, Huntington Beach
Tract, was granted.
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Minutes - Monday, January 31, 1955
New Well,
On motion by
Bartlett seconded
by LeBard the application for
oil well permit of
the Atlantic Oil
Company to
drill a new well
Tunstall #3, to be
located on Lots
1, 3, and 5,
Block 206, Hunting-
ton Beach Tract, was
New Well,.
On motion by
Lockett seconded by Bartlett.the
application for
oil well permit of
the Atlantic Oi1.Company
drill a new well
Tunstall #4, to be located on Lots 1, 3, and 5, Block 206, Huntington
Beach Tract, was granted.
New Well On motion by LeBard seconded by Bartlett the application for
• Wilma #1
oil well permit of the klmar Oil Company to•drill a new well Wilma
No. 1, to be located on Lots.13, 15, 17, and 19, Block 207, Huntington
Beach Tract, was granted.
New Well, On motion by Bartlett seconded by Terry, the application for
Huntington- .
Webb No. 1 oil.well permit of the Southern California Petroleum Corporation to
drill a new well, Huntington -Webb No. 1, to be located on Lot 16,
Block 205, Huntington Beach.Tract, was granted.
New Well, On motion by Bartlett seconded by LeBard, the application for
#2 oil well permit of Warren L. Meeker to drill a new well, Frazier
No. 2, to be located on Lots 20.22, and 24, Block 106, Huntington
Beach Tract, subject to the signature of the principal on the drill-
ing bond and to filing a satisfactory map with the City Engineer,
was granted.
New Well On motion by Lockett seconded by Terry, the application for
Freeman #2
oil well permit of Cooper and Brain to drill a new well Freeman No, 2,
to be located on Lot 16, Block 105., Huntington'Beach Tract, was granted,
New Well On motion by Bartlett seconded by Lockett the application for
Graser #1
oil well permit of Caravan Oil Company to'drill a new well Graser #1,
to be located on Lots 18 and 20-, Block 207, Huntington Beach Tract,
subject to the filing of satisfactory clean-up and drilling bonds to
be approved for form by the City Attorney, was granted.
• New Well, Oh motion by LeBard seconded by Bartlett the application for
munity #4 oil well permit of the Beloll Corporation Ltd., to drill a new well
Huntington Community #4,-to be located on Lot 7; Block 303, Huntington
Beach Tract, was granted.
New Well, On motion by LeBard seconded by Terry, the application for oil
Ocean #1
well permit of the Apex Petroleum Corporation,Ltd., to drill a new
well Ocean #1, to be located on Lot 6, Block 106, Huntington Beach
Tract, was granted.
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Minutes - Monday, January 31, 1955
New Well On motion by Bartlett seconded by Lockett the application for
Cookerly #2
oil,well permit of Warren L. Meeker to drill a new well Cookerly
#2, to be located on Lots 6 and 7, Block 107, Huntington Beach
Tract, subject to the filing of a satisfactory map with the.City
Engineer, was granted.
New Well,. On motion by LeBard seconded by Terry, the application for oil
Sarrabere #2
well permit of Warren L. Meeker"t o drill a new well Sarrabere #2,
to be located on Lots 21 and 23, Block 206, Huntington Beach Tract,
subject to -the filing of a satisfactory map with the City Engineer,
was granted.
New Well, On -motion by Bartlett seconded by LeBard, the application for
Davis #2
oil well permit of Warren'L. Meeker to drill a new well Davis #2,
to be located on Lot 12, Block 205, Huntington Beach Tract, subject
to the filing of a satisfactory map with -the City Engineer, was granted,
New Well On motion by LeBard seconded by Bartlett the application for
Fraxier #1
oil well permit of Warren L. Meeker to drill a new well Frazier #1,
to be located on Lots 20, 22, and 24, Block 106, Huntington Beach
Tract, subject to the filing of a satisfactory map with the City
Engineer, was granted.
D.Niccole, On motion by Bartlett seconded by Terry, the request of Dennis
curb Niccole for permission to cut the curb on Third Street in Block 402,
for driveway purposes and the work to be done under the supervision
of the City•.Engineer, was approved.
Albercalif On motion by Bartlett seconded by Lockett the request of Alber-
perm.cut calif Petroleums Ltd., for permission to cut the curb at Lots 6 and
8, Block 202, Huntington Beach Tract, for driveway purposes, and the
work to,be done under the supervision of the City Engineer, was
Albercalif On motion by Bartlett seconded by Terry, the request of Alber-
remove palm calif Petroleums Ltd., for permission to remove a palm tree located
in the parkway of Lots 5 and 7, Block 202, Huntington Beach Tract,
and expense of removal to be borne by applicant and work to be done
under the supervision of.the City Engineer, was approved.
Grant.Deed- The Clerk read Grant Deed -received from Joe Irvine covering the
from Joe
Irvine to west 30 feet,of.Lot A, Block 908, Vista Del Mar Tract, for street
On motion by Lockett seconded by Bartlett, the City Attorney be
instructed to draw up appropriate resolution to accept for the City
Grant Deed given by Joe Irvine to the City for the west 30 feet of
Lot A, Block 908, Vista Del Mar Tract, was approved..
exception ,
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Minutes - Monday, January 31, 1955
The Clerk informed the City Cou#cil that the Planning Com-
mission of the City of Huntington Beach held a meeting at 5:15
o'clock P`.M. on Monday, the 31st day of.January, 1955 for the
purpose of considering a petition for conditional exception to
regulations of the districting ordinance to permit the drilling
for oil and gas and other hydrocarbons together with uses for
commercial purposes as may be indicated on the property described
as follows:
SW4 of Section 13, Township 6 South, Range 11 West.,
approximately 300 feet north and 20.0 feet east of inter-
section of.center line of Pacific Coast Highway #101
and Hampshire Avenue.
Upon the petition for conditional exception filed by R. B.
Watkins, the Planning Commission received no written or verbal state-
ments for or against the request of R. B. Watkins' petition for
conditional exception for permission to drill a well for the produc-
tion of gas and oil on the parcel described in the notice of public
The Planning Commission, in a motion duly made and carried,
recommended to the City Coukicil that the petition for conditional
exception of R. B. Watkins.tb drill for the production of gas, oil
• and other hydrocarbons on the property described as the SWI of
Section 13, Township.6 South, Range 11 West, be granted subject to
the following conditions:
Such operations and construction shall be in conformity
with the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code provisions.
The uses permitted shall not be construed as permitting
rotary mud dumps, sumps or disposal, petroleum refining
or processing or storage of oil or gas in tanks exceeding.
1,000 barrel capacity and not to exceed 16 feet in height.
All surface equipment such as top of well, pumps, tanks,
and the like, shall be at least 150 feet from the nearest
portion of any.piablic road, street, or state highway,
and shall also be at least twenty-five feet from any lot
line which is not common with a public road, street, or
state highway line.
Signs shall be limited to two in,number and each shall
have an area of not over 12 square feet.
Well #2
City Em-
salary raise
C. of C.-
14 oil
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Minutes - Monday, January 31, 1955
On motion by LeBard seconded by Lockett, in accordance with
the recommendations of the -Planning Commission that the petition
for conditional exception of R. B. Watkins to drill a well to be
located in the SW4 of Section 13, Township 6 South, Range 11 West,
subject to conditions imposed by the Planning Commission except
the distance from the easterly right-of-way line of Highway #39
or Hampshire Avenue be 105 feet instead of 150 feet as recommended
by the Planning Commission) was granted by the following roll call
AYES: Councilmen: Terry, Lockett, Bartlett, LeBard, Seabridge
NOES: Councilmen: None
ABSENT: Councilmen: None
On motion by Bartlett seconded by LeBard, that the application
for oil well permit of R. B. Watkins Operations to deepen the Mills
Well #2 located on the SW4 of Section 13, Township 6 South, Range
11 West, subject to the filing of drilling clean-up bonds to be
approved for form by the City Attorney, was granted.
On motion by LeBard seconded by Bartlett,tto'raise the salary
of all city employees classified in the miscellaneous group, under
the control of the City Council, two ranges and in the same bracket,
in effect on January 31, 1955, and said increases to become effective
February 1, 1955, was approved by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Councilmen: Terry, Lockett, Bartlett, LeBard, Seabridge
NOES; Councilmen: Norte
ABSENT: Councilmen: None
On motion by Bartlett seconded by LeBard the City Clerk be in-
structed to request the Huntington Beach Company to deed 20 feet for
alley purposes in Block 1801 and 1802 in Tract #12, was approved.
Councilman LeBard read from the minutes of the special meeting
of the Huntington Beach Chamber of Commerce -requesting that the neces-
sary changes be made in the oil code immediately for good development
of the oil resources within the business and residential areas of
the City.
The Clerk read a communication from the Chamber of Commerce, at
the request of downtown merchants, for the City Council to order'
the washing down of streets and sidewalks in the business areas by
the Fire Department, in order to alleviate the dirt and resulting
dust from oil well drilling operations.
.Page #7
Minutes --. -Monday , January 31,
Mayor Seabridge called a
recess at 9:10
o'clock P.M to
discuss the suggested changes
in.the'oil code
with the Council and
department heads,
On motion by Lockett seconded
by Bartlett,
the City employ
oil field
Norman Williams as oil field
inspector, on a
temporary basis, in
accordance with provisions•of
Section 1576 of
the Huntington Beach
Ordinance Code, at an hourly wage equivalent to salary in Range
30, Bracket C, was approved,
• On motion by Lockett seconded by Bartlett, the City Attorney
be authorized to draw up ordinance to provide for the classification
of oil field inspector in the salary range 30 of the compensation
and classification plan of the City of Huntingtn Beach, was approved,
D.Umphenour, On motion by LeBard seconded by Lockett, Donald Umphenour be
lifeguard employed as a lifeguard in salary range 21, Bracket A, effective
February 1, 1955, was approved,
Councilman LeBard, Chairman of the Beach and Pier
Committee, in
accordance with findings of the Committee, recommended
the Lifeguard
be under .
services be made a division of the Fire Department under the super -
Fire Chief
vision of the Fire Chief and to e.11tinate the position
of Chief
Lifeguard and to employ a captain to be in charge of the lifeguard
service under the direction of the Fire Chief.
On motion by LeBard seconded by Bartlett, the City Attorney be
Instructed to draw up an appropriate ordinance making the changes
In the lifeguard department as recommended by the Chairman of the
Beach and Pier Committee, was approved,
H,B.Cab- On motion by Terry seconded by Lockett, the request of the
another Huntington Beach Cab operator to add one cab to his service and
having complied with Ordinance Code procedure. and approved by the
Police thief, was granted.
Golf On motion by Lockett seconded by Terry, upon the recommendation
green fees of the Golf Committee, that Robert Marshall operator of the Huntington
Beach Golf Course be permitted.as requested by himeto raise the week
day green fees from one dollar ($1.00) to one dollar and a half
was approved.
On motion by Bartlett seconded by LeBard that the Oil Committee
with the City Attorney and the respective department heads be instructed
to work on the proposed changes in the oil code under discussion, was
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Minutes - Monday, January 31, 1955
On motion by Bartlett seconded by LeBard, the adjourned
meeting of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach
C y Clerk and ex-officio Clerk
o the City Council of the City
of Huntington Beach, California
City Clerk