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So. Calif .
Edison Co. -
land re-
Ronald C.
Rader -
Council Chamber, City Hall
Huntington Beach, California
July 12, 1956
Pursuant to adjournment of the meeting of June 26,
•1956, Chairman Bardwell called the adjourned meeting of
the Huntington Beach Planning Commission to order at 5:00
o'clock P.M.
Commissioners Present:
Commissioners Absent:
Stang, Presson,
Schryer, Davis,
Chairman Bardwell opened the hearing on the pro-
posed change of use district boundary and classification
which was set for 5:00 o'clock P.M., Thursday, the 12th
-day of July, 1956, and asked the Secretary to read the
legal notice of publication.
The Secretary read the notice of public hearing
published in the Huntington Beach News, June 28, 1956,
and presented the affidavit of posting notices of use
district hearing filed by the City Engineer with the City
Clerk of the City of Huntington Beach.
The Secretary reported that no verbal or written
statements were received for or against the proposed re-
classification of the Southern California Edison Company
parcel of land to be re -zoned.
The Chairman asked"if anyone present wished to
make a statement for or against the proposed re -zoning
of the parcel of land as requested by the Southern Cali-
fornia Edison Company and ordered by the City Council of
the City of Huntington Beach.
There being no statements made for or against the
proposed re -zoning of boundary and classification on the
property described in the legal notice of public hearing
on the parcel of land owned by the Southern California
Edison Company as described in the notice, the Chairman
declared the hearing closed.
The Secretary read Resolution No. 38, a resolu-
tion covering the findings of the hearing on the re-
zoning of the parcel of land in the R-1 District to
M-2-0 District and owned by the Southern California
Edison Company, the applicant, and said Resolution recom-
mends to the City Council the re -zoning of the parcel of
land from the R-1 District to the M-2-0 District.
On motion by Stang seconded by Davis Resolution
No. 38 was passed and adopted by the'fo llowing roll call
AYES: Commissioners: Davis, Schryer, Stang, Presson,
NOES: Commissioners: None
ABSENT: Commissioners: Bazil
VACANCY: Commissioners: One
Chairman Bardwell announced that a notice of pub-
lic hearing was set for 5:15 o'clock P.M. on a petition
for conditional exception filed by Ronald C. Rader, and
requested the Secretary to read the petition for condi-
tional exception.
Page #2.
Minut e s- - July 12, 1956
H.B.Planning Commission
The Clerk read the petition for conditional
exception filed by Ronald C. Rader in which request
was made to erect a single family one and one-half
story residence and attached in the rear a two car
arage on property described as Lots 1 and 2, Block
12, of the Wesley. Park- Trabt i Huntinggton Beach,
California, except the southwesterly b5 feet thereof
and leaving a plat 50 feet by 85 feet or 4250 square
feet plus, and account of 13th Street being slightly
curved giving the width in the rear approximately
56 feet, present zoning R-1, and the Secretary re-
ported the legal notice of public hearing was pub-
lished in the Huntington Beach News, June 28th, 1956,
calling for a hearing on the petition for conditional
exception of Ronald C. Rader, at the hour of 5:15
o'clock P.M., on Thursday, the 12th day of July,
The Secretary reported that no verbal or writ-
ten statements for or against the petition for condi-
tional'exception had been received or filed.
Chairman Bardwell asked if anyone present
wished to make any statements for or against the peti-
tion for conditional exception filed by Ronald C. Rader
and as read by the Secretary.
No stature nt s for or against the petition for
conditional exception filed by Ronald C. Rader were
The Chairman declared the hearing closed.
After due discussion on the petition for con-
ditional exception filed by Ronald C. Rader the fol-
lowing motion was made:
On motion by Stang seconded by Davis the
Planning Commission of the City of Hunt-
ington Beach recommend to the City Coun-
cil that the petition -for conditional ex-
ception filed by Ronald C. Rader request-
ing permission to,build-a single family
one and one-half story residence on Lots
1 and 2, Block 812, Wesley Park Tract,
except the' southwesterly 65 feet thereof,
and said petition be subject to all the
regulations of the Huntington Beach
Builch ng Code, and set -backs as required
in the City of Huntington Beach Ordinance
Code, be granted. ^
Motion carried.
E. T. Irby On motion by Schryer seconded by Stang the hear -
variance ing on the petition for conditional exception filed by
continued Earl T. Irby and Mary Irby be continued at the regular
meeting of the Planning Commission to be held on July
17, 1956. Motion carried.
On motion by Presson seconded by Schryer the ad-
journed meeting of the Planning Commission of the City
of Huntington Beach adjourned.
Secretary �/b.