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M I N U T E 8
Council Chamber, City Hall
Huntington Beach, California
Monday, March 4, 1957
Mayor Terry called the regular meeting of the City Council
of the City of Huntington Beach to order at 7:30 o'clock P. M.
Councilmen present: Bryant, Lockett, Irby, Bartlett, Terry.
Councilmen absent: None
r. On motion. by Bartlett.seconded by Lockett the minutes for
the meetings of February 4th and 18th, 1957, be approved as trans-
cribed and mailed by the City Clerk. Motion carried.
The Clerk read the monthly report filed by the department
heads for the Month of February, 1957, of City Treasurer, City Clerk,
City Gollector, City Engineer, Chief of Police, Manager of Municipal
Trailer Park, Fire Chief, and the Superintendent of Recreation.
On motion by Bartlett seconded by Irby the reports for the
month of February, 1957, as filed by -the department heads and read
by the'City Clerk be accepted and ordered filed. Motion carried.
On motion by Irby seconded by Bryant the applications for
{license ,to conduct business in the City of Huntington Beach and
approved by the Health Officer, Building Inspector, Police Chief
and Fire Chief, were granted as follows:
Ivan L. Partridge, sharpening Knives and lawnmowers at plate to place.
Esquire Painting Company, painting contractor, 726 Main Street.
Thomas W. Dennis, Lakewood, general contractor.
Carl C. McLaughlin, Santa Ana, termite control.
J. E. Decker Company, Inc., Engineering and contracting,730.Owens St.
Ulas F. Vandergrift dba Floyd's Lumber Company, 2123 Huntington Beach Blvd.
Edwin V. & Mayor Terry referred the application for business license filed
Ellen M.
Goddard Bus. by Edwin V. and Ellen M. Goddard dba Miracle Grip Company, manufacturing
License .
picture hangers, as a home occupation located at 909 Tenth Street, to
the Building and Insurance Committee for study and report.
Certificates The Clerk read the certificates filed by L. B. Wallace, County
petitions Clerk, County of Orange, and John L. Henricksen, City Clerk, City of
re: North
Annexation Huntington Beach, certifying that the petitions filed with the City
Council on February 18, 1957, for annexation of territory to the City
of Huntington Beach to be known as the north annexation, and the exam-
ination of the petitions indicates that there are affixed thereto sign-
atures of registered voters, residing within the boundaries of the
Page #2
Minutes - Monday, March 4, 1957
proposed annexation.in excess of one -forth of all the qualified
electors within.said proposed annexation.
The Clerk read Resolution No. 1303, a resolution of the
City Council of the City of Huntington Beach declaring its intent-
ion to call a special election in certain inhabited territory cont-
iguous to said.City proposed to be annexed thereto, for the purpose
of submitting to the qualified electors residing in said territory
the question whether or not said territory shall be annexed to the
City of Huntington Beach and fixing a time and place when and where
any person owning real property within such territory may appear
before said City Council and show cause why such territory should
not be so annexed.
On motion by Bartlett seconded by Bryant Resolution No.
1303 was passed and adopted by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Councilmen: Bryant, Lockett, Irby, Bartlett, Terry.
NOES: Councilmen: None.
ABSENT: Councilmen: None.
Opening. Mayor Terry announced that 8:00 o'clock P. M. was the
sealed bids
re.: time set for the opening of sealed bids for the construction and
sewers installation of sanitary sewers in Block 1704, Tract No. 51, City
Tr. #51 of Huntington Beach.
The Clerk read the notice inviting sealed bids as pub-
lished in the Huntington Beach News, February 21st and February
28th, 1957,calling for bids for the construction and installation
of sanitary sewers in' Block.::1704•, Tract No. 51, City of Hunting-
ton Beach, and giving notice that sealed bids -shall be filed with
the City Clerk on or before 8:00 o'clock P. M. on March 4, 1957,
and shall be opened by the City Council at its regular meeting at
that time, and the City of Huntington Beach, California, reserves
the right to reject any or all bids and to accept the bid deemed
• for the best interest of the City of Huntington Beach, by order of
the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, dated the 18th'
day'of February, 1957.
The following bids were received, opened and tabulated
as follows:
0 . 0
Page #3
Minutes - Monday, March 4, 1957
NO. 2
'ITEM NO. 3'
797 Lin. Ft. 10"
Lin. Ft. 8"
Vitrified Clay Pipe'
Clay Pipe'Manholes
E. L. Barkley
2059 Newport Blvd.
Costa Mesa Calif.
E. E. Bernard
5868 Lime Ave.
Long Beach 5, Calif.
$ 4,782.00
L. L. Craig
2241 Curry
Long Beach 5, Calif.
$ 3,586.50
A.. H. Famularo
2740 W. lst Street
Santa Ana, Calif.'
$ 3,283.64
J. M. Construction Co.'
457 Via Anorte
Montebello, Calif.
$ 3,785.75
Ted Worley Co.
2606 Willo Lane
Costa Mesa, Calif.
$ 3,945.15
J. R. Dunham
13862 Jasperson Way
Westminster, Calif.
$ 3,865.45
license -
Approved -
Co.- Elect.
lic. bond
A. H.
granted bid
re : ' sani-
tary sewers
Tr. #51
On motion by Lockett seconded by Irby the bids received and
tabulated for the construction and installation of sanitary sewers
in Block 1704, Tract No. 51, in the City of Huntington Beach be re-
ferred to the City Engineer for study and report. Motion carried.
On motion by Bartlett seconded by Irby the application for
license of George Arnold to conduct the business of peddling ice-
cream at various locations on a veteran's license, be granted subject
to approval by the Orange County Health Officer. Motion carried.
On motion'by Bartlett seconded by Lockett the Fidelity and
Casualty Company of New York, electrical license bond for J. E. Decker
Company, Incorporated, as approved for form by the City Attorney, be
accepted and ordered filed. Motion carried.
Assistant City Engineer, Win. Lewis, reported to the City
Council, after reviewing the bids submitted, for the construction and
installation of sanitary sewers in Block 1704, Tract No. 51, in the
City of Huntington Beach, that the bid of A. H. Famularo, 2740 West
First Street, Santa Ana, California, was the lowest qualified bid in
accordance with the plans and specifications upon which the bid was
made, in the total amount of $6,707.64.
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Minutes - Monday, March 4, 1957
On motion by Irby seconded by Bryant the City Council
finds it to the best interest of the City to accept and award
the work for the construction and installation of sanitary
sewers in Block 1704, Tract No. 51, in the City of Huntington
Beach, to the low bidder as recommended by the City Engineer, to
A. H. Famularo, 2740 West First Street, Santa Ana, and said bid
in the amount of $6,707.64, and the Mayor and the City Clerk be
authorized to execute the contract between the City of Huntington
Beach and A. H. Famularo, was approved by the following roll call
AYES: Councilmen: Bryant, Lockett, Irby, Bartlett, Terry.
NOES: Councilmen: None.
ABSENT: Councilmen: None.
Monterey Oil On motion by Bartlett seconded by Lockett the request of
Co. term. drlg.
bonds - State the Monterey Oil Company for termination of drilling bonds of the
1549 #1' & #29
Thorpe #2 Pacific Indemnity Company bonds No. 222639, #223674, and #225673,
covering wells State
#1, State 1549 #2, and Thorpe #2, all
located in the area
of Pacific Coast Highway and
east of
Highway #39, having
with Section 2427.1 of the
ton Beach Ordinance
on well abandonment, and the
and the bonding company be
notified of the termination,
was approved.
Motion carried.
Atlantic Oil On motion by Bryant seconded by Lockett the request of
Co. term.
drlg. bond - Atlantic Oil Company - Miller and Ford for termination of the
Well #12
Fidelity and Deposit Company of Maryland drilling bond No. 7236976
covering well No. 12, located in Block 1906 East Side Villa Tract,
having complied with Section 2427.3 of the Huntington Beach Ordin-
ance Code, and the operator and the bonding company be notified of
the termination be approved. Motion carried.
Davis Invest- On motion by Bartlett seconded by Bryant the request of
ment Co.
.� term. bond - Davis Investment Company for termination of the Fidelity and Deposit
DeLong #1
Company of Maryland Bond No. 7178834, covering well DeLong #1,
located. in Block 2304, East Side Villa Tract, having complied with
Section 2427.3 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code, and the
operator and the bonding company be notified of the termination,
be approved. Motion carried.
Dumm Bros. On motion by Bartlett seconded,by Bryant the request of the
Petro. Corp.
term. clean- Dumm Bros. Petroleum Corporation for termination of the Indemnity
up bond Pate #1
Neaves Petro.
Devel. term.
bonds -
Folkerts #1
& Overacker
Comm. #2
Pac. Supply
term. drlg.
bond -
Talbert #1
Nicolai &
term. clean-
up bond
Well #3
Paul F.
McKenzie term.
drlg. bond
Diane #1
of Clay St.
by Co.
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Minutes - Monday, March 4, 1957
Insurance Company of North America clean-up bond No. 972648, for well
Pate #1, having complied with Section 2448.1 of the Huntington Beach
Ordinance Code and the operator and the bonding company be notified
of the termination, be approved. Motion carried.
On motion by Bryant seconded by Lockett the request of the
Neaves Petroleum Developments for termination of the Travelers In-
demnity Company clean-up bonds No. 501881, and No. 501884, covering
the Folkerts #1 well and the Overacker Community #2 well, having
complied with Section 2448.1 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code,
and the operator and.the bonding company be notified of the termin-
ation be approved. Motion carried.
Oh motion by Bartlett seconded by Lockett the request of
the Pacific Supply Gooperati)re for termination of the American Surety
Company drilling bond No. 18-522-520 for Talbert #1 well, located
600 feet south and 1075 feet west of center line of Hampshire and
Atlanta Streets, and having complied with.Section 2427.1 of the Hunt-
ington Beach Ordinance Code, completion of abandonment, and the
operator and the bonding company be notified of the termination of
bonds, be approved. Motion carried.
On motion by Irby seconded by Bryant the request of ,Nicolai
and Hamilton for termination of Fireman's Fund Indemnity Company
clean-up bond No. L-113867, for well No. 3, located on Lots 6 to 10
inclusive, Block 1902, Vista Del Mar Tract, having complied with
Section 2448.1 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code, and the oper-
ator and the bonding company be notified of the termination be
approved. Motion carried.
On motion by Bartlett seconded by Lockett the request of
Paul F. McKenzie for termination of the Fidelity and Deposit Company
of Maryland Drilling bond No. 7236565 for Diane #1 well, located in
Block 1907, East Side..Villa Tract, having complied with Section
2427.3 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code, and the operator and
the bonding company be notified of the termination be approved.
Motion carried.
On motion by Bartlett seconded by Irby, that in accordance
with the recommendation of the City Engineer on the work done by the
County of Orange for the improvement of Clay Street from Goldenwest
Avenue to Hampshire Avenue be accepted and the Clerk be instructed
to bill the County for $8,990.00 in accordance with agreement. Motion
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Minutes - Monday, March 4, 1957
Purchase 1957. On motion by Lockett seconded by Bartlett that in accord -
Ford 4 door
Fordomatic ance with the recommendations of the Police and Fire Committee the
from Mark
Downing Ford City Purchasing Agent be authorized to purchase from Mark Downing
Ford, one 1957 Ford Custom four -door Fordomatic with 4V Inter-
ceptor 312" V-$) Engine, in.accordance with specifications filed
with the City of Huntington Beach and said price of vehicle in-
eluding an allowance of $1,000.00 for the 1956 Dodge two -door
Isedan to be traded in, and said net cost to be $1,710.71, and to
be charged to the Special Fund for Capital Outlay was approved by
the following roll call vote:
AYES: Councilmen: Bryant, Lockett, Bartlett, Irby, Terry.
NOES: Councilmen: None.
ABSENT: Councilmen: None.
Summons - The Clerk reported that he was served at his home at 6:00
Auto.Club of
So. Calif. - P. M. this date, March 4, 1957, with a summons on the City of Hunt -
vs City of
H.B. ington Beach for damages claimed by plaintiff the Interinsurance
Exchange of the Automobile Club of Southern California, an inter -
insurance exchange, subrogee, vs the City of Huntington Beach.
On motion by Bartlett seconded by Bryant the summons served
on the City of Huntington Beach be referred to the insurance carrier
for the City. Motion carried.
Demands On motion by Lockett seconded by Bartlett the demands as
approved by the Finance Committee be approved and ordered paid.
Motion carried.
Letter to On motion by Bryant seconded by Lockett the City Clerk be
H.B. Chamber
of Commerce instructed to write a letter to the Huntington Beach Chamber of
re: Plann.
Consult's Commerce to advise them that the Planning Consultants.are now making
survey - off-
street park- a survey of the City for a master plan and will give attention to
off-street parking problems in their survey, in accordance with
agreement between the Planning'Consultant and the .City of Huntington
60 Beach, Motion carried.
G.S. Sung- On motion by Bartlett seconded by Lockett the request of
here -
permission to G. S. Sunghera, 6.24 Hartford Street, Huntington Beach, for the re -
remove tree
` & break curb moval of a Palm tree located on the parkway in front of a new home
at 212 - 9th
St. under construction located at 212 - 9th Street, Huntington Beach,
and requested permission.to break the curb for entry into said
premises at said locations where tree is located, and said constr-
uction and removal of tree to be under the supervision of the City
Engineer be granted. Motion carried.
of hiway, road
& street def-
refer. City
Mutual aid
fire protec-
tion refer-
red to Comm.
Letter -
Jerry L.
License Agree-
ment between
City & E.A.
Engr. prepare
Mr. Kernodle
request refer-
red to Comm.
Page #7
Minutes - Monday, March 4, 1957
On motion by Bartlett seconded by Bryant that the report for
a complete and adequate evaluation of highway, road and street defic-
iencies in the City at present and for the future, as required by the
1956 Federal Highway Act, be referred to the City Engineer for study
and completion, be approved. Motion:.carried.
Mayor Terry referred to the Police and Fire Committee for
study and report the proposed master agreement for mutual aid fire
protection with cities in the County of Orange and the County of Orange.
The Clerk read the letter received from Jerry L. Young advising
the City Council that it was his desire to withdraw his application
submitted recently in connection with a certain lease known as Young
and Ingersoll, and that the action is with the full permission of
Mr. Ingersoll.
The Clerk read the License agreement between the City of
Huntington Beach and E. A. Ingersoll and Jerry L. Young.
On motion by Irby seconded by Bartlett the Mayor and City Clerk
be authorized to execute the License Agreement between the City of
Huntington Beach and E_ A. Ingersoll and Jerry L. Young giving the
licensee permission to load and unload passengers and patrons going
to and from the City Municipal Pier to fishing barge to be anchored
off the shore of the City of Huntington Beach, and to give permission
to sell tickets on the pier to licensee's passengers and the licensee
to maintain the boatlanding, steps and platform at the end of the
Municipal Pier for the purpose of facilitating the loading and un-
loading of passengers, and that the name of Jerry L. Young be deleted
from the license agreement and in the event the licensee fails to file
with th6 City Clerk the insurance policies required in paragraph two
of the agreement, on or before April 15, 1957, the agreement becomes
null and void. Motion carried.
On motion by Bartlett seconded by Irby the City Engineer be
instructed to prepare a map and description of area needed for street
and alley purposes so it will include Block 2406, East Side Villa Tract,
Motion carried.
Mayor Terry referred to the Beach and Pier Committee for study
and report the request of Mr. Kernodle for permission to operate a taxi
service from the Municipal Pier to the Wilshire^0i1 Company moorings.
# _ Page #8
Minutes - Monday, March 4, 1957
Purchase On motion -by Lockett seconded by Bryant in accordance
oven -
Mem. Hall with the recommendations of the Building Committee the City Pur-
chasing Agent be instructed to purchase one two -pan double door
oven at an approximate cost of $1,000.00 for Memorial Hall and
to trade in the steam table and said expense to be charged to the
Special Fund for Capital Outlays, was approved by the following
roll call vote:
AYES: Councilmen: Bryant, Lockett, Irby, Bartlett, Terry.
NOES: Councilmen: None.
ABSENT: Councilmen: None.
On motion by Lockett seconded by Bryant the City Engineer
° 4f
be instructed to proceed with the remodeling of the City Engineer's
Office in accordance with amount budgeted. Motion carried.
F' t:
On motion by Lockett seconded by Irby the City Engineer
Delaware Ave.
be authorized to proceed with the maintenance repairs of Delaware
Avenue and said Maintenance cost to be approximately $3,560.00.
Motion carried.
On motion by Bryant seconded by Bartlett in accordance
Virginia Lee
with recommendations of the Building Committee Virginia Lee Johnson
be employed for the Building Department in the classification of
Intermediate Typist Clerk, Range 24, Bracket A, to be effective
March 18, 1957. Motion carried.
On motion by Bryant seconded by Lockett the regular meeting
of .the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach adjourned.
City Clerk
ty Clerk and ex-officio Clerk
the City Council of the City
of Huntington Beach, California