HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-05-16MINTUES 516 1 it • s• 1 1 Council Chamber, City Hall Huntington Beach, California Monday, May 16, 1955 Mayor Seabridge called the regular meeting of the City Council of .the City of Huntington Beach to order at 7:30 o'clock P.M. Councilmen present: Terry, Lockett, Bartlett, LeBard,Seabridge Councilmen absent: None On motion by LeBard seconded by Lockett the applications for Business license to conduct business in the City of Huntington Beach were granted Licenses as follows: R. C. Jones, Newport. Beach, welding. A. Gentosi, Costa Mesa, general contractor. .Lido Plumbing Company, Costa Mesa, Plumbing Contractor. Carey Truck Line, Los Angeles, trucking, wheel -tax. Milton A. Fussell, Bakersfield, portable welding. 0. K. McCuddin, Huntington Beach, portable welding. Fred J. Cyr, Long Beach, painting contractor. Ivan M. Ansite dba Acme Spray Painters, painting contractor. C. M.,S. Construction Company & Pacific Coast Boring Company, Cypress, contractor, pipelines. Wynema Mooney dba Cub Cafe, 304 Ocean Ave., Huntington Beach. E. N. Benge dba Villa Heights Market, grocery and meats at 507 Yorktown, L. W. S. Company, Santa Paula, drilling contractor. Acme Steam•Generator Company, Paramount, oil field equipment, delivery and service, wheel -tax. Oil well Drainhole Drilling Company, Long Beach, oil field service, wheel -tax. Advance Truck Company, Long Beach, Trucking, wheel -tax. Dick Cowan tank line, Long Beach, oil field. trucking, wheel -tax. Hill Crane Service, Long Beach, crane service contractor. On motion by LeBard seconded by Terry the license bond of the Two Macks Royalty Indemnity Company, Bond No. 504688, for Homer B. Morgan dba Two Electric- lic.Bond. ' Macks Electric, and as approved for form by the City Attorney, be accepted and ordered filed, was approved. On motion by Bartlett seconded by Terry the request of Grable & Ervin, oil operators, for cancellation of the Continental Casualty Company Brown #1 cleanup bond No. 1517172, and the drilling bond No. 1517173, covering the Well canc.drlg. Brown No. 1 well to be located on Lot 11, Block 211, Huntington Beach & clean- up bond. Tract, having -complied with the requirements of the cleanup ordinance and the filing of a special report on operations witness and the abandonment of the well by the Division of Oil and Gas, Department of Natural Resources, State of California, was granted, and the operator and the bonding com- pany be so notified. 0r 516 Page #2 Minutes - Monday, May 16, 1955 Walters #1 Well Canc.oil well permit Walters #1 term.drlg. & clean-up bonds. Cancel oil well permit. Fox No 1 & Jurkovich #2 TermClean- up & drlg. bonds, Fox No. 1 & Jurkovich #2 Beloil, Corp. can- cels drlg.. permits. On motion by LeBard seconded by Bartlett the request of A. A. Carey, President of the Nedal Oil Company for cancellation of oil well permit on the Walters No. 1 Well to be located on Lots 22 and 24, Block 207, for the reason that the well was not drilled, was approved. On motion by Bartlett seconded by LeBard the request of the Indemnity Insurance Company of North America for termination of drilling Bond No. 972563 and cleanup bond No. 972564 covering the Nedal Oil Com- pany Walters No. 1 Well, to be located on Lots 22 and 24, Block 207, for the reason that well was not drilled-, and the operator and the bonding company be so notified, was approved. On motion by Lockett seconded by LeBard the request of Grable and Ervin,' oil operators, for cancellation of oil well permit No. 956, for Fox Well No. 1, to be located on Lot 22, in Block 403, Huntington Beach Tract, and Permit No. 984 for-Jurkovich Well No. 2, to be located on Lot 18, Block 403 Huntington Beach Tract, for reason that the wells were not drilled, was approved. On motion by Bartlett seconded by Lockett the request of the Continental Casualty Company for termination of clean -up -bond No. 15- 171-61 and drilling Bond No. 151764 covering Well Fox #1, to be located on Lot 22, Block 403, Huntington Beach Tract, and cleanup bond #15-171- 60 and drilling bond#15-171-63 covering Jurkovich Well #2, to be lo- on Lot 18, Block 403, Huntington Beach Tract, for reason that the wells were not drilled, was approved, and -the operator and the bond- ing company be so'notified. On motion by Lockett seconded by Terry the request of Beloil Corporation for can of oil well drilling permits Nos. 84 0441 �ft945WW46, for reason that the wells were not drilled, was approved. On motion by'Lockett seconded by LeBard the request of Beloil Beloil Corp. term.drlg. "Corporation for termination of drilling and clean-ups bonds of the Central & Clean--. ` up bonds. Surety and Insurance Company as follows, was granted and the bonding company andt-the operator be so notified: Well, Hurst #2, on Lot 36, Block 201, Huntington Beach Tract, drilling bond #247308 and cleanup bond #247309. Well, Collins -Terry #3, on Lots 18 and 20, Block 105, Huntington Beach, Tract, drilling bond #250097 and cleanup bond ##250098. Collins -Terry Well #4, Lots 22 and 24, Block 105, Huntington Beach Tract, drilling bond ##250100 and cleanup bond ##250151. Collins -Terry Well #5, Lots'22 and 24, Block 105, Huntington Beach Tract, drilling- bond ##250153, and cleanup bond #250154. • 517 Page #3 Minutes - Monday, May 16, 1955 s On motion by LeBard seconded by Terry the request of oil oper- Groover Well ator Theodore J. Ticktin for termination of Pacific Indemnity Com- #1- term* cleanup bond pany cleanup bond No. 217768 covering Groover Well #1, located on Lots 17, 19, and 21, Block 113, Huntington Beach Tract, in compliance with the requirements.of the cleanup requirements of the ordinance code and the operator and the bonding company be notified of the termination, was approved. On motion by Bartlett seconded by Terry the request of • A. Kalko- Anthony Kalko to remove curbing for garage entrance at 1212 Mag- y remove curbing. nolia Avenue, subject to the supervision of the City Engineer, was approved. On motion by Lockett seconded by LeBard the request of I' C •N F-� 1 Job Daughters - to sell cracker jack Purchase. Bun warmer, Memo. Hall Address System - Pavalon Ord. #626- lst rdg. Planning Comm. Reso. #35. Job Daughters of Huntington Beach, Bethel No. 120, for permission to sell cracker jack during the Fourth of July celebration, was approved. The request of the ladies of the Rebekah's for an elec- tric portable bun warmer at the Memorial Hall kitchen was referred by Mayor Beabridge to the Building Committee to work with the City Purchasing Agent, was approved. The Clerk read two quotations received from Lowenstein's and Foster & Barker of Santa Ana to fully complete installation of an address system for the Pavalon and on motion by LeBard seconded by Bartlett the City Purchasing Agent be instructed to issue purchase order as per specifications and quotation received from Lowenstein's from Santa Ana, and said installation not to exceed $700.00 and the City Purchasing Agent .to review with Mr. Gallienne, Secretary Manager of the Huntington Beach Chamber of Commerce, the installation of the address system to be installed in the Pavalon, was approved. The Clerk gave Ordinance No. 626, and ordinance of the City of Huntington Beach, California, relating to the drilling of oil wells and regulations thereof, and the storing thereof, and de- claring an emergency to exist, amending Sections 2423 and 2421 and adding Sections 2422,21, 2429, 2429.1, 2429.2, 2429.3, 2429.5, 2429.51, 2429.6, 2429.61, 2429.62, 2429.63, 2429.64, 2429.65, 2429.66, 2429.67, 2429.68, 2429.69, '429.70, 2429.71,2429.72, '429.73, 2429.74, to said code, its first reading. The Clerk read Resolution No. 35, a resolution of the City Planning Commission recommending a reclassification of land in the Shoreline District, as follows: X 517 r Page #4 Minutes - Monday, May 16, 1955 WHEREAS by informal request the Council asked the Planning Commission to initiate proceedings�to reclassify from the S-1 District to the R-1-0 District certain land described v below, and. WHEREAS a hearing in the matter was duly called on April 26 and held on May 12, 1955, with the following results: There was no one present to speak for or against the proposal, and no communication filed relative to the pro- posed reclassification, and WHEREAS the Commission finds: 1. That every reasonable effort should be made to reduce the tendency toward off -shore oil well drilling and production operations in order to protect the unequaled asset of the beach and ocean front for recreational purposes. 2. That various efforts of the City Council in thi's matter should be supported. 3. That the. City now owns said -land and could control orderly development. 4. This would make available additional convenient drilling sites. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City Planning Commission does hereby recommend that the City Council re- classify the land described below from the S-1 District to the R-1-0 District: All that certain land in the City of Huntington Beach, County of Orange, State of California, described as follows: Beginning at a. point on the southwesterly line of a 40 foot strip of land conveyed to the Santa Ana and Newport Railway Company by deed recorded in Book 44, page 66 of Deeds, records of Orange County, California, 1610.4 feet northwesterly from the point of intersection of the southwesterly line of said Santa Ana and Newport Railway Company's right-of-way and the easterly line of Section Fourteen (14), Township Six (6),Scauth;c:Range Eleven (11) hest, S. B. B. &,M; thence northeasterly at right angles to the said southwesterly line -of said Santa Ana and Newport Railway Company's right-of-way to the point of inter- section with -the southwesterly line of the Pacific Electric Railway Company's right-of-way; thence southeasterly along the southwesterly line of said Pacific Electric Railway Company's right-of-way to the easterly line of said Section Fourteen (14); thence southerly along the easterly line of said Section Fourteen (14) , to the line of ordinary high tide of the Pacific Ocean; -)10 - -� Page-#5 Minutes - Monday, May 16, 1955 Thence northwesterly along said ordinary high tide line to the point of intersection with a line drawn at right angles to the 1 1 N 1 southwesterly line of the said Santa Ana and Newport Railway Com- pany's right-of-way from a point distant 1610.4 feet northwesterly measured along said right-of-way line from the easterly line of said. Section Fourteen (14); thence northeasterly to the point of beginning." On motion by LeBard seconded by Bartlett Resolution No. 35, a resolution of the City Planning Commission recommending a re-classification of land in the Shoreline District, be approved, and the City Clerk be in - strutted to insert in the Huntington Beach News, a weekly.newspaper, in the City of Huntington Beach, setting a hearing for 8:00 o'clock P.M., on Tuesday, May 31st 1955, and the area proposed for -re-classification be posted 'in accordance with public hearing requirements, was approved. The Clerk read Resolution No. 36, a resolution of the City Planning Commission of the City of Huntington Beach: "WHEREAS the City Council requested the City Planning Commission:to initiate proceedings to reclassify certain land, approximately as described below, from the S-1 District to a district in which oil well drilling is permitted, and WHEREAS the Commission initiated such proceedings and called a public hearing in the matter, the results of,which may be summarized as follows: There -was no opposition and no one to speak in favor o.f the proposal, and no correspondence relating to it, but one person inquired as to the purpose of the proposed change, and WHEREAS the Commission finds: 1. That under the present circ=tances of tideland oil well activity, the proposed reclassification may indirectly be more beneficial to the City's shoreline than not to reclassify the land, and tend to induce drilling in a more critical area of the ocean front over which the City apparently has no control. 2. That drilling operations adjoin the land proposed to be reclassified. 3. That there was no opposition to the proposal, and only one person present requested any information. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City Planning Commission does hereby recommend that the area described below be reclassified from the S-1 District to the R-1-0 District, which would. permit oil well drilling and residences, but no other general businesses or manufacturing enterprises: All that certain land in the City of .Huntington Beach, California described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the southwesterly right-of-way line of Ocean Avenue with the southerly prolongation of the to 518 0 ,Elect.Prod. Corp sign, Main;: & Clay Page #6 Minutes - Monday, May 16, 1955 westerly right-of-way line of Eighth Street; thence north- westerly along the southwesterly right-of-way line of Ocean Avenue to its intersection with.the southerly prolongation of the westerly right-of-way line of Tenth Street; thence southerly along said southerly prolongation of said westerly right-of-way line of Tenth Street 112.5 feet to a point; thence southeasterly in a direct line to a point on said southerly pro- longation of the westerly right-of-way line of Eighth Street, said last mentioned point being 90.5 feet southerly of the a- bove described point of bEgirining, measured along said south- erly prolongation of the westerly right-of-way line of Eighth Street; thence northerly along the southerly prolongation of the westerly right-of-way line of Eighth Street to the point of beginning; the street right-of-way lines referred to being said boundary lines of the respective streets as they existed on May 13, 1955. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Planning Commission does hereby recommend that oil well production regulations be adopted to provide that between Ocean Avenue and the Pacific Ocean no ta.nk'of any kind whatsoever be installed, built, or established." On motion by LeBard seconded by Lockett the recommendations of the Planning Commission contained in Resolution No. 36, be ap- proved and the City Clerk be instructed to insert a legal notice in the Huntington Beach News, a weekly newspaper of the City of Hunt- ington Beach, setting a public hearing to be held at 7:45 o'clock P;M., on Tuesday, May 31, 1955, and that the area to be reclassified as described in Resolution No. 36, be posted in accordance with public hearing requirements, was approved. The Clerk read a proposal received from Electrical Products Corporation, -covering the removal of the.City of Huntington Beach sign now located at Main and Clay Streets to a location at Highway 39 and sign Main Street and install a. double face arrow /underneath the existing sign indicating the direction to Huntingt.on Beach by way of Main Street, and said work to be done at a cost of $339.80 or may be amortized into the present agreement for an additional $30.25 per month, for the remaining fifteen months to include the maintenance of the sign ,and the cleaning of it every ninety days. On motion by Bartlett seconded by LeBard the City Pur- chasing Agent be authorized to issue a change order to the Elec- trical Products Corporation for the additional $30.25 per month for the next fifteen months of the present agreement to move the City sign now located at Main and Clay streets. �1*0 519 11 1 R. N 1 Page #7 Minutes - Monday, May 16, 1955 to a location at Highway 39 and Main Street, and install a double face arrow sign underneath the existing sign, was approved. The Clerk read the agreement between the City of Huntington Bernie Donald- Beach and Bernie Donald covering permission to operate and automobile parking lot agreement parking lot upon the one acre of City -owned property located at the junction of Huntington Avenue and Highway #1019 On motion by LeBar d seconded by Lockett that the Mayor and the City Clerk be authorized to execute the agreement between the City of Huntington Beach and Bernie Donald with a term change in the agreement to read from month to month, was approved. Ord.#625; The Clerk gave Ordinance No. 625, and ordinance of the City lst redg. Council of the City of Huntington Beach, California, setting the fee. Reso.#1244 vacating alley Protest County variance re: junk yard Water Bond Issue --'- term, etc. for connecting with steer lines in Block 1802, Tract No. 12, and providing penalty for violation thereof its first reading. The Clerk read Resolution No. 124.4., and order of the City Council vacating the alley in Block 1015, Wesley Heights Tract in the City of Hunt- ington Beach, California. On motion by Bartlett seconded by Lockett Resolution No. 124.4. was passed and adopted by the following roll call vote. - AYES: Councilmen: Terry, Lockett Bartlett, LeBar d, Seabridge NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT:Councilmen: ifone On motion by Bartlett seconded by LeBar d the City Clerk be instruct- ed to write a letter of protest to the Grange County Planning Commission objecting to the variance request to establish a junk yard on Huntington Avenue northwest of Main Street just outside of the City limits of Hunt- ington Beach, was approved. The Clerk informed the City Council that O'Melveny & Myers, bond attorneys, retained under contract by the City of Huntington Beach, had asked to.be informed as to what denomination the City desired to sell the $860,0002*00water bond issue and the term of the bonds and whether they should be advertised to be allowed to be payable to eastern finan- cial circles. A general discussion'was held by the City Council relative to the questions pointed by the bond attorneys. On motion by LeBar d seconded by Bartlett the City Attorney be instructed to advise OtMelveny & Myers, the bond attorneys, to advertise the bonds in denominations of $1,000.00 and the issue to be for 25 years and not to be payable in eastern financial circles was approved. Mayor Seabridge referred to the Finance Committee for study and report the request of the Huntington Beach City Employees' Association to !* 519 Page #8 Minutes - Monday, May 16, 1955 r Employ.Assn amend the sick leave ordinance giving employees seven days per year sick leave` accumulating to thirty-five days to be changed to twelve -day per. year accumulating with. no maximum. Mrs Van On motion by Bartlett seconded by Terry the City 2ngineer Leuven- r removal of be instructed to have removed the two large trees located in front trees of the residence at 102 Hartford Street as requested by Mrs. Otilia Van Leuven, 735 Alabama Avenue, Huntington Beach, was approved. On motion by Bartlett seconded by Lockett the City Engi- neer draw up plans and specifications and estimate of cost for sewer lines in Block 1801, Tract #12, was approved. On motion by LeBard seconded by Lockett the demands as ap- Demands proved by the Finance Committee be ordered paid, was approved. • 'On motion by LeBard seconded by Lockett the City Engineer, City Hall, _ _ ext.painting with the Building°Committee, be authorized to proceed with the exterior painting of the City Hall in accordance with specifications previously presented to the City Council, was approved. On motion by Bartlett seconded by Lockett the request of W. H.W_ilson, - •Westly H. Wilson for the removal of two trees in the parkway of Lots removal of trees 20, 21, and 22, Block 1113, at the corner of 13th and Lake Streets, a and the owner to pay one-half the cost of removal, and the City Engi- meer be instructed to remove the two trees, was approved. :. On motion byl' Bard seconded by Terry the regular meeting of the City Council Of the City of Huntington Beach adjourned until 7:30 o'clock P.M., May 31, 1955- ty'Clerk and ex-officio Clerk the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, California ATTEST, 'Mayor City Clerk' e � i 04