HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-01-16• 580 MINUTES' Council Chamber, City Hall Huntington Beach, California January 16, 1956 Mayor Seabridge called the regular meeting of the City Council of the City df Huntington Beach to order at 7:30 o'clock P.M. Councilmen present: Terry, Lockett, Bartlett, LeBard, Seabridge Councilmen absent: None Gates Mayor Seabridge referred to the Beach and Pier Committee for Charter Boats study and report the request of the Gates Charter Boats for a ftan- chise proposal to use the Huntington Beach Municipal Pier for water - taxi service. Business Licenses Term.clean- up bonds -- Wilma #1 Rachel #1 • Term. clean- up bond -- Walker #1 1• u Cancel drlg. permit-- - Tunstall #3 L On motion by LeBard seconded by Terry the applications for license to conduct business in the City of Huntington Beach were granted as follows: Wilbur P. Campbell dba Cambro Manufacturing Company, the business of plastic fabrication at 214 - 5th Street. D. J. Magee, Fullerton, California, contractor - service station equip- ment. LaMar E. Smith, Tustin, California, cement contractor. Wilber L. Conklin, barber shop at 106 Main Street. On motion by Bartlett seconded by Terry the request of the Almar Oil Company for termination of the Glens Falls Insurance Com- pany clean-up bonds Nos. 505509 and 551670, covering Wilma #1 well, located on Lots 13, 15, 17 and 19,' Block 207,. Huntington Beach Tract, and well Rachel #1, located on Lots 13", 15, 17 and 19, Block 207, Huntington Beach Tract, having complied with Section 2448.1 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code, was granted, and the operator and the bonding company be notified of the termination of the bonds. On motion by LeBard seconded by Terry the request of Cooper and Brain for termination of the Fidelity and Deposit Company of Maryland cleanup bond #7111103, covering Walker Well #1, located on Lot 16, Block 105, Huntington Beach Tract, in compliance with Sec- tion 2448.1 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code and the operator and the bonding company be notified of the termination of the bond, was granted. On motion by LeBard seconded by Bartlett the oil well drill- ing permit for the Atlantic Oil Company covering locations of the Tunstall #3 well on Lots 1, 3 and 5, Block 206,. Huntington Beach Tract, for reason that the.well was not drilled, be cancelled, was approved. 1� 5 8-0 i Page #2. • Minutes - January 16, 1956 Term.drlg. & On motion by LeBard seconded by Bartlett the request of cleanup bds.- Tunstall #3 the Atlantic Oil Company for termination of the Glens Falls Insurance Company drilling bond #505521 and clean-up bond #505522, on the Tunstall #3 well, located on Lots 1, 3 and 5, Block 206, Huntington Beach Tract, for reason that the well was not drilled, and in accordance with Section 2427.2 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code, failure to drill, and the operator and the bond- ing company be notified of the termination, was approved. Term.drlg.bond- On motion by Terry seconded by Lockett the request of Walker #1 • 1 Cooper and Brain for termination of Fidelity and Deposit Company of Maryland Drilling Bond #7111102, on the Walker No. 1 well, located on Lot 16, Block 105, Huntington Beach Tract, having filed a sub -surface survey of the well, in accordance with Section 2427.3 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code, and the owner and the operator be notified of the termination of the bond, was ap- proved. Term.drlg.bd.- On motion by LeBard seconded by Bartlett the request of Rex -Bradley #2 Holly Development Company for termination of the Fidelity and Deposit Company of Maryland Drilling Bond No. 7110357 for the Rex - Bradley No. 2 well, located on Lot 21, Block 201, Huntington Beach Tract, and submitting a sub -surface survey of the well, in accord- ance with Section 2427.3 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code, • and the operator and the bonding company be notified of the term- ination of the bond, was approved. J.C.Lauer-.per- On motion by Terry seconded by Lockett the request of mission to cut curb George W. Hanyak for J. C. Lauer of 527.- 9th Street, Huntington Beach, for permission to cut the curb for driveway on Quincy Street, for his home located at 1221 Park Street, and said work to be done under the supervision and to the satisfaction of the City Engineer,. was approved. R.M.Henry- On motion by Bartlett seconded by Terry the request of R. •�� permission to break curb M. Henry of 216 Baltimore Street for permission to break the curb on Springfield Street for his residence located at 1746 Main Street; and said work to be done under the supervision and to the satisfac- tion of the City Engineer, .was approved. Sully -Miller On motion by LeBard seconded by Lockett the request of Contracting Co. - request 20-day Sully -Miller Contracting Company for a twenty -day extension to the extension on contract time limit on the contract for re -surfacing of certain streets at various locations in the City of Huntington Beach, without penalty, was granted. 04. 1 1 Page #3 . 531 Minutes - January 16, 1956 W.N.Cooker- On motion by Bartlett seconded by Terry the request of W. ley -- remove 4 N. Cookerley, for the removal of four trees on the inside strip trees of the sidewalk at Lots 1 and 2, Block 911, at the corner of 13th and Main Streets, and the City Engineer be instructed to remove the trees provided he finds the trees are located on City property, otherwise the property owner is to stand the cost of removal of the trees, was approved. Or.County On -motion -by Terry seconded by LeBard the request of the Society for Crippled Orange County Society for Crippled Children and Adults, Inc. of Children Santa Ana, California, for permission to sell paper lapel Easter lilies on the streets in the City of Huntington Beach on the days of March 23rd and March 24th, 1956, was approved. Proposed The Clerk read the transmittal from the County of Orange, Clay Street Improvment office of the County Surveyor, to the City Engineer, providing four prints showing plan and profile of the proposed Clay Street improvement, with an engineer's estimate for the total work to be $45,000.00 with a breakdown of costs according to the area in the County, dividing the estimated cost into $24,912.98, as County share, and $20,087.02 as the City of Huntington Beach share, and informing the City that in checking the records, that the total amount of City -aid available for the project is $8,990.00, with a request that the City Engineer approve the plans and the City 0*0 1 financing the difference between the City Aid Allotment and the estimated City' s share of the cost of the improvement, and to submit the information to the City Council for the necessary action. Plans & City Engineer Overmyer submitted to the City Council for Specifica- tions ap- their consideration plans for the proposed Clay Street Improvement proved from Hampshire Avenue west to the intersection of Goldenwest Avenue at Reservoir Hill, and stated that the improvement would be a coop- erative project with the County of Orange as approximately one-half of the street lies within the City limits and would be financed jointly, and informed the City Council it has budgeted the amount of $8,500.00 to finance the difference in the cost of the project, but in lieu of the new estimate by the County's Surveyor's office it will be necessary to allocate an additional $2,600.00 to cover the proposed estimate of the Cit y's share in the amount of $20,087.02. On motion by Bartlett seconded by LeBard the City Council, in accordance with the recommendations of the City Engineer, approve the plans and specifications for the Clay Street improvement, as `* 531 Page A. Minutes - January 16, 1956 Remodeling & alteration -- toilet bldg. beneath Pier Fund Transfer Ord.#640 - electrical code Ord. #641 vaccination of dogs Security First Nat' 1 Bank of L.A. - paying agent of bonds, etc. Southern Calif. Edison Co. -' generating stn . submitted by the ©ffice of the County Surveyor of Orange County, was approved. On motion by Bartlett seconded by LeBard that $2,600.00 be applied to the cost of the improvement of the joint project with the County of Orange for the proposed Clay Street improve- ment, and to be charged to the Capital Outlay Fund, was approved by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen: Terry, Lockett, Bartlett, LeBard, Seabridge NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: None City Engineer Overmmygr submitted the estimate of cost for the remodeling and alteration of the toilet building located beneath the Pier at the shore end, at an estimated cost of $4,500.00. On motion by LeBard seconded by Lockett the City Engineer be instructed to proceed with the remodeling and alteration of the toilet building located beneath the Pier at the shore end, in ac- cordance with the report of the City Engineer, was approved. On motion by Lockett seconded by Terry that $89,607.65 be transferred from the Water Bond Sale 1955 Fund to the West Orange County Water Board Construction Fund, in accordance with the re- quest of the West Orange County Water Board, was approved. The Clerk gave Ordinance No. 640, an ordinance of the City of Huntington Beach relating to the Huntington Beach Elec- trical Code, adding Section 8241.1 to the Huntington Beach Ord- inance Code its first reading. The Clerk gave Ordinance No. 641, an ordinance of the City of Huntington Beach relating to the vaccination of dogs, declaring an emergency to exist, adding Sections 4400.1, 4411.1, 4414.1, and 4414.2, and amending Section 4414 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code, its first reading. On motion by Bartlett seconded by Lockett the Mayor and the City Clerk be authorized to execute the paying agency agree- ment between the Security First National Bank of Los Angeles, and the City of Huntington Beach, covering services for the pay- ment of the bonds and coupons pertaining to the Water Bond Sale 1955, was approved. The Clerk read the communication from Southern California Edison Company, informing the City Council that they are seeking to acquire a parcel of land within the City limits of the City of Huntington Beach for the purpose of a development of an electric steam generating station to serve slectricity for the rapidly i 582 Page. #5, Minutes - January 16, 1956 developing Orange County and Southern California areas, and would desire to negotiate to acquire an approximate 40-acre parcel of land, being a portion of the W1 of the SE4.of Section 13, Township 6 South, Range 11 West, S. B. B. and M., as title reports indicate are owned by the City of Huntington Beach, and request they be ad- vised as to whom they can negotiate with for the City. Mayor Seabridge referred the request of the Southern California Edison Company to a Committee of Councilmen Terry and Bartlett, and 1 City Attorney C. A. Bauer, and City Engineer Warry A. Overmyer. • Demands On motion by LeBard 6econded by Bartlett the demands as ap- proved by the Finance Committee be ordered paid, was approved. Chris King- On motion by Terry seconded by LeBard that Chris King, Real appraise lot". Estate Broker, be authorized to make an appraisal for the City of Huntington Beach, of Lot 14, Block 711, Wesley Park Tract, and that Mr. King be advised of the details of the title report, and that the City is to retain the mineral rights, was approved. Lew Kinney- Mayor Seabridge referred the request of Mr. & Mrs. Lew A. transfer of lease Kinney for transfer of their lease on the store located at the Municipal Trailer Park, to John and Mary Ferguson, 215 Geneva Street, Huntington Beach, to the Beach and Pier Committee and the City At- torney for study and report.. • Construction On motion by Bartlett seconded by .LeBard the City Engineer be curb & gut- ters, Main authorized to proceed with the construction of curbs and gutters on Street Main Street between Springfield and Quincy Street at an approximate estimated cost of $1,050.00, and said amount be charged to the Special Fund for Capital Outlay, was approved by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen: Terry, Lockett, LeBard, Bartlett, Seabridge NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: None Purchase On motion by Bartlett seconded by Terry, the City Purchasing Pavement Breaker Agent be authorized to issue a purchase order for one Ingersoll Rand 10pavement breaker, Type E-B-8, as requested by the City Engineer, at a cost of approximately $400.00, and said cost to be charged to the Special Fund for Capital Outlay, was approved by the following roll -call vote: AYES: Councilmen: Terry, Lockett, Bartlett, LeBard, Seabridge NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: None 3 St.Lts., On motion by Bartlett seconded by Terry the City Engineer be HuntAtks.teW Ave. authorized to arrange with the Southern California Edison Company for the installation of three street lights, bracket type, on t- fingt m Avenue , between Edo n and Ocean Avenue, was approved. 1• 582 Fire & Lifeguard Depts.- Annual Reports Page #6 Minutes - January 16, 1956 On motion by LeBard seconded by Lockett the annual reports of the Fire Department and the Lifeguard Department for the year 1955, as prepared and filed by the Fire Chief and the Lifeguard Chief, be accepted and ordered filed, was approved. On motion by Lockett seconded by LeBard the regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach adjourned. Ginty Clerk and ex-offi cio Clerk 6Y the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, California ATTEST: Mayor City Clerk f 1 •01