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Contr. Bond -
So. Calif.
Term. drlg.
C o . R. GA #1
Council Chamber, City Hall
Huntington Beach, California
Monday, September 17, 1956
Mayor Terry called the regular meeting of the City Council
of the City of Huntington Beach to order at 7:30 o'clock P. M.
Councilmen present: Bryant, Lockett, Irby, Bartlett, Terry.
Councilmen absent: None
On motion by Lockett seconded by Bartlett the Ohio Gasualty
Insurance Company Bond No. 695952-for principal Southern California
Electric Service Company and as approved for form by the City Attorney,
be accepted and ordered filed. Motion carried.
On motion by Bartlett seconded by Lockett the request of
Orangeco Development Company for termination of drilling bond on RCA
Developer's well RCA #1, located on Lots 18, 200 22 and-24, Block 516,
Huntington Beach Tract, complying with Section 2427.3 of the Hunting-
ton Beach Ordinance Code, filing a copy of the sub -surface survey of
.the well, and the Fidelity and Casualty Company of New York and the
owner be notified of termination of drilling bond No. S1093560.
Motion carried.
On motion b Bryant seconded b Lockett the request of A. H.
Term.drlg. Y Y Y q
& cleanup
bonds and Doris D. Trester the Glens Falls Insurance Company drilling bond
Pope -Draper
#1 No. 593865 and the cleanup bond No. 593866, covering the Pope -Draper
#1 well, located on Lot 11, Block 516, Huntington Beach Tract, having
complied with Section 2427.3 filing a sub -surface survey of the well,
--and Section 2448.1, cleanup requirement, and the bonding company and
the owner be notified of the termination. Motion carried.
Term.drlg. On motion by Bartlett seconded by Lockett the request of C.O.
bond -
Bockelman #1 Bockelman for termination of Fireman's Fund Indemnity Company drilling
bond No. 103498, on well Bockelman #1, located on Lots 13 and 15,
Block 307, Huntington Beach Tract, having complied with Section 2427.3
of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code, submitting a sub -surface
survey of the well, and the bonding company and the owner be notified
of the termination. Motion carried.
Term. drlg. On motion by Bartlett seconded by Lockett the request of the
bond -
Bergey #1 S.L:W.'Oil Company for termination of the United Pacific Insurance
Company drilling bond No. 238273 for Bergey #1 well, located on Lots
5 and-7, Block 308, Huntington Beach Tract, having complied with
Section 2427.3 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code, submitting a
sub -surface survey of the well, and the bonding company and the owner
be notified of the termination. Motion carried.
659 •
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Minutes - Monday, September 17, 1956
Term. drlg. On motion by Bryant seconded by Bartlett the request of Shell
bond -
Shell- Oil Company for termination of the Federal Insurance Company drilling
Karales #2
bond No. 9665111 for Shell-Karales No. 2, located 900 feet East and
Removal of
curbing at
Fire 'Sta-
tion drive-
Fire Chief
to demon-
Roger Hosmer
& Jack Weide-
Call Fire-
W.O.C.W.B. -
Chg. Order #3
Santa Ana
335 feet North of the Center Line of Section 19, Township 6 South,
Range 10 West, S.B.B. & M. having complied with requirements of
Section 2427.3 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code, submitting
a copy of the sub -surface survey of the well and the bonding company
and the owner be notified of the termination. Motion carried.
On motion by Bartlett seconded by Lockett the applications for
license to conduct business in the City of Huntington Beach as approved
by the Health Officer, Building Inspector, Captain of Police, and Fire
Chief, were granted as follows:
Everett MacDonald, Anaheim, plastering contractor.
Roy D. Gawthrop, Newport Beach, install heating systems.
Orange County Catering, lunch wagon at various locations.
Anthony Bros., Inc., swimming pool contractor.
A. J. Williams Company, heating contractor.
Southern California Electric Service Company, electrical contracting.
On motion by Irby seconded by Bryant the request of D. G.
Higgins, Fire Chief, to make changes in the driveway on the Magnolia
Avenue side of the Fire Station, necessitating the removal of some
curb, installation of a gutter and some blacktopping, and said work
to be done under the supervision of the City Engineer, and said budgeted
costs to be charged to the Special Fund for Capital Outlay, was approved
by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Councilmen: Bryant, Lockett, Irby, Bartlett, Terry.
NOES: Councilmen: None
ABSENT: Councilmen: None
On motion by Lockett seconded by Irby the request of D. G.
Higgins, Fire Chief, for permission for the Fire Department to show
and demonstrate certain breathing apparatus and to demonstrate the
new Crown Pumper at the meeting of all the Orange County school teachers
on Saturday, October 6th, 1956, at Chapman College in Orange, Calif-
ornia. Motion carried.
On motion by Lockett seconded by Bryant that in accordance
with the request of D. G. Higgins, Fire Chief, to employ Roger Hosmer
and Jack Weide, as call firemen to replace Otto Feik and Raymond Pyatt
who have moved away from the City of Huntington Beach. Motion carried.
On motion by Lockett seconded by Bartlett the City Council
ratify and approve the action of the West Orange County Water Board,
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Minutes - Monday, September 17, 1956
approving Change Order No. 3 to the Santa Ana Electric Company contract,
in the amount of $220.00. Motion carried.
Calif. On motion by Bartlett seconded by Bryant the applications for
Bench Co..
bench permits filed by the California Bench Company, and approved by
the Superintendent of Streets, be approved. Motion carried.
CPS contract On motion by Irby seconded by Bryant the request of the Hunt -
ington Beach City Employees' Association requesting the City of Hunt-
ington Beach to amend the CPS contract to provide additional benefits
for City Employees, and to continue to pay one half of the employees'
portion, in accordance with the new rates submitted, be approved, and
the appropriate officials of the'City of Huntington Beach be author-
ized to sign the amended contract. Motion carried.
Ord. #652 - The Clerk gave the first reading to Ordinance No. 652, an
1st reading -
Street Dept. ordinance of the City of Huntington Beach adding Articles 133 and 134
and adding Sections 1331, 1332, 1333, 1334., 1341, 1342, 1343, 1344.1
1435.11 1591.491, 1467.2, 1467.3 and 1591.121 to the Huntington Beach
Ordinance Code and repealing.Section 1591.14 and amending Sections
1435 of said Huntington'Beach Ordinance Code.
Demands On motion by Bartlett seconded by Irby the demands as approved
by the Finance Committee be ordered paid. Motion carried. - .
Removal of On motion by Bartlett seconded by Irby, that in accordance
Palm trees -
Yorktown St. with the recommendations of the Streets and Parks Committee the City
Engineer be instructed to remove Palm trees fronting the property
owned by Les Potts on Yorktown between England and Florida Streets.
Motion carried.
Estimates on City Engineer Overmyer was requested by the City Council to
requested - proceed with estimates for the sandblasting of the buildings on the
Leg. Hall
Repairs pier in order that the painting contractor can proceed with his
contract previously authorized, and also to give an estimate for certain
repairs and reconstruction in the Legion Hall quarters of the Memorial
Easement - On motion by Lockett seconded by Bryant the Mayor and the
Division of
Highways - City Clerk be instructed to execute the easement granting to the State
Roadway east
of Mun. Tr. of California Division'of Highways rights to use roadway for highway
purpose on property at the easterly end of the Municipal Trailer Park
adjacent to the Huntington Beach State Park. Motion carried.
Dept. of
Public Works
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Minutes - Monday, September 17, 1956
On motion by Bryant seconded by Lockett the City Council grant
permission to the State of California to enter upon lands as outlined
on the map attached to the request of the State of California, Depart-
ment of Public Works, and to construct thereon a public highway and
incidents thereto. Motion carried.
Proposed On motion by Bryant seconded by Bartlett the Mayor, the City.
Engineer, and the City Attorney, be instructed to visit Mr. Telford of
the Division of Highways, State of California, to discuss the proposed
freeway or express route that is proposed through the City of Huntington
Beach., was approved.
On motion by Bryant seconded by Lockett the regular meeting of.
the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach adjourned.
City Clerk
CirA Clerk and ex-officio Clerk
ofUhe City Council of the City
of Huntington Beach, California