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Petition for
Use Variance
Art. Growers
Council Chamber, City Hall
Huntington Beach, California
Wednesday, September 4, 1957
Chairman Bazil called the meeting of the Planning Commission of
the City of Huntington Beach to order at 7:30 o'clock P.M.
Commissioners present: Bazil, Stang, Liles, Bardwell, Presson.
Commissioners absent: Schryer, Davis.
On motion by Stang and seconded by Presson, the minutes of the
Huntington Beach Planning Commission of Tuesday, August 20, 1957, as tran-
scribed and mailed by the Secretary, be accepted as mailed.
Chairman Bazil asked the Secretary to present the petition of
Artesia Growers Association for a Use Variance to permit a labor camp for
Mexican Nationals located at (approximate corner of Ellis and Goldenwest)
the N 165' of the SE-1 4 of SW4 of NWw of SEC 35, T.S.S-, R.11.W., S B B & M
with an additional easement of 20 feet along West boundary.
The Secretary described the location on a vicinity map and pointed
to the surrounding uses, the County disposal dump to the North, Sully
Miller's gravel yard to the East, a mushroom farm to the NW, and an assort-
ment of oil wells to the South. Construction details were provided the
Commissioners, and it was pointed out the site involved high ground. Further
the site was described on a City Map and shown to be approximately a distance
of one mile from the High School and city residential areas and approximately
one mile from Huntington Crest Tract.
Farmers petition The Secretary pointed out that present zoning was A-1 and that
for support of
Use Variance the following list of North Annexation, or vicinity, farmers had petitioned
for support of the Variance because of their increased requirements for
farm labor:
Bruce P. Worthy
W. G. Lewis
Gordon L. Sork
W. A. Slater
C. 0. Graham & Sons
Homer Slater
C. E. Worthy
Chas. L. Applebury
Joda Sork
Edward Rueff, Jr.
C. E. Houser & Sons
John A. Murdy III
Stanley Ruiz
Chas. L. Applebury, Jr.
W. F. Slater
Howard H. Smith
Oscar Stricklin
Houser Bros.
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Minutes - H.B. Planning Commission
Wednesday, September 4, 1957
Letters re: Also there were several letters submitted by the applicant and written
conduct of by existing neighbors of the present labor camp in Artesia in support
labor camp in of the good conduct of that camp. The Secretary read several of the ty-
Artesia pical letters which were submitted. A letter from Victor DiStefano of
California Mushroom Growers and adjacent to proposed camp, requested the
support for the camp as did a letter from Kamei Bros. of Garden Grove.
Commissioner Bardwell asked if the other letters were similar
to those previously read, and when told they were, he then requested
that they be omitted.
Bardwell questions. Bardwell questioned the Secretary regarding the petition of
signers of farmers and if all those who signed it were farming in the North Annex_
petition ation? He was told that not all who signed farmed in the North Annexa-
tion, that there were some who farmed in other Orange County areas.
Bardwell then asked if there were any other labor camps in the
area who could provide the required labor.
The Secretary then read a newspaper clipping from a Santa Ana
newspaper dated August 27, 1957 concerning a City Council meeting at
Fountain Valley at which time Scott Heptner's labor camp had filed appli-
cation to increase the present size of the camp from approgimately 450
to 750 men. The clipping stated that the petition for increase had been
granted along with the imposition of strict conditions, one of which in
cluded a $500-000 performance cash deposit.
Chairman Bazil opened the hearing to the public for and against
the proposed Use Variance.
Pres. Schilling Paul Schilling, President of Artesia Growers Association, gave
gives report a brief report concerning the activities of his association as they exist
re: Artesia at present and why they have proposed to expand their camp to new location
Growers Assoc. in this area. He told of the existing operations which included the
transport of farm laborers every day from Artesia to this local area
which was very inefficient from the farmers point of view. He said it
took almost one hour each way to haul the labor to and from work. He
pointed out the need for more labor because of local popularity for in-
creased row crops. He stated that they liked the particular site under
consideration because it was close at hand to -many of the farmers and
it was on high ground. He said that he has tentatively the approval of
all the adjacent neighbors to the site.
Chairman Bazil then asked Schilling about the need if the labor
camp in Fountain Valley is enlarged to ?50 men.
Schilling's answer was that they do not get satisfactory service
from that particular camp and the farmers have joined the Artesia Assoc-
iation in hopes of obtaining a better arrangement.
The Commissioners then asked Schilling numerous detailed ques-
question -
tions including how many men he intended to start out with. He replied
that they intended to start with 150 men going up to a maximum of 450.
Rubin Dobkin, 18211 Newland Avenue, Huntington Beach, addressed
the Commission. He stated that he attended the Fountain Valley Council
Rubin Dobkin:
meeting and heard the testimony regarding Scott Heptner's labor camp.
No need for
He said that it was proven at the.Fountain Valley meeting that Fountain
labor camp
Valley already had enough labor and were providing the Irvine Ranch with
a large portion of their labor too. 1e felt that if there was an actual
need, he would not oppose the camp, but he didn't feel that the city of
.Huntington Beach should provide labor for parts of Orange County and Los
Angeles areas besides. He argued that if Fountain Valley already had
enough labor to supply surrounding areas, why was it not logical for the
North Annexation farmers to draw from them too. He also mentioned the
fact that farmer Stanley Ruiz has signed the petition for another labor
camp, but actually draws his labor from Heptner's camp and claims that
Ruiz is not short of labor.
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Minutes - H. B. Planning Commission
Wednesday, September 4, 1957
Stanley Ruiz - . Stanley Ruiz, 1005 England Avenue,.Huntington Beach, stated that
addresses he is a farmer in the North Annexation area and last year he lost about
Commission 200 or 300 tons of tomatoes because he did not have enough labor to pick
Chairman Bazil then directed several questions at him regarding how
many men he thought was needed for the North Annexation.
He said that he had 50 acres of tomatoes himself and that there
was about 1000 acres of tomatoes in this area alone. He said that the 300
extra men in Fountain Valley wasn't much and that he figured they could use
at least 400 men in the peak season. States that Cal Foods and several
others can use about 100 a day. That most of the small farms take about 10
or 15 men. That he utilizes his men for a period of about six weeks.
Schilling describes Schilling addressed the Commission again and•described the arrange-
Mexican- Labor
ment wherby they contracted in Mexico for the labor and were obligated to
pay the men regardless of whether they were utilized on the farm or not.
For this reason he states that there will be very little surplus labor be-
cause his camp could not afford to support idle labor. He says they have
the same laws to obey as a citizen and have generally the same privileges
as you or I do.
Bazil questions
Bazil questioned the matter of discipline. Schilling answered
that they are held to answer to violations of the law as an individual, and
the camp is not held liable. He said that if -they get into trouble they are
immediately deported.
Bazil asked if they would have the privilege and time to congregate
at parks, beaches and downtown areas. Schilling remarked that they did, but
he didn't believe they would.
Dobkin re -address Dobkin addressed the Commission again - stated that Scott Heptner
had 3 marshalls to take care of his camp and keep' 'the men in line. (This
was denied from the audience.) He said that he doesn't know their names,
but that they are not allowed beer or wine on a Saturday night. And further
claims that when the labor came into the gate on Saturday night they were
restricted. From these statements he argued that there is a poliee problem
and the question is who shall pay for the policing. He said that Scott had
a big enough camp and he can afford it.
Glen Houser
Glen Houser, 134 Selvin Drive, Garden Grove, addresded the
Commission and told of farming land in this area and that in a few weeks they
will be using 90 men. He said that his farm belongs to Scott'!- camp and
Artesia Growers Association. He also volunteered the information that A11.1
but about 3 of those who signed the petition were members of Scott's camp
and that they signed more as a protest as to the way the camp is run. He
said that the method of disciplining their labor was poor, and that they
merely transferred balky workers from one farmer to the next. He adds that
he has had good luck with the operation of the Artesia camp. He blames the
condition on the management involved, considers the Artesia Association much
Victor DiStefano Victor DiStefano, California Mushroom Growers,Association, residing
addresses at 18196 Goldenwest Avenue, addressed the Commission and explained why he felt
,Commission the service he was getting from the Fountain -Valley labor camp was inadequate.
He complained that he and other small users of labor were continually discrimi-
nated against in favor of the big user, in spite of the fact he utilized labor
thvoughout the year.
Glen Houser addressed the commission again and said that he would
like to point out that the arguement is not against Scott Heptner's but the
management which runs his camp. The camp is managed by Claude Stribe.
Chairman Bazil pointed out that several statements made previously
indicated that most of the farmers were getting by, and that now they in-
tended to increase capacity by 300 men, he questioned the need for further
increase of men.
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Minutes - H. B. Planning Commission
Wednesday, September 4, 1957
Gordon L. Sork Gordon L. Sork4. residing at 6662 Heil Avenue, Route 1, Huntington
addresses Beach, addressed the commission and stated that he is primarily a lima bean
Commission farmer, but that last year he had 20 acres of chile and this year he will
have 65 acres of chiles, which is proof that he will need 3 times as much
labor in his particular case. He added that the company for whom he grows
has almost doubled their acreage of chile this year, all being grown within
the vivinity of this part of the county. He pointed out that he has resorted
to growing chiles because of the high cost of taxes and land has forced
the farmer to produce more dollars per acre. He also lauded the way the
Artesia Growers Association handled their truant cases.
William Galliene William Galliene, Huntington Beach Chamber of Commerce, addressed
addresses the Commission and said that he hoped that Scott Heptner was not on trial,
Commission but that it was desirable to determine the precise need for the farm labor.
He questioned the present location and asked if this was the only place that
the camp could be located. He felt that it would be closer to the farmer
by moving it further North. He brought out that there would be time re-
quired to work out details of policing and other matters that should be
controlled. He mentioned that there should be a better location and that
the case definitely needs further study. He declared that he intended to
bring the problem up before the Chamber of Commerce and requested that the
Commission extend the hearing in order that more.peoples feelings on the
matter could be aired.
Questions between Schilling reiterated his belief that the location was ideal be -
Chairman Bazil cause of high ground and the surroundings of the adjacent uses.
and Mr. Schilling
Stang asked Schilling how much of an option he had on the property.
The reply was that the Artesia Growers Association had an option until
November 15, 1957-
Chairman Bazil then closed the public hearing. The Secretary
was then asked what Mr. Weybright thought of the idea. He replied that
the Planning Consultants would not commit themselves until they made a
more careful study of the situation.
Liles asked Schilling if his association was trying to get
into operation during this season. The reply was negative.
Bazil asked if.the buildings were portable enough to -remove after
a few years if the camp should prove undesirable. The reply was yes.
The Secretary then asked the Chairman permission to circulate an
attendance petition among the audience for.the record, and that all those
who wished to prove that they were present and in support of the farm
labor camp should sign.
The Chairman agreed, and the petition was circulated and received
Bazil questioned Schilling in regard to methods the Federal Govern-
ment used to control the camp. He was told that they used spot checks period-
Motion by Liles and seconded by Presson to.continue the hearing to
September 17, 1957.
Petition for Chairman Bazil _asked the Secretary to present the next petition
Cond. Excep. for Conditional Exception by Frank P. Barger to permit the erection of a
6' high chain link fence and the construction of an equipment storage gar -
Frank P. Barger age and office. It was pointed out that the area at 17th and Acacia was
formerly M-2-0 prior to it being rezoned R-2-0 several years back. The
property surrounding the applicant is primarily industrial as it is still
zoned M-2-0 across the street. The present use of the property is a legal
non -conforming use consisting of a machine and welding shop.
The Secretary suggested that the use of the property is more
desireable for light industrial rather than multiple family which the
applicant has the perogative of building. The size of the proposed building
was proposed to be 14' x 241.
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Minutes - H. B. Planning Commission
Wednesday. Spetember 4, 1957
. Upon being asked by the Commissioners, the Secretary stated that
it was a family enterprise and that there were restroom facilities conven-
iently located to the proposed structure.
Chairman Bazil opened the public hearing and closed it, there being
no protests. The Secretary then brought up the fact that the applicant had
submitted a petition signed by his adjacent neighbors stating that they had
no objections to the proposed improvements. Also it was brought out -that the
Planning Consultants planned the area in question for M-1 anyway.
Approval recommended Moved by Stang and seconded by Liles that the Commission recommend
Cond. Ex. ' approval of this Conditional permit. Motion carried.
Frank Barger
Chairman Bazil then reopened the hearing for a petition for the
Hearing re: County of Orange to enlarge existing disposal station No. 10 located at the
Co. of Or. corner of Talbert and Goldenwest. There was no public comment.
Disp. Sta.-#10
The Secretary was then asked to give a report on the matter of
ground cover. The Secretary said that in a conversation with Mr. Storm of
Trash and Disposal Group of Orange County Road Dept., he claimed that there
.was some mistake in the application or its interpretation.
However he agreed that it would be quite satisfactory from his
point of view if they were required to fill in a ground cover of approximately
24 inches. He claims that most dumps that have had the 24 inch thickness of
ground cover have worked out very satisfactorily. The Orange County Planning
Department is also in accord with approximately that thickness of required
ground cover..
Motion by Stang and seconded by Presson that the Commission
1. That the City of Huntington Beach be notified at the Planning Commission
Office at the time the County desires to terminate use of the described dump
2. That at the time of abandoment of the dump site, reasonable efforts will
be made to immediately provide the 24 inches of clean fill for required ground
3. That this Use Variance will permit only the County of Orange to utilize
and maintain this described disposal station premises; the reversion of the
described premises to private individuals whether by sale of fee simple title
br termination of existing lease shall nullify and void this granted Use
Motion carried.
Chairman Bazil introduced the subject for discussion regarding the
Reso. re: resolution for adoption of by-laws for the conduct of the Secretary -Planning
Duties & Scope Technician's duties and scope of authority. The Secretary requested action
of Authority be taken to enact it as soon as possible and that it would require a vote of
Sec. -Plan. Tech. five approving members in order for it to be adopted. Upon recommendation
of the other Commissioners, Chairman Bazil table the resolution for the next
meeting in order that all sever members may make suggestions and vote upon it.
Chairman Bazil asked the Secretary to elaborate on the informal re-
solution for commendation to the Smith Mortuary located at 627 Main Street,
Huntington Beach. It was discussed and unanimously agreed that the firm did
an excellent job and made improvements far above those which would ordinarily
have been required.
Informal Reso. Motion made by Liles and seconded by Presson that the Smith
Commend Smith Mortuary should be commended by informal resolution and that the Secretary
Mortuary should be directed to write a letter of appreciation to the firm for their
interest in civic improvements, and their taking on the responsibility of
providing their own attractive parking area.
Motion carried.
Chairman Bazil brought up the last item on the agenda concerning
the Commission's recommendation and report to the City Council. The Comm-
issioner's requested a map of the freeway showing the precise plan of the pro-
posed construction. The Secretary reported that the Planning Commission
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Minutes - H. B. Planning Commission
Wednesday, September 4, 1957
Review of had been slighted by the Department of Highways and that the City Council
Freeway Plans had received only one copy of the map for consideration. The Commission
requested that the Secretary obtain a copy of the map prior to making an
official report. However, the Commission went on record as being in whole-
hearted agreement with the HAHN, WISE & BARBER report in its entirety.
Bazil commented that the dotted freeway route as shown on the
Orange County Map of Arterial Highways looked very good to him.
William Galliene gave the Commission a run down of what his
Galliene suggestsdepartment had been doing and that it might be a good idea to work hand
cooperation in hand with the City of Newport Beach to combat the freeway menace to -
with Newport gether. Mention was also made that the topic was discussed at a Lion's
Club meeting by two State Highway officials and that their answers were
anything but straight when questioned as to where the freeway segment
would eventually lead.
The Commission requested that the Secretary get in contact with
the Newport Planning Department and let them know just exactly how this
city's Planning Commission stands in regard to the freeway. Further it
was decided.that the City Council could work together with the Newport
Beach.City Council and accomplish much more than going it alone.
A motion was made by Presson and seconded by Stang to make a
resolution to the City Council that they join together with the City
Council of Newport Beach and send a delegation to the.State Highway Comm-
ission. Motion Earried.
Motion to adjourn was made and seconded..