HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-03-15MINUTES HUNTINGTON BEACH PLANNING COMMISSION Council Chamber, City Hall Huntington Beach, California Tuesday, March 15, 1955 Chairman Stang called the regular meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Huntington Beach to order at 7:3 0 o'clock P.M. Commissioners present: Stang, Davis, Presson, 6chryer, Bardwell Commissioners Absent: Bazil On motion by Schryer seconded by Davis the minutes Minutes of the meeting of Febuary 23, 1955, as transcribed and mailed by the Secretary be accepted and ordered filed, was approved. The Secretary presented the tentative map Tract Tent.Map #2548, being a subdivision of a portion of Block C, Tract Tract #837, per map thereof filed in Book #25, Page #2548 #27, Misc. Maps, Orange County, California, an appro- Tabled ximate area of 3.121 acres, owner and subdivider Fred Vogel, 1882 Delaware Avenue, Huntington Beach, Califor- nia. On motion by LIchryer seconded by Presson the tenta- tive map Tract #2548, be tabled for further study and request that the City Engineer check the Tentative map and report to the Planning Commission at the next regu- lar meeting was approved. Cons -Parks- Planning Consultant Parks presented a proposed prop.master County master plan of highways for the westerly portion plan of of Orange County and indicated the effect the proposed highways highways would have on certain roads, streets and avenues in Huntington Beach. The Chairman announced that a hearing had been set for 8:00 o'clock P.M. on the petition for conditional exception filed by the Church of Christ of Huntington Church of Beach and requested the Secretary to read the application. Christ - petition The Secretary read the petition for conditional for cond. exception of the Churdh of Christ requesting permission exception to build a church and parsonage on the property described as Block 1015, Wesley Heights Tract, presently zoned R-1 in the easterly half and R-1-0 in the westerly half, and that the church will include sanctuary and Sunday school rooms and there will be a parsonage. The Chairman asked if anyone present had any state- ments to make for or against the petition for conditional exception requested by the Church of Christ of Huntington Beach. The Secretary reported there were no verbal or writ- ten statements filed for or against the petition. There being no statements filed verbally or written for or against the petition for conditional exception of the Church of Christ of Huntington Beach to construct the Page #2 Minutes - H.B. Planning Commission March 15, 1955 church and parsonage on the property described in the petition, the Chairman declared the hearing closed. On motion by Schryer seconded by Davis the Blan- ning Commission of the City of Huntington Beach recom-t mend to the'City Council to grant the variance request- ed by the Church of Christ of Huntington Beach to build a church and parsonage on property described as Block 1015, Wesley Heights Tract, subject to the following conditions: 1. There shall be a front yard of not less than 20 feet, measured at right angles from Main Street, a- long the entire Main Street frontage of subject pro- perty, 2. There shall be side or rear yards of at least 10 feet in width along the entire frontage of subject pro- perty on Loma Avenue, 16th Street and Quincy Avenue. 3. Any area may be devoted to automobile parking ex- cepting in the required yards along Quincy Avenue and Main Street. 4. 'All areas devoted to parking and'to driveways shall be surfaced with asphalt or concrete before being used. 5• There shall be no vehicular entrance or exit to the subject property from Main Street, 6. That the granting of this conditional exception to- gether with its terms and conditions is an offer which is accepted, and terms and conditions agreed to, if any of the privileges authorised are used. 7. Subject to abandonment of the alley. Motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Commissioners: Bardwell, Presson, Schryer, Davis, Stang NOES: Commissioners: None ABSENT: Commissioners: 'Bazil Seaboard The Chairman announced that a hearing was set for Oil Co. 8:1501clock P.M. on a petition for conditional exception variance of the Seaboard 0*1 Company and requested the Secretary to read the petition for conftional exception. The Secretary read the petition for conditional ex- ception filed by the Seaboard Oil Company requesting per- mission to drill for the production of oil, gas and other hydrocarbons on the property zoned 9-1, described as fol- lows That part of the Southeast Quarter of Section 19, Township 6 South, Range 10 West, County of Orange, State of California described as follows: Beginning at a point on the Easterly boundary line of City of Huntington Beach distant North- erly 150 feet measured at right angles to the Northerly line of Pacific Coast Highway and proceeding in a Northwesterly direction paral- lel to and 150 feet Northerly of, measured at J �I 1 Page #3 Miriutes'= H.B'. Planning Commission March 15, 1955 right angles to said Northerly line of, Highway, 660 feet; thence in a Northeasterly direction and at right angles to said High- way to the Northerly line of Seaboard Oil Company's Thorpe lease; thence Southeasterly along said Northerly lease line to the East- erly line of City of Huntington Beach; thence Southeasterly along said City line to the point of beginning. Chairman Stang asked if anyone present wished to make a statement for or against the petition for con- ditional exception of the Seaboard Oil Company as read by the Secretary. There being no statements filed verbally or writ- ten for or against the petition for conditional except- ion requested by the Seaboard Oil Company the Chairman declared the hearing closed. On motion by Davis seconded by Presson the Planning Commission of the City of Huntington Beach recommend to the City Council the granting of the vftr ianc e by the Seaboard Oil Company to drill for oil, gas and other hydrocarbons, on the property described in the petition for conditional exception as read by the Secretary, and subject to the following conditions, was approved by the following roll call vote: AYES: Commissioners: NOES: Commissioners: ABSENT: Commissioners: Presson, Davis, B`ardwell, Schryer, Stang None Bazil 1. Such operations and construction shall be in con- formity with the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code pro- visions. 2. The uses permitted shall not be construed as per- mitting rotary -mud dumps, sumps, or disposal, nor pet- roleum refining or processing, nor storage of oil or gas in tanks exceeding 1000 barrel capacity, nor stor- age in any tank exceeding 16 feet in height above grade of surrounding land. 3. All service equipment such as top of.well, pumps, tanks, and the like, shall b e at least 150 feet from the nearest portion of any public road, street or state highway, and shallsalso be at least 25 feet from any lot line which is not common with a public road, street, or state highway line. 4* Signs shall be limited to two in number and each shall have an area of not over twelve square feet. 5. That the granting of this conditional exception together with its terms and conditions is an offer which is accepted, and said terms and conditions a- greed to, if any of the privileges authorized are used. Seaboard Chairman Stang announced that a hearing had been Oil Co.- set for 8:3 0 o'clock P.M. on the petition for condition - variance al exception filed by the on Oild Company and re- quested the Secretary to read the application. Page #6 Minutes = Mar ch 15, H.B'. Planning Commission 1955 The Secretary read the petition for conditional exception of the Seaboard Oil Company requesting per- mission to drill for the production of oil and gas and other hydrocarbons on the property described as follows: That part of -the Northwest Quarter of Section 19, Township 6 South, R ange.l0 West, and the Northeast Quarter of Section 24 Township 6 South, Range 11 West,_Couty of Orange, State of California, described as follows: Beginning at the point of intersection of the Northerly line of the Seaboard Oil Com- pany's Thorpe lease with the Township line between said Section 19 and 24 and proceed- ing in a•Southeasterly direction along said Northerly line of the Thorpe lease, 666 feet; thence Southwesterly and at right angles to the Northerly line of Pacific Coast Highway to a point 1501 distant Northeasterly from s said Highway; thence parallel and 1501 dis- tant measured at right angles from said Nor- therly line of Pacific Coast Highway 660 feet; thence Northeasterly to the point of beginning. The Chairman asked if anyone present wished to file or make a statement for or against the application for petition for conditional exception of the Seaboard Oil Company as read by the Secretary. There being no statements filed verbally or writ- ten for or against the variance requested by the Sea- board Oil Company, the Chairman declared the hearing closed. On motion by Davis seconded by Bardwell 'the Plan- ning Commission of the City of Huntington Beach recom- mend to the City Council the granting of the variance requested by the Seaboard Oil Company on the property described in the petition read by the Secretary, subject to the following conditions: 1. That no well nor appurtenant equipment for production or storage of oil, water, gas, or other materials resulting from exercising any right which may be acquired as a result of the granting of this condition- al exception, excepting underground pipe lines and utility lines and -excepting pole lines, shall be install- ed located, or placed westerly or northwesterly of the following described line: A line beginning at a point in the south- westerly boundary of subject land at a point 380 feet measured along said southwesterly boundary from the most westerly corner of subject land; thence northeasterly along a line parallel to the northwesterly boundary of subject land, 330 feet; thence northerly parallel to the westerly line of said Section 19, T 6s, R.1D W., S.B.B.&M. to the Northeast- erly boundary of subject land. 1 1 1 1 I11 1 Page #7 Minutes _ H.B. PLanning Commission March 15, 1955 (This provision is recommended in order to permit Cannery Street to be extended south- erly along its projected center line to a point thereon approximately 440 feet northerly of the northeasterly boundary of the Pacific Coast Highway (Ocean Avenue) right of way; thence bending and continuing in a southwesterly direction so as to meet Ocean -"venue at ap- proximately right angles. This provision is also designed to prohibit wells and equipment within 150 feet of the proposed extension of Cannery Sti►eet, as is required in cases of existing streets in this area.) 2. Such operations and construction shall be in con- formity with the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code pro- visions. 3. The uses permitted shall not be construed as per mitting rotary -mud dumps, sumps, or disposal, nor pe- troleum refining or processing, -nor storage of oil or gas in tanks exceeding 1000 barrel capacity, nor stor- age in any tank exceeding 16 feet in height above grade of surrounding land. 4. All service equipment such as top of well, pumps, tanks, and the like, shall be at least 150 feet from the nearest portion of any public road, street or state highway, and shall also be at least 25 feet from any lot line which is not common with a public road, street, or state highway line. 5. Signs shall be limited,to,two in number and each shall have an area of not over twelve square feet. 6. That the granting of this conditional exception together with its terms and conditions is an offer which is accepted, and said terms and condtions agreed to, if any of the privileges authorized are used. Motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Commissioners: Bar dwell, Presson, Davis, .Schryer, Stang NOES: Commissioners: None ABSENT: Commissioners: Bazil Chairman Stang announced that a public hearing Alonzo J.& had been set for 8:45 o'clock P.M. on the petition for Elizabeth R. conditional exception filed by Alonzo J. Frazier and Frazier Elizabeth R. Frasier of 124-B 7th Street, Huntington variance Beach, and requested the. Secretary to read the petition for conditionaltxception. The Scretary read the petition for adilditional ex- ception filed by Alonzo J. Frazier and Elizabeth R. Frazier of 124-B - 7th Street, Huntington Beach, for permission to drill for the production of oil, gas, hydrocarbons, and/or other kindred substances_in their natural states, in the General Business C-3 District on Lots 9 and 11, Block 605, Huntington Beach Main Street Section. Page-#8 Minutes,_ H:B-, Planning Commission March 15, 1955 The Chairman asked if anyone present wished to Various make a statement for or against the request for objections petition for conditional exception filed by Alonzo to Frazier J. Frazier and Elizabeth R. Frazier as read by the variance Secretary. Alonzo J. Frazier appeared ers and stated that the reasons lined in the petition as read by was not asking for any precedent stricted zone. before the Commision- were adequately out - the Secretary and to be set in the re - Art Bermudez of the Southern Counties Gas Com- pany appeared before the Commission and pointed out that the City has restricted areas against the dril- ling for oil and that they should be maintained, and that people purchase homes in that area for that ex- press purpose. George Hopkins, operator of the Beach Cities laundry protested and filed a letter outlining his reasons. Paul Zitlaou, Leonard W. Thompson, Fred B. Smith; Paul Adair, and James Scott, filed a letter of protest against lifting the restrictions. Smithts Mortuary of Huntington Beach filed a letter requesting -that the zoning ordinance die upheld prohi- biting the drilling for oil in the restricted areas. Martha B.-White, owner of the property housing the Beach Cities Laundry, asked the Commission to uphold the restriction against the drilling for oil and gas, in the restricted area. Wm. Gallienne appeared before the Commissioners at the request of the Board of Directors of the Huntington Beach Chamber of Commerce, to oppose any lifting of restrictions in the areas zoned against oil drilling. Mr. Lampson, resident of Huntington Beach made a statement concurring with the statement made by Mr. Gallienne, LeLand Valentine, local manager of the General Telephone Company, appeared before the Commission and objected to the granting of a variance due to the prox- imity of the telephone building. Eugene Emmert, resident of Huntington Beach, pro- tested -the lifting of the restrictions, as he had moved from Los Angeles to this City because he liked the City and intended to remain. Lylyan Mossinger, Huntington Beach City Librarian, asked that the restrictions be upheld. There being no further statements for or against the petition for condtional exception filed by Alonzo J. Frazier and Elizabeth R. Frazier the Chairman de- clared the hearing closed. Page #9 Minutes - H.B. Planning Commission March 15, 1955 On motion by Davis seconded by Schryer-the Plan- ning Commission of the City of Huntington Beach re- commend to the City Council that the petition for con- ditional exception filed by Alonzo J. Frazier and Elizabeth R. Frazier to drill fro oil, gas and other hydrocarbons, and kindred substances on the property described as Lots 9 and 11, Block 605, Huntington Beach Main Street SegtIon, be denied, was approved by the following roll call vote= AYES: Commissioners: Bardwell, Presson, Schryer, Davis, Stang NOES: Commissioners: None ABSENT: Commissioners: Bazil The Secretary reported that the City Council at their regular meeting held on March 7, 1955, made a motion as follows: "On motion by,LeBar d seconded by Lockett the City Council request the Panning Commission to proceed within the provisions of -the zoning ordinance code to extend the M-2-0 Zone to the westerly line of 8th Street extending southward to a line intersecting with a line of the prolongation easterly of the seawall at loth Street, was passed and adopted by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen: Terry, Lockett, Bartlett, LeBard Seabridge NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: None" On motion by Schryer seconded.by Davis the request of the City Council to initiate proceedings for the ex- tension of the M-2-0 Zone in accordance with the motion of the City Council as read by the Secretary be deferred in order to prepare the necessary procedure to initiate the re -zoning, was approved. On motion by Davis seconded by Schryer the regular meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Hunting- ton Beach adjourned. Chairman Secretary 1