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Council Chamber, City Hall
Huntington Beach, California
Tuesday, October 18, 1955
In the absence of Chairman Stang the Secretary
called the Planning Commission of the City of Huntington
Beach to order at 7:30 o'clock P.M. and stated that a mo-
tion was in order for the appointment of a Ghairman pro-
Commissioners present: Valentine, Bazil, Bardwell, Schryer
Commissioners absent: Davis, Stang, Presson
On motion by Bardwell seconded by Bazil Commis-
sioner Schryer be appointed -Chairman pro-tem, was approved.
On motion by Bazil seconded by Bardwell the minu-
Minutes tes for the meeting of September 20, 1955, be accepted as
transcribed and mailed by the Secretary, was approved.
Chairman Schryer stated that a public hearing on
a petition for conditional exception had been set for this
date and requested the Secretary to read the application.
United Out- The Secretary read the petition for conditional
door Adv.Co exception filed by the United Outdoor Advertising Gompany
Petit.for on October 5, 1955, for permission to erect four outdoor
Cond.Excep.,advertising bulletins on the property of the Mills Land
recommended and Water Company fronting on the, east line of Huntington
to Council Beach Blv., also know as State Highway #39 beginning ap-
proximately 200.feet'north of its intersection with U. S.
Highway #101, an alternate, and extending northerly ap-
proximately 420 feet to Hamilton Street.
The Secretary further reported that the legal
notice, a notice of public hearing was published in the
Huntington Beach News on October b, 1955, setting the hear-
ing for the hour of 7:45 o'clock P.M., on Tuesday the 18th
day of October, 1955.
The Secretary reported that no written or verbal
statements for or against the petition for conditional ex-
ception had been filed up to the hour of 7:30 o'clock P.M.,
October 18, 1955-
Chairman Schryer asked if anyone present wished
to make any statement for or against the petition for con-
ditional exception of the United Outdoor Advertising.Com-
pany as read by the Secretary.
There being no statements, written or verbal,
for or against the petition for conditional exception of
the United Outdoor Advertising Company, Chairman Schryer
declared the hearing closed.
On motion by Bardwell_seconded by Bazil the
Planning Commission of the City of Huntington Beach re-
commend to the City'Council of the City of Huntington
Beach that the peiltion for conditional exception of the
United Outdoor Advertising Company for permission to erect
four outdoor advertising bulletins on the property des-
cribed in the petition be granted, was approved by the
following roll call vote:
AYES: Commissioners: Valentine, Bazil, Bardwell,Schryer
NOES: .Commissioners: None
ABSENT: Commissioners: Davis, Stang, Presson
Page #2 - - - -
Minutes - October 18, 1955
H. B. Planning Commission
Chairman pro-tem Schryer read the following
letter from Paul E. Tibbetts and Richard R. Workman,
Tibbettsa co -partnership, presented by Thomas Talbert in person,
& Work- to quote:
man re- "We have entered into a contract agreement to lease approx-
quest imately eighty-three (83) acres of land from the R. C. A. Com-
for var-munications, Inc., property lying Easterly of Huntington
iance. Beach, fronting on Bushard Street. We agree to fill and develop
said land to make it useful for residential or industrial pur-
poses. Our agreement binds us whereby we fill the land and let
it aerate and dry before we put in additional fillings on the
We are asking a variance, in order that we may have the priv-
ilege of filling and developing this property. It is very
Important and necessary to get action on this variance as
quickly as possible, owing to time and conditions specified
in our agreement with the R.C. A. Communications, Inc., and also
for fear of early heavy rains."
Chairman Schryer informed Mr. Talbert that in accord-
ance with the contents of his letter it would not come within
the scope of the Planning Commission to pass on'the request for
a variance as it was not filed in its proper form upon which a
public hearing would have t6 be set in order that the Planning
Commission could hear it, and further that the letter referred
to merely filling and developing land which, in his belief, did
not require a permit or special permit from the City Council
for -such purposes, provided it wasn't rotary mud -or of some
nature of -fill that would require special consideration, and
it wasn't in the province of the Planning -Commission to pass
upon such request without having gone through the proper pro-
cedure for public hearing.
Richard R'. Workman, of the firm of Tibbetts and Workman,
appeared before the Planning Commission -in regard to -the matter
read by the Chairman and stated that his firm had leased the 83
acres of land owned by R. C. A. Communications, Inc., located in
the flats in Huntington Beach, under an agreement to fill and
develop the land to make it usable for residential purposes,
and the process would be dumping of rotary mud diked in by
beds and filled in to a depth of'9 to 10 inches and then each
bed to dry for one year and then to continue the process until
the land was filled, and that his firm is in the vacuum tank
truck business and also J.ave purchased the Schlager vacuum
truck business -in Huntington Beach.
Attorney -at -law Ray H. Overacker appeared before -the
City Planning Commission and stated he has a dlient that will
be filing a petition for conditional exception to operate a
molding and assembly plastic operation in the building located
at 214 - Fifth Street, which is presently being used for storage
of second hand cars, and merely wished to advise the Commis-
sioners of the nature of the variance that will be filed.
On motion by Valentine seconded by Bazil the regular
meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Huntington
Beach adjourned.
airman o-tem
� Secretary L/