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Council Chamber, City Hall
Huntington Beach, California
Tuesday, March 19, 1957
Chairman Bardwell called the regular meeting .
of. the Planning Commission to order at 7:30 o'clock P.M.
Commissioners Present: Bardwell, Davis Schryer, Stang.
Commissioners Absent: Presson, Liles, Bazil.
Others. -Present: C. A. Bauer - City Attorney-
W. L. Weybright - representing
Planning Consultants
C.A.Bauer -
C. A. Bauer was appointed secretary pro-tem
in the absence of the secretary.
The minutes of the meeting of February 19, 1957
were approved subject to correction to show Commissioner
Stang as present and C. A. Bauer secretary pro-tem.
Letter -
'A letter from the County of Orange Planning
Co. of Or.
Commission was read in which they stated that the Orange
County Street Naming Committee at its meeting of Feb -
re: St.
ruary 26, 1957, took formal action to recommend to.City
name change
of Huntington Beach Planning Commission that"the Arter-
Wright St.
ial Highway presently known as Brookhurst Street throu-
to Brook-
ghout its entire length from Commonwealth Avenue to the
hurst St.
Pacific Coast Highway. This recommended change will
necessitate changing the name of Wright Street within
the City of Huntington Beach to Brookhurst Street.
Section 65717 of the Conservation and Planning Act
provides, "when any street is known by two or more names
or when portions of the same street has names that con-
flict, by resolution adopted without a hearing the Com-
mission may recommend to the legislative body a single
name for it". Accordingly, it is requested that the
Huntington Beach Planning Commission take formal action
to concur with this recommendation of the Orange County.
Street Naming Committee.
On motion by Stang seconded by Davis the Plan-
ning Commission recommend to the City Council changing
the name of Wright Street within the City of Huntington
Beach to Brookhurst Street in accordance with the request
of the Orange County Street Naming Committee. Motion
Letter.re: A letter received and signed by property owners
B1k.2500 on of the only three houses located on the West Side of
England St. Block 2500 on England Street, requested that homes to be
constructed in the future be made to setback the same
distance as the present homes. No action taken.
Petition for At 7:45 P. 1A. Chairman Bardwell opened the
Cond. Excep. public hearing on the Petition for Conditional Except-
R. B. Vlat- ion filed by R. B. Watkins Operations for permission to
kins Oper. drill an oil well on the property described as the East
2 of the SE 4 of Section 13, Township 6 South, Range 11
West, located 2175 feet South and 1420 feet East from the
center of Section 13.
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Minutes - H. B. Planning Commission
Tuesday, March 19, 1957
The.secretary read the legal notice of public
Hearing and the Petition for Conditional Exception. The
Secretary reported no verbal or written statements for or
against the Petition filed by R. B. Watkins Operations
were received.
There being no protests filed and none forth-
coming from those present the Chairman declared the hear-
ing closed.
On motion by Stang seconded by Davis -the Comm-
ission recommend -to the City Council that the Petition
for Conditional Exception filed by R. B.,Watkins Oper-
ations be granted subject to the following conditions:
�" 1. Applicant at the time of filing for a
W.L. Wey-
bright re:sultants
Sec.Plann.the City
drilling permit, shall file with the City
Engineer, the designation of an agent, who
shall maintain his place of residence with-
in Orange County, California, upon whom
orders, notices and processes provided for,
or permitted under Chapter 24 of the Hunt-
ington Beach Ordinance Code may be served.
Said appointment shall be duly executed
and acknowledged by the agent.
2. File with the City a Permanent cleanup
bond in the amount of $1,000.00.
3. Operations and construction shall be in
conformity with the Huntington Beach
Ordinance Code provisions.
4. Uses permitted shall not be construed as
permitting rotary mud dumps, sumps or dispo-
sal of petroleum refining or processing or
storage of oil, gas in tanks exceeding a
1000 barrel capacity or storage in any
tank exceeding 16 feet in height from
ground on surrounding land.
5. All service equipment such as top of well,
.pumps, tanks, and like, shall be at least
100 feet from the nearest portion of any pub-
lic road, street or State Highway, and shall
also be at least 25 feet from any lot line
which is not common with a public road,
street or State Highway line.
6. Signs shall be limited to -two in number and
each have an area of not over twelve (12)
square feet.
7. That the granting of the conditional exce-
ption together with the terms and conditions
is an offer which is accepted and said terms
and conditions agreed to if any of the privi-
leges authorized are used. Motion carried.
W. L. Weybright representing the Planning Con -
discussed with the commission the proposal for
to employ a Secretary Planning Technician and
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Minutes - H. B. Planning Commission
Tuesday, March 19, 1957
the position's related duties. Mr. Weybright
also made comments on the study of off street
There being no further business the
meeting adjourned.
Secretary Pro-tem