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Council Chamber, City Hall
Huntington Beach, California
Tuesday, May 21, 1957
Pursuant to adjournment of the Planning
Commission regular meeting of May 14th, 1957, Chair-
man Bazil called the adjourned meeting of the Plan-
ning Commission to order at 7:35 o'clock P. M.
Commissioners Present: Stang, Davis, Presson, Liles,
Schryer, Bardwell, Bazil.
Commissioners Absent: None.
Minutes On motion by Stang seconded by Davis the
minutes of the meeting of May 14, 1957, as trans-
cribed and mailed by the 6ecretary be accepted and
ordered filed. Motion carried.
Robert Chairman Bazil announced that the contin-
Matson - uation of the hearing on the Robert Matson petition
Cond. for conditional exception requesting permission to
Except. construct a building on Lot 2, Block 1901, Tract #12,
to conduct a laboratory research business, is now
open, and asked if anyone present desired to make
any statements for or against the request.
Sherman Denny, Huntington Beach Manager of
the Huntington Beach Company appeared before the
Planning Commission and stated that Mr. Matson had
called him and requested a postponment of the action
on the petition as he was having a little difficulty
on the required financing for the improvement proposed.
The Secretary reported that no verbal or
written protests for or against the request for
variance by Mr. Matson had been received.
There being no further response from anyone
present the Chairman declared the hearing closed.
On motion by Stang seconded by Presson in
accordance with a request of Mr. teybright, of the
firm of Wise and Associates, Planning Consultants
for the City of Huntington Beach, the petition for
conditional exception of Mr. Matson was referred to
Mr. Weybright for study and report.
1957-1958 The Chairman reported that a study of the
Budget proposed 1957-1958 Planning Commission proposed
budget had been deferred for further study at this
time and Mr. Weybright was asked to take up the
details of the budget and to explain and give reasons
covering the sums requested.
Mr. Weybright took each item in turn and
explained how the Consulting Firm had arrived at the
amounts requested, and felt that it was a fair and
nominal budget for the undertaking of the Master
Plan for the coming year that is now under way.
Page #2
Minutes - H. B. Planning Commission
Tuesday, May 21, 1957
On motion.by Stang seconded by Davis the prop
the proposed budget for the Planning Commission
for the fiscal year 1957-1958 as recommended
by the Planning Consultants be accepted and re-
commended to the City Council for approval.
Motion carried.
Mr. Everett Mr. Weybright introduced to the Plan-
E. Tripp ning Commission and those present Mr. Everett E.
Tripp, now a member of the Orange County Plan-
ning Commission as a prospective to fill the
Secretary -Planning -Technician position now open
in the City of Huntington Beach. Mr. Tripp
briefly stated that he is a graduate of the Uni-
versity of California and had majored in urban
land development and City Planning and is empl-
oyed by the County or Orange now approaching
one year.
On motion by Stang seconded by Schryer
that the Administrator of the City of Huntington
Beach and Chairman Bazil of.the Planning Comm-
ission interview Everett E. Tripp relative to the
position now open and to make their recommendations
to the City Council. Motion carried.
Proposed Mr. Weybright presented the proposed
Master Master Parking Plan for the City of Huntington
Parking Beach by exhibiting Pour maps known as the Map
Plan #1, existing parking conditions; Map #2, existing
land use, Map #3, commercial zoning and assessed
valuation -in the proposed parking district area,
and Map #4, the faster Parking Plan denoting the
off-street parking locations recommended to be
acquired and constructed, and denoting the ex-
terior boundaries of the proposed off-street
parking district.
Mr. Weybright explained the manner in
which the survey was made covering the existing
parking conditions as to the,uses of the present
parking meter setup within the proposed district
and pointing out the deficiencies that now exist
and what is necessary to correct -the condition to
make it a well balanced off-street parking plan,
to supplement the removal of diagonal parking on
Main Street for one thing and certain recommen-
dations to place parking to occupy one hundred
cars on the beach front and presented a very
comprehensive and easily understood.method of fin-
ancing the proposed master off-street parking plan.
On motion by Stang seconded by Davis the
adjourned meeting of the Planning Commission of
the City of Huntington Beach adjourned.