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Council Chamber, City Hall
Huntington Beach, California
Tuesday, January 15, 1957
Chairman Bardwell called the regular meeting of the
Planning Commission to order at 7:30 o'clock P. M.
Commissioners Present: Bazil, Davis, Liles, Schryer, Stang,
Commissioners Absent: Presson.
Others Present: C. A. Bauer, City Attorney.
On motion by Schryer seconded by Davis the minutes
of the December 18th meeting be accepted, without addition
or changes, as mailed by the Secretary and be ordered filed.
Motion carried.
The Chairman stated a public reading was set for
7:45 o'clock P. M. this date and requested the Secretary
to read the petition for conditional exception.
The Secretary read the petition for conditional
for Cond-
exception filed by the Superior Oil Company for permission
to use an additional 1.98 acres of their property westerly
of the prolongation of Delaware Avenue and north of Atlanta.
Avenue for the purpose of constructing an ultra modern
Oil Co.
trailer park. Present zoning R-5-0.
The Secretary reported there* were='noverbal or'-
written statements filed for or against the request.
The Chairman asked if anyone present wished to
make any statements relative to the request of the
Superior Oil Company for a variance. There was no response
from anyone present. Chairman Bardwell declared the
hearing closed.
On motion by Stang seconded by Bazil the Comm-
ission recommend to the City Council the petition for
conditional exception filed by the Superior Oil Company
for permission to use an additional 1.98 acres located
Westerly of the prolongation of Delaware Avenue and north
of Atlanta Avenue for an ultra modern Trailer Park be
granted, subject to the Superior Oil Company deeding to
the City when required by the City the necessary right-
of-way for street purposes be granted. Motion carried.
Chairman Bardwell stated a public hearing was
set for 8:00 o'clock P.M. this date and requested the
Secretary to read the petition for conditional exception.
Petition The Secretary read the petition for conditional
for Cond- exception filed -by the Southern California Edison Company
itional requesting permission to erect an eight foot chain -link
Exception, type fencing and three strands of barbed wire afixed to
So. Calif. posts and brackets, to an overall height of approximately
Edison Co. nine feet, around the entire periphery of the property
constituting the applicants Huntington Beach Steam Electric
Generating Station. Present height limit established for
fences by Section 9296 of the City of Huntington Beach
Ordinance Code is six feet.
Page #2
Minutes - H. B. Planning Commission
Tuesday, January 15, 1957
The Secretary reported no verbal or written
statements had been filed for or against the request
of the Southern California Edison Company.
The Chairman asked if anyone present wished
to make any statements relative to the request of the
Edison Company.
There being no response from anyone present
and no objections received the Chairman declared the
hearing closed.
On motion by Bazil seconded by Liles the
Commission recommend to the City Council the pet-
ition for conditional exception requested by the
Edison Company to erect an eight foot chain -link type
fencing and three strands of barbed wire-afixed to
posts and brackets, to an overall height of approxi-
mately nine feet, around the entire periphery of the
property constituting the applicants Huntington Beach
Steam Electric Generating Station be granted. Motion
On motion by Stang seconded by Liles the
meeting of the Planning Commission adjourned.