HomeMy WebLinkAbout1957-09-16159 M I N U T E S Council Chamber, City Hall Huntington Beach, California Monday, September 16, 1957 blayor Terry called the regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach to order at 7 :30 o'clock P.1. Councilmen present: Bryant, Lockett, Bartlett, Irby, Terry. Councilmen absent : None. n:,ylic ti:n On motion by Irby, seconded. by .Lockett, for '_ic Anse the applications for license to conduct business in the City of Huntington Beach as approved by the Health Officer, Building Inspector, Chief of Police, Fire Chief, and by the Planning Technician for zoning ;krere approved as follows: LaVerne B. Schuster- Grocery - at 16321 Huntington Beach Blvd. Roselawn Gardens of Memory Association - Business of Cementary at 17952 Huntington Beach Blvd. Bessie Floyd., boarding Home at 514 12th Street. Lloyd E: Horal Business of building & repair of Farm e:lui�)ment at 7511 Wintersbarg Ave. Mr. & Mrs. Paul R. Parislau dba the Breakers Hotel at 106 Ocean Ave. G.R. Estabrook business of Land Surveying at 8021 Wintersburg Ave. Leo F. Irvin Business of Blacksmith P Welding Shop at 7951 Liberty. Herbert F. Clowers Herb's Ocean View Garage at 8022 `fintersburg Ave. Mayon Food Company business of wheel tax -delivery Edward J. Dais -- Business of Grocery and Iaseat at 17701 Huntington Beach Blvd. Robert X. Lambert business of service station at 18002 Huntington Beach Blvd. 160 C C 1 110 .<. Cn motion by Bartlett, seconded by Bryant co'. Columbia Casualty Company surety bond for James M. `+;'illiams Plu_ .bing Contractor, and as approved by the City Attorney for form, be ,:accepted and ordered filed. Motion carried. Bennett Oil. On motion by Bartlett, seconded by Bryant the Co. teri bond request of R. N. Bennett Oil Company, for Tat rt V termination of the Ar.erican Employers' Il Insurance Company bond. dated May 7, 1957, co- vering the Cassiday-Talbert 17ell #1, located on lots 11-13, Block 106, Huntington Beach Tract, having com- plied with requirements of cleanup regulations and the bonding company and the operator be notified of .the bond termination, be approved. Motion carried. Frank P. The Clerk reported that on 'Wednesday, September Barger � rarlted 49 1957 the Planning Commission held a public use V'ari znce hearing on a petition for conditional ex- ception filed by'Freak P. Barger, requesting per -,fission to erect a six foot high chain link fence and the con- struction of an equipment ,storage garage and office and that there were no oral or written protests against the proposed improvements, and that a motion was duly made seconded and approved that the commission recommend to the City Council the granting of the Use Variance re- quested by Frank P. Barger. On motic;n by Bryant, seconded by Irby, in acc-- ordance with recommendation of the Planning Commission the City Council grant the Use Variance requested by Frank P. Barger for permission to erect a six-foot high chain link fence and construction of an equipment storage garage and office, be approved. Motion carried. 161 Page #3 Minutes - 24onday, Seltember 16, lT-7 Public Hear. The Clerk reported that the Planning Commission re: dis ?osal '.tion at it's meeting of September 4, 1957 continued the public hearing on the applicati^n of the County of Orange to enlarge the existing disposal station #10 located at the corner of Talbert, and Goldenwest, and that the Planning Commission passed a motion recommending to the City Council the granting of the Use Variance, subject to the following conditions: 1. That the City of Huntington Beach be notified at the planning commission office at the time the County de- sires to terminate use of the described dump site. 2. That at the time of abandoment of the dump site, rea- sonable efforts will be made to immediately provide the 24 inches of clean fill for required ground cover. 3. That this Use Variance Mill permit only the County of Orange to utilize and maintain this described dis- posal station prrmises; the reversion of the described premises to private individuals whether by sale of fee simple title or termination of existing lease shall .nullify and void t..,is granted Use Variance. Potion carried. Mayor Terry referred the Use Variance request of -the County of Orange to extend the dump site to the Council * member°s for further study. Mutual fire On motion by Lockett, seconded by Bryant, p±otection re: Santa the Mayor and the City Clerk be authorized Ana & H.B. to execute the agreement for Mutual Fire Protection between ` the City of Santa Ana and the City of Huntington Beach, be approved. Potion carried. The Clerk gave Ordinance No. 673, it's second and final reading by title, an Ordinance of the City of Huntington Beach relating to yield Right -of -Way intersections and adding Sections 6241.31, 6241.41, 6241.51, 6243.31, 6243.41, and 6243.51 to the Huntington Beach Grdinance Code. 162 1 4 n f+ y isi 1. C utes l Ord.,,'673 On motion by Lockett, seconded by Bartlett, passed {SL a_l. to y Ordinance No. 673 was passed and adopted by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen: Bryant, Lockett, Irby, Bartlett, Terry. NOES: Councilmen: None. ABSENT: Councilmen: None. The Clerk reported the City Council on August 9, 1948. granted to Howard O'Brien a Use Variance to permit app- licant to re -open, produce and operate existing oil—:iell located on Lot 13, Block 1704, Tract 51, and that there has been no evidence of production for five ;,ears or more, in accordance with infermation given by the County Assessor's Office. To`, rd O'Bried: On motion by Bryant seconded by Bartlett, Use Variance Revoked the Use Variance granted Hovrard O'Brien on August 9, 1948 to permit the re -opening, producing and. operation of existing oil -well located on Lot 13, Block 1704, Tract 51, be revoked, was approved by the following roll call vote: AYES: rl Councilmen: Bryant, Lockett, Irby, Bartlett, Terry. NOES: Councilmen: None. ABSENT: Councilmen: None. The Clerk reported the City Council on March 13, 1951 granted to Howard O'Brien a Use Variance to permit oil production from `,V'ell located on Lots 3,5,7,& 9 in Block 1704 Tract 51 and that there has been no evidence or production for five years or more, in accordance - ith'. information given by the County Assessor's Office. Ho ,,ard O' Br -_on On motion by Bryant seconded by Irby, re- -, c7itied the Use Variance granted to Howard O'Brien on March 13, 1951 to permit oil production from well located on Lots 3,5,7 & 9 Block 1704 Tract 51, be revoked was approved by the following roll call vote: 163 Page #5 Minutes - Septe--,. Ear 1�,, 1957 AYES: Councilmen: Bryant, Lockett, Bartlett, Irby, Terry. NOES: Councilmen: None. ABSENT: Councilmen: None. 1I.r. The Clerk read the letter received from ar,bul -1.nc e service the Huntington Beach Ambulance Service, re:-iue:3t aos't located at 108-6th Street, Huntington Beach, outlining their present operations in the City for the past four and ahalf months, and requested some finicial assistance fron the City until such time as the operation becomes self supporting. Art Gillespie appeared before the City Council and spoke on be -half of the Huntington Beach Ambulance Service as only real estate agent who rents the pre- sent location to the firm, and stated that they are doing an outstanding job, in the City and are worthy of consideration by the City Council to help them maintain their operation and to keep their service in the City. Mayor Terry appointed the entire members of the City Council to act as a committee to study and re- port on the Huntington Beach Ambulance Service re- quest. Richard J. The Clerk read the letter received from S'iaf f er lease regest Richard J. Shaffer requesting the City Council to enter into a formal negotiation for the lease of the City property lying adjacent to Highway #39 and Highway 101 and referred to his proposal in a letter dated May 25, 1956 for a motel and. resort type of development. Mr. Shaffer, appeared before the City Council and asked that arrangements be made for him to meet with the City Council to discuss the pro- posal. Mayor Terry appointed a committee composed of Councilman Bryant, Chairman, Councilman Lockett, Councilman Bartlett, to meet with Richard Shaffer, to discuss the proposal. 164 P�6 3c,,rr,F On motion by Bartlett seconded by Lockett, �o ^,c VaCL.tic:n the request of Lem Berry, Manager of the Ylunicipal Trailer Park to take one week of his annual vacation to start September 24th, 1957, and Helen Copeland to be in charge of the office and Lew Wills in charge of maintenance, during his absence, be approved. Motion carried. Rey rat of On motion by Irby seconded by Bartlett, e �.. sCioo1 the request of the Elementary School J.ti. tr P. I. A. for the Fire Department to furnish a truck for Children to ride on Saturday, October 5, 1957 at the School Carnival and znder the supervision of '7illiam Rardin Ass't Fire Chief, be approved. Motion carried. C'_tL; On motion by Lockett seconded by Bartlett, to ut and the City officials of the Cit` of Huntington Beach be authorized to attend the California League of Cities, Annual Convention to be held in ban Francisco, September 22-25, and expenses be allowed. Motion carried. On motion by Bartlett seconded. by Irby, the demands as approved by the Finance Committee be ordered paid. Allotion carried. pro 'erty Assistant Engineer iil.liam Lewis reported to .c rc _:o,s.::,� the City Council that he had contacted pro- perty owners on England and Delaware Ave., relative to the proposed alley reglested, and informed It -.he City Council that the property owners on the 'Test half of the area will not deed IS feet of their property for alley pur.)oses but possibly would consider giving 104 feet and the property owners to the East slight consider deeding 72 fr'et, and also stated the property owners to the North are opposed to giving an easement for a culdesac or access across their properties to gain access to Delaware and England Ave. 165 Page #7 n,.i ��tec - rrnnc r y, So: te-iber 16, JQ'17 On motion by Lockett seconded by Bryant, the City Engineer be instructed to make a job estimate of the cost of the construction of the alley as proposed be- tween Delaware Ave. and England Ave. and North of Utica Street, be approved. Motion carried. County On motion by Bryant seconded by Bartlett coro..er notified: the City Attorney be instructed to not - re 'L)Val of Foster He me ify County Coroner Abbey of the County of Orange that the City is read to take the necessary steps for the removal of the Foster Home located on 9th Street, be approved. Motion carried. On motion by Bryant seconded by Irby, the City Clerk be authorized to request informal bids for a new car on a trade in of the present 1953 Ford Sedan, be approved. Motion carried. it Mr. Weybright, from the firm of LPL.--ster Off St. Hahn, Wise, Barber and associates an reported to the City Council that he desired to go over with the members of the City Council the pro- posed Master Off Street Parking Plan and to arrive at a solution as he felt that some form of plan should be adopted and carried out. Mr. Weybright, also presented a map showing a twenty-four traffic study that was taken in the City of Huntington Beach on August 15, lb, 1957. Mayor Terry referred to the Streets and Parks Committee for study and report the request of the Ass't City Engineer, William Lewis for the purchase of and installation of an air cushion type seat for the City sweeper. 166 Pare 8 On motion by Bartlett seconded by Lockett, the regular meeting of the amity Council of the City of Huntington Beach adjourned, to 7:30 o'clock P.M. Monday, September 30, 1957. ATTEST: City Clerk f C' ty Clerk and ex --of icio Cler1k f the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, California