HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-11-05• H& 1 �7 1 MINUTES Council Chamber, City Hall Huntington Beach, California Monday, November 5, 1956 Mayor Terry called the regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach to order at 7:30 o'clock P. M. Councilmen present: Bryant, Lockett, Irby, Bartlett, Terry. Councilmen absent: None. Minutes On motion by Lockett seconded by Bartlett the minutes of the City Council for the meetings of Monday, October 1st and Monday October 15th, 1956 as transcribed and mailed by the City Clerk be ordered approved without changes and filed. Motion carried. Reports The Clerk read the reports for the month of October, 1956, as filed by the City Clerk, City Treasurer, City Engineer, City Collector, Chief of Police, Chief Lifeguard, Fire Chief, Superin- tendent of Recreation, and Manager of Municipal Trailer Park. On motion by Bartlett seconded by Lockett the reports for the month of October, 1956, as filed by the department heads and read by the City Clerk be ordered filed. Motion carried. Business On motion by Bryant seconded by Irby the applications for Licenses license to conduct business in the City of Huntington Beach as approved by the Health Officer, Building Inspector, Chief of Police and Fire Chief, were granted as follows: F. L. B. Curtis, general contractor. Charles W. Otey, general contractor. George W. Wandrey, pattern shop at 710 Yorktown Street. Chambless Heating Company, installing furnaces. W. R. Meredith, Plastering contractor. John McPherson Company, fence building. Fred L. Walker Company, tool service pickup and deliver, wheel -tax Wm. G. Pullen, electrical contractor. Elect. On motion by Bartlett seconded by Lockett license bond of Contr. Bond- The Home Indemnity Company, Bond #N 259222, for principal, Wm. G. Wm. Pullen Pullen, electrical contractor, and as approved for form by the City Attorney, be accepted and ordered filed. Motion carried. Elect. On motion by Bartlett seconded by Irby the electrician's Bond- R. Under- bond of Glens Falls Insurance Company, New York, Bond No. 596016, wood for principal Raymond J. Underwood, and as approved for form by the City Attorney, be accepted and ordered filed. Motion carried. 6 0:" 8 J • Term. Cleanup bond - Fee #21 Term. drlg. bond- Hoegee #1 Term. drlg. Bond* - Fee #21 Request for oil & gas lease - Brayton - Clock & C. Tut Lee Page #2 Minutes - Monday, November 5, 1956 On motion by Bartlett seconded by Bryant, the request of 0. L. Bolton Company for termination of Glens Falls Insurance Company cleanup bond No. 502328, for Well Fee No. 21, located on Lots 18, 209 22, and 24, in Block 321, and having complied with the requirements of the cleanup ordinance and the bonding company and the operator be notified of the termination of the bond. Motion carried. On motion by Bryant seconded by Lockett the request of the Northern Petroleum Company f or*termination of Pacific Employers Insurance Company drilling bond No. 21-B-46545.and cleanup bond No. 21-B-46544 on well Hoegee No. 1, located on Lots 21'and 23, Block 108, Huntington Beach tract, complying with Section 2427.1 of the. Huntington Beach Ordinance Code, submitting a photostatic copy of "Note of Intention to abandon well" and "History of Oil or Gas Well", as evidence for termination of the bonds, and the bonding company and the operator be notified of the termination of the bonds. Motion carried. On motion by Bartlett seconded by Bryant the request of 0. L. Bolton Company for termination of the Glens Falls Insurance Company drilling bond No. 502329, for Well "Fee!T No. 21, located,on Lots 18, 20, 22, and 24,.Block 321, 17th Street Section, having complied with Section 2427.3 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code filing a sub -surface survey of the well, and the bonding company and the operator be noti- fied of the termination of the bonds. Motion carried. The Clerk read a communication received from Brayton - Clock, and C. Tut Lee Oil Operators, requesting the City to enter into an oil and gas lease covering certain tax title lots in,the City of Huntington Beach in Block 314 and Block 414, Huntington Beach Seventeenth Street Section. Mayor Terry referred to the Oil Committee for study and report the request of Brayton -Clock & C. Tut Lee to lease certain tax title lots, located in Blocks 314 and 414, Huntington Beach Seventeenth Street Section. Mr. Brayton _ Mr. Wm. H. Brayton, representing Brayton -Clock appeared before the City Council and asked the City Council to consider leasing to his organization the tax title lots requested in the communication as read by the City Clerk and to advise the City • or. Ll 1 •4 669 1 1 Page #3 Minutes - Monday, November 5, 1956 Council that they have under lease Lots 22 and 24 in Block 314, owned by -Arthur H. Malloy and Augusta Malloy and asked the City Council to consider these two lots in a community lease with City tax title lots in Blocks 314 and 414. Mayor Terry referred the personal request of Wm. Brayton to the Oil Committee for study and report. Bechtel On motion by Lockett seconded by Irby the request of the Corp. - Temporary Bechtel Corporation to construct a temporary depressed curb for driveway driveway access to Southern.California'Edison Company's railroad siding storage yard located on leased property at the Huntington Beach depot of the Pacific Electric Railway, to provide access from Atlanta Street, be.granted and said work be subject to supervision of the City Engineer. Motion carried. Agrmt. H.B. Union High School. - sewer line construct- ion Agrmt. - Jebco Engr. & W.O.C. Water Board On motion by -Irby seconded by Lockett the Mayor and the City Clerk be authorized to execute the agreement between the Huntington Beach Union High School District and the City of Huntington Beach to provide for the Huntington Beach Union High School District to share equally with the City of Huntington Beach in the construction of a sewer line in Utica Street from Main Street to the first alley east of Main Street in order to relieve the overloaded lines from the High School premises, all in accord- ance with plans drawn up by the City Engineering Department and said work to be done at once under contract at a.total estimated cost of $2,243.20, Motion carried. On motion by Lockett seconded by Bryant the City Council ratifies and.approves the action of the West Orange County Water Board approving the agreement entered into between James E. Ball- inger dba Jebco Engineering Contractors, and the West Orange County Water Board for the installation of miscellaneous construction improvements to the Water Supply lines of the West Orange County Water Board, and ratify and approve the action of the West Orange County Water Board approving Change Order.#1, to the Jebco Engin- eering Contractors contract, providing for a deduction of $1150.00 from the original bid price. Motion approved by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen: Bryant, Lockett, Irby, Bartlett, Terry. NOES: Councilmen: None . ABSENT: Councilmen: None. Page #4 Minutes - Monday, November 5, 1956 S. Compton The Clerk read a communication received from Sylvia M. & M.. Clemons offer to Compton and Maud Clemons, advising the City that they desire to sell 5' strip deed to the City for street purposes a five (5 ft) foot strip of real property located on the north side of Memphis and adjacent thereto, and said strip running from the west boundary property line of .the Pacific Electric Railway right of way on Memphis and easterly to the Hampshire. Avenue right of way line, and will deed the five foot strip to the City for a consideration of $200.00 to offset taxes paid on the five foot strip for over twenty years. Mayor Terry referred the offer of Sylvia M. Compton and Maud Clemons to the City Attorney for title review and report. V.L.Vines On motion by Bartlett seconded by Irby the request of reclass- ified Wm. S. Lewis, Superintendent.of Streets.to reclassify Virgil L. Vines from Skilled Worker to- classification of Equipment Operator in salary Range 28, Bracket A, effective December 1, 1956, be granted. Motion carried. Removal of Mayor Terry referred the request of Mr. R. D. Compton Palm trees 540 Frank- of 540 Frankfort Street, for the removal of Palm trees in the fort parkway on east Delaware between Elmira and Frankfort Street to the Streets and Parks Committee for study and report. Agrmt. - I On motion by Bartlett seconded by Bryant the City Council Recr. Comm. & H:B.. consent to the execution by the Recreation Commission of the City Union High School of Huntington Beach the agreement between the Huntington Beach Union High School District and the.Public Recreation Commission of the City of Huntington Beach, permitting use of certain school facilities for recreation activities. Motion carried. Lease - On motion by Lockett seconded by Bryant the Mayor and the H.B. & Cadillac City Clerk be authorized to execute the lease memorandum dated Co. July 20, 1956, between the Huntington Beach Company and the City of Huntington Beach and Cadillac Oil Company. Motion carried. Yield right On motion by Bryant seconded.by Irby the request of Ben of way signs Dulaney, Chief of Police in accordance with the result of the survey and ,the valuation of traffic accident statistics of the police department, be permitted to erect a yield right of way sign at the following locations, and to be controlled by Section 550.1 of the Vehicle Code, and Huntington Beach Ordinance Code,, Chapter 62, Article 624: 1 - Yield right of way sign to be placed at the north- west corner of Tenth and Palm on Tenth Street. 670 1 Or. County Master Plan Arterial highways So. Co. Gas Co. -'gas rates in- crease protested • Demands Ferguson - concession building 1 Fencing of swimming pools Rage #5 Minutes - Monday, November 5, 1956 1 - yield right of way sign to be placed at the south- east corner of Tenth and Palm on Tenth Street. 1 - yield right of way sign to be placed at the north- west corner of Thirteenth and*Palm on Thirteenth Street. 1 - yield right of way sign to be placed at the south- east corner of Thirteenth and Palm on Thirteenth Street. Motion carried. The Clerk read- a communication from City of Newport Beach requesting the City Council to enact a resolution approving the Orange County Master Plan of arterial highways and recom- mending studies by State Highway authorities of the proposed routing of a coastal highway serving the City of Newport Beach and other coastal communities. Mayor Terry referred the request of the City of Newport Beach for study to the Council members as a whole. The Clerk read a notice of hearing received regarding the application of Southern'Counties Gas Company of California f or.a general increase in gas rates.under Section 454 of the Public Utilities Code, and said hearing to be held before the Public Utilities Commission'of the State of California, at 10:00 A. M. on November 14, 1956, in the Commission Courtroom, Mirror - Building, 145-South Spring 'Street, Los Angeles,.California. On motion by Bryant seconded by Lockett the City Attorney be requested to appear before the Commission and protest the matter of increased rates. Councilmen Bryant and Lockett, after due discussion with - drew the motion and second to the motion. On.motion by Bartlett seconded by Irby the demands as approved by the Finance Committee be ordered paid. Motion carried. Councilman Irby recommended to the City Council that --Mr. Ferguson be permitted to move his present concession building located at the Municipal Trailer Park entrance to the beach, at his own expense. Mayor Terry referred the recommendation of Councilman Irby to give permission to Ferguson to move their conc.e;s;sion building from the Trailer Park entrance to the Beach to t-he Beach and Pier Committee for study and report. On motion by Lockett seconded by Bryant the City Attorney be instructed to draw up an ordinance to provide for adequate fencing for swimming pool installations in.accordance with general practices with other city requirements located in Southern Calif- ornia, and said provisions be made in conjunction with a study of I• Page #6 Minutes - Monday, November 5, 1956 the City Engineer, was approved. Purchase On motion by Bryant seconded by Lockett the City 1957 Plymouth Purchasing Agent be authorized to purchase for the Police for Police Dept:, Department one 1957 Plymouth Belvedere, with V-8 Motor, in accordance with specifications and quotations on file with the City. Motion carried. Cleaning On motion.by Bartlett seconded by Lockett that in storm drain accordance with request of the City Engineer to authorize cleaning the storm drain from Ocean Avenue and 13th Street to Alabama Avenue, in accordance with costs submitted, was approved. England City Attorney Bauer reported to the City Council on street extention the problems affecting.title on the real property required, for street purposes that affect the England Street extension in the northeast section of the City, due to oil wells, garages and dwellings, in certain areas of'the right of way. Mayor Terry referred the right of way problem for the England Street extension to the City Attorney for further title studies and the City Engineer to study and prepare a topograph- ical map of the real property required showing the obstructions as 'situated at present. P.E.Rail- On motion by Lockett seconded by Bryant the City Attorney way Co. be authorized to represent the City covering the summons re - Superior Court Case No. 68603, People of the State'of California vs Pacific Electric Railway Company, et al. and authorize expense that may be incurred. Motion carried. On motion by Bartlett seconded by Bryant the City Council adjourned until 4:00 o'clock P. M. November 9, 1956. Motion carried. ATTEST: ,e City Clerk y Clerk an ex-officio clerk the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, California Mayor 0 1 1 • Wo 1 •0