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Council Chamber, City Hall
Huntington Beach, California
Monday, March 5, 1956
Mayor seabridge called the regular meeting of the City
Council of the city of Huntington Beach to order at 7:30 o'clock
-Councilmen present: Terry, Lockett, Bartlett, LeBard, Seabridge
Councilmen absent: None
On motion by LeBard seconded by Lockett the minutes of
Minutes the City Council meetirrgs held on Monday, February 6, February 20,
Special Meeting Friday February 24, and adjourned meeting on February
27, 1956, as transcribed and mailed by the City Clerk, be,accepted
and ordered filed, was approved.
The Clerk read the reports for the month of February, 1956,
Monthly as submitted by the City Treasurer,-C-ity Clerk, City Collector, City
Engineer,*Fire Chief, Chief of Police, Manager of Municipal Trailer
Park, and Superintendent of Recreation.
On motion by Bartlett seconded by Terry the reports of de-
partment heads as read by the City Clerk for the month of February,
1956, be accepted and ordered filed, was -approved.
Mrs..Tovatt, Sr. appeared before the City Couneil'and re -
Mrs. Tovatt quested that the oil rights to the 'lot purchased by Mrs. Pasquall
be included In the deed for reason that It does not give full title
to the property and stated they have arrangements to purchase 121
feet of the lot from Mrs. Pasquali.
On motion by Lockett seconded by Bartlett the City Coun-
oil take under advisement the question of reserving mineral rights
from tax title lots sold -until a policy has been decided'upon and
established, was approved.
On motion by Bartlett seconded by Terry the applications
Business -
Licenses fob license to conduct business Intthe City of Huntington Beach
were granted as follows*
Kenneth E. Morrell, San Juan Capistrano, Tide Water Associated
Gasoline Station at 502 Ocean Avenue.
Rose D. Helms, 421 - 8th Street, Huntington Beach, the -business
of boarding house at 421 - 8th St.
Weed Grading and Construction Company, 222 Main Street, grading
and construction.
H. W. Mannon, 464 Ocean Aveilue, gift and art shop at 464 Ocean
P. K. McKissack dba Anchor Construction Company, Orange, California,
general contractor.
Wm. Resnick, Culver City, peddling - verteran's license,
� __ , .�
Graser #1
well -
Lake No. 1
well -
term. drlg.
Hedges Oil
Co. - term.
drlg, bonds
Page #2
Minutes - Monday, March 5, 1956
Henry P. Wilkinson, Santa Ana, cement contractor.
J. W. Ferguson, 215 Geneva Street, concession, grocery and lunch
at Municipal Trailer Park.
Hayward C. Bailey dba Mortarless Interlocking Block Co., Costa Mesa,
concrete walls.
On motion by LeBard seconded by Lockett the request of the
Caravan Oil Company Oil Company for termination of Fidelity and -De-
posit Company of Maryland drilling bond No. 7111191 on well Graser
No. 1, located on Lots 18 and 20, Block 207, Huntington Beach Tract,
having filed copy of -sub -surface survey of the well, and the operator
and the bonding company be notified of the termination, was approved.
On motion by Terry seconded by Lockett the request of the
Davis Investment Company for termination of Fidelity and Deposit Com-
pany of Maryland drilling bond No. 7177243 on well Lake. No. 1, lo-
cated in Block 2204, East Side Villa Tract, having filed a subsur-
face survey of the well, and the operator and the bonding company
be notified of the termination, was approved.
On motion by Bartlett seconded by LeBard the request of
the Hedges Oil Company for termination of the Travelers Indemnity
Company drilling bonds as listed below covering the wells as fol-
Bayshore #1
Lot 6, Block 108
Bond #522961
Colvin #1
Lots 16-18-20, Block 109
Draper #1
Lot 19, Block 109
Dunlap #1.
Lots 2-4, Block 209
Gardiner #1
Lots 11-13-SW 10' of 15, Block
110 501739
Grant Jones
Lots 1-2-3-4, Block 310-
Lots 23-25-27, Block 209
Holmwood #1
Lots 12 to 20, Block 108
Stull #1
Lots 9-11 SW' of 13, Block 209
Leone Pearl
Lot. 2, Block 109
Leone Pearl
Lot 2, Block 109
Leone Pearl
Lot 7, Block 109
Mathis #1
Lots 3-5, Block 210
Mathis #2
Lot 3, Block 210
McCallen #1
Lot7 7, Block 108
Nasby-Fee #1
Lot 5, Block 310
Puckett #1
Lot 1, Block 209
Ramsey #1
Lots 12-14, Block 307
Sizemore #1
Lot 5, Block 310
Thompson #1
Lots 10-12-14, Block 309
Lot 21, Block 210
Warner #1
Lot 5, Block 310
and, having
complied with Section 2427.3 of the Ordinance Code, filling
sub -surface
surveys of the wells and the owner and the bonding company
be notified
the termination, was approved.
On motion by Lockett seconded by Terry
the request of John
Warner #1 H. Marion for termination of the Glens Falls Insurance Company clean -
well -
term.clean- up bond #551691 for darner #1 well located on Lots 13-15-17-19, dock
up bond
507, Huntington Beach Tract, and complying with the cleanup require-
ments of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code, and the owner and the
bonding company be notified of the termination, was approved;
P age #3
Minutes - Monday, March 5, 1956
On motion by LeBard seconded by Bartlett the request
Bent son #I'
well - ac-
of E. S. Arnn, to accept the New Amsterdam Casualty. Company drill-
cept drlg.
bond & clean
ing bond No. 191951 and cleanup bond No. 191952 covering the well
up bond
Bentson ffl, located on Lots 14-16, Block.310, Huntington Beach
Tract, was approved.
On motion by Bartlett seconded by LeBard the request of
the Southern California Petroleum Corporation for termination of
So. Calif.
the St. Paul Mercury Indemnity Company cleanup bonds on wells
un bonds
listed below, and having complied with the cleanup requirements
under Section 2448.1 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code, and
the Operator and bonding company be notified of the termination,
was approved:
Huntington Beach A#1 Lot 19, Block 303 Bond 4991019
Huntington Beach B #1 Lot 19, Block 303 991044
Huntington Beach C#1 Lot 21, Block 303 991322
Jack B. Crawford-Hunt,#7 Lot 33, Block 201 99068o
Jack B. Crawford-Hunt.#8 Lot 33, Block 201 990685
Sunghera #1 Lot 241 Block 201 991017
Claborn #1- Lots 9-11-14-15, Block 303 991320
Huntington -Webb #1 Lot 16, Block 205 991071
On motion by Terry seconded by Lockett the request of the
Hedges Oil
Hedges Oil Company for termination of the Travelers Indemnity Com-
pany cleanup bonds on the wells listed below and having complied with
up bonds
the requirements of Section 2448.1 of the Ordinance Code and the
operator and the bonding company be notified of the termination
was approved:
Ramsey #1 Lots 12-14, Block 307 Bond #501737
Gardiner #1 Lots 11-13-10' of115,
Block 110 501738
Warner #1 Lots 5-7, Block 310 5o1854
On motion by Bartlett seconded by LeBard the request of
Beloil Corporation for termination of the Central surety and Insur-
Terry Nos.
1 & 2 -
ante Corporation Cleanup bond No. 250092 for Collins -Terry #1 well,
un bonds
located on Lots 18-20, Block 105, Huntington Beach Tract, and Cen-
tral surety and Insurance Corporation cleanup bond No. 250095 for
Collins -Terry #2 well located on Lots 18-20, Block 105, Huntington
Beach Tract, and having complied with Section 2448.1 of the Huntington
Beach Ordinance Code and the bonding company and the operator be
notified of the termination, was approved.
On motion by LeBard seconded by Lockett the request of
Term.clean- Harry A. Mart and Harry N. Bell for termination of Fidelity and
up bond on
Mart & Bell Deposit Company of Maryland cleanup bond No. 7112391 covering
well on Lot 9, Block 803, Vista Del Mar Tract, and having com-
plied with cleanup r8quirements of Section 2448.1 pf the Hunting-
ton Beach Ordinance Code and the bonding company and the operator
be notified, was approved.
• .� Page #4
Minutes - Monday, March 5, 1956
• ate.•.
The City Engineer submitted plans,
P11hans,_ etc.
for re-
specifications and
special provisions for the resurfacing of Walnut Avenue from.First
Street to Fifth Street, Olive Avenue from First Street to Seven-
teenth Street, Orange Avenue from Lake Avenue to Seventeenth §treet,
Second Street from Ocean avenue to Lake Avenuq,3S_ixth=8treet from
Walnut Avenue to Orange Avenue, and Eighth Street from Walnut Avenue
to Orange Avenue, in the City of Huntington Beach, with a. estimate
of cost as follows:
Item l - 7228 tons plant -mixed surfacing0 $5.30.....$38,308.40
Item 2 - 29 tons asphaltic prime coat 058.00. 1,68 .00
Item 3 - 10 manholes to be adjusted to grade @448.00. 480..00
On motion by LeBard seconded by Bartlett the plans and
specifications and special provisions for the resurfacing of the
street as listed in the report read by the City Clerk at a total
cost of $40,470.40, be accepted and approved. Motion carried.
The Clerk read Resolution No. 1267, a resolution of
the City of Hunti.ngt-n Beach establishing the general prevail -
ingrate of hourly gages for each craft or type of workman or
mechanic needed in the resurfacing of Walnut Avenue from First
Street to Fifth Street, Olive Avenue from First Street to Seven-
Reso. #1267'
Wages teenth Street, Orange'Avenue from Lake Avenue to seventeenth
Street, becond Street from Ocean Avenue to L.Avenue, Sixth
Street from Walnut Avenue to Orange Avenue, and Eighth Street
from Walnut Avenue to Orange Avenue, in the City of Huntington
Beach, Califarnia,
Mayor 6eabridge asked if anyone present had any objections.
.to the general prevailing wages as established in the Resolution No.
11267, as read by the Clerk.
City Engineer Overmyer reported to the City Council
that he finds the revailing rates of hourly wages as listed in
the resolution as read by the Clerk are those that have been
established in the local area and contiguous areas of the City.
There being no further statements forthcoming in re-
gards to the revailing rates as established in the area Mayor
Seabridge declared the hearing closed.
On motion by LeBard seconded by Terry Resolution No. 1267
was passed and adopted by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Councilmen: Terry, Lockett, Bartlett, LeBard, Seabridge
NOES: Councilmen: None
ABSENT: Councilmen: None
On motion by Bartlett seconded by Terry the Clerk be in-
structed to advertise for bids for the resurfacing of Walnut Avenue
from First Street to Fifth Street, Olive Avenue from First Street
Page #5 •
Minutes - Monday, March 5, 1956
Seventeenth Street, Orange Avenue from Lake Avenue to Seventeenth.Street',
Second Street from Ocean Avenue to Lake Avenue, Sixth Street from
Bids for
resurfacing Walnut Avenue to Orange Avenue, and Eighth Street from Walnut Avenue
to be read
3-19-56 . to Orange Avenue, in the City of Huntington Beach, California, in
accordance with the plans and specifications and special prgt toor.F,
as presented by the City Engineer and approved, and said bids to be
opened at 8:00 o'clock P. M. on Monday, March 19th, 1956, was approved.
The Clerk read the request of the Melven Genser Sign Com-
Advertising pany.at the request of Laramore Construction company for permission
sign to be
erected at to -erect a sign to be located temporarily on the property owned by
*Hwys. 39 &
101 the City of Huntington Beadh at the junction of Highway 'f39'and
Coast Highway #101, for the purpose of guiding traffic to the Lara-
more Company's tract on Highway #39 just north of the City limits of
the City of Huntington Beach.
On motion by Lockett seconded by Terry permission be given
for the Laramore Construction Company to erect a directional sign
on the City property as outlined in the request as read by the City
Clerk, said sign to be located on the City property at the junction
y of Highway #39 and Highway #101, and rental on said sign to be on a
month to month basis at $30.00 per month, was approved.
On motion by LeBard seconded by Lockett the offer of Or -
Orville A.
Hanson ville A. Hanson of $400.00 for tax title lot #25, Block 813, Wesley
Park Tract, be rejected and the City Clerk be instructed to return
the deposit check in the amount of $40.00, was approved.
Mayor Seabridge referred to the Streets and Parks Commit-
tee for study and report the request of nineteen property owners to
remove one Eucalyptus tree in front of 1709 Lake Avenue.
On motion by Terry seconded by Bartlett the request of
Kirkpatrick Adah Kirkpatrick for the removal of palm trees in front of 308 and
310 - 7th Street, Block 306, and said removal to be under the super-
vision of the City Engineer, was approved.
Mayor Jeabridge referred the request of Mr. & Mrs. Leslie
W. Potts for the City to consider putting curbs and gutters along
Yorktown from Florida Street as they are going to build a home on
Yorktown, and the removal of two Palm trees, to the Streets and Parks
Committee for study and report.
On motion by Bartlett seconded by Lockett the City Attorney
Search be authorized to incur title search expense covering ownership of
property along Yorktown for purposes of proposed street improvement,
was approved.
• Page #6
Minutes. - Monday, March 5, 1956
The Clerk read Resolution No. 1268, a resolution of in-
Reso.#1268 .
vacate por-
tention of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach to vacate
tion llth St.
that portion of Eleventh Street lying oceanward of Ocean Avenue,
and giving notice of a hearing on such vacation.
On motion by Bartlett seconded by LeBard Resolution No.
1268 was passed and adopted by the following roll Call vote:
AYES: Councilmen: Terry, Lockett, Bartlett, LeBard, Seabridge
NOES: Councilmen: None
ABSENT: Councilmen: None
On motion by LeBard seconded by Bartlett the demands as
approved by the Finance Committee be ordered paid, was approved.
On motion by Lockett seconded by Terry the City Engineer
be instructed to draw up a description for the City Attorney of
that beach area lying between the West line of the Huntington Beach
saltwater plunge and 12th Street, was approved.
On motion by Terry seconded by Lockett the City Engineer,
be authorized and instructed to proceed with the painting of the
exterior of the Lake Park Clubhouse as required, was approved.
On motion by Terry seconded by Lockett the regular meeting
of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach adjourned.
City Clerk
Pity Clerk and ex-officio Clerk
6� the City Council of the City
of Huntington Beach, California