HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-04-26MINUTES HUNTINGTON BEACH PLANNING COMMISSION Council Chamber, City Hall Huntington Beach, California April,26, 1955 Pursuant to the adjournment of the regular meet- ing of April 19, 1955, Chairman Stang called the adjourned meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Hunting- ton Beach to order at 7.:45 o'clock P. M. Commissioners present: Bazil, Bardwell, Davis, Stang Commissioners absent: Presson, Schryer Commissioners vacancy: One The Chairman requested the Secretary to read the legavnotice of public hearing set for 7:3 0 o'clock P.M., April 26, 1955• Public Hrg. The Secretary read the notice of public hear - re: prop, ing relative to proposed chhnges of Use District bound - changes ary and classification as published in the Huntington Beach Use Distr. News of April 14, 1955, in accordance with Resolution No. boundary 32, passed and adopted by the planning commission of the City of Huntington Beach at its special meeting held on April 5, 1955• The Secretary read the affidavit of posting notice of use district hearing filed by the City Engineer to the effect that the property described in Resolution No. 32, was posted in accordance with provisions of Ar- ticle 925 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code and all postings of notices were completed on the 15th day of April, 1955. Chairman Stang asked if anyone present wished to make any statements regarding the proposed changed of use district boundary and classification. LeRoy LeRoy Paxton addressed the Planning Commissioners Paxton and;,rgquested information as to the purpose of the re -zoning, Mr. Paxton was informed by the Commissioners that therpurpose of the re -zoning of the area between 8th Street and loth Street, southerly of the Pacific Coast Highway was for the purpose of making available drill sites for slant drilling into the tidelands to possibly avert islands from being built in the ocean for the purpose. The Secretary reported that no verbal or written statements for or against the district boundary changes and use classification between the extension of 8th and loth Streets in the S-1 District had been received. There being no further statements for or against the proposed re -zoning of the extension of 8th and loth Streets in the S-1 District, the Chairman declared the hearing closed. On motion by Davis seconded by Bazil the Planning Commission request the City Engineer to furnish exact measure- ments for the area described in Resolution No. 32, using the seawall for the southerly boundary of the area and projecting said seawall line easterly to a point intersecting with a line extended southerly from a point at loth Street on the southerly line of Ocean Avenue, was approved. Page #2 Minutes = H.B. Planning Commission April 26, 1955 The Chairman requested the Secretary to read the legal notice of public hearing set for 8:00 o'clock on Tuesday the 26th day of April, 1955, The Clerk read the legal notice of"public hear - Petit. for -ing published in the Huntington Beach News, April 14, 1955, cond. Excep.setting a public hearing for the hour of 8:00 o'clock P.M., Norman on Tuesday the 26th day of April, 1955, for the purpose Worthy of considering a petition for conditional exception to regulations of the districting ordinance to permit utili- zation of a portion of rear yard requirements to construct a single dwelling unit with a garage attached on property described as Lots 37 and 39, Block 813, Wesley Park Tract, City of Huntington Beach, present zoning of property R-1. . The Secretary reported there had been no verbal or written statements filed for or against the request in the petition for conditional exception.. Chairman Stang asked if anyone present wished to make any statements for or against the petition for con- ditional exception as read by the Secretary. Norman L. Worthy, petitioner, appeared before the Commission and stated that he does not know the rea- sons why setbacks are required. Consultant Parks informed Mr. Worthy the reasons for set -backs in the various zoning requirements and the purpose for which they are made. There being no further statements for or against the petition for conditional exception filed by Norman L. Worthy to construct a single dwelling unit with a garage attached on Lots 37 and 39, Block 813, Wesley Park Tract, the Chairman declared the hearing closed. On motion by Bazil seconded by Bardwell the Planning Commission of the City of Huntington Beach re- commend to the City Council that the petition for condi- tional exception filed by Norman L. Worthy to construct a single dwelling unit with a garage attached on property described as Lots 37 and 39, Block 813; Wesley Park Tract, be granted, was approved. Chairman Stang o ened the continued study of Tent. Map Tentative Map Tract No. 25&8, being a proposed sub-divi- Tract sion of a portion of Block C, Tract #837, per map filed #2548 in Book 25, Page.27, Miscellaneous Maps, Records of Orange County. Consultant Parks presented suggested conditions relative to `tentative Map Tract #2548 as follows: 1. Alleys to be made 20' wide. 2. The southerly 30' of the property, excepting the easterly 50 feet -thereof, to be dedicated for street purposes and also an area described by an are with a radius of 45' and having its center at a point on the southerly line of the tract and 95' westerly of the southeast corner of the tract. 3. The north south alley to be moved 59' westerly. 4. Sewer mains and laterals satisfactory to the City Engineer to be furnished and installed by the sub- divider, regardless of the method of sewage dis- posal used. Page #3 Minutes - H. B. Planning Commission April 26, 1955 5. Draiftage to be provided according to plans approved by the City Engineer. 6. The standard half -roadway width on Williams Street, Florida Avenue, and the proposed new s street along the south line of the tract, in- cluding the turn -around, all adjacent to the tract to be paved in accordance with City Standards. 7. All alleys to be paved full width in accordance with City Standards. 8. That the typical improvement sections shown on the map be revised to the satisfaction of the City Engineer or eliminated. 9.. That the proposed new street be named after a city or other prominent name beginning with the letter 11Z11 in order to comply with the existing alphabetical street naming system. 10. That a report from the City's Health Officer be secured before a decision in the matter of cess- pools or septic tanks is made. 1�. 11. That the tract boundary be extenddd westerly to the center line of Florida Avenue. 12. That the side lines proposed to form the lots upon which the existing houses stand shall be placed with respect to the buildings so as to conform to the side yard requirements for single family dwellings. Plat for revisions Also, Mr.Parks presented a plat giving suggested Tent. Map revisions for Tract No. 2548 that would meet the provisions Tr. #2548 required in the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code for sub- divisions. On -motion by Davis seconded by Bardwell that the suggested plat offering suggested changes in Tentative Map Tract No. 2548 and the suggested conditions relative to the tract as presented and.read by Consultant Parks be received and ordered filed, and the Secretary be instructed to send copies of the'Tract plat changes and the suggested conditions to the subdivider, was approved. Chairman Stang read Resolution No. 33, a resolution of the Planning Commission of the City of Huntington Beach initiating proceedings to reclassify certain land in the easterly part of Huntington Beach and lying easterly of Hamspire Avenue for the purpose to reclassifly from R-1 District and M-2-0-District to A-1 District, the land des- cribed as ail the land that is now*within, the boundaries of the City of Huntington Beach and lies easterly of Ham - shire Avenue, north-easterly of Ocean Avenue as it exists at present, and southerly of the center line of Atlanta street, and said line extended easterly to the Santa Ana River, and that a public hearing be set for 7:45 o1clock on Tuesday, May 17, 1955, in the Coundil Chamber of the City Hall, Huntington Bach, California, and the Secretary be instructed to publish notice of the hearing in the Hunt- ington Beach News in accordance with the provisions of the Ordinance Code of the City of Huntington Beach and that he be instructed to send written notice to owners of all properties involved, and to owners of other adjoining or Page #4 Minutes - H.B. Planning Commission. April 26, 1955 nearby land, all as prescribed in ArticID 925 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code. On motion by Davis seconded by Bardwell, Re- solution No.33, a resolution of the Planning Commissions of the City of Huntington Beach initiating proceedings to reclassify certain land in the southeasterly part of Hunt- ington Beach lying easterly of Hampshire Avenue, was passed and adopted by the following roll call vote: AYES: Commissioners: Bazil, Bardwe 11, Davis NOES: Commissioners: None ABSENT: Commissioners: Presson, Schryer VACANCY: Commissioners: One The Secretary read Resolution No. 34, a resolution of the Planning Commission of the City of Huntington Beach Reso. #34, initiating a change in district boundary affecting property initiating oceanward of the Pacific Electric right-of-way and adjacent change in to the oceanward extension of Highway 39, to reclassify dist. bound- said land described in the S-1 District to the R-1-0 District, ary and that a public hearing on the matter be set for May 12 th, �955, at the hour of 7:30 o'clock P. M. and the Secretary be instructed to publish a notice in the Huntington Beach News, in accordance with the Huntington Beach OrdinanceeCode and be instructed to post public notice of said hearing as described in Article 925 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code. On motion by Davis seconded by Bazil, Resolution No.34, a resolution of the Planning Commission of the City of Huntington Beach initiating a change in district boundary affecting property oceanward of the Pacific Electric righ:t_� of -way adjacent to the oceanward extension.of Highway #39, was passed and adopted by the following roll call vote: AYES: Commissioners: Bazil, Bardwell, Davis NOES: Commissioners: None ABSENT: Commissioners: Presson, Schryer VACANCY: Commissioners: One Chairman Stang announced that in accordance with Election the by-laws of the Huntington Beach Planning Commission the Chairman- Chairman and Vice -Chairman shall be elected from the appoint- V-Chair., ed members and"the_Secre�ary from the appointed members or Sec'y from the advisory officials to serve on the Commission each year for one year from the first regular meeting in April of each year or at an adjournment of the meeting. Chairman Stang stated nominations were in order for Chairman. Commissioner Bardwell nominated Edward Stang for Chairman. On motion by Bazil seconded by Davis that nomi- nations for Chairman be closed and the Secretary be instruct- ed to cast a unanimous ballot for Commissioner Stang as Chairman, was approved. Chairman Stang stated nominations were in order for Vice -Chairman. Commissioner Bardwell nominated Com- missioner Davis for Vice -Chairman. On motion by Bazil seconded by Stang that nomi- nations for Vice -Chairman be closed and the Secretary be instructed to cast a unanimous ballot for Commissioner Davis as Vice -Chairman was approved. Page #5 Minutes = H.B. Planning Commission, April 26, 1955 Chairman Stang stated nominations were in order for Secretary. Commissioner Davis nominated John L. Henricksen for Secretary. On motion by Bardwell seconded by Bazil that nominations for Secretary be closed and the Secretary be instructed to cast a unanimous ballot for John L Hen- ricksen as Secretary, was approved. On motion by Davis seconded by Bazil the ad- journed meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Huntington Beach adjourned until 5:00 P. M., May 2, 1955, was approved. Chairman Secretary 1 h] 1