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Council Chamber, City Hall
Huntington Beach, California
Monday, February 6, 1956
In the absence of Mayor Seabridge the Clerk called the
regular meeting of the City Councjl to order at 7:30 o'clock P.M.
Councilmen present: Lockett, Bartlett, LeBard, Terry.
Councilmen absent: Seabridge, (Mayor Seabridge arrived at 7:38
o'clock P.M.)
On motion by Lockett seconded by Terry Councilman LeBard
be appointed Mayor pro-tem-, was approved.
On motion by Lockett seconded by Bartlett the minutes of
the City Coun&il meetings held on January 3rd and January 16, 1956, as
• Minutes
transcribed and mailed by the Clerk be accepted and ordered filed, was
The Clerk read the reports for the month of January 1956,
Monthly as tubmitted by the City Treasurer, City Clerk, City Collector, City
Engineer, Fire Chief, Chief of Police, Manager of Municipal Trailer
Park, and the Superintendent of Recreation.
On motion by Bartlett seconded by Terry the reports of the
department heads as read by the City Clerk for the month of January,
1956, be accepted and ordered filed, was approved.
Mayor Seabridge arrived at. 7:38 o'clock P.M.
Mr. E. C. Vogel, appeared before the City Council and pre-
semteld a petition signed by 66 residents and property owners, located
Mr. E. C. in and near the northeast portion of the City limits of the City of
petitioli' Huntington Beach, wherein they petition the City Council to make an
immediate study to the end that sewer lines may be forthcoming in the
immediate future to serve the area with sanitation that is greatly
desired for home construction.
Mr. J. J. Hendrikse appeared before the City Council and
reported that the sidewalk on Main Street along the side of the Standard
Market was finished to.fine and was slick when the concrete was wet, and
further stated that his wife slipped and injured herself and was
�• presently under docter's care.
City Engineer Overmyer reported that he, Lewis and Kiser,
working out of his office wearing different types of shoes, tried to slip
on the sidewalk when it was wet, and failed to do so.
Mayor Seabridge referred the report of Mr. Hendrikse to the
Streets and Parks Committee for study and report.
The Clerk read the appraisal made by Chris H. King, real
estate and insurance agency, as per request of City Council, covering
Lot 14, Block 711., Wesley Park Tract, City of Huntington Beach, and
said appraisal was based on the basis of the appraisal on property re-
cently sold in that vicinity, and believes that a fair value on the Lot
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Minutes - February 6, 1956
Hamilton and
Sherman -
for spec.
permit ap-
Is $900.00, which price is based on a clear title and to be free
of all encumbrances to anyone who purchases the property.
Mayor Seabridge announced that a hearing for a special
permit had been set for 8:00 o'clock P.M. this date, anti re-
quested the Clerk to read the application for special permit.
The Clerk read the application of Hamilton and Sher -
man Operators, for special permit under Sections 2423 to 2425.8,
inclusive, of Article 242, of the Huntington Beach Ordinance
Code, as amended, requesting permission for'special permit to drill
an oil well to be located within 51 feet of the nearest rail of the
Pacific Electric Railway Company at the intersection of the center
lines of 12th Street and Ocean Avenue, extending oceanward.
The Clerk reported that no protests, orally or written,
had been filed, relative to the special permit filed by Hamilton
and Sherman, Operators. There being no protests made, for or against
the special permit filed by Hamilton and Sherman, Operators, to
drill and oil well, within 51 feet of the nearest rail of the Pacific
Electriel:Railway Company, at the intersection of the center lines of
12thStreet and Ocean Avenue, extending southwesterly, the Mayor declared
the hearing closed.
On motion by LeBard seconded.by.Terry the request of Hamil-
ton and Sherman, Operators, for special permit under Section 2423 to
2425.8 inclusive, of Article 242 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance
Code, for permission to drill an oil well, was approved by the fol-
roll call Vote:
Lockett, Bartlett, LeBard, Seabridge
On motion by
seconded by Bartlett the annual report
Police Dept.
annual -re-
of the
Chief of Police
business transacted in the Police De-
partment during the year 1955,
as presented, be accepted and ordered
was approved.
On motion by
Terry seconded
by Lockett, the applications
for license to conduct
in the City of Huntington Beach
were granted as follows:
E., Walter & Herbert Sauerma.nn dba The Garden Spot, the business of
nursery at 708-B Main Street.
David J. Burke, Garden Grove, plumbing contradtor.
Del Amo Nurseries, Compton, Wheel Tax,
Uran L. Bailey ddba Bailey's Cafe, 304 Ocean Avenue.
Alex Robertson Company, Santa Monica, general contractor - pipe lines.
Welch's 8verall Cleaning Company, San Bernardino, Wheel -tax.
• Page
Minutes - February 6, 1956
Eva Hathcote, Huntington Beach, cafe at 2131 Main Street.
C. W. Cottingham, liquor store — merchandise at 105 Main St.
On motion by Terry seconded by Bartlett the American
Automobile Insurance Company, license or permit.bond, for David
Bond approved
J. Burke, dba Burke Plumbing, and as approved for form by the City
Attorney, be accepted and ordered filed, was approved.
On motion by Bartlett seconded by LeBard the request of
Huff - Thomp-
Red Star Oil Company for termination of the Fidelity and Deposit
son #1 well
Company of Maryland cleanup bond #7112257, covering Huff -Thompson
#1 well, located on Lot 26, Block 308, and reported by the City
Engineer as having complied with the requirements of the cleanup
ordinance, was approved.
On motion by Bartlett seconded by LeBard the drilling
permit covering E.W. Bysshe, Jr., proposed well Huntington Beach
#8, on Lot 8, Block 107, Huntington Beach Tract, be cancelled for
reason well was .never drilled, as per request of operator, was
On motion by Bartlett seconded by LeBard the request of
Barratt and Bysshe for cancellation of the American Surety Company
and cleanup bonds No. 18-550-427 and No. 18-550-428, covering
cleanup bds.
the Huntington Beach Well #8 to be located on Lot 8, Block 107, for
reason the well was never drilled, was approved.
On motion by Lockett seconded by LeBard the request of
Well #11
the Bayshore Oil Company, Inc., for termination of the Continental
Casualty Company Cleanup bond No. 1516686, covering well No. 11,
located on Lots 1 and 2, Block 113, Huntington Beach Tract, and
as reported by the City Engineer having complied with the clean -pp
requirements, was approved.
On motion by LeBard seconded by Lockett the request of
Norma. #1 Wilson -Peterson Oil Company for termination of Glens Falls Insurance
up bond Company Cleanup bond No. 551603, covering Norma Well #1, located on
Lots 20 and 22, Block 107, Huntington Beach Tract, and as reported by
the City Engineer havingccomplied with the cleanup requirements, was
On motion by Bartlett seconded by Lockett the request
State 0-1, of Hamilton and Sherman, Operators, fo#termination of the Fidelity
cleanup bd. and Deposit Company of Maryland cleanup bond No. 7137276, covering"
State B-1 well, located 128 feet southerly and 90 feet southeasterly
at right angles, from intersection of center lines at 12th Street and
Ocean Avenue, and as reported by the City Engineer having complied
with the cleanup requirements, was approved.
On motion by LeBard seconded by Lockett the request of
�• R. B. Watkins, for termination of the Glens Falls Insurance Company
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Minutes - February 6,1956
A.B.Watkins cleanup bonds on the -wells as follows, having complied with clean-
up bonds. up requirements as reported by the City Engineer, was approved:
Niccole_.#1, Lots 1 and �, Block 302, Huntington Beach Tract, Bond
Niccole #2 Lots 1 and 3, Block 302, Huntington Beach Tract, Bond
Whittaker #1., Lots 1 and 3, Block 302, Huntington Beach, Tract
Bond #509663.
On motion -by LeBard seconded by Lockett the request of
R. B. Watkins for termination of the Glens Falls Insurance Company
cleanup bonds on the wells as follows, having complied with clean-
up requirements as reported by the City Engineer, was approved:
Diane #2, Lots 11, 13, and 15, Block 101, Huntington Beach Tract,
Fidelity and Deposit Company of Maryland Bond #7111096.
Hoegee #1, Lots 4 and 5, Block 107, Huntington Beach Tract, Fidelity
and eposit Company of Maryland Bond #7111846.
Hoegee #2, Lots 4 and 5, Block 107, Huntington Beach Tract, Fidelity
and Deposit Company of Maryland Bond #7111853
Tunstall #1, Lots 1, 3 and 5, Block 206, Huntington Beach Tract, Glens
Falls Insurance Company Bond #505515.
Tunstall #2, Lots 1, 3 and 5, Block 206, Huntington Beach Tract, Glens
Falls Insurance Company Bond #�05518-
Tunstall #4, Lots 1, 3 and 5, lock 206, Huntington Beach Tract, Glens
Falls Insurance Company Bond #505524.
On motion by Bartlett seconded by LeBard the drilling per-
Lockett i�1 mit issued to Pacific Drilling Company for the proposed R. B. Watkins
permit Well Lockett #1 be cancelled as well was never drilled, was approved
by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Councilmen: Terry, Lockett, Bartlett, LeBard, Seabridge
NOES: Councilmen: None
ABSENT: Councilmen: None
On motion by Bartlett seconded by LeBard the request of the
Pacific Drilling Company for termination of the drilling and cleanup
bonds on the proposed A. B. Watkins Well Lockett #1, for reason well
was never drilled, was approved.
On motion by LeBard seconded by Bartlett the request of E. B.
Watkins for termination of the Cleanup bonds covering wells as listed.
below, having complied with the requirements of the cleanup ordinance
as reported by the City Engineer was approved:
King #1, Lots 1 and 3, Block 202, Huntington Beach Tract, Glens Falls
Insurance Company Bond #551622.
Huntington Beach Assistance League well, Lots 1 and 3 Block 202,
Huntington Beach TvabV,Gle.ns Falls Insurance Company Aond #5516619.
Howe #1, Lots 16 and 18, Block 106, Huntington,Beach Tract, Glens
Falls Insurance Company Bond #551616.
Mills, #2, 150 feet south and 150 west of center of the 4 Section
13, Township 6 South., luange 11 West, S. B.B.& M, Glens Falls Insurance
Company.Bond #509700.
On motion by Terry seconded by Lockettsthe request of the
Atlantic 0i1 Atlantic Oil Company for termination of.the following drilling bonds
Co.- term.
drlg. bonds on wellsrlisted below and complying with the filing of,the sub -surface
surveys of the wells, in accordance with Section 2427.3 of the Hunting-
ton Beach Ordinance Code, was approved.
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Minutes - February 6, 1956
Mitchell &
Terry -
Simpson -
Stanfield #1-
Atlantid Oil
Diane #1, Lots 11,.13, and 15, Block 101, Huntington Beach Tract,
Glens Falls Insurance Company Bond #509585.
Diane #2, Lots 11, 12, and 15, Block 101, Huntington Beach Tract
Tract; Fidelity and eposit Company of Maryland Bond #7111097.
Hoegee #1, Lots 4 and 5, Block 107, Huntington Beach Tract,
Fidelity and Deposit Company of Maryland Bond #7111848.
Hoegee #2, Lots 4 and 5, Block 107, Huntington Beach Tract, Fidelity
and Deposit Company of Maryland Bond #7111855.
Tovatt #1, Lots 9 and 10, Block 107, Huntington Beach Tract, Fidelity
and DeposItCompany of Maryland Bond #7111346,
Tunstall #1, Lots 1, 3, and 5, Block 206, Huntington Beach Tract,
Glens Falls Insurance Company Bond #505516.
Tunstall #2, Lots 1, 3,, and 5, Block 206, Huntington Beach Tract,
Glens Falls Insurance company Bond #505519.
Tunstall #4, Lots 1, 3 ands, Block 206, Huntington Beach Tract,
Glens Falls Insurance 6ompany Bond #505525.
On motion by Bartlett seconded by Terry the request of
Albercalif Petroleum, Ltd. for termination 60 drilling bonds on wells
as listed below and having complied with the filing of sub -surface sur-
veys of the wells, as.required by Section 2427 of the Huntington Beach
Ordinance Code, was approved:
Well #13, Lots 18 and 20, Block 101, Huntington Beach Tract, Standard
Accident Insurance Company Bond dated January 24, 1955.
Well li'14, Lots 18 and 20, Block 101, Huntington Beach Tract, Standard
Accident Insurance Company Bond dated January 24, 1955.
Well #16, Lots 1,3, 5, and 7, Block 202, Huntington Beach Tract
Standard Accident Insurance Company Bond dated January 24, 1955.
On motion by LeBard seconded by Lockett the request of
Mitchell and Terry for termination of drilling bonds on wells listed
below and having complied with the filing of subsurface surveys of the
wells as required by Section 2427.3 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance
Code, was approved:
Abandonato #1 Lots 9 and 11, Block 306, Hartford Accident and Indemnity
Company Bond 42919819.
Harpster #1, Lots 9 and 11, Block 207, nartford Accident and Indemnity
Company Bond #2892276.
Connell -Dowd #1, Lots 16 and l8, Block 201, Hartford Accident and
Indemnity Company Bond #2891883.
Sheffield#2, Lots '12 and 14, Block 201, Hartford Accident and In-
demnity 'Compariy Bond #2892275.
On motion by Terry seconded by Lockett the request of Neaves
Petroleum Developments for termination of the Travelers Indemnity Company
Drilling Bond #501403 for Well Simpson -Stanfield #1, located on Lot 9,
Block 202, Huntington Beach Tract, and having complied with the filing
of a, sub -surface survey of the well, in accordance with Section 2427.3
of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code, was approved.
On motion by LeBard seconded by Bartlett the request of the
Atlantic Oil Company for termination of the drilling bonds on the wells
listed below, as requested by A. B. Watkins, and complying with the
filing of sub -surface surveys, of the wells, in accordance with Section
2427.3 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code, was approved:
Mills #2
Hamilton &
Sherman -
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Minutes - February 6, 1956
Draper #1, Lots 19 to 27, Block 202, Huntington Beach'Tract,
Glens Falls Insurance Company Bond #509631.
Derigo #1, Lots 19 to 25, Block 202, Huntington Beach Tract,
Glens Falls Insurance Company Bond #500394.
Sanders #1, Lots 19 to 25, Block 202, Huntington Beach Tract,
Glens Falls Insurance Company Bond #500397.
.On motion by Terry seconded by LeBard the request of
the Pacific Drilling Company for termination 6f Glens Falls
Insurance Company drilling bond #551651 on R. B. Watkins Opera-
tions, Well Mills #2, located 150 feet south and 150 feet west
of center of -the 4 Section of Section 13, Township 6 South, Range
11 West, S. B. B. & M., and complying with the filing of the �§ub-
surface survey of theww&ll in accordance with Section 2427.3 of the
Huntington Beach Ordinance Code, was approved.
On motion by Bartlett seconded by Lockett the request
of Hamilton and Sherman, Operators, for termination of the Fidelity
and Deposit Company of Maryland Drilling Bond #7137277, for well State
B-1, located near the intersection of 12th Street and Ocean Avenue, and
complying with the filing of sub -surface survey of the well in accordance
with Section 2427.3 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code, was approved.
Mayor Seabridge announced that 8:30 o'clock P.M. was the date
set in accordance with notice inviting bids for opening the bids for to
Gasoline Bids the Ethyl gasoline requirements for the 81tyiof Huntington Beach
for a period of one year beginning February 16, 1956, and requested the
Clerk to read the bids,
The Clerk read the bids received as follows, for furnishing
the City with Ethyl gasoline, as per notice inviting bids published
in the Huntington Beach News on February 2, 1956:
Richfield Oil Corp .........................S.213
Union Oil Co. of calif ornia.................212
Socal Oil & Refining Co....................$.205
Stevens -Young Oil Co.. $,.20?5
Tide Water Assoc. Oil co....................2173
On motion by Lockett seconded by LeBard the City Council
Socal Oil find that the bid of Socal Oil & Refining Company.to be the lowett
& Refining
Co. awarded and the best bid for the interests of the City and instruct the
contract Purchasing Agent to issue a purchase agreement withthe Socal Oil &
Refining Oil Company in accordance with bid proposals submitted
and accepted, was approved,
The Clerk reported that the Huntington Beach Planning
Commission at a regular meeting held on Tuesday, January 17, 1956,
held a public hearing onaa petition for conditional exception filed
by Russell B. Watkins, for permission to drill an oil well in an
R-1 zone on the property described as the East one-half (2) of
Southeast quarter (SE4) of Section 13, Township 6 South, Range
11 West, located 2075' South and 1995' East from Center of Section
13, and there being no oral or written protests on the application
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Minutes - February 6, 1956
filed by Russell B. Watkins, the Planning Commission passed the fol-
lowing motion:
"On motion by Bardwell seconded by Sehryer that the petition for
contitional exception of Russell B. Watkins for permission to drill
an oil well in the R-1 zone, on the property described as the East
of the Southeast.quarter.of Section 13, Township 6 South, Range
11 West, be recommended to the City Council for approval subject to the
following conditions:
1. such operations and construction shall be in conformity with the
Huntington Beach Ordinance Code provisions.
2. The used permitted shall not be construed&as permitting rotary
mud, dumps, sumps, ord_disposals, nor petroleum refining or pro-
cessing nor storage of oil or gas in tanks exceeding 1,000 barrel
capacity nor storage in any exceeding 16 feet in height above
grade of surrounding land.
3. All service equipment such as top of well, pumps tanks and the'
like shall be at least 150 feet from the nearest portion of any
public road, street or State highway, and shall also be at least
25 feet from any lot line which is not common with a public road,
street, or State highway line.
4. Signs shall be limited to two in number and each have an area
of not over twelve square feet."
On motion by Bartlett seconded by Terry the City Council,
In accordance with the recommendations of the Planning Commission
grant permission to Russell B. Watkins to drill an oil well in the B-1
zone on the property described as the East 2 of the Southeast 4 of
Section 13, Township 6 South, Range 11 West, subject to the condiditons
recommended by the Planning Commission, was approved by the following
roll call vote:
AYES: Councilmen: Terry, Lockett, Bartlett, LeBard, Seabridge
NOES: Councilmen: None
ABSENT: Councilmen: None
The Clerk reported that the Planning Commission, at the
Off -Street regular meeting on Tuesday, January 17, 1956, continued the study of
the off-street parking, requested by the City Council, and passed the
following motion:
"On motion by Bardwell seconded by Bazil, in compliance with the re-
�• quest of the City Council and a result of the Planning Commission study,
the Commission finds no immediate necessity for ad9itional off-street
parking, but suggests for future growth that the property described
as the entire east one-half of Block 203, Huntington Beach Tract, and as
an alternate, the north one-half of Block 304, Huntington Beach Tract, be
considered as strategic areas for off-street parking development."
The Clerk gave Ordinance No. 640, its second reading by
2nd reading title, an ordinance of the City of Huntington Beach relating to the
Huntington Beach electrical code and adding Section 8241.1 to the
Huntington Beach Ordinance Code.
On motion by LeBard seconded by Terry, Ordinance No. 640
was passed and adopted by the following roll call vote:
Minutes -
February 6, 1956
Councilmen: Terry, Lockett, LeBard, Bartlett, Seabridge
Councilmen: None
Councilmen: None
The Clerk gave Ordinance No. 641, its second reading
Ord. #641,
by title,
an ordinance of the City of Huntington Beach re -
final read-
lating to
the vaccination of dogs: declaring an emergency to
exist; adding Sections 4400.1, 4411.1, 4414.1 and 4414.2, and
amending Section 4414 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code.
On motion by Bartlett seconded by LeBard, Ordinance
No. 641 was passed and adopted by the following roll call vote:
Councilmen: Terry, Bartlett, LeBard, Seabridge
Councilmen: Lockett
Councilmen: None
The Clerk gave Ordinance No. 642, an ordinance of the
City Council of Huntington Beach, California, setting the fee
for connecting with sewer lines in Block 1801, of Tract #12, and
for penalties for violating thereof, its first reading.
The Clerk read Resolution No. 1259, a resolution of the
deed to
City Council of the City of Huntington Beach accepting deed to cer-
real prop.
tain real
property and authorizing the recording of said deed.
On motion by LeBard seconded by Bartlett Resolution
No. 1259 was passed and adopted by the following roll call vote:
Councilmen: Terry, Lockett, Bartlett, LeBard, Seabridge
Councilmen: None
Councilmen: None
The Clerk read Resolution No'. 1260, a resolution of the
deed to City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, accepting deed to
real prop.
cert&in read property and authorizing the recording of said deed.
On motion by Bartlett seconded by LeBard Resolution No.
1260, was passed and adopted by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Councilmen: Terry, Lockett, Bartlett, LeBard, Seabridge
NOES: Councilmen: None
ABSENT: Councilmen: None
The Clerk read Resolution No. 1261, a resolution of the
accepting City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, accepting deed to cer-
tain real property and authorizing the recording of said deed.
en motion by LeBard seconded by Terry Resolution No.
1261, was passed and adopted*b,y the following roll call vote:
AYES: Councilmen: Terry, Lockett, Bartlett, LeBard, Seabridge
NOES: Councilmen: None
ABSENT: Councilmen; None
The Clerk read Resolution No. 1262, a resolution of the
Reso.#1262, City Council of the City of Huntington Beach setting the salaries
salaries for officers elected at the Municipal Election of.April 10, 1956.
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Minutes - February 6, 1956
precinets &
prop. deed
Limit signs
10 day exten.
on Sully -
Miller contr,
Frank A.
placed on
On motion by Bartlett seconded by Terry Resolution No.
1262 was passed and adopted by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Councilmen: Terry, Lockett, Bartlett, LeBard, Seabridge
NOES: Councilmen: None
ABSENT: Councilmen: None
The Clerk read Resolution No. 1263, a resolution of the
City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, `'alifornia,
On motion by LeBard'seconded by Lockett Resolution No..
1263 setting up the voting precincts, and'the consolidation of the
regular election precincts and the election boards of the General
Municipal Election to be held in the City of Huntington Beach on
April 10, 1956, was passed and adopted by the f ollovning roll call
AYES: Councilmen: Terry, Lockett, Bartlett, LeBard, Seabridge
NOES: Councilmen: None
ABSENT: Councilmen: None
The Clerk read Resolution No. 1264, a resolution of the
City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, accepting deed to'
certain real property and authorizing the recording of said deed.
On motion by Lockett seconded by Terry, Resolution No.
1264 was passed and adopted by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Councilmen: Terry, Lockett, Bartlett, LeBard, Seabridge
NOES: Councilmen: None
ABSENT: Councilmen: None
On motion by Terry seconded by Bartlett the City Attorney
in accordance with request of the Chief of Police, be instructed
to draw up a resolution to provide.for parking limit signs between Orange Aven
& Magnolia Avenue, 400 Block, Main Street, prohibiting parking of vehicles
on said street between the hours of 2:00 A. M. and 5:00 A. M. of
any day, was approved.
On motion by Bartlett to request the City Engineer for
permission to purchase a new lawn renovator to replace the exist-
Ing machine, and said amount to be approximately #27 0.00 and to
be charged to the Capital Outlay Fund, was withdrawn by Councilman
On motion by Lockett seconded by LeBard the request of
Sully -Miller Contracting Company requesting an additional ten days
for completion of their street surfacing contract, and said request
due to the recent heavy rainfall, with no penalty attached, was
The request of Harry A. Overmyer to place Franke.
Gillespie, Truck Driver, on the regular monthly payroll in the
salary classification Range 23, Bracket "A" of the Huntington
Beach Ordinance Code, to be effective February 1, 1956, was approved.
Page #io
- February , 1956
Mayor Seabridge referred
the request of Mrs.
Mrs. Belle
for the removal of Palm
trees in front of the
pro -
perty at
llth and Acacia, due to
the fact that it is bri�aging
Palm trees
the sidewalk
and causing damage
to the home, to the Streets
and Parks Committee for further
study and report.
On motion by Bartlett
seconded by LeBard the
perm.cut curb
of Mrs.
Elizabeth H. Wright, for
permission to cut out
a drive-
way in front of 206 Elmira Street, and said work to be done under
the supervision and to the satisfaction of City Engineer was
Mayor Seabridge referred the request of H. P. Bender,
H. P. for the removal of the present wooden power poles on Park Street
and have installed. lighting standards and street lighting between
Springfield and UticalStreets, to the Streets and Parks Committee
for study and report.
Mayor Seabridge referred the request of Donald W.
Donald W.. Bratt, 1119 Lake Avenue, requesting permission for removal of
a Eucalyptus tree in the parkway at said property, to the Streets
and Parks Committee for study and report. -
On motion by Lockett seconded by Terry the City Pur-
Purchase chasing Agent be instructed to issue a purchase order to V. 0.
fill dirt
from Boyd, 218 Lincoln Street, for approximately 2,000 cubic yavdd
V. 0. Boyd
of good fill dirt to be delivered to the City -owned property
located between Huntington Avenue and Highway ##39, on Ocean
Avenue, at a price of $.70 per cubic yard, and said dirt to be
approved by the City Engineer, was approved.
On motion by Lockett seconded by Terry the Chamber of
C of C - Commerce be given approval for the excess expenditures of 101__over
excess exp.
the annual budget amounts in the amount of $31.69 for labor for
celebrations and $133.49 for Christmas street decorations, was
On motion by LeBard seconded by Bartlett, in accordance
Gates with the study and findings of the Beach and Pier Committee re -
Charter Boats
re: lative to the request of the Gates Charter Boats, asking for an
water taxi
franchise exclusive franchise for water taxi service to tideland drilling
rigs off of the Municipal Pier, be denied, as they do not feel
that under the circumstances that a franchise should be given,
and the Clerk be instructed to inform W. N. Gates of the Gates
Charter Boats to that effect, was approved.
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Minutes -
February 6, 1956
On motion by LeBard
seconded by Lockett the City Pur-
Purchase chasing Agent
be authorized to
issue a purchase order to the Roy
Dodge Police
Pursuit Car D. Bryant
Motor Company for one
Dodge Police Pursuit car, in the
amount of
$2,928.98, and said
purchase be charged to the Special
Fund for
Capital Outlays, was
approved by the following roll call
Councilmen: Terry,
Lockett, Bartlett, LeBard, Seabrigge
Councilmen: None
Councilmen: None
On motion by LeBard
seconded by Bartlett the Baltimore
Street improvement
work between
Huntington avenue to First Street
alley east
of Huntington, -'that
had been previouslyy authorized by
the City
Council, be charged to
the Special Fund for Capital Outlay
reserve, was approved by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Councilmen:, Terry, Lockett, Bartlett, LeBard, Seabridge
NOES: Councilmen: None
ABSENT: Councilmen: None
On motion by LeBard seconded by Lockett the City Attorney
Kinney be authorized and directed to draw up a mutual cancellation agree-
cancelled ment with Lew A. Kinney and wife for that certain concession with
the City of Huntington Beach, dated January 1, 1956, and the Mayor
and the City Clerk be authorized to execute the agreement, was
On motion by LeBard seconded by Bartlett that the City
John Ferguson
Attorney be authorized and directed to draw up an
agreement between
& wife take
over Kinney
the City of Huntington Beach
and John W. and Mary
Ferguson under the
same terms and conditions for the balance of the
term as set forth
in the agreement of the City
of Huntington Beach
and Lew Kinney
,e,t al, dated January 1, 1956
was approved.
The Clerk read the
agreement between the
�;ity of Huntington
David E. Gay Beach and David E. Gay, in which permittee be granted permission to
operate the business of selling soft drinks, sandwiches, candy, ice
cream, and other similar articles, in the space located in the north-
westerly corner of the beach pavilion, and its term to be three years
beginning January 1, 1956, and ending December 31, 1958.
On motion by LeBard seconded by Bartlett the Mayor and City
Clerk be authorized to execute the agreement between the City of
Huntington Beach and David E. Gay, was approved.
On motion by Lockett seconded by LeBard the City Engineer
Memo Hall
repairs be instructed to proceed with the necessary repairs to the cupola on
top of the Memorial Hall, was approved.
588 Page #12
Minutes.- February 6, 1956
On motion by Lockett seconded by Bartlett the City
C. of C.- Engineer be instructed to proceed with the repairs to the
office of the Secretary -Manager of the Huntington Beach
Chamber of Commerce, and said repairs not to exceed $400.00,
was approved.
On motion by Lockett Eseconded by LeBard the City Engi-
Horseshoe neer be authorized to make a study of the Horseshoe Club Build -
club bldg.
ing to provide quarters for the Judicial District Court, and
furnish the City council with an estimate, of said reconstruc-
tion, was approved.
On motion:by
Bartlett seconded by LeBard the City
Remove palm
Engineer be instructed
to remove the.Palm-tree located between
Orange Ave.
9th and -loth Street
Orange Avenue, was approved.
On motion
seconded by Bartlett the City Engineer,
Remove tree
13th St.
be instructed to remove a tree located at 506 - 13th Street.1was
On motion
Lockett seconded by LeBard the demands as
approved by the Finance Committee be ordered Paid was approved.
On motion by LeBard seconded by Bartlett the regular
meeting of the pity Council of the City of Huntington Beach ad-
City Clerk
U/1py Clerk and ex-offico Clerk
f the City Council of the City
of Huntington Beach, California
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