HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-11-15r ," x P� _ r MINUTES HUNTINGTON BEACH PLANNING COMMISSION Council Chamber, City Hall Huntington Beach, California Tuesday, November 15, 1955 Chairman Stan called the regular meeting of the Plan- ning Commission of the ity of Huntington Beach to order"at 7:40 o'clock P.M. Commissioners present: Bardwell, Davis, Schryer,-Stang Commissioners absent: Presson, Bazil, Valentine Others Present: City Attorney Charles Bauer On motion by Davis seconded by Bardwell the minutes Minutes for the meeting of October 18, 1955, as transcribed and mailed by the Secretary be accepted and ordered filed, was approved. On motion by Schryer seconded by Davis the Planning Loma Ave, Commission request the City Council to give serious consider - name chg. ation to changing the name of Loma Avenue situated between 13th Street and Quincy Street be changed to 14th Street, was approved. Chairman Stang announced that a public hearing had been set for 7:45 o'clock P.M. and requested the Secretary to read the legal notice and the petition for conditional exception, The Secretary r6ad the legal notice, notice of public hearing calling for a public,hearing at the hour of 7:45 o'clock P.M., Tuesday, the 15th day of November, 1955, for the purpose of considering a petition for a conditional exception to regula- Albert tions of the Districting Ordinance to permit construction of Watkins a single dwelling on Lots 24 and 25, Block 702, Vista Del Mar request foTract, Knoll Section, to replace existing dwellings, Present variance zoning A-2, recommended 'The Secretary road the petition for conditional ex- ception filed by Albert Watkins, 207 Geneva Street, Huntington Beach, requesting permission -to build a single dwelling to replace existing buildings which will be removed and that he lacks 125 square feet to comply with the lot area requirement for the single dwelling, The Secretary reported that no statements for or against, oral or written, had been filed relative to -the Albert Watkins petition for conditional exception. The Chairman asked if anyone present wished -to make any statements relative to the petition for conditional exception read by the Secretary. There being no statements made-, verbal or written, the Chairman declared the hearing closed. On motion by Schryer seconded by Bardwell the Planning Commission recommend to.the City Council -that the variance re- quest of Albert Watkins for permission to construct a single dwelling on Lots 24 and 25, Block 702, Vista Del Mar Tract, knoll_ Section, be granted, was approved by the Following roll call vote: - AYES: Cot%missioners: Bardwell, Davis,-Schryer, Stang NOES: Commissioners; None ABSENT: Zbmmissioners: Presson, Bazil, Valentine On motion by Davis seconded by Bardwell the Planning Commission recommend to the City Council that the variance granted by the City Council on January 2, 1953 to John Bellow covering property described as the easterly 1/3 of Lots 34, 36 and 38, in Block 504,'Huntington Beach Main Street Tract, J Page , #2 Minutes - November 15, 1955 H. B. Planning Commission for the purpose of constructing a building to house a dry clean- ing plant be terminated,wad approved. , Chairman Stang announced that a hearing had been set for 8:00 o'clock P.M. and requested the Secretary to read the legal notice and the petition for conditional exception. The Secretary read the legal notice, notice of public hearing published in Huntington Beach News November 3, 1955, setting the hearing for the hour of 8:00 o'clock P.M. on Tuesday, the 15th day of November, 1955, for the purpose of considering a Wm. P. petition for conditional exception of the regulations of the Campbell Districting Ordinance to permit the molding and assembling of variance a prepared plastic material in a building located on Lots 14 recom- and 16, Block 204, Huntington Beach Tract, present zoning C-3. mended The Secretary read the petition for conditional exception covering the property described in the legal notice filed by William P. Campbell dba the Cambro Manufacturing Company of Los Angeles, California, for permission to use the property for the molding and assembling of prepared material, the finished product being serving trays used in hospitals and other similar insitutions. The Secretary reported that no statements, verbal or written had been filed for or against the peition for conditional exception filed by William P. Campbell dba the Cambro Manufacturing Company. Chairman Stang asked if anyone present wished to make any statement for or against the variance requested by Wm. P. Campbell. There being no statement made for or aginst the •petiton for conditional exception filed by William P. Campbell dba The Cambro Manufacturing Company, the Chairman declared the hearing closed, William P. Campbell appeared before the Commissioners and exhibited samples of the finished products to be manu- factured at the located requested for use, and fully explained the nattxre and details of the process they use. On motion by Davis seconded by Bardwell the Planning Commission of the City of Huntington Beach recommend to the City Council that the variance request of Wm. P. Campbell dba The Cambro Manufacturing Company for permission to use the building located on Lots 14 and 16, Block 204, Huntington Beach Tract, for the purpose of molding and assembling a prepared material and recommend the applicant maintain a retail outlet at the locations, was approved by the following roll call vote: AYES: Commissionersi Bardwell, Davis, Schryer, Stang :4 t NOES: Commissioners: None -ABSENT: Commissioners: Valentine, Presson, Bazil Chairman Stang announced that a hearing had been set for 8:30 6'clock P.M. and requested the Secretary to read the r legal notice and the petition for conditional exception. The Secretary read the legal notice, notice of public hearing pub- lished in the Huntington Beach News November 3, 1955, setting Paul E. a hearing for the hour of 8.:30 o'clock P.M. on Tuesday, the Tibbests 15th day of November, 1955, for the purpose of considering a request petition for a conditional Exception to regu-Unions of the Dis- for tricting Ordinance to permit constructing separate earth en- vari- closures around and across property, to retain rotary mud to ance a depth of 4 to 6 inches and.when dry.to repeat the process recom- until the ground is raised approximately four feet, at which mended time the top soil used in constricting the levees will be with spread over the area and the land leveled. Said land referred con- to as the property of the RCA Communications, Inc. bound on ditionsthe north by"Banning Avenue and on the east by Bushard Street. Present zoning of the property R-1. Pale #3 - -- - Minutes - November 15, 1955 H. B. Planning Commission The Secretary read the petition for conditional ex- aeption filed by Paul E. Tibbetts of Long Beach, California, requesting permission to dump rotary mud onto the property described in the legal notice, into enclosures to a depth of 4 to 6 inches and when dry the process will be repeated until the ground is raised approximately four feet at which time the top soil used in constructing levees will be spread over the area and the land levelled, The Secretary reported that -no verbal or .written statements had been filed for or against the -request -of Paul E. Tibbetts for the use of the RCA Communications, Inc. property for the dumping of rotary mud, ` Paul Tibbetts appeared before the Commission and re- ported that his 4rm was doing the same type of.fil on land owned by the Union Pacific Railroad Company in the ilmington -area and said process has been continous for approximately dix years and that the method used.there would-be used here and presented photographs to the,Commissioners showing the fill done for the Union Pacific Railroad Comp?.ny, Mr. -Tib- betts also presented a'letter that was received and read by the Secretary written by the RCA Communications, Inc, ad- vising to who it may concern that they have an agreement -with Paul. E. Tibbetts in which they require his firm to fill the land with rotary mud in accordance with the process as outlined. Chairman Stang asked if anyone present wished to make any statement relative to the variance request of Paul E. Tibbetts Thomas Talbert reported to the Commissioners that they have been appointed to more or less oversee the dumping Tom operations and to supervise the level of mud placed in each Talbert enclosure in order to keep the mud levels an average -of six inches in depth, The Secretary of the Huntington Beach Chamlier of Com- William H.merce, Wm. H. Gallienne, spoke to the Commission and stated Gallienne that in his opinion it would be a good thing for the area to have land.f111ed in such a manner as it would -develop a large acreage parcel into good substatial ground for future -indus- trial development. On motion by Davis seconded by Bardwell the Planning Commission of the City of Huntington Beach recommend to the City Council the request of Paul E. Tibbetts for a variance to permit rotary -mud to be deposited on the RCA Communications, Inc. property bounded on the north by Banning,Avenue' and on the east"by Bushard Street, be granted and -said operation to be subject to the following condition: = the level of rotary mud to be deposited -In each enclosure be not.deeper.than an average of six inches and -the successive:deposit be not placed over*the previous deposit until it has been -thoroughly dried, wad approved by the following roll.call vote: AYES: Commissioners:- Bardwell, Davis, Schryer, Stang NOES: Commissioners: None ABSENT: Commissioners: Valentine, Presson; Bazil Commissioner Stang announced a,hearing had been set for 8:45 o'clock P.M. and requested the Secretary -read the' legal notice and the petition for conditional exception. The Secretary.,read the legal notice, notice of public hearing published in the -Huntington Beach News November 3, 1�55, set- ting a hearing -for the hour of 8:45 o'clock P.M. on Tuesday, the 15th day of November, 1955, for the purpose of considering a petition for conditional exception to regulations of the Districting Ordiance to permit the drilling for oil/gas and other hydrocarbons together with the necessary structures generally used in drilling and for producing oil/gas and other hydrocarbons on the property described as follows: = EJ of I. 1 1 Page ,#4 _ Minutes - November 15, 1955 H. B. Planning Commission SE4 Section 13, Township 6 S, All W, and more generally described as the 1690 feet south of center of Section 13 and 1620 feet east. Present zoning R-1. The Secretary reported that no verbal or written statements for or against the peti- tion for conditional exception filed by Russell B. Watkins Russell was made. B. Wat- kins Chairman Stang asked if anyone present wished to make varianceany statement for or,against the petition for conditional ex - request ception of Russell B. Watkins for permission to drill a well recom- on the property described in the legal notice read by the mended Secretary. There being no statements made verbally or written with ' relative to the petition for conditional exception requested condi- by Russell B. Watkins the Chairman declared the hearing closed, t i ons On motion by Schryer seconded by Davis the Planning Commission of the City of Huntington Beach recommend to the City Council that the variance request of Russell B. Watkins to drill a well -on the property described as the EJ,of SE4 Section 13, Township 6 S, Range 11 W and subject to the fol- lowing conditions: 1. Such operations and construction shall be in conformity with the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code provisions, 2, The uses permitted shall not be construed as permitting rotary mud dumps, sumps, or disposals, nor petroleum refining or processing, nor storage of oil or gas in tanks exceeding 1,000 barrdl capacity nor storage in any exceeding 16 feet in height above grade of surrounding land. 3. All service equipment such as top of well, pumps, tanks and the like shall be at least 150 feet from the nearest portion of any public road, street, or state highway, and shall also be at least 25 feet from any lot line which is not common with a public road, street or state highway line. 4, Signs shall be limited to two in number and each have an area of not over twelve square feet, Motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Commissioners: Bardwell, Davis, Schryer, Stang NOES: Commissioners: None ABSENT: Commissioners: Valentine, Presson Bazil On motion by Davis seconded by Schryer the meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Huntington Beach adjourned, C airman Secretary Excerpts Copy of November 15th, 19559 City of Huntington Beach Planning Commission Minutes. MINUTES HUNTINGTON BEACH PLANNING COMMISSION Council Chamber, City Hall Huntington Beach, California Tuesday, November 15, 1955 Chairman Stang called the regular meeting of the Plan- ning Commission of the City of Huntington Beach to order at 7:40 o'clock P.M. Commissioners present: Bardwell, Davis, Schryer, Stang Commissioners absent: Presson, Bazil, Valentine Others Present: City Attorney Charles suer On motion by Davis seconded by Bardwell the minutes for the meeting of October 18, 1955,-as transcribed and mailed by the Secretary be accepted and ordered filed, was approved. Loma Ave. Deleted. name chg. Albert Watkins request for Deleted. variance recommended Wm. P. Campbell variance recom- mended Excerpts. Paul E. Tibbests' request for vari- ance recom- mended with conditions Deleted. Chairman Stang announced that a hearing had been set for 8:30 o'clock P.M. and requested the Secretary to read the legal notice and the petition for conditional exception. The Secretary read the legal notice, notice of public hearing pub- lished in the Huntington Beach News November 39 1955, setting a hearing for the hour of 8:30 o'clock P.M. on Tuesday, the 15th day of November, 1955, for the purpose of considering a petition for a conditional exception to regulations of the Dis- tricting Ordivance to permit constructing separate earth en- closures around and across property, to retain rotary mud to a depth of 4 to 6 inches and when dry to repeat the process until the ground is raised approximately four feet, at which time the top soil used in constricting the levees will be spread over the area and the land leveled. Said land referred to as the property of the RCA Communications, Inc. bound on the north by Banning Avenue and on the east by Bushard Street. Present zoning of the property R-1. a�_