HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-04-04504 • MINUTES Council Chamber, City Hall Huntington Beach, California Monday, April 4, 1955 Mayor Seabridge called the regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, California, to order at 7:30'otclock P.M. Councilmen Present-- Terry, Lockett, Bartlett, LeBard, Seabr idge Councilmen Absent: None Mrs. E. D. Goodman, Huntington Beach,'appeared before the City Girl Scouts � Council- Council in behalf of the Girl Scounts Council and requested the use of Day camp 1--� use of the Circle Park and Lake Park grounds for day camp use on Mondays,Wed- Lake Park & Circle nesdays, and Fridays, for a period of two weeks from the llth to the Park 22nd in the months of July and August, respectively, with permission to have fires at Circle Park. On motion by Terry seconded by LeBard the request of Mrs. E. D. Goodman for day camp use of Lake Park and Circle Park grounds during the period requested and the camp fires be under the supervision of the Fire Chief of the City of Huntington Beach, was approved. On motion by Lockett seconded by Bartlett the minutes of the City Minutes Council for the month of March, 1955, as transcribed and mailed by the • City Clerk, were approved. The Clerk read" the reports for the' month of March, 1955, as sub - Monthly mitt4d by the City Treasurer, City Clerk, City Collector, City Engineer, Reports Manager of Municipal Trailer Park, Fire Chief, Police Chief; and the Superintendent of Recreation. ' On motion by Bartlett seconded by Terry the reports for the month of March, 1955, submitted by the department heads and as read by the City Clerk be accepted and ordered filed, was approved. On motion by LeBard' seconded by Bartlett the applications for li- Business Licenses cense to conduct°business in the City of Huntington Bach were granted as follows: F'. E. Gober Drilling Company, oil well drilling contractor. Al Godfrey Drilling Company, drilling contractor. Francis I. Kee and Clyde R. Simpson, dba Kee & Simpson Drilling Company, oil well drilling contractor. Acme Dental Laboratory, dental laboratory at 6241 Main Street. Sargent Engineering Corp., wh&-t1-tax, oil well tools and equipment. Custon Built Fence Company, masonry contractor. M-W TV Appliances, Inc., merchandise, service and appliances.at 322 Main Street. 1 • E 5-0 5 I Page#2 Minutes - Monday, April,., 1955 Casner & Bentz, drilling contractor. E. J . Moriarty, whebl-tax, vacuum truck. Holtz Drilling Company, oil well drilling contractor. Burke Drilling Company, drilling contractor. Rocket Drilling Company, oil well drilling contractor. On motion by Lockett seconded by LeBard the Pacific Employers Pac.Empl. Insurance Compares Electrical Contractorl.s Bond No.-01-B-44801, and ,Ins.Co.- Elect, as approved for form by the City Attorney be accepted and ordered Contr,$do filed was approved. On motion by Bartlett seconded by LeBard the application for F. Neilsen- building permit of Floyce J. Neilsen; 110 Main Street,' Huntington erect neon sign Beach, for permission to erect a neon sign at 110 Main Street, in accordance with the approval of the Building inspector, was grant- ed. On motion by Bartlett seconded by Lockett the request of Meek - Meeker & er and Garner for termination of the Glens Falls Indemnity Company Garner- term.clean- Cleanup Bond No. 656372 for well located on Lot 11 and the north up bond 21 feet of Lot 12, Block 103, Vista Del Mar Tract, in accordance with the findings of the City Engineer, was approved, and the bond- ing dompany' and the operator -be notified of -termination of the clean- up bond. �. On motion by LeBard seconded by Bartlett that the drilling per- Bakre Well mit of Warren L. Meeker covering well to be°drilled on Lots 33, 35, #1-drlg. perm.cane. 3�t, and 39, Block 201, Huntington Beach tract, the Bakre Well No. 1, for reason well was never drilled, was approved fnn cancellation. On motion by LeBard seconded by Lockett the Glens Falls Indem- Bakre Well-i nity'Company drilling and cleanup bonds Nos: 693497-and 693498, re- &-P1-gi,,c&r an- spectively, covering Bakre Well No. 1, to be located on Lots 33, 35s up bd. 37, and 39, Block 201; Huntington Beach Tract, as well was never drilled and the bonding company and operator be notified of termin- 616 ation of the bonds, -was approved. On motion by LeBard seconded by Bartlett the request of Warren Well #49 L. Meeker for termination of drilling bond covering well No. 49, term.drlg. bond located on Lot 11, and the north 21 feet of Lot 12, Block 103, Vista Del Mar Tract, in accordance with the requirements of the Huntington f. Beach Ordinance Code Section 2427.3 having been complied with and the bonding company and the operator be notified of the termination, was approved. So.'Calif. Pet.Corp.= On motion by LeBard seconded by Lockett the drilling permit No. canc.drlg: permit 97i 973, issued to the Southern California Petroleum Corporation, be can - 0+ 505 Page #3 Minutes - Monday, April 4, 1955 celled in accordance with Section 2427.2 of the Huntington Beach Ordinanace Code, was approved. On motion by Bartlett seconded by LeBard the request of South- ern California Petroleum Corporation for cancellation of the St. So Calif." Petr.Corp: Paul.Mercury Indemnity Company drilling and cleanup bonds Nos. canc.drlg. & cleanup 991318 and 991319, respectively, covering well to be drilled on bonds Nos. 991318 & Lots 22,24, and-26, Block 105, Huntington Beach, in -compliance with 991319 Section 2427.2 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code, and the bond- ing company and the operator be notified.of the cancellation, was approved. On motion by LeBard seconded by Lockett the request of the At - Cancel lantic Oil Company for cancellation of -oil well permit No.?57 covering drlg.perm #757 well to be drilled on Lots 59 6, 7, and 8. Block 102, Vista Del Mar Tract, was approved. On motion by Bartlett seconded by LeBard the request of Atlantic Cancel Oil Company for cancellation of the drilling and cleanup bonds of the drl bond #53�1343 & Fidelity Deposit Company of Maryland, Nos.$3.41343 and 5341344, respee- cleanu bd. #53413&4 tively, for well to be located on Lots 5, 6, 7, and 8, Block 102, Vista Del Mar.Tract, and the bonding company and the operator be notified of the cancellation, was approved. On motion by Bartlett seconded by Lockett request of Morton and • Dolley for termination of Fidelity and Deposit Company of Maryland, Well WK#1 drilling bond No. 5341331 for well known as W01, located on Lots 1 term. drlg. bond and 3, Block 215, in accordance with requirements of Section 2427.1, of the Huntington Beach Ordinnance Code covering report of well aband- onment and the bonding company and the operator be notified of the ter- mination, was approved. Mayor Seabridge announced.that a hearing on petition for special permit had been set for 8:00 otclock P.M. and requested the Clerk to - read the petition. B. A. Sham- lin-- The Clerk read the application of E. A. Shamlin for special permit •�� petit..for spec.per- under Section 2423 to 2425.8 inclusive, of Article 242 of the Huntington ' mit-- °ranted Beach Ordinance Code as amended, to permit drilling of a well 17 feet from the property line on the property described as lots 2 and 4, Block 306, Huntington Beach Tract, City of Huntington Beach, Orange County, California, and that notice of said hearing was duly published in the Huntington Beach News, and set for hearing at 8:00 o!clock P. M., Mon- day, the 4.th day of April, 1955- 506 1 Term drlg. & clean- up bonds on Well' Gilmore #1 �7 Beloil Corp. -perm to cut' curb ' Miller & Nicolai- perm.cut curb lJ Std. Oil- perm.cut curb & build por- tion of driveway Page. #4 Minutes - Monday, April 4, 1955 Mayor Seabr idge asked if anyone present wished to make any statements for or against the petition for special permit by E. A. Shamlin. There being no oral or written statements for or against the petition for special . permit of E. A. Sham3liA the Mayor declared the hearing closed. On motion by Terry seconded by Bartlett the special permit of E. A. Shamlin to permit the center of the hole of the proposed well to be located 17 feet from the property line on the property des,@ cribed as Lots 2 and 4, Blo.ck •3o6, Huntington Beach Tract, City of Huntington Beach, was granted, by' the following roll call vote:: AYES: Councilmen: Terry, Lockett, Bartlett, LeBar d, Seabridge, NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: None On motion by Bartlett seconded by Terry the request of Pacific Drilling Company for termination of Glens Falls Indemnity Company drilling bond No. 656142 and the cleanup bond No. 656141 for well located on.Lots 17, 19, and 21, Block 114, Huntington Beach Tract, Gilmore No. 1, having complied with Section 2427.3 of the Hunting- ton Beach Ordinance Code submitting a copy of the sub -surface survey of the well and compl#ng.g with the cleanupprovisions of the code and the -bonding company and the operator be notified of,the termin- ation of the bonds, was approved. On motion by Bartlett seconded by Terry, the request of Beloil, Corporation for permission to cut the curb for driveway purposes at 6th Street at Lots 2 and 4, Block 205, Huntington Beach Tract, and said work to be done under the supervision of the City Engineer, was approved. On,motion by Terry seconded by Bartlett, the request of Miller and Nicolai for permission to cut the curb at 312 '- 7th street, all work to be done under the supervision of the City Engineer, was ap- proved. On motion by Bartlett seconded by Lockett the request of Stan- dard Oil Company of California for permission to cut the curb along the south boundary of Atlanta Street for a distance of thirty feet in order to make a driveway for ingress and egress to an oil lease, in accordance with print submitted and to include permission to build a portion of the driveway.on the street right-of-way, was granted, subject to the work to be done under the supervision of the City Engineer. 14 50 Page #5 . Minutes - Monday, April 4, 1955 The Clerk read communication received from Huntington Beach Elementary School Parent Teachers Associdtion, requesting the City Council to consider fencing in oil well pumping mechanisms as a safety H. B. Elem. School precaution to protect school children. Parent - Teachers. The Clerk was instructed to inform the Huntington Beach Elemen- Assn. tary School Parent Teachers Assocation that a consulting engineer has been employed by the City Council for the express purpose of studying the Huntington Beach Oil Code and that the item of fencing oil well pumping units is to be included in the proposed 'amendments* &4 On motion by Lockett seconded by Terry, upon the request of Harry Norm V. A. Overmyer, City Engineer, that Norman V. Williams be placed on the Williams Placed'on regular monthly payroll under the classification of oil field Inspect- reg. mo.p/r or in salary range 30, bracket k"g", effective April 1, 1955, was ap- proved. The Mayor announced that a hearing had been set for 8:15 o'clock P.M., on an application for special permit, and askbd the Clerk to read the application. The Clerk read the application of the Neaves Petroleum Develop- Neaves ments for special permit under Section 2423.2 to 2425.8 of Article No. Petrol Devel.-- 242 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code, as amended, for permission petit.for < spec.perm., to center the hole of an oil well within 10 feet from the property line approved on the property described as Lots 2 and 4, Block 305, Huntington Beach Tract, City of Huntington Beach, California, and stated that the notice of hearing on special permit was published in the Huntington Beach News. Mayor Seabridge asked if anyone present wished to make a statement for or against the petition for special permit filed by Gordon Neaves. There being no oral or written statements for or against the peti- tion for special permit of Gordon Neaves to center oil well hole 1.0 feet from the property line on Lots 2 and 4, Block 305, Huntington Beach Tract, the Mayor declared .the hearing closed. On motion by Bartlett seconded by Terry the special permit requested by Gordon Neaves to center oil well hole 10 feet from the property line. on Lots 2 and 4, Block 3 05, Huntington Beach Tract, was approved by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen: Terry, Lockett, Bartlett, LeBar d, Seabridge NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: None City 8ngineer, Harry A. -Overmyer, presented to the City Council the plans,specif.ications, and estimate of cost, for the construction of rein- 5 0 7 • Page #6. Minutes. - Monday, April 4, 1955 forced concrete block toilet building to be built on the beach front between 6th Street and 7th Street, and the estimate of cost of the building, complete with septic tank, to be $8,634.00, and stated that in his opinion if the work could be done by the City force account, using the City labor and equipment where possible, the project could be done for approximately 15% less money than by formal contract. On motion by LeBard seconded by Lockett the plans and specifi- cations as submitted by the City Engineer for the reinforced con- crete block toilet building proposed to be built on the beach front 04. between 6th Street and 7th Street, be accepted and that the City Clerk be instructed to request permission from the Huntington Beach Company for permission to erect the toilet building in the area stated and to send to the Huntington Beach Company an elevation plan of the building and plot plan denoting.the location, was ap- L.J.Bjerknes �7 Home Service Co. - 1 yr. lease - ope r . paying wash.mach. at Tr.Pk. i� 1 Ord.#623 final reading proved. L. J. Bjerknes, appeared.before the City Council and'request- ed permission to operate a fish market on the Pier as was contain- ed in the permit when he had the bait stand on the Pier and stated t:hat he did not know that when the bait stand agreement was can- celled by the City Council that it also eliminated the right to operate a fish market on the Pier, or at the location of the form- er bait stand. Mayor.Seabridge referred the request of L. J. Bjerkne s to the Beach and Pier Committee for further study and report. On motion by Lockett seconded by LeBard, the agreement.between the City of Huntington Beach and Lambert Ross dba Home Service Com- pany, to conduct the business of operating paying washing machines in the Municipal Trailer Park for the term of one year beginning as of the 1st day of April, 1955, and ending on March 31, 1956, was approved by the following roll call vote, and the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the agreement: AYES: Councilmen: Terry, Lockett, Bartlett, LeBard, Seabridge NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: None The Clerk gave Ordinance No. 623, an, ordinance of the City of Huntington .Beach, California, relating to uses permitted in the A-1 District, adding Section 9462.10 to the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code,` its second and final reading. L� 507 Page P . Minutes - Monday, April 4, 1955 On motion by Lockett seconded by Terry, Ordinance No. 623 was passed and adopted by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen: Terry, Lockett, Bartlett, LeBard, Seabridge NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: None On motion by Lockett seconded by Terry the demands as approved by Demands the Finance Committee be ordered paid, was approved. The Clerk read Resolution No. 1240, a resolution of the City Council Reso.#1240, opposing of the City of Huntington Beach opposing the Upper Colorado River Basin Upper Colo- rado River Projects as proposed in S. 500 and H. R. 270 and the Fryingpan-Arkansas Basin Projects project as proposed in S. 300 and H. R. 412, now pending in Congress. On motion by Lockett seconded by Terry, Resolution No. 1240 was passed and adopted by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen: Terry, Lockett, Bartlett, LeBard, Seabridge NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: None The Clerk read Resolution No. 1241, a resolution of intention of Reso.#1241, intention the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach to vacate the alley in to vacate alley Block 1015 of Wesley Heights Tract and giving notice of hearing on said vacation. On motion by LeBard seconded by Bartlett, Resolution No. 1241 was passed and adopted by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen: Terry, Lockett, Bartlett, LeBard, Seabridge NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: None Marcus M. McCallen appeared before the City Council and called to M .M.McCallen Realty their attention the fact that in the lease that the City made with Signal Syndicate Oil and Gas Company for the drilling of the City's 44 acre parcel that the lease contains a proviso that one well could be drilled from the Signal Oil and Gas site to the five acre parcel owned by the McCallen Realty Syndicate located at the corner of the junction of Highway #39 and Highway #101, but that in the Signal Oil and Gas lease it would re- quire the Signal Oil and Gas Company to pay to the City 5% for drilling outside of the premises of the 44 acres, and that the percentage would make it prohibitive to drill on that island site with those arrangements and asked the City for permission to drill two wells from locations on the Signal Oil and Gas Company island site and agree to pay the City $50.00 per month per location as long as the wells are commercial pro- ducers, in order to avoid drilling from the surface of the property and to safeguard the property developments that would be of benefit Page #8 Minutes - Monday, April 4, 1955 to the City and help keep drilling away from and adjacent to the Highway. City Attorney Bauer explained to the City Council that in order to grant the wishes of McCallen Realty Syndicate as out - City Atty. lined by M.M. McCallen it would be necessary to enter into an Bauer agreement with the McCallen Realty Syndicate and that the oil and gas lease with the Signal Oil and Gas Company would havO to be amended to permit two wells to be drilled from the loca- tion, and also the five percent royalty - as contained in the Sig- nal Oil and Gas Company lease with11-the City to drill from the Signal Oil and Gas Company island site outside of the leased pre - raises, would have to be modified to exclude the particular five acre parcel owned by the M.M. McCallen Realty Syndicate, Mayor Seabridge referred the request of the M.M. McCallen Realty Syndicate, as explained by M. M. McCallen and in the letter filed with the City, to the Oil committee for study and report. On motion by Bartlett seconded by Terry, the request of Filson Wilson -Peterson Oil Company for permission to remove a tall Peterson Oil -Co.-- palm tree on Olive and Sixth Street located near the alley on perm. to remove the boulevard adjoining Lot 1, Block 306, "to enable room to palm tree raise the mast on a drilling rig to drill a well on Lots 1 and 3, Block 306, and to avoid moving the houses on the property, to lJ 1 and said applicant to bear all costs of removal of trees and said work to be under the supervision of the City Engineer, was approved. On motion by Lockett seconded by Bartlett, the request of D. C. Newenham for modification of oil and gas lease between the Modifica- tion of City of Huntington Beach and Berryhill and Newenham, to delete Berryhill & Newenham the 050.00 clause minimum per month to become effective April lease 1, 1955, for a period of one year, and the City Attorney be instructed to draw up the necessary instrument, and the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the agreement, was approved. -On motion by Lockett seconded by LeBard the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach consent to the approval of the agree - School - Districts' ments between the Huntington Beach Elementary School District and AgrImIts the Huntington Beach Union High School District for the use of School facilities'for the'purpose of conducting swimming classes 83�d supervised games and recreational activities from the playgrounds, was approved. 4 r Reso. No* 1 %2 . Page #9 Minutes - Monday, April 4, 1955 The Clerk read Resolution No. 1242, a resolution of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach expressing its opposition to Assembly Bill No. 3762. On motion by Bartlett seconded by LeBard, Resolution No 1242 was passed and adoped by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen: Terry, Lockett, Bartlett, LeBard, Seabridge NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: None H. Newland On motion by Lockett seconded by Terry,the request of Mrs Helen retire 6-1-55 Newland to retire as of June 1, 1955, from the City's services be ac- cepted, was approved. L. Kitts Om motion by Bartlett seconded by Lockett, the request of the City app't'd Dep,City Clerk to appoint Lois Kitts as.Deputy City Clerk with no addit.l'onal com- Clk. pensation, was approved. Order new street Sweeper from A.M. Donaher & Sons Purchase new chev. 4 dr. sedan `.St. right- of-way Memphis Ave. On motion by Bartlett seconded by Terry, in accordance with the recommendations of the Streets and Parks Committee, the City Purchasing Agent be authorized to order one new street King Agin Sweeper, four cubic yard model, complete withaall standard accessories for the de- livered price of $9, 675.00 plus California State Sales Tax, in accord- ance with the proposal and specifications of the A. M. Donaher and Sons of April 4, 1955, and said purchase be charged to the Special Fund for Capital Outlay reserve, was approved by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen: Terry, Lockett, Bartlett, LeBard, Seabridge NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: None On motion by Bartlett seconded by Terry, in accordance with the recommendations of the Streets and Parks Committee the City Purchasing Agent be instructed to purchase one new Chevrolet four .door sedan with power glide, 6 cylinders, and to transfer the present Chevrolet driven by the City bngineer to the Oil Field Inspector and to trade in the City's Chevrolet 1946 model Car #854 on the new Chevrolet to be pur- chased, and said purchase to be paid from the Special Fund for Cap- ital Outlay reserve, was approved by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen: Terry, Lockett, Bartlett, LeBard, Seabridge NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: None On motion by Bartlett seconded by LeBard the City Engineer be instructed to negotiate for the necessary street right-of-way along Memphis Avenue between Huntington Avenue and State Highway #39, was approved. s I 1 • 1 Albercalif Petr.-clean up prop. On motion by Bartlett seconded by Terry that the Albercalif Petroleums, Ltd., be instructed to clean up the property surrounding 509 ti 8-41 1 1 Page #10 Minutes - Monday April 4, 1955 the well known as the Crawford No. 3, at the corner of Alabama Avenue and Atlanta, was approved. -On motion by Bartlett seconded by Lockett that in accordano City Engr. with the recommendations of the Streets and Parks Commitee the City to con- struct Engineer be authorized to construct alleys in accordance with the alleys specifications as outlined by him, to handle heavy traffic; on the alleys, bounded by Walnut and Olive Avenues, and First and Second Streets, was approved. On motion by Lockett seconded by Terry, the City Clerk be Pistol Range authorized to dispose of the ailvaged iron backstop used at the Backstop former pistol range, for a reasonable value,•was approved-. On motion by Terry seconded by Bartlett the Planning Com- Plann. Comm. mission be instructed to undertake and make a survey for land to make survey use of the City owned 44 acres for industrial sites, was approved. On motion by Lockett seconded by LeBard, the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach adjourn until 7:30 otelock P.M. Mon- day, the llth day of April, 1955, was approved.. ATTEST: City Clerk 'ty Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the C ity .66unc it of the City of Huntington Beach, California Em"W, / Mayor . 1