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Council Chamber, City Hall
Huntington Beach, California
Monday, May 2, 1955
called the regular
meeting of
the City Council
of the City of
Beach to order at
7:3 0 o'clock
Councilmen present: Terry, Lockett, Bartlett, LeBard, Seabridge
Councilmen Absent: None
On motion by LeBard seconded by Terry, the minutes of the City
Council for the month of April, 1955, as transcfibed and mailed by the
City Clerk, were approved.
Monthly The Clerk read the reports for the month of April, 1955 as sub -
mitted by the City Treasurer, City Clerk, City Collector, City .6ngineer,
Manager of Muncicipal Trailer Park, Fire Chief, Police Chief, and Super-
intendent of Recreation.
On motion by LeBard seconded by Terry the reports for the month
of April, 1955, submitted by the Department Heads and as read by the City
Clerk be accepted and ordered filed, was approved.
Business On motion by Bartlett seconded by Terry the applications for li-
tense to conduct business in the City of Huntington Beach were granted as
f of lows:
Gus W. Kringen, the business of dancing at Pavalon Ballroom.
Raymond Daignault & Marco Frank Sorgi, the business of dancing at Pavalon
Mrowka Crane Service, Lakewood, the business*of oil Field crane service.
U. S. Sanitary Service Company dba Pacific Sanitary Company, the business
of oil field sanitary service.
Pacific Pipeline Construction Company, the business of pipeline construction.
Stanford & Martin Drilling Company, oil well drilling contractor.
Jack H. Edwards, electrical contractor.
Charles C. Warren, concrete contractor.
Moberly -Jones Construction Company, the business of contractor -tank in-
Grady D. Day dba Pomona Tank Line, whell-tax, trucking.
Herbell Drilling Company, oil well drilling contractor.
Ken Corporation, wheel -tax, oil field supplies.
Dewey & Bob's Mixed Concrete, whell-tax, ready mixed concrete.
Bill T. Small, trucking, wheel -tax.
/ Republic Directional Drilling Company, contractor, directional drilling.
Jack Ed- On motion by Lockett seconded by LeBard the Fidelity and Deposit
surety bd. Company surety Bond No. 7135750 for principal, Jack H. Edwards, and approved
for form by the City Attorney, be accepted and ordered filed was approved.
Page #2
Minutes - Monday May 2, 1955
On motion by Bartlett seconded by Terry the -request of the
Red Star Oil Company for termination of the Fidelity and Deposit Com-
Term.clean pany of Maryland cleanup bond No. 7107710 covering the Potts-Coupland Noe
up bond,
Potts- 1 well�l.ocated in Block 2406, East Side Villa Tract and having complied
#1 with Section 2448.1 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code with regard
to cleanup, and the bonding company and the operator be notified of
the bond termination, was approved.
On motion by LeBard seconded by Terry the request of the
Pacific Drilling Company for termination of the Glen Falls Indemnity
Term.clean- Company cleanup bond No. 665541 for Gray No. 1 well, located on Lots
up bond,
Gray #1 11 and 13, Block 114, 17th Street Section, and having complied with
Section 2448.1 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code in regard to
cleanup and the bonding company and the operator be notified of the
termination of the cleanup bond, was approved.
'On motion by Terry seconded by Bartlett the request of the Pac-
Term. clean-
ific Drilling Company for termination of the Glen Falls Indemnity Company
up' bond, -
Marge #1.
Cleanup bond No. 6653�4, covering the Marge No. 1 well; located on Lots
7 and-8, block 113, Huntington Beach Tratt,and having complied with Sec-,
tion 24.48.1 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code, in regard to cleanup
5 ,
and the bonding company be notified of the termination of the cleanup
bond, was approved.
W. H. Wilson,
'The request of Wesley H. Wilson, to remove two trees from the
removal of
2 trees
parkway on Lots 20, 21, 22, Block 1113, at the corner of 13th and -Lake
Streets, was referred to the Streets and Parks Committee for study and re-
port by Mayor Seabridge.
The Clerk read the claim for refund of taxes of Signal Oil and
Signal Oil
Gas Company in the amount of $12,999.74, paid to the Orange County Tax
& Gas and
Collector on or- about December 9, 1954, and in the amount of $12,999.75.
Claim for
Tax refund .
paid to the Orange County Tax Collector on or about April 8, 1955, and
the claim for refund of taxes by Southwest Exploration Company in the
amount of $2;540.96, paid to the Orange County Tax Collector on or about
December 9, 1954 and.in the amount of 62,540-.98, paid to'the Orange County
Tax Collector on or about April 8, 1955-
On motion by LeBard seconded by Terry the tax refund claims as
read by the City Clerk by the claimants,Signal Oil and Gas Company and
..the Southwest Exploration Company, covering the fiscal year 1954-1955 be
rejected and denied and the Signal Oil and Gas Company and the Southwest
Exploration Company be so notified, was approved.
Page #3 f
Minutes - Monday May 2, 1955
The Clerk reported that the Planning Commission of the City of
Huntington Beach held -a public hearing at the hour of 8:00 o'clock P.M. on
Tuesday the 26th day of April, 1955, for the purpose of considering a peti-
tion for conditional exception to regulations of the Districting Ordinance
to permit utilization of a portion of rear. yard requirements to consturct a
single dwelling unit with a garage attached on property described as Lots 37
and 39, Block 813, diesley Park Tract, City of Huntington Beach, and that the
present zoning -of property is R-1, and that there were no verbal or written
statements made for or against the petition for conditional exception filed
by Norman L. Worthy, and that after the hearing was closed, the Planning
Commission reviewed thatapplication and the following motion was made by the
Planning Commission:
"On motion by Bazil seconded by Bardwell the Planning Commission of the
City of Huntington Beach recommend.to the City Council that the petition
for conditional, exception filed by Norman L. Worthy for permission to
construct a single dwelling unit with a garage attached on the property
described as Lots 37 and 39, Block 813, Wesley Park Tract, be granted,
was approved."
On motion by LeBard seconded by Bartlett the recommendations of the
Planning Commission to grant to Norman L. Worthy permission to construct a
single dwelling unit with garage attached on property described as Lots 37
and 39,,Block 813, Wesley Park Tract, was approved by the'following roll call
Councilmen: Terry,_Lockett, Bartlett, LeBard, Seabridge
Councilmen: None
Councilmen: None
On motion by Terry seconded by Lockett the request of Ben H Dulaney,
of Police for permission to attend, with expenses paid, the.35th Annual
Chief -
Peace off.
Peace Officers' Convention to be held at Stockton, California, from May
through -May 21st, 1955, was approved.
On motion by Bartlett seconded by LeBard that $10,091.76 be trans -
West Or
from the Special Capital Outlay Fund Reserved to the West Orange County
Co. Wtr. Bd.
constr. fd. *
Board Construction fund for the purpose of paying the City ' s portion of
funds. trfd.
the cost
of preliminary engineering studies and furnishing of the preliminary
and specifications for the Orange County Water Board project and said
to be returned to the .Special Fund for Capital Outlay Reserve upon re—
of the bond fund monies, was .approved by the following roll call vote:
Councilmen: Terry, Lockett, LeBard, Bartlett, Seabridge
Councilmen: None
ABSENT: Councilmen: .None
Mayor Seabridge announced that 8:00 o'clock P.M. this date had been
set for the hearing to vacate the alley in Block 1015, Wesley Heights Tract,
and requested. the -City Clerkal to read the legal notice.
Minutes - Monday, May 2, 1955
The Clerk read the legal notice published in the Huntington
He ar ing-
vacate .
alley in
J. E.
Beach News, April 14, 1955, covering Resolution No. 1241, a resolution
of intention of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, to
vacate the alley in Block 1015, Wesley Heights Tract, giving notice of
hearing on said vacation, and the Clerk read the affidavit of posting
notices to vacate the alley, filed by Harry A. Overmyer, Street Super-
intendent, and received and sworn to by the City Clerk on the 18th day
of _ April, 1955.
The Clerk reported that no verbal or written statements had
been received for or against the notice to vacate the alley in Block
1015, Wesley Heights Tract, as posted, in accordance with Chapter,2S3ee-
tion 8322 of the Streets and Aighways Code, by the Street Superintendent.
Mayor Seabr idge asked if anyone,presg7:t wished to make a
statement in regards to the proposed vacation of the alley in Block 1015,
Wesley Heights Tract,.in accordance with legal notice read by the City
There being no verbal or written statements filed for or against
the proposed vacation of the alley in Block 1015, Wesley Heights Tract, the
Mayor declared the hearing closed.
On motion by LeBard seconded by,Bartlett the City Attorney be in-
structed to draw up the necessary instruments to complete the vacation of
the alley in Block 1015, Wesley Heights Tract, was approved.
The Clerk reported to the City Council that at a meeting of April
5, 1954, the actions of the Planning Commission covering the public hearing
on the petition for conditional exception filed by J. E. Galloway, 120 Main
Street, requesting to use the location for an automatic laundry, serve -your-
self or supervised launderette at 120 Main Street, present zone C-3, and
reported the following action taken by the Planning Commission.
"On motion by King seconded by Presson the Planning Commission recom-
mend the granting of the petition for conditional exception.to permit use
of the location at 120 Main.Street, to have an automatic laundry, subject
to no additional expansion'of facilities, equipment or enlarge capacity
of equipment that is in operation at the present time, was passed by the
following roll call vote:
AYES: Commissioners: Tunis, King, Presson, -�Ichryer
NOES:- Commissioners: None
ABSENT: Commissioners: Stang, Davis':
The Clerk read the following communication addressed to the City
Council re: - Launderette at 120 Main Street, filed by D. G. Higgins, Fire
Chief :
"In addition to certain requirements of the Planning Commission in
Page #5
Minutes - Monday, May 2, 1955
granting the variance for operation of a laundry at 120 Main Street,
would you please add the following restrictions as a condition of
granting the license:
1. Replace present wood constructed lint trap in rear of the build-
ing with one made of metal that it may be more fireprpof.
2. Require that the boiler room not be used for storage or equipment
or supplies, and not to be used for a drying room for laundry..
3. Clothes and boiler room be closed to.prevent rapid spread of flame
in case of fire."
The Clerk further reported that the recommendations of the Planning
Commission of the City of Huntington Beach relative to request of J. E. Gal-
loway, 120 Main Street, for use of the location for an automatic laundry
was tabled for further review, and that up to this date no action has been
taken on the variance request of J. E Galloway as reported by the planning
.Commission, and that the City is unable to issue J. E. Galloway a business
apptt'd to
Plann. Comm.
Check on
17th St,
Ford for
license until the -matter has been decided.
Mayor Seabridge referred the variance request of J. E. Galloway
and the nation of the Planning Commission to the Fire Committee and the
Fire Chief for study and report.
Mayor Seabridge appointed. Leland Valentine to the Planning Com-
mission to fulfill the unexpired term of Commissioner Joe Irvine.
On motion by Lockett seconded by Terry the appointment of Leland
Valentine by Mayor Seabridge to fill the unexpired term of Planning Commis-
sioner Joe Irvine, was approved.
On motion by LeBard seconded by Lockett the demands as approved
by the Finance Committee be ordered paid, was approved.
On motion by Lockett seonded by Bartlett the.City Engineer and
the Chief of Police be instructed to take the necessary measures. for a
speed traffic check on 17th Street from Ocean Avenue to Main Street, was
On motion by Terry seconded by LeBard the City Purchasing Agent
be instructed to be authorized a purchase order to Mark Downing Ford., of
Huntington Beach for one 1955.For d 8, Mainline, 4 door, with a law enforce-
ment agency engine assembly'i. and to trade in the 1954 Ford, in accordance w
with allowance quoted by Mark Downing Ford, Inc., and said purchase be in
accordance with the quotation of April 21, 1955, as presented by Mark Downing
Ford, Inc., and the purchase to be charged to the Special Fund for Capital
Outlay Reserve, was approved by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Councilmen: Terry, Lockett, Bartlett, LeBard, Seabridge
NOES: Councilmen: None
ABSENT: Councilmen: None
Page #6
Minutes - Monday, May 2, 1955
On motion by LeBard seconded by Lockett the City Purchasing.
Agent be authorized to issue a purchase order for one Monroe Adding
Monroe Add. Machine with a credit balance.feature, 10 key, in accordance with bud -
geted item for 1954-1955, and chargeable to the Special Fund for Capi-
tal -Outlay Reserve, at a total price of $366.25, including State Sales
Tax, was approved by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Councilmen: Terry, Lockett, Bartlett, LeBard, Seabridge
NOES: Councilmen: None
ABSENT: Councilmen: None
On motion by Bartlett seconded by Lockett the request of Nat
Nat C.
Hunnicutt- C. Hunnicutt for permission to cut the curb for driveway purposes on
perm. to
cut curb Knoxville Street at 1024 Florida Avenue, and the work to be done under the
supervision and to the satisfaction of the City -Engineer, was approved.
The Clerk read Resolution No. 1243, a resolution of _the City
weed abate- Council of the City of Huntington Beach, California, declaring a nuisance
to exist and providing for the abatement thereof.
On motion by Bartlett seconded by LeBard Resolution No. 1243, was
passed and adopted by the following roll call vote
AYES: Councilmen: Terry, Lockett, Bartlett, LeBard, Seabridge
NOES: Councilmen: None
ABSENT: Councilmen: None.
On motion by LeBard seconded by Terry the regular meeting of
the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach adjourned.
ty Clerk and ex-officio Clerk.
bt the City Council of the City
of Huntington Beach, California
--e �
City Clerk