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Council Chamber, City Hall
Huntington Beach, California
August 21, 1956
Chairman Bardwell called the meeting of the
Planning Commission of the City of Huntington Beach
to order at 6:45 o'clock P. M.
Commissioners present: Lyle, Stang, Schryer, Bardwell
Commissioners absent: Davis, Presson, Bazil
The Secretary read a Use Variance permit appli-
Use Vari-'
cation No. UV3140, permit submitted by the Orange County
ance Per-
Planning Commission, advising the City Planning Commission
that they defered action on the request of Blanche
Addington for the establishment of a Rest Home and Board -
ing House in an existing dwelling in the R-4 suburban
residential district in the County said location being
East 100' of the South 230' of the West 530' of the SW
of the NW 4, Section 1, T 6 R 11 or more thoroughly
described as on the North side of Yorktown Avenue approx-
imately 430' East of Hiway #39, East Huntington Beach area.
On motion by Stang seconded by Schryer the Secre-
tary be instructed to inform the Planning Commission of
the County of Orange that the Planning Commission of the
City of Huntington Beach have no objections to establish-
ing of a Rest Home in accordance with Use Variance permit
#UV3140. Motion carried.
The Chairman announced that a public hearing was
set for a petition for conditional exception at the hour
of 7:45 o'clock P. M. and asked the Secretary to read the
petition for conditional exception. The Secretary read
the petition for conditional exception filed by W. J.
Bristol, of 1104 California Avenue, Huntington Beach, for
permission to build a single residence with garage attached
on Lots 10 & 11, Block 1013, Wesley Park Tract. The said
petition requested the use of a portion of the rear yard
requirements. The Secretary reported no verbal or written
protests had been received relative to petition for cond-
itional exception filed by W. J. Bristol. There being no
statements for or against the petition for conditional
exception of Warren J. Bristol the Chairman declared the
hearing closed.
W. J. Bri-
After discussion by the Planning Commission, the
stol. Pet-
following motion was made: On motion by Stang seconded
ition for
by-Schryer, the Planning Commission of,the City of Hunt-
ington Beach recommend to the City Council the petition
ption re-
for conditional exception filed by W. J. Bristol for per-
comm. to.
mission to erect a single residence dwelling with a garage
attached on Lots 10 and 11, Block 1013, Wesley Park Tract,
be granted. Motion carried.
The Secretary reported to the Planning Commission
that the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach at
their regular meeting held on August 20th, 1956, requested
the Planning Commission to make a review of the Home Occu-
pation requirements. The Planning Commission members
Home Occu-
requested the Secretary to send for copies of Ordinances
pation re-
setting up Home Occupation requirements by other cities
that have adopted measures in the last 2 or 3 years.
Page #2
Minutes - August 21, 1956
H. B.'Planning Commission
Chairman Bardwell stated that a hearing had been
set for 8:00 o'clock P. M. this date, on a petition for
conditional exception and requested the Secretary to
read the petition. The Secretary read the,petition
filed by W. M. Elliott Santa Ana, for permission to con-
struct a single residence dwelling on* Lots 33 and 35, in
Block 813; Wesley Park Tract and to utilize a portion of
the front and rear yard requirements. -The Secretary
reported that there had been no verbal or written protests
filed for or against the petition for conditional exce-
ption filed by W. M. Elliott and as published in the H. B.
News, August 9, 1956, calling a public hearing at the
hour of g:00 o'clock P. M., Tuesday, the 21st day of
August, 1956.
Chairman Bardwell asked if anyone present wished
to make a statement for or against the petition for con-
ditional exception of W. M. Elliott as read by the Sec-
retary. There being no objections voiced the Chairman
declared the hearing closed.
Following a discussion by the Commissioners on the
request of W. M. Elliott, and determining that due to the
curvature of Block 813, on 13th Street and on 14th Street
reducing the depth of the lots to 89' and to better bring
the houses to be built in the particular block in align-
ment with adjacent blocks that the request for use of a
portion of the front and rear yards requirements was not
detrimental.to.the adjoining adjacent residences located
on the blocks to the East and [Vest.
On -motion by Stang seconded by Schryer, the
petit. for
Planning Commission of the City of Huntington Beach
recommend to the City Council that the petition for
ion recom-
conditional exception of W. M. Elliott for permission
mended to
to build a single residence dwelling with garage attached
City Council
on Lots 33 and 35, Block 813, and to be subject to the
setback distances as requested in the petition be granted.
Motion carried.
The Secretary read a petition referred to the
Planning Commission by the City Council whereby residents
re -zoning
living on the West side of Lake Avenue between -Utica and
Lake St.
Knoxville Street, requesting the City to consider changing
the zoning of area located between Lake Avenue and the rail-
road tracks and between Utica and Knoxville Street, from
the present zoning to a residential zoning which would
prohibit the drilling of oil.
The Commissioners present discussed the petition
for re -zoning of the area adjacent to lake Street between
railroad tracts and Lake Street between Utica and Knox-
ville Street and tabled it for further discussion.
T.V.Talbert Thomas Van Talbert appeared before the Planning
discussed Commission and discussed the problem of annexing terri-
annexing to t'ory to the North of the City limits and stated he had
north of been in contact with several of the residents and property
City limits owners in the area and found very little opposition and was
more or less seeking information as to procedure for the area
to annex to the City of Huntington Beach.
Motion by Schryer-seconded by Lyle the Planning
Commission adjourned.
Secretary �'"