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K arales #2
term. clean-
up bond
Raehn -Fee
#1 term.
Council Chamber, City Hall
Huntington Beach, California
Monday, October 1, 1956
Mayor Terry called the regular meeting of the City Council
of the City of Huntington Beach to order at 7:30 o'clock P. M.
Councilmen present: Bryant, Lockett, Irby, Bartlett, Terry.
Councilmen absent: None.
On motion by Bartlett seconded by Bryant the minutes of the
City Council for the month of September, 1956, as transcribed and
mailed by the City Clerk be accepted and ordered filed. Motion
The Clerk read the reports for the month of September, 1956,
as filed by the department heads as follows:
City Treasurer Police Chief
City Clerk Chief Lifeguard
City Collector Manager Municipal Trailer Park
City Engineer Superintendent of Recreation
Fire Chief
On motion by Bartlett seconded by Bryant the reports for the
month of September, 1956, filed by the department heads and read by
the City Clerk be accepted and ordered filed. Motion carried.
On motion by Bryant seconded by Irby applications for license
to conduct business in the City of Huntington Beach and as approved
by the Health Officer, Chief of Police, Building Inspector and Fire
Chief, were granted as follows:
McBay Builders, Costa Mesa, general contractor
Dependable Fire Protection, refilling all type fire extinguishers.
Associated Interprises, advertising home modernization.
John D. Day, service station at 520 Ocean Avenue, Huntington Beach.
Robert H. Cahill, motorcycle and bicycle sales and service at 602
Ocean Avenue, Huntington Beach.
Streech Electric, Fullerton, electrical contractor.
On motion by Lockett seconded by Irby the request of the
Shell Oil Company for termination of the Federal Insurance Company
cleanup bond No. 9665112 for Karales #2 well located 900 feet East
and 335 feet North of center of Section 19, Township 6 South, Range
10 West, S.B.B. & M., having complied with Section 2448.1 of the
Huntington Beach Ordinance Code, and the bonding company and the
owner be notified of the termination. Motion carried.
On motion by Bartlett seconded by Lockett the request of
E. J. Raehn for termination of Pacific Indemnity Company cleanup
bond No. 221122 for Raehn Fee No. 1 well, located on Lots 25 and
27, Block 307, Huntington Beach Tract, having complied with Section
2448.1 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code, and the bonding
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Minutes - Monday, October 1, 1956
company and the owner be notified of the termination. Motion carried.
Sun #2 On motion by Bartlett seconded by Lockett the request of Davis
term. bond
Investment company for termination of Fidelity and Deposit Company of
Maryland drilling bond No. 7209490 for Sun #2 well, located on Block
2105, East Side Villa Tract, having complied with Section 2427.3 of
the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code filing a copy of the sub -surface
survey of the well, and the owner and the bonding company be notified
of the termination. Motion carried.
Signal Oil Mayor Terry referred to the Oil Committee for study and report
& Gas Co. -
blanket the request of the Signal Oil and Gas Company for termination of bonds
covering single wells in other areas of the City other than tideland
wells, and said wells be applied to the blanket bonds accepted by the
City covering all other wells.
Cost esti- The Clerk read an estimate of cost submitted by Harry A. Overmyer,
mate curb &
gutter - City Engineer, for the construction of combination curb and gutter on the
east side
Lake St. east side of Lake Street between Magnolia Avenue and Atlanta Street, as
Magnolia & follows:
1125 lin. ft. combination curb and gutter L $1.35 per lin. ft.
2250 sq. ft. pavement to be removed and replaced Ca 200 per sq.
ft. $450.00
He stated that $3,100.00 was budgeted in Capital Outlay Reserve for this
particular project which includes the replacement of an existing culvert
at Atlanta Street.
On motion by Lockett seconded by Bryant the City Engineer be
instructed to proceed with the construction of combination curb and
gutter on the east side of Lake Street between Magnolia Avenue and
Atlanta Street and said cost as indicated be charged to the Capital
Outlay Reserve Fund, was approved by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Councilmen: Bryant, Lockett, Irby, Bartlett, Terry.
NOES: Councilmen: None
ABSENT: Councilmen: None
Church of On motion by Irby seconded by Lockett the request of Church
Christ -
perm. cut of Christ through Ray H. Overacker, Chairman of Board, for permission
to cut the curb on Quincy Street west of Main Street for a driveway
to the Church parking area, and said work to be done under the super-
vision and to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. Motion carried.
J. W. Fer- Mayor Terry referred to the Beach and Pier Committee for
Trailer study and report the request of Bunny's Beach Market, Mr. and Mrs.
Store J. W. Ferguson operators, for permission to place their concession
on the beach, in order to allow enlargement and renewing of the
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Minutes - Monday, October 1, 1956
present building, so they can better serve the public, and also to
benefit the Trailer Park by removing the building from the entrance.
Carl & Mayor Terry referred the request of Carl and Ella Christ -
Christensen ensen to the Beach and Pier Committee for study and report on the
bait &
tackle request to have the door on the bait and tackle shop located on the
pier enlarged as the present one is too narrow to let wheel -chair
customers in and out and endangering injury to their hands on the
metal edges, and some can not even squeeze through the present door
Letter - The Clerk read a communication from Martin Wierman, P. 0.
Wierman Box 285, Huntington Beach, advising the City Council that they can
correct the angle parking on Main Street by making a sharper angle
than is used at present.
Lem Berry - On motion by Irby seconded by Lockett the request of Lem
Berry, Manager of Municipal Trailer Park, to take his vacation
starting October 5th, and Helen Copeland be in charge of the office
and Lew Wills in charge of the maintenance in his absence, was approved.
J.L. Hen- On motion by Bartlett seconded by Irby the request of J. L.
Vacation Henricksen, City Clerk and Administrative Officer, to take his
vacation starting October 8, 1956, be approved. Motion carried.
• Public At 8:00 o'clock P. M. Mayor Terry opened the public hearing
vacate to vacate a portion of Newland Street and requested the Clerk to read
Newland St.
the legal notice.
The Clerk read the legal notice published in the Huntington
Beach News on September 13, 1956, covering Resolution No. 1290, a
resolution of intention of the City Council of the City of Huntington
Beach to vacate a portion of Newland Street in said City and giving
notice of a hearing on said vacation.
The Clerk reported that no verbal or written protests had
been filed with the City up to the hour set for the public hearing.
The Clerk read the affidavit of posting notice of vacation
of portion of street as required by law, and filed with the City
Clerk by Harry A. Overmyer, Street Superintendent, and which affi-
davit of posting notice was subscribed and sworn to before the City
Clerk on the 24th day of September, 1956.
The Clerk presented a copy of the placard that was posted,
in accordance with the notice of hearing - street vacation.
662 • •
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Minutes - Monday, October 1, 1956
City Engineer Overmyer reported to the City Council that the
roadway as described is a forty foot width roadway and the Southern
California Edison Company has agreed to build 650 feet of the new road,
to replace the old road to be vacated, and which will enter the Coast
Highway at right angles, and that the City has made application to the
Division of Highways, State of California, to relocate the road at the
new location and that the permit has been granted and is on file, and
that the Southern California Edison Company has completed the new road-
way to the point where it is passable at this time, and the City Engineer
also advised the City Council that they would like to hold up the Asphalt
topping of the new portion of road until major construction of the South-
ern California Edison Company is over and the present dirt road would be
maintained in as good or better condition as present road being vacated.
The City Engineer also recommended to the City Council to provide a set-
back for future widening of the new road that will give a sixty foot road.
C. D. Shedenhelm, District Manager of the local Edison Company
appeared before the City Council and reported that the description filed
by the Edison Company on the portion of road to be vacated is in error
and that a new description will be on hand and same will be furnished to
the City in a very few days.
City Engineer Overmyer reported also that the Edison Company
has filed with the City, plans and specifications of the improvement
of the new road.
Mr. Dennis, Project Engineer for the Edison Company reports
that,they have completed two thirds of the base course of the new road
and that in approximately two weeks they will complete the base course
and shape up the shoulders of the road.
The Clerk read the following letter addressed to the Honorable
City Council, and signed by the officials of the Mills Land and Water
Company and the Southern California Edison Company:
"October 1, 1956
Honorable City Council
City of Huntington Beach
Huntington Beach, California
An error in description has been discovered in the deed from
Mills Land and Water Company to Southern California Edison
Company. This error necessitates the redescription of that
portion of Newland Street to be vacated and to be relocated.
As soon as correct descriptions can be prepared for the re-
located portion of Newland Street as relocated, easement deed
or deeds will be prepared for such portion and offered to the
City of Huntington Beach for dedication for public road and
highway purposes.
Very truly yours,
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Minutes - Monday, October 1, 1956
by /s/ Robert L. Moore
by /s/ C. Robert Simpson Jr,.
Assistant Counsel"
There being no further statements in regards to vacation of
a portion of Newland Street the Mayor declared the hearing closed.
Reso.#1291 The Clerk read Resolution No. 1291, an order of the City
Newland St.
Council vacating a portion of Newland Street in the City of Huntington
On motion by Bartlett seconded by Irby Resolution No. 1291
was passed and adopted by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Councilmen: Bryant, Lockett, Irby, Bartlett, Terry.
NOES: Councilmen: None
ABSENT: Councilmen: None
Additional Harry Overmyer, City Engineer, presented to the City Council
spaces a sketch of the proposed additional trailer spaces to be added to the
Municipal Trailer Park as suggested by Lem Berry, Manager, and that
the preliminary estimate of cost for the project for 19 spaces is
Mayor Terry referred to the Beach and Pier Committee for
study and report the proposed additional spaces to the Municipal
Trailer Park as submitted by City Engineer.
Allen The Clerk reported that the Planning Commission at their
re-appoi- regular meeting held on September 18, 1956, unanimously passed a
nted to
Planning motion recommending to the City Council that Commissioner Allen
Bardwell be re -appointed to serve another term on the Planning
Mayor Terry recommended to the Council the re -appointment
of Allen Bardwell to the Planning Commission for another term.
On motion by Lockett seconded by Bryant the recommendation
of Mayor Terry to appoint Allen Bardwell to serve another term on
the Planning Commission be approved and confirmed. Motion carried.
Plann. Comm. The Clerk reported that the City Planning Commission at
angle their regular meeting held on September 18, 1956, passed a motion
recommending to the City Council to consider changing the present
angle parking on the first three blocks of Main Street to Monterey
type of parking in order to correct present dangerous parking problems
due to the new type and length of the present day cars and to help
and lower accident hazards.
6 U, 3
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Minutes - Monday, Uctober 1, 1956
Mayor Terry referred the recommendations of the Planning
Commission regarding angle parking on the first three blocks of Main
Street to the Streets and Parks Committee for study and report.
Off-street The Clerk reported that the Planning Commission of the City
of Huntington Beach at their regular meeting held on September 18,1956
passed a motion requesting the City Council to review the prior re-
commendations of the Planning Commission that were made to provide for
off-street parking in the Commercial District.
Mayor Terry referred the request of the Planning Commission
recommending that the City Council review the recommendations for off-
street parking in the Commercial District to the Streets and Parks
Committee for study and report.
Ernie Pyle- Ernie Pyle, Vice -President of the Monterey Oil Company, app-
Oil Co. eared before the City Council and stated that he wished to correct the
position that the Monterey Oil Company has instigated certain conditions
relative to the use of the Huntington Beach Municipal Pier by direct
action through the State Lands Commission and reiterated that his company
had not brought the subject up to the State Lands Commission as was
printed in the Huntington Beach News published in the City of Huntington
Beach, and that at the time this subject apparently came up he was at
the State Lands Commission for the purpose of negotiating a renewal of
tide lands lease that would terminate, and for no other purpose.
Construct City Engineer Harry Overmyer submitted to the City Council
sewer line
17th & Main plans for the construction of 286 lineal feet of sewer line at the inter-
section of 17th and Main Streets and stated it is proposed to construct
this sewer as a by-pass from the High School line to the Utica Street
lateral and the estimated cost for the project would be $1,755.00.
On motion by Bartlett seconded by Lockett the City Engineer be
authorized to proceed with the construction of the sewer line at the
intersection of 17th & Main Streets and that the cost of the work be
shared alike with the Huntington Beach Union High School and the cost
to be incurred by the City be charged to the Capital Outlay Reserve Fund,
was approved by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Councilmen: Bryant, Lockett, Irby, Bartlett, Terry.
NOES: Councilmen: None.
ABSENT: Councilmen: None.
Streech On motion by Bartlett seconded by Irby the electrician's license
license bond bond No. 3017743 of the Hartford Accident and Indemnity Company for Avery
Streech doing business as Streech Electric, and as approved for form by
the City Attorney be accepted and ordered filed. Motion carried.
) U1
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Minutes - Monday, October 1, 1956
Communi- The Clerk read a communication received from the Huntington
Chamber of. Beach Chamber of Commerce commending the City for their leadership
and efficiency in keeping the beaches of Huntington Beach so clean
and attractive during the summer season.
Ord. #652 The Clerk gave Ordinance No. 652, its second and final read-
2nd reading
passed & ing by title, an ordinance of the City of Huntington Beach adding
Articles 133 and 134 and adding Sections 1331, 1332,1333,1334,1341,
1342,1343,1344,1435.1,1591.491,1467.2,1467.3, and 1591.121 to the
Huntington Beach Ordinance Code and repealing Section 1591.14 and
amending Sections 1435 of said Huntington Beach Ordinance Code.
On motion by Lockett seconded by Irby Ordinance No. 652 was
passed and adopted by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Councilmen: Bryant, Lockett, Irby, Bartlett, Terry.
NOES: Councilmen: None.
ABSENT: Councilmen: None.
Demands On motion by Lockett seconded by Irby the demands as approved
by the Finance Committee be ordered paid. Motion carried.
City City Attorney Bauer gave a brief resume to the City Council
Bauer - of the stipulations and agreements entered into with the County of
Re -
judgments Orange and the City of Huntington Beach defendants and the Southwest
Expl. & Exploration Company and the Signal Oil and Gas Company as plaintiff
Signal Oil
& Gas Co. and presented the City Clerk with the judgements in accordance with
the stipulations made, and said judgments amount to the actual amount
of taxes paid by the plaintiff under protest and stated that he would
advise the Council further before actual impounded tax money could be
Truck Mayor Terry referred to the Streets and Parks Committee for
Traffic -
Quincy St. study and report the request of Councilman Bartlett that Quincy Street
west of Lake Street be posted prohibiting truck traffic.
Overmyer City Engineer Overmyer brought the City Council up to date
Re -
Sanitation regarding the conference he held with the Chief Engineer and Manager
of the Sanitation District of Orange County relative to study on
sanitation problems in the northeast portion of the City and conti-
guous areas to the north and east, and stated the committee of the
City Council representing the Sanitation District #11 would no doubt
give a later report to the City Council on the developments.
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Minutes - Monday, October 1, 1956
On motion by Bryant seconded by Lockett the regular meeting
of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach adjourned.
ICity Clerk
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CXVy Clerk and ex -of icio erk
the City Council of the City
of Huntington Beach, California