HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-04-17MINUTES HUNTINGTON BEACH PLANNING COMMISSION Council Chamber, City Hall Huntington Beach, California Tuesday, April 17, 1956 Chairman Stang called the regular meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Huntington Beach to order at 7:30 o'clock P.M. Commissioners Present: Presson,,Bardwell, Bazil,Schryer, Davis, Stang, Valentine Commissioners Absent: None Others Present: C. A. Bauer, City Attorney Planning Consultant Diggs On motion by Schryer seconded by Presson the Minutes minutes of the meeting of March 20, 1956, as transcribed and mailed by the Secretary be accepted and ordered filed, was approved. Chairman Stang informed the Commissioners that Election in accordance with provisions in the by-laws the election of of,officers shall be held on the first regular meeting in Officers April, and stated nominations for Chairman were in order. Commissioner Bardwell was nominated by Davis. Bardwell, No other nominations were made. On motion by Davis se - Chairman conded by Presson Commissioner Bardwell be elected Chairman, was approved. ` Chairman Stang stated nominations for Vice Chairman were in order. Commissioner Schryer was nomi- nated by Bazil. No other nominations were made. Bazil, Vice On motion by Bazil seconded by Davis Commis - Chairman sioner Schryer be elected Vice Chairman, was approved. Chairman Stang stated nominations for Secre- tary were in order. Commissioner Valentine nominated Henricksen for Secretary. No other nominations were made. Henricksen, On motion by Valentine seconded,by Davis Hen - Seely ricksen be elected Secretary, was approved. Chairman Stang stated that a public hearing Foster & was set for 7:45 P.M. this date, on the petition for Kleiser conditional exception filed by Foster and Kleiser Com- variance pany and requested the Secretary to read the petition. The Secretary read the petition for conditional exception filed by Foster and Kleiser Company upon which a notice of public hearing was published in the Hunting- ton Beach News on March 29, 1956, requesting permission to erect one only outdoor advertising structure 10 feet by 25 feet, on the property described as a part of the SW4 of Section 13 Range 11 W. -T. 6 S., S.B.B.& M., be- ing a strip of land 90.37 acres on U.S. Alternate High- way on the north side of the highway and extending ap- proximately 2800 feet east from a point 435 feet east of Huntington Beach Boulevard. Present zoning A-1. Chairman Stang asked if anyone present wished to make a statement for or against the petition. David H. Larson addressed the Commission and spoke in favor of the request. Page #2 _ Minutes - April 17, 1956 H. B. Planning Commission The Secretary reported that no verbal or written statements were filed for or against the petition. There being no further_ statements for or against the petition the Chairman declared the hear- ing closed. Following a brief discussion,by the Com- missioners on the petition for conditional exception of the Foster and Kleiser Company, the following motion was made and carried: On motion by Davis seconded by Presson the Planning Commission recommend to the City Council that the petition for conditional exception filed by Foster and Kleiser Com- pany, and upon which the Commission held a public hearing, be granted. Public Hrg. On motion by Davis seconded by Presson the' 5-1-56-re: Secretary be instructed to publish in the Huntington adding new Beach -'News a legal notice for public hearing to be Section to held at 7:30 o'clock P.M. of.May 1, 1956, for the pur-, Ord.Code., pose'of amending the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code adding a new Section 9443.1 - Steam Electric Gener- ating Station, was approved. 1956-57 Chairman Stang appointed Commissioners Bard - budget well and Davis as.a committee to work on and submit recommendations for the 1956-57 budget requirements. Schryer reported that the Planning and Development Committee of the Chamber of Commerce re- commend that the area lying north from Hamilton Ave- nue on Newland to Talbertand west on Talbert to Got - hard road thence south on Gothard to Main Street and Recommend southerly along Main Street to the City limits be expansion annexed to -the City,.as the area is well within the of bounJary proposed zone of influence. lines bf City The subject of the proposed annexation was considered and discusssed by the Commissioners and after due deliberation the following motion was made and carried; On motion by Davis seconded by Presson the Com- mission recommend to the City Council that they give consideration to expanding the boundary lines of the City to include the area north on Newland Street from Hamilton to Talbert road thence west on Talbert road to Gothard road thence south on Gothard to Main Street thence southerly along Main Street to the City limits as the area•is well within the zone of influence, and further recommends that steps be taken to annex the area due to the rapid growth of the area. The Planning Commission of the City of Hunt- ington Beach adjourned until 7:30 o'clock P.M., May 1, 1956. l Ch rman Secretary