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Council Chamber; City Hall
Huntington Beach, Califof-nia
Monday, April 2, 1956
Pursuant to the adjournment of the regular meeting
of March 20, 1956, Chairman Stang called the adjourned meet-
ing to order at 5:15 o'clock P.M.
Commissioners Present: Presson,Bardwell,.Schryer, Davis
Commissioners Absent: Valentine, Bazil
Chairman Stang stated a public hearing was set for
the hour of 5:15-P.M. this day, and requested the Sec-
retary to read the Petition for Conditional Exception.
The Scretary read the petition for conditional ex-
ception filed by the Shell Oil Company and for which a
Shell Oil legal notice of public hearing was published in the
Co.-vari- Huntington Beach News on March 22, 1956. The petition
ance. re- requests permission to drill for the production of oil,
commended gas and other hydrocarbons on the property described as:
to City the fractional NE-14 of Section 19, Township 6 South,
Council Flange 10 West, S.B.B.& M. The proposelwell to be lo-
cated 1150 feet south and 610 feet east of the north-
west corner thereof. Present zoning R-1.
The Secretary reported there were no verbal or
written statements made or filed for or against the
petition for conditional exception. The Chairman
asked if anyone present had any comments to make re-
lative to the applicant's request. No statements
were made. The Chairman declared the hearing closed.
On motion by Davis seconded by Presson the Planning
Commission recommend to the City Council that the peti-
tion for conditional exception filed by the Shell Oil
Company for permission to drill for the production of
oil, gas, and other hydrocarbons in an R-1 zone on the
property described as the fractional NE4 of Section 19;
Township,6 South, Range 10 West, S.B.B.& M., and well
to be located 1150 feet south and 610 feet east of the
northwest corner thereof, be granted, subject to the
following conditions:
1. Such operations and construction shall be in con-
formity with the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code
2. Uses permitted shall not be construed as permitting
rotary mud dumps, sumps or disposal of petroleum re-
fining or processing or storage of oil, gas in tanks
exceeding a 1000 barrel capacity or -storage in any
tank exceeding 16 feet in height from ground on sur-
rounding land.
3. All service equipment such as top of well, pumps,
tanks, and like, shall be at least 100 feet from
the nearest portion of any public road, street or
State highway, and shall also be at least 25 feet
from any lot line which is not common with a pub-
lic road, street or State highway line..
Page #2
Minutes - April 2, 1956
H. B. Planning Commission
4. Sign shall be limited to two in number and each
shall have an area of not over twelve (12) square
5. That the granting of the conditional exception to-
gether with the terms and conditions is an offer
which is accepted and said terms and conditions
agreed to'if any of the privileges authorized are
Motion carried by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Commissioners: Presson,Bardwell, Schryer,
Davis, Stang
NOES: Commissioners: -None
ABSENT: Commissioners: Valentine, Bazil
On motion by Davis seconded by Presson the ad-
journed meeting of the Plannin Comm sio adjourned.
-2 � Cileirman
' Secretary ✓