HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-04-11509 MINUTES Council Chamber, City Hall Huntington Beach, California Monday, April 11, 1955 Pursuant to adjournment of the meeting of the City Council on April 4, 1955, Mayor Seabridge called the adjourned meeting to order at 7:30 o'clock P.M. Councilmen Present: Terry, Lockett, Bartlett, LeBard, Seabridge Councilmen Absent: None The Clerk read the agreement between the Huntington Beach Agr+m't Company, Pacific Electric Land Company, and the Pacific Electric between H.B.Co., Railway Company, and the City of Huntington Beach granting a right - Pacific Elec.Land of -way and easement to lay, construct and maintain, operate, repair, Co., Pac. Elec.Rwy.& renew and remove a pipeline and necessary attachments for storm drain City of H.B. granting purposes in, under, along and across certain real property situate in easement rights for the County of Orange, State of California, described as follows:- A storm drain purposes portion of the southwest 4s Section 11, Township 6 South, Range 11 West, (part of southwest 4s Section 11, Township 6 South, Range 11 West) S.B.B.,& M., lying from the southwesterly boundary line of Ocean Avenue 100 feet in width, and the line of ordinary high tide of the Pacific Ocean. Said pipeline shall be constructed on a five foot stip line, the center line which is described as follows. Beginning at a point on said southwesterly boundary line distant southeasterly thereon 4.50 feet from its intersection with the southwesterly prolongation of the northwesterly boundary line of 7th Street in the City of Huntington Beach, thence south- westerly parallel with and 4.50 feet southeasterly of said southwesterly prolongation to a point on said line of ordinary high tide of the Pacific Ocean. On motion by Lockett seconded by Terry, the Mayor and the City Clerk be authorized to execute the agreement between the Hunting- ton Beach Company, Pacific Electric Land Company and the Pacific Elec- tric Railway Company and the City of Huntington Beach granting ease- ment rights to lay, construct, and maintain, operate, repair, renew, and remove the pipeline and necessary attachments for storm drain purposes on the property described in the agreement read by the City Clerk, was approved. The Clerk read a communication received from W.M. Cookerly W.M. Cookerly of 712 Ocean Avenue, Huntington Beach, asking the City to exclude the use of hydraulic oil pumping units within a distance of 100 feet from a residence or dwelling unit. 510. Page # 2 Minutes - Monday, April 11, 1955 The City Engineer informed the City Council that the unit in question was undergoing tests by the distributor and the manufacturer and if such tests and changes in accessories on the -pumping unit does not eliminate the excessive,noise that a- nother type of unit will be installed. Verbal ap- The Clerk informed the City Council that —the Huntington proval of H.B. Co. re: Beach Company has given verbal consent pending authorized approval toilet bldg.- ` for the construction of a reinforced concrete block toilet building to be built on the beach front between 6th and 7th Streets. On motion by Lockett seconded by Terry, the City Coun- cil finds, that.in accordance with the previous report -of the City Engineer, that the City caneconstruct the ppoposed rein- forced concrete block toilet building to be built on the beach front between 6th and 7th Streets cheaper by using City labor and purchase of materials, wa.s. approved by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen: Terry, Lockett, Bartlett, LeBard, Seabridge NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: None On motion by LeBar d seconded by Terry, the City Engineer Toilet Bldg." be instucted to proceed with the construction of the reingored to be constr. between"6th & concrete block toilet building to be built on the beach front • 7th Sts. between 6th and 7th Streets, in accordance with the plans and specifications as accepted and approved by the City Council, and to use City labor and equipment where possible, was approved. On motion by Bartlett seconded by Terry, the request R. Hosmer of Roger Hosmer for permission to remove approximately 10 feet perm.to remove of curbing and 8 feet of sidewalk at 1836 Park Street, to in - curb .& .s ide- walk stall a driveway approach for his residence, and said work to be done under the supervision of the City Engineer., was approved. On motion by Terry seconded by Bartlett, the request w United of the local chapter of the United Cerebral Palsy Association Cerebral Palsy Assn. of Orange County, Inc., to place canisters and placards about. the City and to receive donations during the regular fund cam- paign in the month Iof May, 1955, was approved. On motion by LeBard seconded by Bartlett the demands as a - Demands pproved by the Finance Committee be ordered paid, was approved. The'Clerk read the claim of Lillian G. Johnson, Ruby "M. Johnson & Graham' Graham, and E. J. Graham, of 517 - 12th Street, Huntington Beach, ` Claim for damages being the address of the legally described property, and said damages in the amount of $460.00 for plumbing repairs to house and patio incurred because of fault in the City sewer system. 510 Park-St.- constr. H.B. Plann. Commission Bernie Donald- agr ImIt re: public parking Daisy T. Hook McCallen Realty Syndicate Page #3 Minutes - Monday, April 11, 1955 The Clerk reported that the claim.had been filed with the Pacific Indemnity Company for review by their adjuster. On motion by LeBard seconded by Bartlett the claim for damages of Lilliari' G. Johnson, Ruby M. Graham, and E . J . Graham be referred to the City Attorney for review, was approved. On -motion by Bartlett seconded by Terry, the City Engi- near be instructed to make a cost estimate for the installation of a sewer line in Block 1802, Tract #12, was approved. On motion by -Bartlett seconded by Terry, the City Engi- near be instructed -to proceed with the construction,of Park Street between Springfield and Utica, was approved. On motion by LeBard seconded by Bartlett, the City Council request the City Planning Commission of the City of Huntington Beach to make a study of annexation requirements to annex to the City of Huntington Beach, was approved. On motion by LeBard seconded by Bartlett, the City Attorney be instructed to draw up an agreement between the City of Huntington Beach and Bernie Donald for the use of the acre adjacent to Huntington Avenue and Highway #101 for the purpose of public parking of cars from May 15th to September 15, 1955, and percentage to be 20% of gross re- ceipts, and the Mayor and the City Clerk be authorized to execute the agreement, was approved. Daisy Thorpe Hook appeared before the City Council and re- ported that the City Clerk, had failed to advise .her' of the variance application filed by the Seaboard Oil CompanyFto drill a well on her property adjacent to Highway #101, and reported that the Seaboard Oil Company had not complied with requirements of the first well drilled, such as proper +cleanup, allowing gas to escape, etc. Councilman Terry, Chairman of the Oil Committee, report - ad to the City Council on the. request of the McCallen Realty Syndi- cate to be allowed to use two locations on which to drill from the filled land now occupied by the Signal Oil and Gas Company, under a lease with the City of Huntington Beach, and would agree to pay $50.00 per month per location,as long as the wells are commercial producers, and recommended to the City Council not to accept the offer of the McCallen Realty Syndicate for the two drill sites, as to accept the offer would necessitate amending the lease between the City of Huntington Beach and the Signal Oil and Gas Company. On motion by Bartlett.seconded by Terry, -the adjourned meeting of the City Council of ,the City of Huntington Beach ad- • 1 1 „journed. •0 -511 Page #4 Minutes - Monday, April 11, 1955 City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, California ATTEST: � ayor City Cl6rk