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Council Chamber, City Hall
Huntington Beach, California
Tuesday, July 30th, 1957
Chairman Bazil called the meeting of the Planning
Commission of the City of Huntington Beach to order at
7:35 o'clock P. M.
Commissioners present: Bazil, Stang, Liles., Bardwell, Davis
Commissioners absent: Presson, Schryer
On motion by Stang and seconded by Liles the
Minutes minutes of the Huntington Beach Planning Commission of
Tuesday, July 16th, 1957, as transcribed and mailed by the
Secretary, be accepted as mailed.
Chairman Bazil stated that the second public
2nd Hearing: hearing for the proposed Master Parking Plan was set for
Master Parking 7:30 o'clock P. M. this date.
Chairman Bazil asked the Secretary if the legal
notice for the second public hearing was published and
available for the hearing.
The Secretary replied that he did not have a copy
on hand, but that it was published in the Huntington Beach
News on July 18th, 1957 and that the affidavit was on file
with the Clerk's Office for public inspection.
Chairman Bazil announced that the second public
hearing set for this date was now open and that anyone who
so desires may stand up and be heard.
Joe Irvine-
Joe Irvine, 815 Indianapolis Street, Huntington
Beach, addressed the Commission and protested that portion
of the Parking Plan which condemns Section A Municipal
Trailer Park for off-street parking purposes. He stated
that he felt that the business derived from this section
of the trailer park and the income earned by the city
would far outweigh the advantages of the new proposal to
replace trailers with parking. He said he felt that the
business community was strongly in favor of his sentiments
and that he wished to present a petition to the Planning
Commission signed by 15 business people in the town to
substantiate his contention. He elaborated further on the
Petiti6n of'
The 15 signatures of the following merchants
protest re:
were represented on the petition.
Parking Plan
Joe Irvine Standard Meat Market 126 S. "lain
Laurence Boudreaux Standard Grocery 126 S. Main
John H. Fader Eader's Bakery 209 S. Main
Tony Tovatt - Tovatt's Hardware 211 S. P-lain
Clayton Aherns Drive -In Liquors 706 Ocean
Clifford Aherns " 't rf 11 rr
Al Dehne "Dehne's" (Liquor 8,c-
Delicatessen) 522 S. Main
Don Salver Standard Market 126 S. Main
John A. 1^Tigmore Cafe 123 S. Main
1;1ilber L. Conklin Barber Shop 106 S. Main
Noble J. T^,laite Pharmacy 201 S. Main
John A. Billingsley "Billinasley's'T 412 alnut
David T. Hook Bit of Swiss 210 - 5th St.
Donald T. Minnie Meat Market 324 Main
Rex Funke Grocery-Mlarket 200 Frankfort
Page #2
Minutes - H. B. Planning Commission
Tuesday, July 30th, 1957
Hearing -
cond. excep.
John R. Carson
There being no further response from anyone present
the Chairman declared the hearing closed.
The Chairman instructed the City Attorney to
draft a resolution for adoption of the Master Parking
Plan for the next Planning Commission meeting of August 20, 1957.
The Chairman opened the hearing for Applicant:
John R. Carson -
To grant a conditional exception to permit a business
establishment for the retail sale of fruit and produce
and fish in an R-1 zoning district located approx 400'
SW of State Highway 39 along the Nly side -of Pacific
Coast Highway 101 Alt.
There being no protest from the audience, the
hearing was closed.
After some discussion, a motion was made by
Bardwell and seconded by Davis that the application be
approved with the following conditions stipulated:
1. That there be a graded and paved surface along
the entire frontage of the 150' leased premises and
that the paving extend to a depth of 60' or more from
the front property line.
2. That curbs and gutters be installed in accord-
ance with city standards. And that curb lines shall
be a continuation of those existing at the adjacent
existing drive-in site. There shall'be curb breaks
to provide for only two locations of ingress and
egress, each being a maximum of 36' in length.
3. That the area between the paved highway fronting
the premises and the described curbs shall be improv-
ed to state specifications.
4. That there be a wood or solid fence erected the
width of the building site at the rear line of the
paved parking area except that -portion which is occu-
pied by the building structure. And that the wood
fence be stained or painted to prevent deterioration.
5. That the storage of any stock in trade, commodities,
materials, trash, garbage, empty.boxes or containers
or refuse shall be maintained within the -enclosed
structure or within an enclosed fence which shall be
a minimum of 5' in height and shall be constructed
so that none of the enclosed fence area shall be visibly
exposed to the surrounding areas.
6. That the parking area and areas within the premises
shall be maintained to reasonable standards of clean-
liness and neatness.
Hearing -
cond. excep.
Richard E.
- All
Hearing -
cond. excep.
Donald E.
Page rr3
Minutes - H. B. Planning Commission
Tuesday, July 30th, 1957
7. That only two signs shall be permitted, one of
which may be a lighted sign with dimensions of no more
than 2' x 20' and which shall be located upon the roof
of the structure but not greater in height than 2' from
the ridge line of the structure. The second sign per-
mitted shall be an unlighted 3' x 5' sign located no
closer than 10' from the front property line.
8. That the structure shall be built according to the
submitted plans, except:
a) The roofing material shall be of shakes or
b) The interior walls and ceilings shall be
finsished with sheet rock, plywood, or
plaster, and shall be sealed and painted
with three coats of enamel.
9. That this business establishment shall for the
purposes of this conditional exception, remain under
original ownership, and any act of sub -leasing the des-
cribed premises or any attempt to sell or otherwise
dispose of any type of commodities other than fresh
fruits and vegetables or fresh and frozen fish, shall
constitute a violation of a specified condition.
10. That the building inspector shall not be authorized
to place final approval upon the construction and that
he recommend the denial of a business license until all
the previously stated conditions are satisfactorily
complied with.
11, That any violations of these specified conditions
shall be grounds for immediate and automatic revocation
by the City Council, for the granting of this condition-
al exception.
The above motion was carried.
The hearing was opened for Applicant:
Richard E. Bannister -
To grant an exception to permit the existence of one moved -
in garage accessory building located at 508 - 14th Street.
There being no protest from the audience, the
hearing was closed.
On motion by Davis and seconded by Stang the appli-
cation be approved. lolotion carried.
Hearing was opened for Applicant: Donald E. Fairbanks
To grant a conditional exception to permit construction of
5'6" masonry fence within front yard of property located at
1102 Park Street, a corner lot.
No protest Vias forthcoming from the audience, how-
ever Commissioner Bardwell delivered a letter to the Secretary
written by a neighbor who resides on property adjoining the
Page #4
Minutes - H. B. Planning Commission
Tuesday, July 30th, 1957
W. J. Bristol The letter of protest was read by the Secretary and
protest re: stated that he honed he would not create hardship and ill
cond. excep.feelings, but that it was undesirable from his viewpoint to
for Fair- have the 516" masonry wail located at requested location.
banks Signed W. J. Bristol.
On the basis of this letter and also to allow the
Secretary to make further investigation in order to rewrite
the application, a motion was made by Stan: and seconded by
Bardwell to continue the hearing until the next meeting.
Motion carried.
Planning Discussion was held on the items submitted on the
Technician agenda by the Planning Technician for approval as expenses.
ITEM 1. Subscriptions to: Santa Ana Register
Huntington Beach hews
Motion by Davis and seconded by Liles for approval. Motion
ITEM 2. 100.00 ASPO membership fee -(American
Society of Planning Officials)
Motion by Stang and seconded by Davis to disapprove this ex-
pense. Motion Carried.
ITEM 3. Membership to Southern California Planning
Congress: $25.00
Motion by Davis seconded by Liles to disapprove this expense.
Motion carried.
ITEM lam. Reimbursement for the Technician or the
Commissioners for mileage within a 60 mile radius and dinner
while attending Southern California Planning Congress Dinner
Motion by Stang and seconded by Liles for approval. Motion
ITEM 5. Amendment to Item 4 to include reimburse-
ment to the Planning Technician for mileage within a 60 mile
radius plus dinner expense for attending American Institute of
Planners meetings and Orange County monthly Planner's Luncheons.
Motion by Davis seconded by Stang for approval. Motion carried.
Disc. duties Discussion was opened for the subject of Defined
Planning Duties and Scope of Authority for the Secretary -Planning Tech -
Tech. -Sec. nician. Bardwell stated that another clause should be added
requiring the Secretary to attend all City Council meetings.
The Commissioners were asked by the Secretary to take the sub-
ject under advisement in order that he may submit a resolution
at the next Commission meeting for adoption of subject defined
duties as Commission by-laws.
John Hen- .City Attorney Bauer asked the Commission make a'motion
ricksen to accept the resignation tendered by John Henricksen this date
Resigns and to accept the appointment of Clifford E. Tripp for the posi-
tion of Secretary to the Huntington Beach Planning Commission for
the purpose of clarifying the official -minutes of the Commission.
Motion by Bardwell seconded by Stang. Motion carried.
Locate alley Chairman Bazil asked the Secretary to present agenda
Block 2505 item 9. Subject: Provisions for an alley.
East Side
Villa Tract The Secretary stated: The City Council at the last'
session has referred the problem of providing an alley location
for the area within block 2505 to the Planning Commission for
study and recommendations. The enclosed map was posted to de-
scribe the area bounded by Delaware Avenue, Seventeenth Street,
Clay Street, Florida Avenue and Yorktown Street. The Secretary
rr 5
Minutes - H. B. Planning Commission
Tuesday, July 30th, 1057
read a letter transmitted by the Asst City Engineer to the City
Council at their meeting of July 22, 1957.
Upon discussion and evaluation of the ;problem at hand
the motion was made by Davis and seconded by Liles for approval
of the following recommendations.
1. The alley width required should be 181.
2. The alley should be carried through to either Delaware
or England Avenue by means of a,permanent lateral alley
easement North of Block 2505, 20ssibly by obtaining the
use of adjacent side yards of two adjacent property owners.
3. The alley should be aligned preferrably to the pre-
cise center of Block 2505, however it should not be locat-
ed Easterly of the rear property line of the westerly por-
tion of Block 2505 but could abut to the stated property
4. In the event the property owners concerned are able to
organize and submit an acceptable offer to dedicate a
permanent easement to the City for roadway purposes, then the
City should take the initiative of accepting the dedication
of easement by constructing and paving the alley to city
On motion by Liles seconded by Bardwell the meeting of
the Huntington Beach Planning Commission adjourned.