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Council Chamber, City Hall
Huntington Beach, California
Tuesday, June 18, 1957
Chairman Bazil called the meeting of the
Planning Commission of the City of Huntington Beach
to order at 7:35 o'clock P. M.
Commissioners present: Bazil, Davis, Schryer, Stang.
Commissioners absent: Presson, Liles, Bardwell.
Minutes On motion by Schryer seconded by Stang the
minutes of the Huntington Beach Planning Commission
of Tuesday, May 21st, 1957, as transcribed and mailed
by the Secretary, be accepted as mailed. Motion
Hearing - Chairman Bazil.stated a hearing had been
cond..excep. set covering a petition for conditional exception at
C.D. Cunn- this hour and requested the Secretary to read the
ingham petition for conditional exception.
The Secretary read the petition for condit-
ional exception filed by C. D. Cunningham of 555 E.
Willow, Long Beach, California, requesting permission
to drill for, and production of oil, gas and other
hydrocarbons in an R-1 zone presently vacant, and
located in a portion of the North 2 of the North-
west 4 of Section 190 Township 6 South, Range 10 West,
S.B.B. & M., and said proposed well location to be
750 ft. Westerly -of the intersection of Banning and
Cannery Streets and 100 ft. South of Banning, on the
R. C. A. property.
Chairman Bazil asked if anyone present wished
to make any statement for or against the petition for
conditional exception of C. D. Cunningham, as read by
the Secretary.
The Secretary reported that there were no
verbal or written protests filed on the petition for
conditional exception of C. D. Cunningham.
There being no further comment on the petition
of C. D. Cunningham, the Chairman declared the hear-
ing closed.
After discussion on the petition for condi-
tional exception of C. D. Cunningham, Commissioner
Stang moved and Commissioner Davis_.seconded that the
Planning Commission recommend to -the City Council,
the granting of a'petition for conditional exception
of C. D. Cunningham to drill a well on the property
described in the petition, and in accordance with
location as shown on the map filed, subject to the
following conditions: Motion carried.
Page #2
Minutes - H. B. Planning Commission
Tuesday, June 18, 1957
1. Applicant at the time of filing for
a drilling permit, shall file with the
City Engineer, the designation of an
agent, who shall maintain his place of
residence within Orange County, Calif-
ornia, upon whom orders, notices and
processes provided for, or permitted
under'Chapter 24 of the Huntington
Beach Ordinance Code may be served.
aaid appointment shall be duly ex-
ecuted and acknowledged by the agent.
2. File with the City a Permanent Clean-
up bond in the amount of $1,000.00.
3. Operations and construction shall be
in conformity with the Huntington
Beach Ordinance Code provisions.
4. Uses permitted shall not be construed
as permitting rotary mud dumps, sumps,
or disposal of petroleum refining or
processing or storage of oil., gas in -
tanks exceeding a 1000 barrel capa-
city or storage in any tank exceeding
16 feet in neight from ground on sur-
rounding land.
5. All service equipment such as top of
well, pumps, tanks, and like, shall
be at least 100 feet from the nearest
portion of any public road, street or
State Highway,'and shall also be at
least 25 feet from any lot line which
�is not common with a public road, str-
eet or State Highway line.
6. Signs shall be limited to two in
number and each have an area of not
over twelve (12) square feet.,
7. That the granting of the conditional
exception together with the -terms and
conditions is an offer which is accept-
- -ed and said terms and conditions agreed
to if any of the privileges authorized
are used.
Communicat- The Secretary read a communication received
ion from C. from the Huntington Beach Chamber of Commerce Board
of C. Bd. of of Directors advising the Planning Commission that
Dir. re: off the Chamber of -Commerce unanimously adopted the off
street street parking survey as submitted by Hahn, Wise
parking and'Associates, with the following recommendations:
1. The Committee agreed with the plan to
create a parking district.
2. The Committee agreed with the location
of the four (4) areas in the business
district shown on the map.
Page #3
1 Minutes-- H. B. Planning Commission
Tuesday, June 18, 1957
3. The Committee felt that off street park-
ing is of= pa3�amoun_ t dmportarice and ' that
the setting -up of"the district is
4. The Committee further recommended that
the Board of Directors approve the
Committee action and same to be submitted
to the Huntington Beach Planning Comm-
ission June 18, 1957•
and the Committee further suggested that the proposed
lot on Ocean Avenue, East -of Main Street be enlarged
to 125 feet frontage instead -,of the proposed 50 feet.
The entire Committee agreed that this location is an
important site and will service a great number of
patrons due to strategic location.
The Commissioners after discussing the master
passed to
off street parking plan passed a motion made by
Commissioner Schryer seconded by Commissioner Stang
Sec. A of
that Lot B be enlarged -from 50 feet to 125 feet and
to eliminate Section A of the Municipal Trailer Park
re: Off -St.
for trailer use and to use it for off street parking
and to eliminate the beach pads as proposed in the
original recommendation of the Planning Consultants,
be approved. Motion carried.
Reso, re:
A resolution was read to adopt the Master
to adopt Off
Off Street Parking Plan and setting the date of public
.St. Parking
hearing therein.
On motion by Stang seconded by Schryer the
resolution to adopt the Master Off 6treet Parking
Plan was passed and adopted by the following roll call
AYES: Commissioners: Davis Stang, Schryer, Bazil.
NOES: Commissioners: None.
ABSENT: Commissioners: Presson, Liles, Bardwell.
On motion by Schryer seconded by Davis the
Planning Commission recommend to the city Council the
adoption of an interim ordinance providing adoption
by reference of the County Zoning Ordinance No. 351,
as applicable to the North Annexation, be approved.
Motion carried.
On motion by Stang seconded by Davis the
meeting of the Planning commission of the City of
Huntington Beach adjourned.